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Arab Academy for Science & Technology (AAST)

Integrated Marketing Communications

12th week Test

Print Ads IMC Analysis

Supervised By: Dr. Hisham Ali Abdel Moati

Prepared By: Yasmeen Hamdy Nafei – 18102748

2020-2021 Class
1st Print Ad Analyzed
1. Sequence by which the attitude components
were order:
 The sequence followed here is the most commonly
used sequence when forming an attitude which is
Cognitive -> Affective -> Conative which means
it goes like this: thinking, feeling, and then doing.
This advertisement allows the person to firstly
develop an understanding about the car being
advertised and understanding its features and
benefits (in this case it’s talking about how this car
requires less fuel and is more fuel efficient with
higher performance). After that comes the
evaluation of feelings toward the car (developing positive or negative feelings
towards the car) which later on leads to taking an action and maybe buying it by
visiting the website they added on the left side of the advertisement (www.mercedes-

2. Kind of Message Strategy used:

 The Cognitive message strategy was used in this advertisement as the advertisement
clearly showed pieces of information about the car by describing the benefits that a
person could obtain by purchasing this car.
o Type of Cognitive Message Strategy used here is Generic which is when an
advertisement is directly promoting the car’s benefits and features without
claiming that they are superior to any other brand.
 The Affective Message Strategy here is what invokes and awakes the feelings or
emotions that a person has towards the advertisement and which could lead to
enhancing likeability towards the car in the advertisement. This message strategy
helps connect to the ad viewer in a more personal way.
o Type of Affective Message Strategy used here is Resonance as they could
have mentioned the viewer’s experience with cars before that his/her car
required a lot of fuel and consumption which makes this Mercedes Car a
better choice for him that will lead him to being more comfortable and happy
which is called Comfort Marketing (marketing that makes people feel good in
a way.)
 The Conative Message Strategy here is direct because the advertisement trying to
encourage the ad viewer to take an action like visiting/accessing the website
mentioned (leading directly to some type of consumer response). Also, the brand
name here is a conative message strategy as Mercedes is a very well-known brand so
owning something Mercedes based is a flex.
 Here, the Hierarchy of effects stages could be parallel to the sequence that the
attitude components followed as first it starts by awareness and knowledge about
the Mercedes Car being advertised and knowing its features and benefits which is the
first thing showed in the advertisement, then later on, could come the liking,
reference, and conviction which is liking the car then preferring it over any other car
and being sure this is what I want as the person forms feelings towards the car, and
lastly, comes the purchase that focuses on actions taken regarding the car.

3. Appeals present in the Advertisement:

 Rational Appeal: the advertisement is mostly talking about the attributes and
benefits of the Mercedes Car which was appealing to our cognitive senses because it
is something that makes the ad viewer think as there is an active processing of
4. Image Reference:

2nd Print Ad Analyzed

1. Sequence by which the attitude
components were order:
 This advertisement shows that there
is cooperation between Fayrouz and
Misr El Kheir (a well-known
Charity Foundation in Egypt)
without explaining it (but it’s in
order to help 10 malnourished
fasting people during Ramadan).
The sequence that has been
followed in this Fayrouz’s ad is
Affective->Conative->Cognitive as this ad clearly targets the people’s emotions and
feelings towards helping the ones in need by saying “‫ ”فرحهم معاك‬which means “make
them join your happiness” and they also added Ramadan decorations to emotionally
connect religion with empathy. So here, the affective component is dominating as this
is what the entire advertisement is focusing on, targeting the feelings and emotions of
people that would love to help the other people in need. Then comes the conative
part as the advertisement drives people to instantly take action by going to any near
supermarket, and understanding the process (cognitive). We saw the advertisement,
had a great feeling about it, so we participated and took action upon it.
2. Kind of Message Strategy used:
 The Affective Message Strategy here is to match the feelings and emotions with
what Fayrouz is advertising. These emotions and feelings of helping people in need is
what drive the ad viewer to act upon it.
o The affective message strategy used her is the Emotional affective message
as the advertisement obtains feelings that make the ad viewer feel happy and
leads to positive emotions because helping people will for sure make the
helper feel happy and satisfied especially when its during Ramadan.
 The Conative Message Strategy is clearly shown here as the advertisement is
encouraging the ad viewer to directly take an action by giving them kind of an order “
‫”فرحهم معاك‬. Also the brand image plays a big role as a conative message strategy as
everyone living in Egypt knows what Fayrouz is.
 The Cognitive Message Strategy here is Unique Selling Proposition and it comes
last because the person viewing this advertisement later on begins to become aware of
how the process is going to go and understand what are the benefits that this purchase
is going to achieve and how it’s going to help the foundation. This advertisement is
testable because people could get to know if this will actually help the ones in need.
 This advertisement had some type of a means-end approach to it because whoever is
seeing the advertisement will believe that by participating in such a thing, they will
achieve some type of personal value and in this case its inner peace and happiness.
3. Appeals present in the Advertisement:
 Emotional Appeals: this advertisement can’t be ignored as it captures the attention
of the ad viewer because of the emotions included in it (helping those in need). This
appeal develops brand loyalty as it connects emotionally with the consumers and it
also creates a bond between the people and the brand.
4. Image Reference:
3rd Print Ad Analyzed

1. Sequence by which the attitude

components were order:
 Attitude components followed the
sequence as this advertisement used kids
as a great example to show how it’s
dangerous for kids to ride cars with no
Child Seats which targets the feelings
and emotions people have towards kids
and how everyone hates the idea of
imagining kids being harmed and the
sentence “Kids love to fly for fun. Don’t
let them fly for real” is what will drive
the ad viewer to keep on reading in order
to understand how to prevent a child
from being harmed and this is exactly
what this advertisement is going after.
After that, comes the Cognitive part
which is exactly the second thing the ad viewer thinks about and starts to read in
order to understand the ad more and know the way of preventing such a thing from
happening where they explain the product, its features, and its benefits (saves lives
and reduces injuries).. Lastly, comes the conative part which is how the ad viewer
could take actions after being convinced by the ad by visiting the website mentioned
(www, or call them (800800)

2. Kind of Message Strategy used:

 The Affective Message Strategy here is to target the feelings and emotions that
people have towards kids and how no one would like to even think of a baby being
harmed in any way so the ad here shows a solution to keep the baby safe in a moving
o The affective message strategy used here is the Emotional Affective
Message Strategy as here the advertisement targets the people’s powerful and
strong emotions that they have towards children and how they always want
them to be safe in order to lead them to buying the child seat and security and
 The Cognitive Message strategy is the advertisement’s presentation of the child’s
seat and the information written about the seat in order for consumers to understand
the product more and develop some knowledge about it.
o Here, the Cognitive Message Strategy is Generic as the advertisement
includes a small paragraph explaining the importance of a child seat by
building awareness and stating some facts about how it’s dangerous to not
have one for a child and help parents acknowledge their importance.
 The Conative Message Strategy used here is direct as the advertisement states, after
the explaining the importance of the child seat, that people could visit the website in
order to create a customized child seat according to the kid’s size and age. This
encourages the customers to take an action and make a purchase. Also, the
advertisement included toll free number in order for the ad viewer to call in order to
purchase the child seat. There were also two websites mentioned ( / ) in order to give the ad viewer the push to visit any website in
order to purchase and go for it. The health Authority’s logo attached on the upper side
is also considered as a conative message.
3. Appeals present in the Advertisement:
 Fear Appeal: they used the idea of kids being harmed and also showed an example
of them flying too much which will lead to the child’s death (the cloudy wings
referring to him dying) but they didn’t use a strong level of fear so it wouldn’t
backfire, they used just the right amount that would make a person take an action
because of the anxious feeling he/she got.
 Emotional Appeal: this advertisement attracts people immediately, especially
parents with new born kids or kids in general, as it emotionally grabs their attention
as emotions capture attention.
4. Image Reference:

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