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(1). p:x ganjl; 4: 28 genap (2). p: 4 posit, a: 2x positif (3). px ganiil g: 2 +4 ganjil EC — Pasangan pernyataan p dan q di atas yang memenuhi pq bernilai benar adalah A taan2 -B tdan3 ©. 2dan3 D.2dana € ” Semua benar Yoolav) stats) oat Tee) ose Himpunan penyelesaian pertidaksamaan te-1 hw fxke> 1} moom> Nilai terkecit yang dapat dicapai oleh y= 3 ~2sin x cos x adalah 8. Himpunan_penyelesaian (8 8} liye CG) adalah moos " 2 13 14 Kurva y = f(x) melans title A(1,3) dan mempunyai turunan y'= 3x? ~ 70x. Gavis, singgung pada kurva di tite A akan ‘memotong sumbu X di tik A. (10,0) sik suaty proyek akan ciselesaikan dalam char, maka biaya proyck per har menjadi (2x + 22-40) ribw “rupian Biya proyek minimum adatoh 350 nba upiah 800 ribo rupian 880 riba rupian 800 rib rapian 550 bu ropian mone» Luas bagian bidang yang dibatasi olsh parabola y = x + 1 dan garis y=-x +3 See © rote 0. 4246 E WW Fite ¥6, Suatu tempat parkir luasnya 200 m?. 17. 18. 19, Untuk memarkit sebuah mobil rata-rata ipertukan tempat seluas 19 mé dan Untuk bus rataata 20 m®, Tempat barkir itu tidak dapat menampung lebih dari 12 mobil dan bus. Jika di tempat Parkir ity akan diparkir x mobil dan y bus, maka x dan y harus memenuhi syarat-syarat A xFYS12:x42y 520; %20:y <0 B xtysidix+2y<2:x20:y 20 © xtysi2ixe2ys2ixsocy so O xs yst2sx42y22ix20:y =O E xr ya t2ixe2y220;x20:y ab Jka uu make a=(% 5) dn 8=( ) penak AB = 8A, maka A Grd B frag © (a-djb=(p-siq ©. @-da= (p= so E (a-d)q=(5~pjp Jka dketahei dua buah— matnks 3 eae a=(1 3) dan @ = (3), maka yang benar diantara._hubungan_berikut a=(3 -2y transpose dari A, maka persamaan A’ = 8 dipenuhi bla x = a2 et co oO -1 E -2 “P) Jika A’ menyatakan 5 ‘Sal Ufan Seeks Porerimaan Manassa Baru JPT (akan) TA 2011/2012 Page 2 20. 21 23, 24, 28, Dikotahui A(1, 2, 3), B(3, 3, 10) dan C(7, 5, -3). Jika A,B,C segaris (kolinien maka perbandingan AB: BC 2 moos anne 1 5 7 5 Basar sudut antara vektor d= 20— j+ 3kdan 6 = 1+ 37 — 2k adalah Abe 8 . . Vektor ddan vector 5 _membentuk sudut a. Diketahui Ja] = 6, JB] = 15, cos a = 07, maka a.(@45) sama A B c. 99 D. 109 E15 Persamaan bayangan garis 2x + 3y =~ 1 Karena refleksi terhadap sumbu dilanjutkan dengan rotasi berpusat_ 0 sebesar® adalah 2x~3y-1 2x4 3y-1 x4 Dyed 3x-2y~1 3x + 2y—4 moos» oo000 Persamaan bayangan parabola y = x? — 3, Karena reffeksi terhadap sumbu X ditanjutkan oleh transformasi yang versesuaian dengan matics (2!) aaah A x2 = xy x + y= 8 Portsoy rx Zy— ©. Pex Dy oxy 0 Pete zyexs y- E Pax say ex aye Diol x yang memenvhi pertidaksomoan lee A -2ex0 © xctotmur>t 26. Nilai x yang memenuhi pertidaksamaan 2logx S$ log(2x + 5) + 210g2 adalah A -f 28. Nilai minimum fungsi obyektif (x,y ) = 3x + 4y dari daerah gambar yang diarsir adalah A 32 B24 c. 18 D417 Es 29, Jumlah n suku yang pestama suatu deret arimatka adalah $, = Gn —17), Rumus untuk suku ke-n deret tersebut adalah A 3a 10 3n-8 an ana 4 an-2 g moop 30. Suku ke-n suatu deret geometri adalah “*, make jumlah tak terhingga deret sSebut adalah, POO P>Es BAHASA INGGRIS This text is for questions 31 to 33 Integrated Pest Management “There is no best way to dea with pests in aghcuhure, Pesticides are commonly Used, but this may cause many problems Combining diferent management operations is the most etiectva way to contrl pest. Firetys the chemicals ia pesticides may build up a8 residues in the environment Ms fesiduces te quality of form. products Funhermore, pests “can gradually "become ‘esistant to pesticides. Tia means that newer and Stronger ones Have to be developed ‘Some pesticides affect non target animals such a5 fish and bees. This eisturbs the balance of nature, To wipe ot aghcutral pests completely may be very expensive Sometimes pest damageCosts tesa. than the method ol onto Finally, understanding the ecology of the ‘rea helps alot in pest control. Nature! @nemios an be used to contol a pest Pesticides tat do ot affect the natural enemies should be chosen ‘Therefor, integrated pest management I 2 safe and more etfeciveoption in agneulre 31. Whati the purpose of the text? ‘A To persuade the readers thot something is the case & To. persuade the readers that “something should of should not be the case. ©. To inform the readers about events of the day which are considered newsworthy. ©. To.explain how something occurs. € To present at least two points of view about issue, 32. What can affect the balance of nature ‘ecording to the text ? A Pests developing resistance to Presticides 18. The use of pesticides that affects non target animals. = G._The method of pest centrol D. The cast of wiping out agricuttural pests E.The use of integrated pest managemen which is not effective. 33. Why does the writer think that integrated pest management is good 7 Alt reduces the quality of farm Products, B. Itmakes pests become resistant C. Wiping out agricultural pests may be cost, D. Itis a safe and more effective option © in agricutre. E. Itaffects the natural batance. This text is for questions 34 to 38 __Ho do Banks Count Our interest 2 Interest isthe sum charged for borrowing money For eed period of ume, Prndpal i te term used Foe the money. thal is boxtowe and Ure tenet ie porcon par yaar of ‘pric ‘Most of the: Brie ra tant hee eived for he erot that they charge for The use of thei own or their ‘depostoes money Al problems in interest may be soled by using one ganeral equation that may be stated 33 folows sieves: Principal «Rate Time. ‘Any ope of the four quaattiesthat is ‘terest, preipal ral of Sme-may be. found the er vee renown The te expressed jo_ years, The rate le expiassed 35 2 decimal tact: Thi, per cont interest meane Sie conts charged for to uso of §1 of pial Borrowed for one year, Athough the te ay 5. that equal #9 oF grater than one year snost agicatons “for loans are for periods of than one year For purposes of computing interest fr shoperods,, the, commercal, year 2° 360 days'is commonly used But when iavge sums of money ae wowed. went interest is computed one the bask of 265 days, Sources. Engh or Economie sues 34, Whatis tie purpose ofthe text? To entertain the readers. To efiique an art work. To describe a particular thing Te axplain haw something is done To present at least two points of view about an issue. moom> 35, Whatis a principal? A The amount of money that is retumed, B. The amount of money that is borrowed C. The interest that the Bank charges, D. The sum charged for borrowing money &. Charged for its use. 38. Howis the time expressed? A. A Inweeks, 8. In months. C. Every six months, 9. In years E. Every two years 37. What does 8 per cent interest mean? A. 4 cents charged for the use of $ 1 of principal borrowed for one year 8. 8/100 cents charged for the use of $ t Of principal borrowed for one year. ©. 4 cent charged for the used of $ 8 of principal borrowed for one year. ©. V8 cent charged for the use of $ 1 of Principal borrowed for one year. 8 cent charged for the use of § 8 of principal borrowed for cae year Soal fan SelestPenoriaan Mahasswa Bany JT (Johan) TA 2011/2012 Page 4 38. When will banks use the commercial year of 260 days? ‘A. When computing any kinds of interest B. When computing interest for short periods, ©. When ‘computing interest for long periods: ©. When computing farge sums of money. . When computing the principal The text is for questions 39 to 41 Monday's tsunami coast of Java has caused a ‘are stil Being counted. Teaymatized survivars, many camped out oi the hills far fom the shore line, are living in fear that another earthquake ‘would tigger another wave of destruction ‘The earthquake which triggered 2 tsunami wiped out the beach resorts and fishing villages long the souhem coast’ of Java, The Metzciology and Geopnysics Agency (BMG) said that the Wednesday's Earthquake measured 8.2 fon the Richter Seale. Nts epicenter was 48 kilometies below the sea level. BMG official Weni, said areas on the west coast of Java and Banien, as well a: those in the south coast of Lampung. were at Fisk of being hit by a tsunami, However. the Possibiity of a tsunami was quickly Dissounled by ‘other agencies 39, The news is about... A The victins of a tsunami B. The possible risks of tsunamis in Banten and Lampung, ©. The tsunami in the south-westem part of indonesia D. The disaster caused by the tsunami in the southern coast of Java. ©. The tsunami survivors in Java 40. The wards below are associated with the sutfering of the victims, except fear trauma losses trigger destruction moog» 41, "Monday's tsunami along the southern coast of Java caused gevastating losses..." (Paragraph 1). The underlined word may be replaced by, A stressful B. injuring C. destructive ©. harmful E. teartut This text is for questions 42 to 44, Last week I took my fiveyear old son. Wily, 19 a musical instrument store in iy ~ hometown. 1 wanted to buy him a set of junic drum because his drum taechar advised me’ to buy him one. Willy tikes fstening to music very much. He also Tkes asking me everything. ne wants to know. Evsn his questions sometimes seem precocious for a boy af his age. He is very inguisitve ‘We went there by car. On the way, we saw 9 policeman standing near a Walle lght reguiating the passing cars and other vehides. He blew his wish now and then, ‘Seeing the poficeman blowing his whistle, Wily asked m= at once, "Dad, why is. the Policeman using whistle, nat a drum > Hearing his unexpected queston, answered reluctantly, Bocouse he ig not Phil Coins * 42. What is the text about? AL Willy and his new drum, Phil Collins ang bis drum, A policeman and his whistle Willy's drum private teacher. The writers five-years old son, mopm> 43, From the text above we know that Willy is alan... boy AS smart & funay C. stupid D. childish annoying 44, Which sentence makes the text funny? A. Heis very inquisitive. B. “Because he is not Phil Collins." C. He blew his whistle now and then, D. He also likes asking me everything he wants to know. = E. Even his questions sometimes seer precocious for a boy of his age. This text is for questions 45 to 49. Mobile Phones : Good or Bad ? Everywhere you go nowadays, you see people using mobile phones. From” school Chiikren to retired people, you see them taking in 2 supermarkel, on tains, in the street, everywhere! So what are the advantages, of mobile phones ? First of all, they te very convenient because you cam phone from nearly anywhere. Another advantage is that they are realy useful in emergency situations, For example, #f you are ‘lone in your car and it breaks dow, you can get help quickly. in addition, you can also use your mobile 10 text your friends or connect tothe internet However, there are disadvantages such as the cost. Mobile phone cals cost more than normal calls. Furthermore, it can be annoying it you ara on a train or a bus and you have to listen to someone else's boring conversation. Another disadvantage is that people can contact you anywhere, at any time, unless you switch your phone offt In conclusion, there are both advantages and disadvantages to mobile phones. Personally, | feel mobile phones are a good thing because oy ve US more freedom and make ‘Source : Achmad Ooddy, Ahmad Sugeng, Effendi, Developing Eglish Competencies for Senior High ‘School (SMANMA) Grado XI! of Natural and Social ‘Science Programmes, Jakarta, Pusat Pendidikan Nasional Depdtknas, 2608, 45, Whatis the text about? Mobiles phones at schools. The uses of mobile phones, importance of communication ‘The good and bad sides of mobile phones.” The vast development of communi- cation technology. poee 46, What is the purpose of the text? To eitique an axt work, To entertain the readers. To describe a particular thing. To explain a communicating process. To discuss an issue from two ifterent points of view. moom> 7. Winy are mobile phones very convenient? ‘We can phone from almost every place. “They are expensive gadgets, We can send messages quickly. We can bring them everywhere.” ‘They are very useful, > mops 48, Why can mobile phones sometimes annoy us? ‘They spend less money.” \We can bring them everywhere, People can contact us anywhere, at any time. We can send massages quickly. They are quite expensive, mo os> 49. What is. writer's opinion about mobile phones? A They have the advantages and disadvantages, « ‘They make communication easier. ‘They can be connected to the internet, ©. They spend much money. E. They make us busy, ‘Sal Yon Seeks Penerimaan Matasiwa Bary JPT (Bakmm)T.A 2011/2012 This text is for questions 50 to 54. There are several postive and negative impacts ofthe intemet on education. One of the Positive impacts of the Intemet on education is ‘hat when you are curious about something, you ‘can find out the information you need immediately trom the Intemet to satisfy your “hunger for ‘earning’ f you are curious about the ants, in your ‘backyard, or if you want to know more about dinosaurs of any other prehistoric animats, there 's an abundance of information at" your Fingertips ana you can improve your knowledge. On the other hand, some would argue thatthe inemet degrades the quahiy of research, Uhrowing people into areas where the answers they find are low-quatty guesses, at best. Sint ‘he intemat alows amyone to publish any _ kind of information, finding high quality information is sometimes difcut. The Intemet can also be 2 huge distraction, tke many other things tat distad us fom serous research. 50, What does the text mainly discuss? A The impacts of the internat on education. B. The advance of technology in ertucation. C. How to access information from the internet. D. The distractions caused by the internet E The decrease in the quality of research caused by the internet 81. "The intemet also can be 2 huge distraction...” (Paragraph 2). What is the opposite meaning of the undertined word? Fow Less Thin Fine ~ ‘Smal mooe> 52. Why do some people disagree with the se of the internet in education? ‘A. The intemet does not encourage People to ask serious questions, 8. The internet gives low-quality answer to questions. ¥ ©. The intemet provides high quality information. D. The internet makes education expensive. E. The interet has lite information that can be used in education, Page 6 ee | effect of the internetcn education? A. The internet. can discourage serious research. ~ 8. The internet can make. educatior cheaper. C. The iintemet can influence student interasts ©. The internet can provide access t information in rural areas, The internet can help anyone fin the ansy to their questions, 1. What is the purpose of the text? A To describe something, 8. To explain the process of something ©. To persuade the readers abou something, D. To discuss an issue froin two point of view. Based on text the statement below is TRUE, except A. the co-pilot's name is Jean Wilson’ 8. the fight last for eighty five minutes C. the “difference time between Singapore and Jakarta is one hour . if you have problem you may give a call to stewardesses E. everyone is banned for smoking in pr Aa ee upright position.” The bold word has opposite meanin with A, Loosen B. Shorten . Lengthen 0. Tieup E. Puton ~ = Goad Moming Ladies and Gentlemen. My nama is Jean Wison, Welcome abroad Necpat fight 276 to Singapore. Our fight wil take vsrosimately one hour and 25 minutes and we hope to land in Singapore at 11.30 Jakarta time oF 1350 ‘Singapore time, These Is one hour time difference betveen Jakarta and Singapore. As wi prepare for take off, please fasten your seats i an uptight postion. Please retrain from smokin Ghile NO SMOKING sign is on. Smoking -fomidden. in the non smoking sections in. ty Stes and in the lavatories. If these ts anythin jou need, please do not hesitate to call on you GGhin attendants. Thank you and on behalf of th Captain an erew we wish you a pleasant fight” Attention All Students. Annual Jumble Sale! rhe Parent-Teacher Association of SMU Tarun: 53. Perhatkan gambar poster berikut! Harus diambit_ tangkah-angkaayata untuk segera__menghentixan atau mengurangi faktorfakior yang menjadi Benyebabnya Karena dampak yang itimbuikannya sangat mengkhawatirkan warga dunia. Yang buzn dampak dai efek global warming bagi lingkungan bio-geofsi« adatan ‘A. kenaikan permukaan ait laut 8. kepunahan flora dan fauna . menurunnya twas gurun pasie 1 peledanan a oft burn E. peningkatan hujan dan ban « 84. Terdapat organe! sel dengan cui-ciri sebagai berikut: ~ Memiliki sistem membran ganda - Membran sebelah dalam berlekuk- lekuk membuat. bidang permukaan Semakin tuas, + Diternukan banyak enzim sitokrom + Adanya simpanan energi_tingkat tinggi (ATP) Nama organel set dan fungsinya adalah A. Kioropias, tempat —_terjadinya fotosintesis 8. Badan golgi, tempat pembentukan ‘bosom ©. Retiulum —endoplasma —_kasar, tempat transportasi dari inti ke sitoplasma_ Mitokondria, tempat respirasi set Retkulum " endoplasma —halus, tempat sintesis protein mo ‘Sal Yan Seles Penerimazn Mahasiowa one PT (ebm) TA 2011/2012 Page & ‘88 Perhatikan gambar berikutt Gangguan proses reabsorbsi senyawa glukosa dapat terjadi di bagian nomor 5, oer 95. Perhatikan data hasil pengamstan uj makanan: Sanat ar peotsin | mda fa] ak ana ring Wansparan Siew Fass ak uaespaan Fiat T ya ‘vanspann | Merah rrita_| tam | Teak varsporan | MER ‘Unga —[ Fitsn | Teaneparaee——[ Kaing at Sahsn — makanan yang __lengkap mengandung protein, ‘amilum, lemak, dan glukosa adalah nomor Ad Ba 2 C3 Ba 5 67. Pethatikan diagram penggunaan enzim dalam metabotisme! ‘arpa sein [rat ivan een f eed ave! cengan acai a courg rood host Berdasarkan diagram di alas, pengaruh Penggunaan enzim terhadap kinerja metabolisme adalah A” enaim akan mengurangi_jumlah energi eaksi yang diperiukan 8. enzim akan mempengaruhi_laju kecepatan reaksi C. jenis enzim sangat mempengaruhi kinetja enaim ©. kualtas produk yang dina ssangat ditentukan oleh enzim €._enzim akan menentukan arah reaksi 68, 70. (eae OE Skema proses dan hasil_ katabolisme karbohiarat & Bagian 1, 3 dan X adalah A. gikolisis, dekarpoksilasi oksidatif, 2 asam pituvat dan 2. ATP BL giikolisis, siklus Krebs, 2 ATP dan 1 GOP. ©. sikius Krebs, transpor elektion, 32 ATP . gikolisis, siktus Krebs, 2 asam piruvat dan 2 ATP siklus krebs, dokarboksilasi oksidatif, . ZATP dan 1 GOP Seorang ayah memerlukan transfusi garah, fu bergolongan darsh_B, sedangkan empst orang anaknya ‘masing-masing adalah (1) bergoloagan darah A, (2) bergolongan darah B, (3) bergolongan darah AB, dan | (4) bergolongan darah O. Anak yang dapat ‘menolong ayahnya adalah anak ke A™(1) dan (3) B. (1) dan (4) C. (2) dan (3) D. (2) dan (4) E. (2) dan (3) Interferon sebagai produk _farmasi bioteknologi dapat digunakan untuk mengobai penyakit kanker yang diperoleh dari hasil_pengembangan tokrik A. hibridoma 8. tanaman transgenik CC. Honing embrio (> DNA rekombinan kloning transfer inti | i. Dari grafk di atas dapat dtentukan Jara yang ditempuh dalom warty 4 det yi 200 "200 m 470m 140m IO ee wumiah bahan bakar yang diperlukan untuk Memparcepat gerak sebush mobi dari Keadaan diam menjadi barkelaiuan v odatah Q. Bila gesekan diabaikan, maka jumiah Bahan Dakar tambahan yang Jipettukan untuk menaikkan kelajuan mobil tersehut dari v maja %O ° 2a 3a 4Q Dv adalah ee Sebuah termometer dengan skala bebas ‘memitki Stik beku air pada ~ 40°C dan tik digin air 160°C. Pada saat termometer tersebut terbaca 19°X, maka pada termometerskala__ Celcius terbace 175°C 275°C 37/5°C 475°C 575°C moo@> Dua buah kaw at jurus yang sas panjang diletakkan sejajar satu sama fain pada jarak , Jika kedua kowat it ‘masing- masing dial arus searah | ‘yang arahnya sama, maka kedua kawa tu akan A 8 «. Tolak-menolak sebanding «| Fark-menarik sebanding r"* Tolak-menolak sebanding r"" Tark-menarik sebanding r~* Tarik-menarik dengan dengan dengan dengan gaye gaye gaye 98) gay oer amengalir pada suatu pipa yang diameterrya berbeda "dengan Perbandingan 1: 2. Jika kecepatan ait yang mengair pada bagian pipa yang besar sebesar 40m/s, maka besamya Kecepatan air pada tagian pipa yang kecll sebesar A 20 mis, 8. 40mis LL. 80mis D. 120 ms ee pada tegangan litre bolak balk. yan: nial efekifnya 100 V dan frekuensiny 60 Hz. Bila R= 10 ohm, L = 28,5 mH dan © = 106 uF, maka ‘beda potensis (legengan) aniaravjunguing adalah A 535V B. 28V ©. S56 0. 556 Pada gejaia efak fotolistrik diperote grafik hubungan I (kuat anus) yan limbul tethadap V (tegangan) seper gambar di ctas, Cangkah yan -diakukan agar grafik a menjadi | adalah dengan cara. A. mengurang}intensitas cahaya A raanambah intensitas eahaya C_ manaikkan fekuensi sinarnya D. menuruntcan frekuensi sinarnya pol oleoupnlpeimospjohimntgi eben ee ee dari gas hidrogen dan gas oksigen sebagai berikut Berea | Volume | Volume pean | nidrogen | oksigen we) | oP) 7 Titer 2 ‘iter 3 Biter 4 WO iter Sea Biter hidrogen ~~vlhereaaaih 84. Aspirin merupakan obat penghilang ras: nyeri_ yang mengandung asam aset salilat Jika tetapan ionisasi, Ka: 2» 10, maka pH larutan aspirin 2h tersebut adalah A 2-093 8 3-log2 ©. 31094 D. 4~1o93 E 12 +1093 35. Berikut ini jumlah partikel zat tertarul yang terdapat dalam 2 mol pelarut dalam 6, Peshatikan gambar sel Volta berikut! Diketshui harga potensial reduksi berikut: Ag’ Hig Za" N20 Bordasarkan gambar di atas, harga potensial se (E*Se) adalah A. -1.56 vol 8. 0184 volt 40,04 vol D. +0,88 voit E. +1.56 vot 87. Berikut ini beberapa sitat unsur. 1. Memitki beberapa bilangan oksidasi 2. Oxsidator kuat 3. Umumnya senyawanya berwama 4, Bersifat logam. 5. Dapat membentuk ion kompleks ‘Yang bukan sifat logam tronsisi adalah i moop £88, Suaty senyawa mempunyai rumus molekul ‘CsHxO, tidak bereaksi dengan logam atrium dan bereaksi dengan PCls. Gugus fungsi dari senyawa tersebut adaiah A -OH BO c. C20 89, abel benkut berisi data tentang beberapa jenis polimer, monomer, dant proses pembentukannya: Teas ome er rembentu- wo [tama [aonomer | Potent 7 [eon | FESO onsen 2 feaitoss | glukosa | kondensasi_| = five pss Tass) oe tsi + fests | | 3 [mate [seem amino [aa Data yang keliganya berhubungan dengan tepat adalah dan 2 ddan 3 2dan3 3dan4 3dan 5 moos» 90, Perhatican strutur beberapa senyawa turunan benzena bedkut 2 crow i ot ° do" 606 ma a 8 8 Senyawa yang digunakan sebagai desinfektan adalah A(t) 8 2 Cc. By D. «ay E (5) ‘Soal Ujan Seieks Penerimaan Mahasisva Bary JPF (abn) TA 2011/2012 Page 12 sermatilah tajuk rencana perikut! gubsidh tidak setal jelek YoMh tidak Kita Vagman adalah subsidl PV price suDsidy) eri pada BBM ini, $209 erakmat terb252 sepert Pgatals gotongee fang Bahkan sue parga BBM ini hanya GONT Tk dat wo penduduk miskin. Sehr eT adaton ubsid fangsun ijat dalam bentUk ‘prograrn-program er Qoattas | SUP ee mdikan. Bacalah paragraf karya ilmiah berikut! Kekerasan fisik mefiputl segala pertivatan yang mengakibatkan rasa sak, ka, atau cacat fisik. Sementara itu, kekerasan psikis misainya membentak, memaki, atau segala hal yang ‘menimbulkan rasa tidak berdaya pada dir 20g ‘anak. Bagaimanapun juga, mendidik anak tidak ‘ada_yang namanya kekerasan. Jika orang 0a ering memukul anak untuk kebaikan mungkin ada pemanaman Keli, 96, Perbaikan yang tepat untuk kalimat yang bergatsbawah adalah Bagaimana juga, mendidik anak tidak ada kekerasan 8, Bagaimanapun, mendidik anak tidak ada yang namanya kekerasan ©. Mendidik anak tidak» memakai tindaken kekerasan D. Mendidik anak tidak ada _stilah kekerasan E, Bagaimanapun juga, mendidik anak tidak boteh dengan kekerasan Cermati kutipan pidato berikut! Sudah “banyak kasus tentang akanan Kemacan yang membahayakan Kesehatan konsumen, baik pvoduk impor maupun produ Jokal, Kasus terbanyak yaity makanan kemasan yang sudah kadoluarsa, asus terbaru tagi, yaitu adanya dendeng daging yang dlisinyatir daging babi hutan, tentunya int tidak halal bagi umat Islam, . 97. Kalimat penutup yang tepat berupa imbauan untuk teks tersebut adalah ... A. Saya imbau, jangantah makan makanan yang betkemasan dalam merek apapun karena berbahaya 8B. Oleh Karena itu, Saudara-saudara arusiah tel jika membeli makanan_ yang berkemasan agar terhindar dari bahaya ©, Imbauan saya, Berhati-hallah makan makanan yang betkemasan yang berlabel halal D, Saya mengimbau Saudara-saudara ‘agar waspadai_ makanan yang kadaluarsa yang dikemas menark E. Oleh Karena itu, berhati-haltah dalam memith makanan yang dijual, baik di warung maupun di toko Cermatilah kutipan berikut! Makenan kecil Kini banyak yang swah tercemar zat yang ... Kesehatan, Salah satu zat yang ditenkan adalah formalin, Zat ini dapat. Penyakit kanker. Olen sebab itu, kita haus berhat-hati dan... makanan ...” kecit yong tercemar itu 98. Kata berimbuhan yang tepat untuk —~—mr—~—s—S berbahaya, menimbulkan, terhindar, termakan & dibahayakan, ditimbulkan, Ghindarkan, dimaken C. membahayakan, ‘timbulkan, ‘menghindsr, makanan ©. membahayakan, —__ menimbutkan, menghindari, makanan E. bahayakan, | timbulkan, hindarkan, makanan Cermatitah paragrat deskripsi berikut! anti Karangbolong tertotak sekitar 40 km dav ‘Kota Kebumen, Jawa Tengah ~.. Pengurjung {ia dapat menyekekan poron-pohon Kelapa Yang menjulang tinggi. Sela meri pantat Yang menawan, Parisi Korangbolong juga menyimpan keindahan karang dengan 297493 Sorung wal, 99. Kalimat yang tepat untuk melengkapi paragraf rumpang tersebut adaiah ‘A Tampak hamparan bukit yang menghiiau di sepaniang Pantai Karangbolong 8. Di objek wisata ini pengunjung dapat menghirup nuansa perbukitan yang ©. Rumah-rumah penduduk —pantai menghiasi pemandangan kami selama berada di pantai D. Angin sepoi-sepoi menggoyangkan pohon kelapa yang tunbuh menjulang E. Demikian, beberapa pemandangan yang dapat disaksikan di Panta Karangbolong Cermatitah deretan kalimat acak berikut? 1) Mereka terengat-engah, namin batang singkong itu tetap tegak di tengahnya, 2) ering dan membatu. 3) Namun, ketiganya mast terlampau lemah Untuk “mengalahkan cengkraman kar ketela yang terpendam dalam tanah kepur. 4) Di tept kampung, tga orang anak laki-laki sedang bersusah payahmencebut sebatang singkong. 5) Ketiganya hampir berputus asa seandainya salah seorang anak oh antara mereka tidak menemukan akal 100. Agar menjadi paragrat naratif yang padu, urutan kalmat yang {epat adalah 41),2). 3), 4), dan 5) 2), 1), 4), 3), dan &) 4), 3), 2), 1), dan 5) 4), 3), 1), 2), dan 8) 2), 4), 8), 3), dan 1) moog@> ‘Soal Ulan Seletsi Penerinaan Mahasiswa Bars JPT (abet) TA 2011/2012 Page 14

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