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A LEVEL Biology

9. Gas Exchange & Smoking

Classified by Adeel Ahmad

9. Gas Exchange & Smoking
(c) The partial pressure of oxygen in the lungs at sea level is about 13.5 kPa. At an altitude
of 3000 metres the partial pressure of oxygen in the lungs is about 7.5 kPa.

When people move from sea level to high altitude they become adapted to the low
partial pressure of oxygen.

Describe and explain how humans become adapted to the low partial pressure of
oxygen at high altitude.










...................................................................................................................................... [4]

(d) Vaccination is used to control the spread of diseases, such as measles.

Explain why vaccination cannot be used to prevent sickle cell anaemia.




...................................................................................................................................... [2]

[Total: 13]

Classified by Adeel Ahmad 9. Gas Exchange & Smoking

© UCLES 2012 9700/21/M/J/12 Paper 2 - 1

(c) Many fruits are thought to have beneficial health effects. Sour cherries and peaches For
may contribute to improved health for tobacco smokers. Examiner’s

Read the following statements. For each, explain how the fruit contributes to protecting
smokers from smoking-related diseases.

(i) Glutathione is a protein known to be involved in the repair of damaged DNA.

Regularly eating sour cherries increases the level of glutathione in the body.





.............................................................................................................................. [2]

(ii) A diet rich in peaches can help reduce inflammation of the bronchi and bronchioles.





............................................................................................................................. [2]

[Total: 16]

Classified by Adeel Ahmad

© UCLES 2012 9700/22/M/J/12
9. Gas Exchange &Paper

3 A study was carried out on a large number of people, some of whom were smokers. The For
study investigated the link between percentage of deaths due to lung cancer in smokers and Examiner’s
their smoking habits. The age at which they started smoking and the number of cigarettes Use

smoked per day were recorded. The results of the study are shown in Fig. 3.1.


21 – 39
cigarettes per day
of deaths
that were
due to lung


10 – 20
cigarettes per day

before 15 15-19 20-24 25 or never

age started smoking / years

Fig. 3.1

(a) Explain what the results in Fig. 3.1 show about the link between cigarette smoking and
percentage of deaths due to lung cancer.








...................................................................................................................................... [4]

Classified by Adeel Ahmad

© UCLES 2012 9700/23/O/N/12
9. Gas Exchange &Paper

(b) Tobacco smoke contains many substances which are harmful to the body. For
Outline the harmful effects on the cardiovascular system of: Use

(i) carbon monoxide




.............................................................................................................................. [2]

(ii) nicotine.




.............................................................................................................................. [2]

(iii) Describe briefly the effects of tar on the goblet cells and cilia of the trachea.

goblet cells ...............................................................................................................




cilia ...........................................................................................................................



.............................................................................................................................. [4]

[Total: 12]

Classified by Adeel Ahmad

© UCLES 2012 9700/23/O/N/12
9. Gas Exchange &Paper

6 (a) Explain how uncontrolled cell division can result in cancer.







..................................................................................................................................... [3]

(b) Describe the experimental evidence that shows that smoking causes lung cancer.







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Classified by Adeel Ahmad

© UCLES 2013 9700/21/M/J/13
9. Gas Exchange &Paper

(c) Fig. 6.1 shows the changes in mortality rates for lung cancer in five countries between For
1950 and 2006 for males. Examiner’s

United States
70 Spain
60 United Kingdom
mortality rate 50
from lung cancer
/ deaths per 100 000 40





year of death

Fig. 6.1

With reference to Fig. 6.1, describe the similarities and differences in the trends in
mortality rates in the countries shown.









..................................................................................................................................... [3]
[Total: 9]

Classified by Adeel Ahmad 9. Gas Exchange &Paper


Tobacco smoking is a risk factor for a number of diseases. This means that it increases For
the risk of developing disease. In 2009, the World Health Organization (WHO) published a Examiner’s
factsheet stating that tobacco smoking: Use

• may be responsible for more than 20% of the new cases of TB globally
• increases the risk of becoming infected and having active TB
• increases the risk of dying from TB
• is a risk factor for TB in all socioeconomic groups.

Projects have been set up in a number of different countries to tackle this health problem.
One project involves health workers encouraging TB patients to give up smoking.

(c) Suggest what epidemiological evidence would lead to the conclusion that tobacco
smoking is a risk factor for TB.





..................................................................................................................................... [2]

(d) Suggest and explain how the effects of smoking can increase the risk of becoming
infected with TB.






..................................................................................................................................... [3]

(e) Many smokers know that tobacco smoking is a risk factor for coronary heart disease,
but continue to smoke. Some of these smokers have stated that they expect medical
practitioners to cure them if they develop coronary heart disease.

List two treatments used by medical practitioners to treat coronary heart disease.

1. ......................................................................................................................................

2. ................................................................................................................................. [2]

[Total: 14]

Classified by Adeel Ahmad

© UCLES 2013 9700/22/M/J/13
9. Gas Exchange &Paper

3 (a) Tuberculosis (TB) and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are diseases that
affect the lungs.

Macrophages are large phagocytic cells that are found in many tissues including
alveolar tissue in the lungs. They provide the main means of defence against pathogens
in this tissue.

Fig. 3.1 is a drawing made from an electron micrograph showing part of a capillary and
two alveoli, with a macrophage.


Fig. 3.1

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9. Gas Exchange &Paper

(b) With reference to Fig. 3.1, explain:

(i) how alveoli are adapted for gaseous exchange






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(ii) how macrophages function to protect the lungs from becoming infected.








.............................................................................................................................. [4]

(c) Phagocytes release enzymes that digest proteins. In smokers, this may lead to the
large-scale destruction of alveolar walls.

Outline the effects of this destruction on a person’s health.






...................................................................................................................................... [3]

[Total: 12]

Classified by Adeel Ahmad

© UCLES 2013 9700/21/O/N/13
9. Gas Exchange &Paper

6 (b) Nicotine has an effect on the cardiovascular system, such as making platelets sticky, so
causing blood to clot. This increases the risk of thrombosis and reduces blood flow.

Outline other effects of nicotine on the cardiovascular system.






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Classified by Adeel Ahmad

© UCLES 2013 9700/22/O/N/13
9. Gas Exchange & Smoking
Paper 2 - 10

(c) Describe and explain how the structure of the human gas exchange surface is adapted For
for maximum efficiency. Examiner’s










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[Total: 10]

Classified by Adeel Ahmad

© UCLES 2013 9700/23/O/N/13
9. Gas Exchange & Smoking
Paper 2 - 11

The mass of DNA in the cells shown in Fig. 4.1 was determined. The results are shown in Fig. 4.2.


mass of DNA 4
in each cell /
picograms 3


Fig. 4.2

(d) State what happens at W and Z to change the mass of DNA in each cell.

W ............................................................................................................................................

Z ............................................................................................................................................

(e) Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) is a cancer of B-lymphocytes. It is very rare in adults,
but more common in children. A study in 2009 found that exposure to tobacco smoke in the
home may put children at risk of developing ALL.

Suggest how smoking by adults in the home may put their children at risk of cancers, such as







.............................................................................................................................................. [3]

[Total: 18]

Classified by Adeel Ahmad

© UCLES 2014 9700/21/M/J/14
9. Gas Exchange & Smoking
Paper 2 - 12

6 Fig. 6.1 shows a section of diseased artery from a smoker.

Fig. 6.1
(a) (i) With reference to Fig. 6.1, describe how this diseased artery differs in appearance from a
healthy one.





(ii) State one way in which nicotine in tobacco smoke affects arteries.



Classified by Adeel Ahmad

© UCLES 2014 9700/23/M/J/14
9. Gas Exchange & Smoking
Paper 2 - 13

(b) There are many mitochondria in cell B.

Suggest why cell B contains a large number of mitochondria.





.............................................................................................................................................. [2]

(c) Calculate the actual length of the nucleus C.

Show your working and express your answer to the nearest 0.1 micrometre.

answer ..................................................... μm [2]

(d) There are many goblet cells within the epithelium lining the trachea and the bronchi in the gas
exchange system.

Describe the role of goblet cells in the gas exchange system.







.............................................................................................................................................. [3]

(e) State two ways in which the cells lining the alveoli in the lungs differ from cell B shown in
Fig. 1.1.

1. ..............................................................................................................................................

2. ..............................................................................................................................................

[Total: 11]

Classified by Adeel Ahmad

© UCLES 2014 9700/21/O/N/14
9. Gas Exchange & Smoking
Paper 2 - 14

(e) People with long-term chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) usually have blood
which is poorly oxygenated during its passage through the lungs. This leads to a constriction
of blood vessels in the lungs.

Suggest the likely effect of this on the heart.





.............................................................................................................................................. [2]

(f) Describe the signs and symptoms of COPD that help doctors make an early diagnosis of this





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[Total: 14]

Classified by Adeel Ahmad

© UCLES 2014 9700/21/O/N/14
9. Gas Exchange & Smoking
Paper 2 - 15

Answer all the questions

1 Fig. 1.1 is a light micrograph of a section through part of the gas exchange system.

A, B and C are three different types of tissue.

Fig. 1.1

(a) The cell types in tissue A have different functions.

Describe how the cell types work together to maintain the health of the gas exchange system.









Classified by Adeel Ahmad

© UCLES 2014 9700/22/O/N/14
9. Gas Exchange & Smoking
Paper 2 - 16

(b) Suggest why the cells in tissue B have many mitochondria.




............................................................................................................................................... [1]

(c) Name the parts of the gas exchange system where tissue C is distributed.


............................................................................................................................................... [1]

[Total: 5]

Classified by Adeel Ahmad

© UCLES 2014 9700/22/O/N/14
9. Gas Exchange & Smoking
Paper 2 - 17

(f) Tobacco smoking can have an effect on the transport of oxygen by haemoglobin.
Fig. 3.3 shows oxygen dissociation curves with and without the presence of carbon
monoxide (CO).

100 no CO
80 20% CO
(heavy smoker)
percentage 60
saturation of
haemoglobin 40


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
partial pressure of oxygen / kPa

Fig. 3.3
With reference to Fig. 3.3, describe the effect of carbon monoxide on the cardiovascular







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Classified by Adeel Ahmad

© UCLES 2014 9700/22/O/N/14
9. Gas Exchange & Smoking
Paper 2 - 18

Fig. 2.2a shows a pond skater walking on the surface of the water.

Fig. 2.2b shows a northern pike.

These are not shown to the same scale.

a b

Fig. 2.2

Both animals live in northern countries of the world, where temperatures often drop below 0 °C.

(d) Describe the importance of water as an environment for the pond skater and the northern









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Classified by Adeel Ahmad

© UCLES 2014 9700/23/O/N/14
9. Gas Exchange & Smoking
Paper 2 - 19

(e) The mud at the bottom of the freshwater ecosystem contains dead organic material and also
supports the growth of water plants.

Outline how nitrogen from the dead organic material is made available to the growing plants.











[Total: 14]

Classified by Adeel Ahmad

© UCLES 2014 9700/23/O/N/14
9. Gas Exchange & Smoking
Paper 2 - 20

2 Pathogens enter the body in a variety of ways, including through the gas exchange system. The
body has several defence mechanisms against the entry of pathogens and their spread throughout
the body.

Fig. 2.1 is an electron micrograph of a cross section of the lining of a bronchiole.


Fig. 2.1

(a) (i) Name tissue X and cell Y.

X ........................................................................................................................................

Y ....................................................................................................................................[2]

(ii) With reference to the structures visible in Fig. 2.1, state three ways in which the lining of
the trachea, bronchus and bronchioles provides protection against the entry of bacterial

1 ........................................................................................................................................


2 ........................................................................................................................................


3 ........................................................................................................................................


Classified by Adeel Ahmad

© UCLES 2015 9700/21/M/J/15
9. Gas Exchange & Smoking
Paper 2 - 21

2 Fig. 2.1 is a scanning electron micrograph of an area of the trachea showing the presence of
Bordetella pertussis bacteria.

B. pertussis is the causative organism of a respiratory disease in humans known as whooping

cough. The disease is transmitted from person to person in a similar way to tuberculosis (TB).

A symptom that is common to TB and to whooping cough is the production of an excess of mucus.

B. pertussis

Fig. 2.1

(a) Describe the damage caused by B. pertussis that is shown in the area labelled X on Fig. 2.1
and explain how this will affect the functioning of the epithelial tissue of the trachea.









Classified by Adeel Ahmad

© UCLES 2015 9700/22/M/J/15
9. Gas Exchange & Smoking
Paper 2 - 22

(b) Goblet cells produce mucus. Name one other structure in the gas exchange system that also
produces mucus.


(c) Suggest how whooping cough is transmitted.





(e) Overproduction of mucus is one of the symptoms of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Describe the signs and symptoms that enable diagnosis of COPD.












Classified by Adeel Ahmad

© UCLES 2015 9700/22/M/J/15
9. Gas Exchange & Smoking
Paper 2 - 23

2 Tobacco smoking is known to be associated with atherosclerosis and emphysema.

(a) Outline ways in which tobacco smoking can contribute to atherosclerosis.








.............................................................................................................................................. [3]

(b) Fig. 2.1 is a scan of the lungs of a person with emphysema. One common feature in the
damaged areas labelled is a loss of the elastic fibres of the alveoli. Another feature is an
increased number of macrophages and neutrophils.

area of
right lung

Fig. 2.1

(i) State the general role shared by macrophages and neutrophils.


...................................................................................................................................... [1]

Classified by Adeel Ahmad

© UCLES 2015 9700/22/O/N/15
9. Gas Exchange & Smoking
Paper 2 - 24

(ii) Suggest how the loss of the elastic fibres would cause the enlargement of the lung shown
in Fig. 2.1.





...................................................................................................................................... [2]

d.(ii) A1AT is a protein. Some non-smokers have a mutation in the gene coding for A1AT and
are at risk of developing emphysema as there is a lack of A1AT in the lung tissue.

Explain why a lack of A1AT in these non-smokers means that they are at risk of developing








...................................................................................................................................... [3]

Classified by Adeel Ahmad

© UCLES 2015 9700/22/O/N/15
9. Gas Exchange & Smoking
Paper 2 - 25

5 Nicotine and carbon monoxide in tobacco smoke contribute to damage to the cardiovascular

(a) Explain how nicotine and carbon monoxide contribute to damage to the coronary arteries.

nicotine .....................................................................................................................................




carbon monoxide ......................................................................................................................



.............................................................................................................................................. [3]

Classified by Adeel Ahmad

© UCLES 2015 9700/23/O/N/15
9. Gas Exchange & Smoking
Paper 2 - 26

3 A student studied a transverse section of the trachea of a small mammal. The student drew a plan
diagram of the section as shown in Fig. 3.1.

Fig. 3.1

Fig. 3.2 is a photomicrograph of the area labelled M in Fig. 3.1.


Fig. 3.2

(a) Name:

(i) the type of epithelium at N


(ii) the structures at O


(iii) the tissue at P.


Classified by Adeel Ahmad

© UCLES 2016 9700/21/M/J/16
9. Gas Exchange & Smoking
Paper 2 - 27

(b) Smooth muscle in the trachea and in the bronchi relaxes during strenuous exercise.

Suggest the advantages of relaxing this smooth muscle during periods of strenuous exercise.







(c) The walls of the trachea and bronchi contain elastic fibres.

Elastic fibres are made of bundles of the fibrous protein elastin.

• Each molecule of elastin is a single polypeptide.

• The primary structure contains a large proportion of the amino acid glycine.
• Glycine has a hydrophobic R group.
• Glycine does not occur at regular intervals in the polypeptide.
• The polypeptide forms random coils that change shape as the elastic fibres are stretched
and recoil.
• Elastin molecules are joined to each other by many covalent bonds to form a
cross-linked network.

Describe two ways in which the structure of a collagen molecule differs from the structure of
an elastin molecule described above.

1 ................................................................................................................................................


2 ................................................................................................................................................


[Total: 7]

Classified by Adeel Ahmad

© UCLES 2016 9700/21/M/J/16
9. Gas Exchange & Smoking
Paper 2 - 28

Answer all the questions.

1 Fig. 1.1 is a photomicrograph of epithelial cells in the bronchus.

Fig. 1.1

(a) (i) Write a letter X on Fig. 1.1 to show the lumen of the bronchus. [1]

(ii) Name the structure in Fig. 1.1 labelled A.


(iii) State one feature of the cells, visible in Fig. 1.1, which indicates that these are not
epithelial cells from the alveolus.


Classified by Adeel Ahmad

© UCLES 2016 9700/23/M/J/16
9. Gas Exchange & Smoking
Paper 2 - 29

(b) Epithelial cells are replaced when they are damaged.

(i) Name the type of cell division used to replace damaged epithelial cells.


(ii) The cells shown in Fig. 1.1 are from a non-smoker.

Smoking causes damage to the epithelial cells of the lungs.

Describe the appearance of the lining of the bronchus in a long-term smoker.









[Total: 7]

Classified by Adeel Ahmad

© UCLES 2016 9700/23/M/J/16
9. Gas Exchange & Smoking
Paper 2 - 30

6 (a) Complete Table 6.1 to show the features of the human gas exchange system.

Place a tick (3) where a feature is present and a cross (✗) if a feature is absent.

Table 6.1

cartilage cilia elastic fibres



(b) Smoking causes changes to the structure of the lining of the bronchi that make smokers more
likely to be infected by bacteria.

Describe these changes and explain how this leads to an increased risk of bacterial infection.








Classified by Adeel Ahmad

© UCLES 2016 9700/21/O/N/16
9. Gas Exchange & Smoking
Paper 2 - 31

5 (a) Smooth muscle and cartilage are two of the tissues found in the walls of structures of the gas
exchange system of mammals.

Complete Fig. 5.1 to show the distribution of these tissues in the gas exchange system of

Choose from the four structures listed below.

alveolus trachea bronchus bronchiole

plates and
incomplete ........................................
cartilage rings
present rings only ........................................

absent ........................................

absent ........................................

Fig. 5.1


Tobacco smoke is known to be one of the causes of lung cancer and chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease (COPD).

(b) Outline how tobacco smoke may cause lung cancer.






.............................................................................................................................................. [2]

Classified by Adeel Ahmad

© UCLES 2017 9700/22/F/M/17
9. Gas Exchange & Smoking
Paper 2 - 32

(c) Fig. 5.2 shows a section through the wall of one part of the gas exchange system in a person
with COPD.

The tissue in the section of the wall labelled X is the result of changes to the original healthy
tissue lining the lumen of the gas exchange system. The tissue shown is not scar tissue and
is not a tumour.

lumen of gas
exchange system

smooth muscle

Fig. 5.2

The area labelled X on Fig. 5.2 is different in appearance to the original healthy tissue in the
same part of the gas exchange system.

Describe these differences.









.............................................................................................................................................. [3]

[Total: 8]

Classified by Adeel Ahmad

© UCLES 2017 9700/22/F/M/17
9. Gas Exchange & Smoking
Paper 2 - 33
5 Some pathogens can enter the human body through the gas exchange system.

(a) The epithelial lining of the gas exchange system is adapted for defence against pathogens.

(i) List the structures in the gas exchange system that have a ciliated epithelial lining.



(ii) Name the cells in the ciliated epithelium that synthesise and secrete mucus.


Irritants in tobacco smoke can contribute to emphysema, one of the chronic obstructive pulmonary
disorders (COPD). In emphysema, the alveoli lose their ability to recoil on expiration and can

(c) Suggest how the structure of the alveolar wall changes so that an alveolus bursts.






Classified by Adeel Ahmad

© UCLES 2017 9700/22/M/J/17
9. Gas Exchange & Smoking
Paper 2 - 34

1 (ii) Smoking causes carbon monoxide and nicotine to enter the blood.

Describe the short-term effects of each of these substances on the cardiovascular


carbon monoxide








Classified by Adeel Ahmad

© UCLES 2017 9700/23/M/J/17
9. Gas Exchange & Smoking
Paper 2 - 35

3 Fig. 3.1 shows the structure of an alveolus and surrounding structures in a mammalian lung.
The lining of each alveolus is formed by two types of epithelial cell, alveolar type 1 and alveolar
type 2.

alveolar type 2 cell

secretion of

thin film of water

with surfactant

alveolar type 1 cell


Fig. 3.1 not to scale

(a) Explain how the structure of an alveolar type 1 cell is adapted to its function.







Classified by Adeel Ahmad

© UCLES 2017 9700/23/O/N/17
9. Gas Exchange & Smoking
Paper 2 - 36

(b) Alveolar type 2 cells secrete pulmonary surfactant into the watery fluid that lines the alveolus.
The surfactant reduces the surface tension of the fluid so that the alveolus does not collapse.

Pulmonary surfactant is a mixture of phospholipids and proteins. The phospholipids form a

monolayer on the surface of the fluid.

Explain how phospholipids interact with water to form a monolayer on the surface of the fluid.






Macrophages and neutrophils are found in the lungs, as shown in Fig. 3.1.

(c) Describe the role of macrophages in the lungs.








(d) Neutrophils leave the blood and secrete the extracellular enzyme, elastase.

(i) Suggest why neutrophils secrete elastase.






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© UCLES 2017 9700/23/O/N/17
9. Gas Exchange & Smoking
Paper 2 - 37

(ii) The protein alpha-1 antitrypsin is produced in cells in the liver and is transported to the
lungs, where it inhibits the action of elastase.

Some people produce a different form of this protein that remains within liver cells.
These people are at an increased risk of developing emphysema, in which alveolar walls
break down. Emphysema is one of the conditions associated with chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease (COPD).

Explain why these people are at increased risk of developing emphysema.







[Total: 12]

Classified by Adeel Ahmad

© UCLES 2017 9700/23/O/N/17
9. Gas Exchange & Smoking
Paper 2 - 38

5 When tobacco smoke is inhaled, chemicals such as nicotine and carbon monoxide enter the
circulatory system through the gas exchange system. Tar builds up on the lining of the gas
exchange system.

Many people decide to give up smoking tobacco in order to improve their health.

(a) Some of the structures in the human gas exchange system through which tobacco smoke
passes are shown in Fig. 5.1.

Fig. 5.1

Describe the gross structure of the human gas exchange system.









Classified by Adeel Ahmad

© UCLES 2018 9700/22/M/J/18
9. Gas Exchange & Smoking
Paper 2 - 39

(b) Soon after a person stops smoking, the short term effects of nicotine are reversed.

State the changes that will occur in the cardiovascular system as a result of reduced nicotine






(c) Fig. 5.2 shows oxygen dissociation curves for adult haemoglobin.

Curve A shows measurements obtained from a person who is a heavy smoker.

Curve B shows measurements obtained several weeks after the same person stopped

100 B

80 A

percentage 60
saturation of
haemoglobin 40


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
partial pressure of oxygen / kPa

Fig. 5.2

Classified by Adeel Ahmad

© UCLES 2018 9700/22/M/J/18
9. Gas Exchange & Smoking
Paper 2 - 40

With reference to Fig. 5.2, describe and explain how the results show some of the health
benefits of stopping smoking.













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© UCLES 2018 9700/22/M/J/18
9. Gas Exchange & Smoking
Paper 2 - 41

4 Oxygen enters the blood stream from the alveoli in the lungs and carbon dioxide leaves the
bloodstream to enter the alveoli. Most of the oxygen is carried by haemoglobin in red blood cells
to the body tissues.

(a) Outline how oxygen enters the blood stream from an alveolus.








Fig. 4.1 is an oxygen dissociation curve for adult haemoglobin. The curve shows the affinity of
haemoglobin for oxygen at the range of partial pressures found in the body.

The values for plotting the curve are obtained in the laboratory by bubbling oxygen at different
partial pressures through a solution of haemoglobin at 37 °C and pH 7.4. At a different temperature
or pH the measured values will change, resulting in a different oxygen dissociation curve.



saturation of


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
partial pressure
Fig. 4.1 of oxygen / kPa

Classified by Adeel Ahmad

© UCLES 2018 9700/23/M/J/18
9. Gas Exchange & Smoking
Paper 2 - 42

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