The Discharging Ear: A Practical Approach

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Otorrhoea is a common presenting symptom, the cause of which can usually be
established on the basis of the history and clinical examination.

The substances that the ear may discharge include wax, pus, mucus, blood, cere-
brospinal fluid (CSF) and saliva. Wax is the normal secretion of the glands of the
external ear canal, and patients complaining of wax discharging from the ear
should be reassured that it is not abnormal.

The common pathological causes of otorrhoea are the following:

• chronic suppurative otitis media (CSOM) with/without cholesteatoma
• otitis externa
• acute otitis media with perforation of the tympanic membrane
• CSF otorrhoea
• external or middle ear neoplasms
R Y SEEDAT • granulomatous diseases — tuberculosis, atypical mycobacteria, Wegener’s


Department of Otorhinolaryngology History
Universitas Hospital and
The evaluation of a patient with otorrhoea starts with his/her history. The patient
University of the Free State should be asked about the nature and duration of the discharge, and about the
Bloemfontein following otological symptoms:
• otorrhoea
Riaz Seedat obtained the MB ChB degree
• hearing loss
• tinnitus
from the University of Natal and spe-
• otalgia
cialised in ENT surgery at the University of
• vertigo
the Free State, Bloemfontein. He has been • facial palsy.
a consultant in the Department of

Otorhinolaryngology at Universitas The colour of the fluid can suggest the cause of the otorrhoea. A purulent dis-
Hospital and the University of the Free
charge indicates the presence of infection, while a bloody discharge may follow
trauma or occur with granulation tissue associated with chronic infection. The
State since 2002. His fields of interest
presence of a mucoid discharge indicates a perforation of the tympanic mem-
include vertigo and paediatric otorhino-
brane — there are no mucous glands in the external ear canal; the fluid must
laryngology. therefore arise from the middle ear. Clear, watery fluid, especially when associat-
ed with a history of trauma or skull base surgery, is likely to be CSF.

Recurrent episodes of purulent otorrhoea suggest CSOM, while purulent otor-

rhoea of acute onset suggests acute otitis media with perforation of the tympanic
membrane, or acute otitis externa. In acute otitis media, the pain characteristi-
cally improves when the tympanic membrane ruptures and otorrhoea starts. In oti-
tis externa the pain is persistent. Otitis externa is characterised by a scanty, thin,
watery discharge, usually preceded by itching or discomfort in the ear canal.

A foul-smelling discharge is usually associated with cholesteatoma or a neo-


Vertigo and facial palsy associated with otorrhoea are indications for urgent
referral. The differential diagnosis of vertigo associated with otorrhoea includes:

246 CME May 2004 Vol.22 No.5


Wax is the normal secre- Examination Special investigations

tion of the glands of the A general examination is followed by Besides a pus swab, the only other
external ear canal, and an examination of the head and neck special investigation usually necessary
region, with particular emphasis on is audiological testing. Radiological
patients complaining of
the ear. investigations are required only for
wax discharging from the complicated cases that should be
ear should be reassured After assessing the patient’s hearing referred.
that it is not abnormal. with a tuning fork, the pinna and
external ear canal should be inspected THERAPEUTIC AGENTS
with a headlight. The tragus should be In all cases of a discharging ear, the
A purulent discharge indi- palpated, with pain on palpation of patient should avoid allowing water to
cates the presence of infec- the tragus or movement of the pinna enter the ear.
tion, while a bloody dis- being suggestive of otitis externa. The
charge may follow trauma external ear canal and tympanic mem- Medical treatment and/or surgery is
brane should then be examined with indicated in the treatment of a patient
or occur with granulation
an otoscope. with a discharging ear. The various
tissue associated with
medications that may be used in treat-
chronic infection. If the external ear canal is filled with ing a patient with otorrhoea are:
discharge, a pus swab should be • systemic antibiotics
taken and the ear canal cleaned. Ear • topical antibiotics, e.g. aminoglyco-
No instrument should be toilet is of the utmost importance in the sides, quinolones
inserted blindly into the ear treatment of otorrhoea with an infec- • topical antiseptics
canal as the ear canal, tious aetiology as it improves the qual- • topical steroids
tympanic membrane or ity of the examination and efficacy of • topical antifungal agents
ossicles may be trauma- ototopical agents. The latter must • analgesics.
come into direct contact with affected
tissue to be effective. This is done by Topical agents are frequently used in
mopping the ear canal using cotton the treatment of most causes of otor-
Most cases of CSF otor- buds or, if facilities are available, by rhoea as this modality allows a high
microsuction. The ear canal should concentration of the medication to be
rhoea have a traumatic
always be cleaned under direct vision. administered to the affected site while
aetiology, following a head
No instrument should be inserted avoiding systemic side-effects.
injury or surgery to the blindly into the ear canal as the ear
skull base. canal, tympanic membrane or ossicles The common bacterial pathogens in a
may be traumatised. Syringing of the discharging ear that can cause an
ear is contraindicated in a patient with infection are listed below (often more
• complication of CSOM —
otorrhoea, as the introduction of water than one organism is cultured):
labyrinthine fistula or acute
may exacerbate an acute infection • Pseudomonas aeruginosa
and water may enter the middle ear • Staphylococcus aureus
• inner ear erosion by tumour
through a perforation. • Proteus spp.
• complication of acute otitis media.
The differential diagnosis of facial • Streptococcus pneumoniae
In otitis externa, the skin of the exter- • Haemophilus influenza
palsy associated with otorrhoea is:
nal ear canal will be inflamed, with • Moraxella catarrhalis.
• malignant otitis externa
varying degrees of swelling and a
• complication of CSOM with
small amount of secretions present. Neomycin is effective against
Examination is usually very painful. Staphylococcus aureus and Proteus
• malignant neoplasm
The presence of pus draining through spp., but has little effect against strep-
• Ramsay Hunt syndrome (herpes
a perforation or ventilation tube indi- tococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa or
zoster oticus)
cates that the middle ear is the site of anaerobes, while polymyxin B is effec-
• skull base fracture.
infection. In CSOM, a perforation of tive against Pseudomonas, S. aureus
the tympanic membrane can be seen. and Proteus spp. Chloramphenicol is
The history should include details of
The middle ear mucosa may be effective against a wide range of
other symptoms, as well as a general
inspected through the perforation. A organisms, but is ineffective against P.
medical history.
marginal perforation, especially when aeruginosa. The fluoroquinolones
located posterosuperiorly, is suggestive (ciprofloxacin and ofloxacin) are effec-
of cholesteatoma. tive against Streptococcus pneumoni-
ae, Haemophilus influenzae,

May 2004 Vol.22 No.5 CME 247


Moraxella catarrhalis, staphylococci This can be started before the patient days until the swelling has subsided.
and P. aeruginosa. Ototopical antisep- is referred. The ear canal can then be cleaned
tics, such as acetic acid, boric acid, and topical antibiotic and steroid
and Burrow’s solution (13% aluminium Topical antibiotics and antiseptics are drops administered.
acetate), have bacteriostatic and anti- the mainstay of pharmacological treat-
fungal properties because of their ment. An antibiotic-steroid combina- Analgesics should be prescribed for
acidic pH. They are effective against tion may be used if granulation tissue the pain. Non-steroidal anti-inflamma-
P. aeruginosa, S. aureus, Proteus spp. is present. Systemic antibiotics are tory drugs (NSAIDs) may be required
and Candida. indicated only when complications are if the pain is severe.
The aminoglycosides, polymyxin B, In the case of a fungal otitis externa,
chloramphenicol and acetic acid are The presence of systemic symptoms, the ear canal should be cleaned
potentially ototoxic, the greatest risk of otalgia, post-auricular tenderness, thoroughly and either 1% acetic acid
ototoxicity being associated with use facial palsy or vertigo suggests a com- drops in alcohol prescribed or the ear
for more than 7 days and use in a dry plication and warrants urgent referral. canal filled with a topical antifungal
middle ear space. The quinolones cream. Clotrimazole is the most effec-
have no known ototoxicity. With the OTITIS EXTERNA tive antifungal agent in eradicating
availability of these drugs, the use of Otitis externa is a bacterial or fungal Candida and Aspergillus.
ototoxic preparations in patients with infection of the skin of the external ear
a tympanic membrane perforation canal. P. aeruginosa is the most com- The presence of otitis externa in a dia-
should be reserved for cases with cul- mon bacterial pathogen. Fungal otitis betic patient, especially if associated
ture of an organism resistant to externa usually arises as a secondary with granulation tissue in the ear canal
quinolones. Ototoxicity associated condition after treatment with topical or facial palsy, is strongly suggestive
with topical use of antifungal agents antibiotic drops. of malignant (necrotising) otitis exter-
has not been reported. na, which requires urgent referral.
Otitis externa can be very painful,
Administration of topical antiseptic ACUTE OTITIS MEDIA WITH
with inflammation and oedema of the
agents can be painful, especially PERFORATION OF THE
ear canal skin. It can be difficult to
when applied to inflamed mucosa, TYMPANIC MEMBRANE
distinguish from acute mastoiditis. The
because of their low pH. Discomfort lack of post-auricular erythema and Acute otitis media is a common condi-
can also occur with use of topical tenderness in otitis externa can be tion, especially in children under the
agents that are cold or contain alco- used to differentiate between the two age of 5 years. Otorrhoea may occur
hol. conditions. after perforation of the tympanic mem-
brane, with the onset of otorrhoea usu-
The topical aminoglycosides, especial- Ear toilet, together with topical antibi- ally being accompanied by relief of
ly neomycin, can cause a contact der- otic and steroid drops, is the first-line otalgia. The most common causative
matitis. This manifests as erythema treatment of choice for uncomplicated, organisms are S. pneumoniae, H.
with swelling and itching of the exter- diffuse, acute otitis externa. There is influenzae and M. catarrhalis.
nal ear canal and can easily be con- no evidence that systemic antibiotics,
fused with unresponsive otitis externa. alone or in combination with topical Ear toilet and antibiotics directed at
antibiotics, improve outcome com- the causative pathogens is the treat-
pared with topical antibiotics alone. ment of choice, while fever and otal-
However, systemic antibiotics are indi- gia should be treated symptomatically.
CSOM is characterised by chronic cated for the more serious manifesta- Amoxicillin in high doses (80 - 90
infection of the middle ear and mas- tions of this condition, such as periau- mg/kg/day) is the preferred first-line
toid and a non-intact tympanic mem- ricular cellulitis and malignant otitis antibiotic for acute otitis media. The
brane. CSOM may occur with or with- externa. The use of a topical steroid to use of an antibiotic eardrop in acute
out cholesteatoma. reduce the inflammation has a signifi- otitis media with a perforated tympan-
cant effect on the pain. ic membrane may result in more rapid
The definitive treatment of CSOM is by resolution and prevent secondary
surgery (tympanoplasty and/or mas- The ear canal may be swollen to such infection by organisms from the exter-
toidectomy) for which the patient an extent that ear toilet and the admin- nal ear canal.
should be referred to an otorhinolaryn- istration of eardrops are not possible.
gologist. However, initial treatment by In this case, an ear wick coated with a A pus swab may be taken from the
ear toilet and ototopical agents is nec- combination of antibiotic, steroid and ear canal, but the result should be
essary to prepare the ear for surgery. antifungal cream should be inserted interpreted with caution, as commen-
into the ear canal for a period of 1 - 2

248 CME May 2004 Vol.22 No.5


sal organisms from the external ear In most cases the diagnosis can easily
canal may be cultured. be established based on a history of
clear, watery otorrhoea after a head In most patients with a discharging
POST-VENTILATION TUBE injury or surgery to the skull base. ear, the diagnosis can be made
OTORRHOEA Patients may present with a history of based on the history and clinical
Infection resulting in otorrhoea is not recurrent meningitis. examination.
uncommon in children with ventilation Ear toilet and ototopical agents are
tubes (grommets). The bacteria usually In most patients, watery fluid will be
the mainstay of treatment of most
responsible for acute otitis media (S. seen in the external ear canal. This
infective causes of otorrhoea.
pneumoniae, H. influenzae and M. can be confirmed as being CSF by
catarrhalis), as well as P. aeruginosa testing the fluid for the presence of The definitive treatment of CSOM is
and S. aureus, are the most common glucose or beta2-transferrin. The latter surgical, but ear toilet and topical
pathogens cultured. The former organ- test is preferred as it has a greater antibiotics or antiseptics are used to
isms are more common in children sensitivity and specificity, but it is not prepare the ear for surgery.
under 3 years of age, while the latter as widely available.
Acute diffuse bacterial otitis externa
organisms predominate in children is treated with ear toilet, topical
over the age of 3 years. When the Patients with CSF otorrhoea should be
antibiotics and steroids, and anal-
otorrhoea has become chronic, there referred for further management.
may also be opportunistic infection by
anaerobes and yeasts.
Further reading Acute otitis media with perforation
of the tympanic membrane is treat-
Claassen AJ. Trauma and cerebrospinal fluid
Initial treatment consists of taking a leakage. Trauma and Emergency Medicine ed with ear toilet, systemic antibi-
pus swab, ear toilet and administering
1995; 12(6): 214-217. otics and symptomatically. Topical
Hannley MT, Denneny JC, Holzer SS. Use of
topical antibiotic drops. Aminoglyco- antibiotic drops may also be help-
ototopical antibiotics in treating 3 common ear
side eardrops should be avoided as diseases. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2000; ful.
122: 934-940.
they are ineffective against pneumo- Holsgrove G, Newby N, Williams R. The Post-ventilation tube otorrhoea
coccus and are potentially ototoxic. A chronically discharging ear. Practitioner 1992; should be treated with ear toilet,
systemic antibiotic, such as amoxi- 236: 425-429.
antibiotic eardrops and systemic
Myer CM. Post-tympanostomy tube otorrhea.
cillin, should also be given in the pres- Ear Nose Throat J 2001; 80 (Suppl 6): 4-7. antibiotics.
ence of an upper respiratory tract Sabella C. Management of otorrhea in infants
and children. Pediatr Infect Dis J 2000; 19: The presence of vertigo, facial
infection. Parents who smoke should
1007-1008. palsy or systemic symptoms in a
be advised to do so outside the house,
patient with otorrhoea warrants
or preferably to stop smoking.
urgent referral.
Children should also be removed from
day care, but this is usually not possi- CSF otorrhoea is usually post-trau-
ble owing to social circumstances. matic. Patients should be referred
for further management.
The patient should be referred for fur-
ther management if the otorrhoea per-
sists or becomes recurrent. This may
include investigation for immunodefi-
ciency, intravenous antibiotics and
removal of the grommet.

Most cases of CSF otorrhoea have a
traumatic aetiology, following a head
injury or surgery to the skull base. In
rare cases, the cause may be non-trau-
matic, such as congenital defects, neo-
plasms or CSOM.

May 2004 Vol.22 No.5 CME 249

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