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Directions: Write your thoughts about each of the following criteria. Then give it a rating (out of 5
stars) and then explain how why you have assigned it this rating. Use complete sentences and attach
another sheet of paper if you need more room to write.

Email address:eatingcookieallday91@ is not Clarity and specifics:this email is not clear and
really good to use for study,school and specific

Subject line:the subject line is not clear.The Conciseness:The email is to long and have some
wirter did not insert name,class period and the nonsense.The email need to concise and write
topic of email in only few sentences

Salutation:The writer use Hi,its much more Second-person pronoun:The wirte use ‘you’.
better if begin with a professional salutation Means like the writer did not respect teacher
like dear or good morning to your teacher ad well’.Avoid to using the word ‘you’

Spelling of recipient’s name:must spell the Extra credit requests:Meet the teacher to ask
name correctly some extra credit if it really important.Dont
email to asking if important

Exclamation points: Signature block:writer use ‘peace’ in signature

Exclamation points are informal to use in email block is inappropriate.

ALL CAPS:capital letter such as WONT and ASAP Conventions/proofreading:some sentences at

are not necessary email are not incomplete

Sarcasm and emojis:no need to put emoji,It Compliments:compliments in emails are always
show you that you are not professional writer great and can help you with your request

Sender’s emotions:As well write the email in Response time:no need say ‘ASAP’.At least told
you condition is good and relax. at your teacher to respon in a day
Blaming and excuses:you cant blame other Bullets:Instead the email is too long.Better use
people and start making excuses when the bullets to make it more organize
responsibility is on you



This email was not very clearly and have so many mistake that can show the writer did not
professional.The writer need to can differentiate between informal and formal email when you need
to send it at your teacher as well.

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