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We the students of the first year master's degree in automation and
industrial computing study about 7 subjcts one of them machine converter
association , we study in this subject about machines like for example an motor
DC (DC means direct current) and about some converters like current
rectifier(redresseur ) and current chopper  (un hacheur de courant )and the
association between them and haw we can conecte them together ,first the
motor DC for example its an machine used so much in the industry world it
based in turning the electrecal energy to an mecaniqual energy so it rotate
some stufff in a certain speed , to command that speed and make it go higher
or lower we need to use one of the converters like currentrectifier
(redresseur)or cuurent chopper  (un hacheur de courant ) there jobe is to turn
alternating current' non commandable to direct current commandable so
when you can command that current for exmaple make it go higher so the
speed goes higher and so on .

Developpement :
In machine converter association subject we learn about equipments which
help us a lot in Our Field automation and industrial computing First of all let’s
talk about motor DC ,his structure and how we can define some speed like
(Speed control , field current , voltage … ) ,In direct current motor we have a
lot of type of exitation which help us to define the speed it depends on the type
of the excitation such as :

1-Parallel (shunt) excitation DC motor

2-separate excitation DC motor

3-Serial excited DC motor

The most and the commen used moto ris this one that we about to see in the

Exemple 1 : (separate excitation DC motor)

500 V terminal voltage separate excitation DC motorarmature résistance Is 0,5
Ω. It tekes 20 A.

crurent From the DC supply and its speed is 1000 turn/min. Calculât the speed
if the terminal voltage is decreased to 400 V while the load is unchanged.

Since the field current is independent of the armature, the changing of the
terminal voltage doesn’t influence the flow.

Since the load (i.e. the torque of the motor) doesn’t change, neither the
armature current changes.

(𝑀𝑏 = 𝑘 ∙ Φ ∙I𝑎)
u𝑖1 = 𝑈𝑘1 − 𝐼𝑎 ∙ 𝑅𝑎 = 500 − 20 ∙ 0,5 = 490 𝑉

u𝑖2 = 𝑈𝑘2 − 𝐼𝑎 ∙ 𝑅𝑎 = 400 − 20 ∙ 0,5 = 390 𝑉

so the speed is:

so as you can see the speed of our machine it depends on our motor excitation
and it depends on the flow and the courent wich depends on the armature .

secondly, we study many electronics converteurs such as devices that converts

an alternating current non commandable to direct current commandable. ...
The simple strectifiers, called half-wave rectifiers , work by eliminating one side
of the AC, there byonly allowing one direction of current to pass through like
we can see in exemple2 .

exemple 2 :

An asymmetric single-phase mixed bridge connected to the 230V 50Hz network

,supplie a direct current motor modeled by an RLE load .

figure (1) :asymmetric single-phase mixed bridge

Questions :

1. In continuos conduction, represent the Shape of VS (t) as Well as the

conduction intervals of all the

semi conductors for α = 45 °; Compare to the conduction intervals of the

symmetrical bridge seen in


2. In continuos conduction, E = 100V, L = 10mH, R = 10Ω and α = 60 ° Calculate

Vsmoy, Ismoy then

the power sent to the fem E (électromagnétique power). How would we

calculate the power

dissipated in the resistor.

Solution :

1-representatipon :

→ When we initiate Th1 atωt = π / 4, this one enters into conduction

Atωt = π the voltage across D3 equal to -VE (t) becomes positive, D3 goes into
conduction and causes the extinction of Th1 and D2

→ We can repeat the reasoning from π + π / 4 for Th2


VSmoy=(325/π)(1,5)=155 V

ISmoy=(VSmoy-E)/R= 5,5 A

PE= E ISmoy = 100 . 5,5 = 550 W

PR=R I²Seff

Conclution :
After solving some examples we comme to an conclution that when you have a
DC motor you can command his speed by using converters that convert you
power supply so you can make you motore speed go higher or lower and this is
a great inventoion that changed the world of the indusrty.

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