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KS3 Science ® Oo c 2 © f= \ a guide / » Revision guide About this Revision Guide ‘When i comes to getting the best results, aactice realy does make perfect! Experts have proved thet repestedly testing yourself on a topie~s0 that you practise recalling the information = is far more effective then rereading information over and over egain. And, tobe as efective 2 possible, you should space out the practice test sessions overtime. ‘This tevsion guide has been specially designed to support this approach to revision and includes five Aitferent opportunities to tost yourrelf on gach top, spaced out over time, => dU ‘These pages provide a recap of everything You Bcc need to know for each top You should read through all the information ° before taking the Quick Test at the end. This will test wheter you can recall the key facts. ‘These topicbased questions appear shortly after the revision pages for each topic and vl test whether you have understood the topic Ifyou get any of the questions wrong, maka sure you road the correct ansver carefully ‘These topic-based questions appeat later in the book, allowing you to revist the tapi anc ‘est how well you nave remembered the information. If you get ary ofthe questions wrong, make cura you road the correct anever carefully, ‘These pages feature a mix of questions for all the different topics, just like you would get ina ‘test They mill maka sure you can recall the relevant information to answer'a question without being told which topic it relates to. Be CE CRC Clomy \Visit our website a uk/collinsks3revsion and print off a set of flashcards. These pocket-sized cards feature questions and answers so that you can tast yourself on all the key facts anytime and anywhere. Yeu will alo find lots more information about the ad/antages of spaced practice and how to plan fort. KS3 ® Science » | of ¢¥\J > O SCM ela] guide and Eliot Attridge nc [= —_) KS2 Concepts Biology Calls—the Bulking Bods of ite Eating, Drinking and Breathing Getting the Energy your Body Needs Looking at Plants anc Econytem: Variation for Survival ‘Our Hoaith andthe EHfect of Orgs Chemistry Mikng, Ditehing and Separating Elements Commpounc and Reston Explaining Physical Changes Explaining Chemical changes Obtaining Useful Materials Using our Forth sustainably Physics Forces and their fects Explring Contec nd Non Contec Frcs ‘Motion on Earth and in Spoce Energy Taner ond Sound Magnetism and Eee Woves end Energy Tnsfer Mixed Test Style Questions Periodic Table Answers Giossary Index pa pe p16 p.20 p22 p40 pas p52 p64 p68 p. 100 p. 108 bei ty Revise Kasi review ae [] nw pa C] aw [ nas | we ae (T [i] na [a | [nse pe P39 p49 r a) ao | | [pss ner |_| 0 | na [| ns nor oer pa | ps p99) poe amo] pte FE) am) os ane p16 pa p17 paz Cells - the Building Blocks of Life You must be able to: + Usea microscope to help understand the functions ofthe cel 4+ Remember the aiforences between animal and plant cells 4 Undeistand how substances mave into and out of cells by dlifsion ‘= Understand the organisation of ce’ Using a Light Microscope | Calls are too small to 599 with the naked eye. Using 2 light microscope helps us to see and draw cell pha dewn ser brovation withagh morons Kay Point ey deus Objectsneed to be placed on a thide, stained eee and covered with a Sane ‘coverslip, placed on the saya rosin | stage’ of the microscope, lluminated and then etaranan [foousted How Plant and Animal Cells Work + Animal and plant cells share some features but not others ‘Different pars of animal and plant calls have different functions Part Ci Ta aie ‘Membrane | Controls what enters end leaves the ell Yes | Yor ‘ytopiasm | Place where lois of chemical reactions (photosymthesi) Yes | Yes toke pce Nudeus | Stores information (in DNA) and contrls what happens Yee | Yer inthe col IMitochondtla | Release energy from food (glucose) by aerobic respiration Yer | Yer ‘Cellwall | Made from cellulose and gives rigid support tothe cell No | Yes \Vacuole | inflates the cal ike air pumped into a tyre and provides support |No | Usus to the cell Chloroplast | Contains green chlorophyllthat changes sunlight eneray into [No | Yes ‘glucose food eneray Diffusion Diffusion isone of the ways that substances enter and leave cells tran animal cll, oxygen and glucose difuse through the membrane into the cell. This‘ because there is more oxygen and glucose outside the cel than there singe, + Carbon dioxide end waste products diffuse out of the cell into the blood * Ina plant call carbon dionide diffuses in. Oxygen and glucese diffuse out. Unicellular Organisms + Unicelivlar organisms have just one call Euglena has long whipelikestructure to help it move through water. + Amoeba can make finger-ke projections to catch food. Organisation of Cells + ells of the seme type carrying out the same function ere usually grouped’ together to form a tissue, e.9. skin cells. * Different types of issue ere grouped together to form ovgens, eg. the brain + Different types of orgars sre grouped together to form ‘organ systems, ag. the nervous system. * Different types of organ systems work together to form the ‘organism, e.g. a human being + Examples of call and organ systems include: ~ Bone ces in the skeletal sjstem Blood calls in the transport system ~ Neve cells in the nervous ystem Sperm calls in the reproductive system. 1. Name one structure that ie found in plant celle animal cells, 2, Wherein a cll i energy released trom food? 3. Mame the process were molecules move from where there 4218 10 of them to where there are only 3 few, 4. Putthese words in ordes of complexity starting with ‘cell cell organism, organ, system, tise Diffusing substances always move trem where there ka lat of the substance thigh concentration) to where there is very litle (low concentration). A en en ote cells tissues organs = systems organisms ‘membrane ‘oytoplasm nucleus mitochondria cell wall vacuole chloroplast diffusion lunicelhtar organ ‘organ system Cells - the Building Blocks of Life You must be able to: 1+ Understand and oxplan the structure ofthe human reproductive system and how it wees ‘+ Krow how reproduction and fut dispersal works in a lowering plant '*) Understand why plant reproduction important to humans. Reproduction in Humans «Seal reproduction n humans inves alsa feral. ates “Males produce spetm cells in the tastes. Females produce 299 calls nthe ovary, ‘The penis deposits the sperm in the female vagina Sperm swim up through the uterus to the oviduct. Fertilization occurs vihen a sperm cell joins with an egg cell. “The fertiived egg then grows into an embryo and eventually becomes a baby. — rire (it wetter Candee ~ Menstrual Cycle + Females havea menstrual cycle lasting for about 28 days. Thisis called menstruation. + Ondays 1-5, if pregnancy has not occured, the uterus lining breaks down, tissue and blood are lost, and is replaced with new tissue + Fertilisation can enly occur on or around day 14 when ‘an 20g is released from the ovary. Gestation “+ Gestation is the process of the embryo developing in the wom, + The growing baby receives food and oxygen from the mothers blood through the placenta and umbilical cord | Therefore, if the mothor smokes and drinks alcohol the baby vill also receive some of the alcohol and nicotine. + Inhumans, gestation ends after nine months with the birth of the baby. BS X3 Since Roviion Guide) ‘Athumen foetus takes 38 weeks to grow from the cell being fertilised tow baby. Reproduction in Flowering Plants + Some flowers are insect pollinated, e.g. arose. tnsects visit flowers to collect sweet nectar “They transfer pollen from the anther of one flower to the stigma of another flower “The male pollen fertilses the female egg cell. + Some flowe's are wind pollinated, e.g. oras. ‘Wind blows pollen from ene flower to another ~ Wind pollinated flowers ¢o not have a scent or nectar and petals are not brightly coloured as they do not need to attract insects ~ ‘They have a feathery stigma to catch the pollen se al eye he ener ome ecpoe re tinted pan Insecta pin Dispersal + After tertilsation, seeds davelop inside fruits. These then must bbe spread over a large area by lsperso. + Some fruit and seeds are spread by animals, e.g. some seeds hhave hooks which stick to an animal's fur Some are spead by wind. These often have wings or parachutes ‘to be carried by the breeze, e4. sycamore and dandelion seeds. Plants produce many seeds a: most fall to grow into a news plant. The Importance of Plant Reproduction + Plants provide us with most cf our food. + Without insects to polinate the flowers, many of us would starve due to lack of food. Bowes om ich two cells join together at fertilisation? 2. On which day of the menstisal cycie isa female egg releases 3. Write down the dferences btwaen an inzect pollinate! flower and a wind pollinated flower 4. Uist two ways that fruits and seecs can be dispersed Key Point Poltination the ranster of pollen by anther of ‘sperm testor 299 cell ovary uterus fertiksation| embryo aestation anther stigma pollination Alisporsal Eating, Drinking and Breathing Know and explain how humans moveairintoand out of lungs ‘© Krow and understand ho cxygen and carbon diexide movebetween the blood and the lungs ‘+ Understand the effect of exercise asthma and smoking on the breathing systems Breathing + Breathing involves moving air into and out of the lungs. ‘When we breathe In, airs pushed in by air presture ‘rom the outside Ns move up and out Diphrog laters, ramos down OQ Spece nde the og incense Q This increases the Nelume ord vedes the premure OD Aiir rushes into the Tung tom oui ribs move down andin Diaphragm moves up Space inside the lungs ecreases This decreases the volume and increases the presure Airis pushed out of the lungs. Gas Exchange “© The lungs are made of millions of tiny ar sac called alveoli, = These airsacs are ~ Thin = Moist ~ Have a good blood supply = Have a large surface area, ‘ial + Gesexchange is when: Carbon dioxide leaves the blood and enters the lungs to be breathed out Cnygan leaves the lungs and enters the blood. * Ges exchange heppens through the thin walls ofthe air sc. + Theexchange happens bacauie of diffusion (08 page 4) Te ingen ben eer aeogm Things that Affect our Breathing Effect on Breathing | exercise Increases lung size + Improves gas exchange. [athe + Causesbreathing tubes (oronchioles) to | narrom making breathing dificult Smoking + Damages the breathing tubes so that ‘mucus buds up, This causes a cough, makes breathing more dificult and ‘makes infections more likely. + Inthe long term can cause emphyseme and lurg cancer B Quick Test 1. Explain how the ribs and diaphragm move to make you breathe in, 2. Explain what happons to the volume and pressure inside the lungs when the rios move down and in, 3. Name-the process by which oxygen moves from the ai in our Jungs into the blood. | 4. Deserve the effect smoking har on the lange. Diffusion isthe movement of particles from a high toa low diaphraam air pressure alveol asthma Eating, Drinking and Breathing You must be able to: plan whats meant by aay et © Exlanthe energy conten of ahesty det and understand nhat happens when a henry dit becomes unbalanced 1 Koow and expan the obs of ifeent prt ofthe digestive syst, AHealthy Diet “© Aheatthy diet contains all the right proportions ofthe following substances: Eee Corbohydrate Gives the body energy Fat ‘Gives the body energy and can be stored in the body Protein Used for growth Vitamins ‘Used to help chemical reactions take place in the body Minerals Used to make bones strong and help the blood cary oxygen Fibre Helps undigested food pass quickly through the gut Water Disolvas chemicals 50 that chemical reactions can take place “© Aealthy diet also contains sufficient food to prowde us with just the right amount of eneray. Energy in food is meatured in calories or joules. 1 alorie =4.2 joules ‘A young man needs about 2500 keal per day. 2500 kcal x 4.2 joules = 10,500 k) per day. An Unbalanced Diet ‘+ Eating an unbalanced diet can cause many problems: 9 ‘When dieticians talk about calories in food they really mean kilecalories.& klocalorie s 1000 calorie. em Problem Eating too much ‘Obesity Eating too litle Starvationimalnutition [Not eating enough protein | Kwashiorkor an illness caused by severe protein deficlency. His mostly seen in developing countries. ‘Not eating enough 1 lack (or deficen) of different vitamins causes different vitamins diseases, 0.9.2 ack of vitamin C causes scurvy. Not eating enough ‘A lock of iron causes anaemia, minerals 2 lac of calcium causes soft bones The Digestive System + The digestive system processes food that is eaten in the mouth, Foos travel through the oscophagus, stamach, intestine and recturn unt the waste is eliminated from the anus. ‘©The pancreas aso plays a kay role indigestion by procucing digestive enzymes which help break down the food. Food in Plants Unlike animals that eat food, plants make their own food. ‘The process is called photosynthesis. Plants toke woter and minerals from the zo “They take carton dioxide from the ae ‘They use energy from the Sun to convert these substances into carbohydrates in their leaves Tare ‘water+ carbon diovide —> glucose + oxygen diorapny Quick Test 1. Name five components of healthy dt. 2. Name three possible consequences of eating an unbatanced diet. White down the different parts of the digestive system inthe order food travels through them Start with mouth 4. Describe the difference in feeding between plants end anual TET * Key Point ‘Animale eat t00d, plant | make it carbohydrate fat protein Vitamins minerals fibre washiorkor scurvy ‘oesophagus stomach intestine rectum Photosynthesis Review Questions Key Stage 2 Concepts © 2iiivng organi have certain tings in common, the box next tothe characteristic found in al a) Copy the table below and puta tick ( living things. Hardness Nutrition Trensperent Fying Flexible Growth Reproduction Melting — 8 ') One of the characteristics of living things s movement. Human beings use askeleton to help ‘them move. The skeleton also protects different parts of the body. “Trace or sketch the diagram of the skeleton. 1) Draw a.Jon the diagram to show the position of a joint for movement. a fi) Drew e Pon the diegrem to show part of the skeleton thet protects the body a uaa’ KS9Scionco Revision Gu © teria nave many dierent properties, tack found these materials in his father's shed Z etn eam iowa Ii) maoketoat 4) Which of the three materia isthe most flexible? u 'b) Which of tho matorials is magnet? 0 Which of the materials isthe worst thermal conductor? uw «d) Which of the matarial isthe best electrical conductor? i (9) Which of tho matariais isthe hardest? w © Tris question about te Earth the Sun and the Moon, 2) Which word best desribes the shape of al tree objects? > oun caine aphorcal =) tanguar =) 1) hich ofthe flowing statements about the Sun ae conect? i) The Sun rises in the East. The Sun set in the South, Ii) The Sun i highes: in the sky at midday. 'x) The Sun has phases just ike the Moon. ¥)_ Tho Sun is losor tothe Earth than the Moon 0 Match each statement with its correct number of days seen soo ore [hetero the sin] = [The Earth ott once | [4 [The Moon etisthe tar] a] o k=» Practice Questions > Cells - the Building Blocks of Life © Mares ine part of ocelot fonction vat ca function Cytoplasm ] Inflates the cell [wes Supporsthecell | Miodiendia Temes eneray Remakes | cetwat Stoves information and contol te cell Vacuole Where chemical reactions take place Ghoropiat Controle what enters and leavera cell OO rr) © These piant cals were seen using a microscope, Make 2 labled drawing of one a hem. ro} © winich of these words describes how substances can enter or leave a call? ropes i vacuole 1) fhsion m acai) Eating, Drinking and Breathing © tumans need to eat a heatiy et 2) fxplan whats meant by a healthy det. a 5) Wee dow trae things that can happen if we donot havea healthy dit. kxplan your thee anne f © 00k tthe lagram ofthe digestive stem. a) Give the correct names for each port 1-8, fa 'b) Explain what each of the parts you have labelled does. @) © Cen the dfeence betneen feeding in animale feeding in plans Getting the Energy your Body Needs You must bo ableto: ‘© «plain whac respiration Is ‘= Understend an explain aerobic and anaerobic respiration, ncl-cing the differences between them Respiration + Respiration isthe process by which organisms release energy from food. + The energy is needed to power al the chemical processes necessary for life + There are two types of respiration, aerobic and anaerobic. Aerobic Respiration “+ Humane release energy from glucose and oxygon by aerobic respiration. = Carbon dioxige anc water are produced as warte products ‘lucose + oxygen —D> carbon dioxide + water + Anaerobic Respiration + Anaerobic respiration takes place in humans when not enough be Key Point ble. cnygenise + Humans can break down glucose into lactic acid. Although humans can 1 Les energy released dutinganerobic esptation saeenislak eypet 1 Lbete aur ao released, The qui camer muce pal and wean ony do this for fatiue. vey ime + ‘Getting the burn’ is when muscles produce lactic acid in ‘happens when we need reerbicrepition {tof open very anaerobes li cacreneon we hicose —> acc ac + fun afesrace + Yeost isa microorganism that can also respire without oxygen (anaerobic respiration). Yeast breaks glucose down into alcoho e KeyPoint ‘end earbon dioxide. + “Thisproces is called fermentation. Fermentation bused to produce alcoholic drinks ‘glucose —> alcohol + carbon dloxide + ii se wine ala Similarities and Differences between LSE) Aerobic and Anaerobic Respiration Key Point tie ghee ly = Both aer and Use onsen vir con metaten Prods carbon donde | |v rermerttioninyean [rsenar a cy X but not in humans. aoe rode wate zie cidrearveines Relene onoteney [wv _ |x paint can produce laced’ |, [vn amare Fut not by fementation Can produce akcohol |, |v armentationinyeast | et tin hues Coser nandetatgue [x |v respiration pou 1. What i the type of respiration tha aerobic | 2 Name tine type of respiration that re one ‘anaerobic 3. Give the type of resprat ‘glucose 44 Which type of respiration oxygen 5. Other than carbon dioxide lacticacd duty tormentatios fermentation Getting the Energy your Body Needs You must beable to: ‘© Explain the structure and function of the human skeleton ‘= Explain how muscles make the skeleton move, The Human Skeleton ‘The human skeleton has several different functions: ~ Supports the body and gives it shape. Acts 36a framework that enables muscles to move the body. Protects parts of the bod), for example, the skull protects the brain and the ribs protect the heart and lunes. ~ Makes red biood cells in the marrow ‘of the long bones, fer example, humerus ‘and femur. Joints and Muscles asin the skeleton are held together + Joints allow the skeleton to move. ints are held together by ligaments, + “The end of each bone is covered in cartilage for a smooth surface that cushions the joint. +The joint i filed with a fluid that lubricates the joint ee, opment Muscles and Force Revise + Muscles move joints, + Muscles are attached to bones by tendons. © Each jolnt noads two muscle to make it work, This calles an antagonistic pai One muscle moves the joint in one direction. The other muscle ‘moves the joint in the opposite direction. + Muscles work by contracting and getting shorter in length. This, pulls the bone and moves the joint ‘Some muscles work in pairs callec antagonistic firs. When one muscle contract the other muscle relaxes + The force exerted by muscles can be measured in Newtons. <4 + To work out the force applied by 8 muzcle multiply the mes $869 ey lifted by its distance from the joint. vane al + The annwer is maz dtanc fom joint equals force dtance ee from the same joint. So in the diagram 10kgx30em=300 2MxSem=300 therefore the se oreo (7)= 501" S| Quick Test 1. Give four functions performed by the skeleton joint 2. Nome the tissue that ettaches bones to each other in ligament a joint, cantlage 3. Name the tsiue that attaches muscle to bone. tendon | 4 exalain what antagonistic means antagonistic pair ‘You must beable to: ‘© Explainhow photosynthesis takes place = Unde Photosynthesis Photosynthesis is the process by which green plants make food. © Green plants absorb energy trom sunlight. = They use the energy to react water with carbon dioxide to make glucose. = The energy is stored in the glucose, © Oxygen is released as a waste product. = Plants use a green chemicel called chlorophyll inside chloroplasts to pertorm photosynthesis Looking at Plants and Ecosystems \dhowe green leafis adapted for photosynthesis ‘+ Understand the importance of photosynthesis to other living things When youwrite down the word equation for Tht photosyrtiesis bays waters carbon dioxide —p> glucose + oxygen include light and waters + energy a ') for fermentation in yoast alucose > + + energy e © for anaerobic respiration in humans glucore 3 energy m © explain why expiration in ving organismsisso important ea © Tre steteton ican important suc ‘Copy the table and put a tick 7) in the boxes next to each function performed by the skeleton, Carries oxygen around the body Supports the body Helps with movement ihere food Ie éigested Protects some organs Makes red blood cols whore anaerobic respiration takes place 4) © eins stow the sksletonto move entity the structures numbered 1-Sin the diagram ofthe {5} nee jin. © to0k tthe iagram ofthe human ar, a a) Explain the job cone by organ A. a) a. 1) expen the ob done organ 8 ea ©) What single word best describes these two organs? [1] Looking at Plants and Ecosystems © 2 comphea tis wonderin fr photognshes weter + > ghse + e 1) wets down two other things needed for phates to take place B © sig tetas, carn ii anid yar sh ew anal ai ait ne dependent upon each ether Practice Questions a Variation for Survival © cesar serena em asi tana ain arson ow camccnaoear at hint found oS lef ts pes rer cel a Ss Muscle a ewe ci Sperm cell £9 cell Embryo cll bi © Give the comes abet for Ato D onthe dasram Choose from the words given below (4 ucleus call gene chromosome A ae cla © The graph shou variation of character ound in humans. Vaation canbe ether zens or tone Ios pi apc ARTES : Ene Our Health and the Effects of Drugs tion. By © Lock ste cutne dain ofthe human body Add labels to the drawing to show how the body prevents the entry of microbes. vy Explain the difference be:ween a medical drug and a recreational drug. By Recreational drugs can belived into three categories: depressants. stimulants and hallucinogens Give one examale of each type of drug and describe its effects on the human body. [6] ‘Many people drink alcohol excessively and smoke, Describe the possible longeterm effects (on the human body of drinking alcohol excessively end smoking. (51 ‘You mustbe able to: ‘+ Demonstrate arange of laboratory skills Reiie Pure and Impure Substances + In chemistry a "pure substance is one that contains only one {ype of atom or compound. ‘+ An impure substance contains more than one substance {element or compound), forming a mixture. + The substances inthe mixture are not chemically joined together soit should be easy to separate ther, + Acommon example of a mixture is sugar dissolved in water. Chromatography + Chrometoorophy separates disohed pigments in solution, e ‘the pigment in nk @ The sample mixture is loaded on a premarked line at the bottom af apiece of ehromatagrapty paper ard dipped into solvent. @ As te solvent moves up the paper it takes the citsolved pigments with it ince the pigments have citferant solubilities they travel at different speeds and so separate, @ the most soluble pigments move the furthest; les soluble igrnents move Iss fx Filtering ‘+ tration separates an insoluble solid from a ligule by passing the soldiliquid mixture through filter paper. {The filtrate isthe liquid whieh pastes through the titer paper and the solid left behind is the residue. + Excess copper oxide In copper sulfate solution can be separated by filtration. Copper sulfate is the filtrate, copper oxide isthe residue Mixing, Dissolving and Separating Represent pure substances and mixtures using simple particle pictures ‘© Apply aporopriate saparation techniques t diferent moctures Speman thus sd Sour metcrs ‘A pencil ine marke the starting point as it will ‘not mavewith the ink pigments ad eae Evaporation + Evaporation |s used to remove the liquid part of a mixture and totea the divoled sd. + Thumtrture placed a stable coraine (9. watch las) and heated, sometimes by using a Bunsen burner. The slower the liquid al evaporates, the larger Distillation the ental that form + Liquids have aitferentbeiling points. + Bycarefuly controling the temperature of a heated mixture of two or more liquics, the quick evaporate at diferent timer. Thisisknonn as istillation, + Tre evaporated gas i cooled ack nto lquld and collect as distiate in a collecting ves +The fragrances used in perfumes are separated by dstlation, aswell asthe different part of rude ci stator eae an alee and weer ire ‘peste Seats ao weaneecehec tee 4 Meta ae! we i Quick Test solvent fitation filtrate ‘evaporation dlistilate ‘ow could you separate an insoluble solid from a ligule? Wat sie crystals are mad from rapid evaporation? What does ‘distifate’ mean? Descroe how to carry out chromatoataphy. a Mixing, Dissolving and Separating ‘You must beable to: + Explain the conservation of messin reactions and changes of sate ‘+ Represent pure substancesand mixtures using particle pictures and word equations = Explain sinvlactes and olferences betwoan combustion thermal decompostion xidation and reduction, Conservation of Mass +The law of conservation of mess states that in any physical change or chemical raaction the mass after the change will be the same asthe mass before the change. “with state changes this means that the numberof particles of the substance atthe start will equal the number of particles at theend. — ns. $$, a (men drawing a particle diagrom for aliquid a least half of the parcicies omstevbestngind raat Notecses ot wowate should be touching each Sisinesiamie greenies amb es exter: ices tong “+ With a chemical reaction the atoms of the reactants are rearranged to form the products. Atoms eannot ‘disappear Combustion + Combustion isthe reaction between a fuel end oxygen. © Carbon dioxide and water are generally produced as waste Droducts when the fvel isa hydrocarbon, © Energy is released as heat and light + 056m ae cater sn nate + | Energy hs not been ‘made, thas just been released. Thermal Decomposition *+ Some compounds break down into new molecules when heated: they don't react with oxygen inthe ait. + This is called thermal decompesition. + An example is chalk, wihich has the chemical name calcium carbonate, ‘aleum carbonate =e cam onde + catbonchoxe LCi Key Point ofe — cc cee Oxidation and Reduction “= When substances gain oxygen ina reaction itis called oxidation. = Losing oxygen in a reaction is called reduction. ‘For example, carbon can becxidized to form carbon dioxie: a cebon dnc + The reaction of iron with water and onygen i special form of ‘oxidation, forming iron (i) oxide, which fs known as rust. @ 3 — cece iron + water + oxygen —> hydrated iron (I) oxide ‘+ Rusting requires oxygen and water t happens faster when salt Is dissoived in the water Quick Test 1. Brave diagrams to show the atom: in eld, liquid and ga 2. eeeribe howe calcium carbonate thermally decomposes 3. What is meant by the term oxidation? 4. What does iron have to react with ino | The coloured circles cere the seme number fon each side of the ntston tong st \ Bom ‘Oniy use the term rust for the oxidation of iron, Other metais corrode, they don't rust. Key Words ‘combustion thermal decomposition oxidation reduction Elements, Compounds and Reactions ‘Youmustbe able tot ‘© Explain the structure of the periodic table including groups pads, symbols and formulae ‘© Explain differences between elements and compounds in terms ofpartiles ‘+ Describe the cfferences between physical changes and chemical reactions. The Periodic Table + The perlodic table contains all the elements that ae found in the universe. + An element is substance that contains only identical atoms +The simplest particle of an element that cannot be broken down further without losing its properties i called an atom. : +The periodic table arcanges the elements based on the atomic = number (the number of protons in the nucleus of each stor) ee and the physical and chemical properties of each element. + Each column of the periodic table is called a group, family of sents with similar physical and chemical properties. +The rowsiin the periodic table are called periods. The atomic number incteases from left to right through the period. + The mejorty of elements in the periodic table are metals the non-metals are leis common, The atomic number of elements increases sequentially in whole om rhumbers a you g0 Bw. through the table. 12 mk Ee +The periodic table used today was dovisd by the Russian chemist Dmitri Mendelee. + We can use the periedic table to predict the physical and chemical properties of elements, B vs3SceneoRevisoncuide + For example, element: in a group are very similar. Thay have Similar physical properties end chemical reections: ‘The metale in group 1 all react with water to form alkaline solutions ‘The non-metal in group 7 are good at kiling bacteria Chemical Symbols and Formulae + Elements have a name anda chemical symbol + Normally ths is one or two letters, for example Helium = He, Copper = Cu, Silver= Ag + When chomicals react and chemically join together they form compounds. + The compound is roprecerted by a chemical formula, 9g. water = 10, where twro hydrogen ators ere joined to one oxygen ator, +The number written as a subscript indicates how many of those ‘atoms are in the compounci £4. GH,0, (alucose) contains & ‘araon, 12 hydrogen and 6 oxygen atoms, Physical Changes and Chemical Reactions +A physical change is where substance changes state, e.9. water (liquid) freezing intoice (solid). + Physical changes are easy to reverse + A chemical reaction is where elements chemically join together to forma compound. + itis dificult to reverse a chemical reaction. + The compound formed has diferent properties to those of each of the original elements + Tomake it clear wnat i happening in a reaction we write a chemical equation: ‘On the left hand side we rite the reactants ~ On the right hand side we write the products formed + Amexampl ie the raaction of codium with chlorine OO: @@- C8 Ce rescues edt Ut “Take care to write only the fest letier af an clement’ symbol 2s a «capital letter, 1, Which of the following are compounds? 0, 60, 4.0 2. Wihat isthe atomic numberof an element? 3. How many hydrogen ators are in HS,” 4. How many different elements make up GH, Elements, Compounds and Reactions ‘Youmustbe abletor ‘+ Descibe the properties of metals and non-metals + Explain the reactions of metalsand metal exides with acids ‘= Understand the concopt of reaction using axidation of metals and non-metal Chemistry Properties of Metals and Non-metals a Conduct electricity and heat | Are unable to conduct electty and heat ‘Are ductile (can be drawn | Often have 3 low melting point into _| end biting point ‘ante | Ate often geses at oom cnet on wd hammered into shape) _| temperature os ‘Ae shiny Often have e lower densiy than metal ‘are sonorous ring fhe a bell wwe fi) Often have ahigh meking point and boiling point. \ Reactions of Metals + Metals react with acids to give salt end hydrogen: Hydrogen is gas, so bubbles are always produced when acid and ‘metal react. metal + acid —>- salt + hydrogen ‘+The salt formed always takes the name of the metal plus a suffix that represents the acid used in the reaction Acie Eeeeleons Hydrochloric acié | Chloride | sodium + hydrochloric acid —>- sodium chloride hydrogen Sulfuric acid | Sulfate | sodium + sulfuric acid —> sodium sulfate +rhydrogen Nitric acid trate | sodium + nittc acid —p> sodium nitrate +hydrogen Phosphoric cid | Phosphate | sodium+ phosphoric acid —>- sodium phosphate + hydrogen Oxidation Reacting en clement or compound with oxygen i called oaldation. ‘The atoms that make up the elements and compounds rearrange to make a new compound, an oxide. For example: magn tum oxide tum + oxygen —>> magn “This can algo be writen as a balanced equation Abslanced equation indicates the number of stoms and how ‘hey are arranged, For example, two atoms ef magnesium react with one molecule lof oxygen to form two molecules of magnesium oxide: 2Mgls)+ Og) —> 2MGOKs) Combustion is where a fual reacts with oxygen (burns) forming ‘carbon dioxide and water, ane giving out eneray in the process: fuol + oxygen —> carbon dioxide + water + Si Reactions of Metal Oxides ‘Metals react with oxygen to form metal oxides, for example: ‘magnesium + oxygen —>> magnesium oxide “The metal oxide i called a hace and i the chemical opposite of ‘an acid Metal oxides react with acide to form 3 salt and water: ‘metal oxide + acid —p salt + water “This means that the acid has been neutralised. “The eal formed alwaye tale tha name of tra matal and the suffix from the acid, for exemple: sodlum oxide + hydrochloric acid —>- sodium chloride « water Quick Test 1. Write the word equation for the reaction between nitrogen ‘and onygen. 2. What salt i formed in the reaction between potassium and sulfuric aca? 3. Give three properties of a metal 4. Give three properties of 8 non-metal “The numbers of each atom are always the same on both sides of the formuia, ‘ductile malleable density salt ‘oxidation bese neutralise Review Questions Variation for Survival © re greph shows variation of a character found in human 1a) What isthe name of this type of vaietion? 1b) Write down two examples of this type of variation found in humans. © Varationis very important tothe sural ofa specs. answer from the table below. ‘when environmental conditions stay the same When the environment ischenging very slowy When the environment is changing very quickly ‘Tho environment has no effect on variation © Explain the part played by ach ofthe following slr inthe understanding of DNA. 23) Watson an Cree ») Rosalind Franklin. a8 9 Science Revision Gi tH) co} Under which of the following conditions is variation most important? Puta tck next to the best tH) io} 1 Our Health and the Effects of Drugs @ Belin the meaning of the folowing words @) pathogen 1) toxin © antibody ® © iar hice stfrent ype of merobe and gi an scampi of a diceave caused ty exch of them. 8 © een wy doctors ae es worse about people tking the dus caffeine and mare wore about people taking the drug cocaine. RB © Excain the citterance between addition and withdraval @ © March each atv below with a danger of doing it activty anger ] | braking ona Ting to fy off tal busing J | ‘smoking | Reduces breathing Taking ts0 tung eancer Using heroin Liver fire J = @ @ Microbes sometimes oun erty to our bod fepain how white bod els can protect our body from invasion by ioe B Practice Questions Mixing, Dissolving and Separating © Which ofthe totioning separation method would be bes for each ofthe folowing investigations? chown em te alone method omni section a sama eae ei ane ee 2 Seve enter med nd ve 05 vito He long dgrneiiow sprained oes 3,3 || a | see 0 od ) Which ofthe substances could be copper? Pf % Describe how filtration end evaporation could be used to extract salt from seamcter. © Vinnie anaysing the pigments used to colour citterent sweets using chromatography. Vinnie makes a qualitative observation on how similar the chromatograms are to each other using his eyes end judgement, Suggest what Vinnia would need to do to make a more accurate quantitative measurement © >n acwarium for keeping fish wses afte. Suggest what the filter is femoving from the water and explain how fitration works. 0 i a m Elements, Compounds and Reactions @ titer sprinting a mods. When he opens atin paint he notices thet the pint has separated ino le 8) What type of a substance is the paint? 1) anvelerment i) acompound a) a micure 1 'b) When Ethan reads the label on the tin it says thet the paint contains water and titanium ‘oxide. Ttanium oxide and water are examples of what type of substance? 1) anelement i) a compound amidture 0 © wich ofthe following ae example chericl reactors? 3) chocolate melting on ot day Ia tron eplocing inthe sty 1 bread ain tosses 10 water condensing one cold window pane B © A periodic tale is shown lon, a c ©) Which letter indicates a group? tH 1b) Which letter indicates a pariod? ti ©) Which letter indicator a non-metal? 0 © icin he aterence between an eerent ahd a compound i Explaining Physical Changes You must be able to: ‘+ Describe the similarities and differences betwcen solids iqudsand gaser ‘+ Explain how changes in temperature affect the motion and sparing of particles ‘+ Explain sublimation in terms of particles. The Particulate Nature of Matter ‘All matter inthe univers is mado up of atoms, arranged in one of three states solid, liquid or ges. 1+ At the coldest temperature possible (-273°C or 0K), the atoms. have ne kinetic eneray 50 cannot move. ‘+ if heat is introduced, the atoms gain kinetic energy and so move, Solids, Liq + Solids: ‘contain atome arranged as close together as possible ~ ate therefore denser than their quid form (apart from ‘water) and cannot be compressed ~ will have a fixed shape and volume that does not depend upon the container that iti. Even though they form part ofa solid the atoms, or molecules, = still ibrate due to their kinetic nergy tia + Asthe temperature supplied to e substence increases, the {toms of molecules vibrate moro and moro + Eventually at the melting point the atoms oF molecules rearrange inte a iqu ~ asthe atoms or molecules are further apart the density will be lss than it was as 2 sold ~ if aliquid isin @ container it wil take the shepe of the ‘container that it occupies ~ the atoms or molecules move around much more then ina ‘old, but sil cannot be compressed. o + Eventually, atthe boiling point, the liquid becomes @ gas = the atoms oc molecules ina gas can move freely and wil ‘occupy all ofthe available space in a container — if not completely enciosed, the gas particles will escape ~ when a materiel cools the reverse process happens + Unlike solids and liquids, gases can be compressed, + Kinetic energy is removed from the substance, causing its movement to slew. +The substance changes from a ges into ali ‘then into 2 fold from a lguld (reezing). is and Gases Gases car still be heated further, to temperatures higher than the boiling poi. (condenses, 7 Pariklesare |» Partidesare | Partidesare ‘touching eacn | momlytoucring | spaced apart cotrersoselids | each other so 50 gases con areusuallydense.| liquids cannot be | be compressed + Porticlesare kept | compressed, fond have lover Inplace by very |+ Particles are densities than strong forcesso | attracted to each | Tiquids and solids often have | otherby quite | solids. ahigh melting | strong forces. | + Parties are point + Partkles en move | attracted to each + Porticies only ‘overeschother | other by weak maveby vibrating so iquidscan take | forces. soselidshavea | theshope ofthe |+ Parties move fixe shape, container very auikkly. Sublimation + Some substances can jump from solid to gas. This is called sublimation. + Examples of sublimation include carbon dioxide (dry ie to gas) ammonium chloride and gel ait Freshener, t Quick Test 1. Vihy are mos solids denser than their liquid form? 2. Atwhat temperature do atoms stop vibrating? 3. Descrite what happens in sublimation, 4 State the citferonces between solids, liquids and gases. eid Sublimation is the ‘change from a solid direct to gas, or from a | gat to 3 sole atom linet anergy i density sublimation ‘Youmust be able tor Water + Water has a number of properties that are unique, {+ When ie forms, the water molecules fine up in arogular pattern, +The water molecules are futher apart in ice than In the liquid form, and therefore solid water i less dence than liquid water, + Consequently, ce Floats on water Brownian Motion + Inthe 18005 Rebert Brown observed pollen grains suspended in ‘water under the merascape. + Heneticed that the particles were moving randomly in the ‘water, and his observation is now called Brownian motion. + Brownian motion is due to the particles suspended in a fuic caliding withthe atoms oF molecules that make up the thd Diffusion “+ Diffusion isthe narne of the process whereby molecules in a liquid or gae mix ae a result of their rancom motion, + Particles at a high concentration in one location will tend to rove to an area where they are in low concentration. + Eventually the perticls will become evenly distributed. ‘throughout the liquid or g2s. Explaining Physical Changes ‘# Desenbe the particular nature of water andthe ia/natertranstion ‘© Describe and explain Brownian motion and the diffusion of gases, ‘* Explain the process of heat conduction between particles in a conductor The pertide appearsto ‘move on ks ov, this ‘is because the water rmoteculesare so small, ‘that they are invisible Conduction + When a solid conductor, such as metal, s heated, the atoms Increase their eneray and vibrate moc. +The atoms collide with other atoms, transferring energy and ceusing them to vibrate more. +The process of conduction continues until all che atoms have teeched the same tempersture. + Iman ineulstor the energy snot pasted onta other atoms so the solid does not conduct the heat. ‘+The vibration ofthe particles increases as ther kinetic energy sonia increases. Kinetic energy is ‘+The higher the temperacure, the greater the kinetic energy and sxommarianceai Hi s0 the particles vibrate faster more movement, the ‘+The lower the temperature, the lower the kinetic energy and the particles will vibrate more slowly, —— Temperature and Particles +The hotter particles got, the more kinetic energy they have, This means particles move more and separate from each other more. + As temperature increases, pressure will increase and the density ‘will decrease, + inthe case of a balloon, the particles inside will Increase n speed «causing the pressure to increase, enlarging the balloon. Vorematot pris ince warned aloon prem depentscn eating eae eee nomelnspemre + Areaction that produces heat energy is called an exothermic reaction + A reaction that takes in energy from the environment is called an tndothermic reaction. Bowne: | 1. what will happen to the ar particles in a sealed balloon itt ‘heated? 2. What will happen to the alr paticis in a saaled balloon it Brownian motion ‘cooled? diffusion 3, Why does ic float an water concentration 4. explain how diffusion takes olace pressure ‘Youmustbe able to: Explain the combustion of fuels, activation energy. Chemical Reactions ‘A chemical reaction involves the rearrangement of atoms from reactants to products, “The product that are formed have the some ators, justin Lifferent configurations. ‘There is never a change in total mass in a chemical reaction. ‘A-word equation names the reactants and products formed ina reaction, for example: reactants => product, ‘+ Apply conservation of mass to simple reactions Explain the difference batwoon a chemical and physical change Explain how a catalyst can make rezcton accur faster by reducing hydrogen + oxygen —> water Word equations do not tall us the ratios of the molecules involved. ‘Chemical equations show the chemical formula of the reactants {and products, s0 that the number of atoms and ratios involved ‘can be worked out, for example Explaining Chemical Changes \ ‘The total massing chemical reaction doesn't change. This is consorvation of ra. MO) + Ok) 24,00) KeyPoint 86° 8 — ww ‘This equation tells us that twe molecules of Fycrogen gas react with one molecule of oxygen gas to give two molecules of water ‘The state of each reactant i civen in brackets after its chemical formula: () = solid, () = gas) =Iiqui, (aq) = aqueous (which means it isin sclution, In combustion, 2 fuel gonerally reacts with oxygen to produce ‘carbon dioxide and water, and releases energy in the process, For example, burning propane gas in a camping stove: Propane + eiygen —> carbon doce + water fe SiN GIO) + 509) —> 300,19) + 48,019 oo BS ss scieneenevislonculde ‘The lange number in front of each molecule a coefficient, retells show many molecules there are overall Catalysts ‘A chemical reaction will only take place ifs set amount of, fenergy is provided. This is called the activation energy of the reaction. + Ifthe available energy is ess than the activation energy, there will not bee reaction + A catalyst isa substance that reduces the activation energy, and 40 inereates the rate of ection, + This means the reaction can take place with lower energy than normal ‘catalyst Isnelther a reactant nor a product and isnot used up inthe reaction +The name ofthe catalyst is wetter above the atrowrin the reaction to indicate that tic needed. + Catalysts are used i chericel processes all over the world, mest commonly in the exhaust systems of cas alized gon Press crater ve treakown apts Pr catalyst carbon monoxide + oxygen —p> catbon dioxide Preatalyst 20019) + O19) — 20,0) + Inblolagy.catabats ate male of protein and are called enzymes, © One example of an enzyme ie amylate in the digestion of starch into the sugar mattose: amylase starch =p maltose B Quick Test 1. What doer a catalyst do? 2. Explain activation energy 2. State the differences between word and chem Key Point Catayits are never used Up, 0 can be used again and again word equation chemical equation activation energy catayst Explaining Chemical Changes ‘You must be able to 1+) Beplain neutralisation andthe use of indicators '* Use word equations to represent and/or describe the reactions af aces ‘= Describe andl explain the uses of acids and alkalis Indicators + Inara uted to tnd out whattype of absance aches 1 inital, scientist ucovere chemicals in common plants that Vy Could change colour to ndcate ado alka for example, red I] Cothege red in acd and blue in alain condition Nin +The cnmla mu also behaves ean instr But canbe I] incorporated into paper 50 it can be transported easly. + Universal indicator (UJ) solution and paper contain a mixture of amocpore different indicators. + These indicators change colour ata specific pH. + pis a meesure of the strength of an acid or alkali «The pH scale ranges from 1 10 14 and has colour for each pH number. pote 0 —V sclis neutral ———alkals Tesnnw ow 2345 * pH probes and data loggers remove the need for indicator papers and clutions. + They measure the pH directly and are more precise then indicator paper or solutions. Acids and Bases + Allchemical can be classified as baing an ace, a base or are neutral, + Acids are a group of chemicals that have a pH loss than 7. + An.acid can chemically eect with a metal to produce hydrogen: metal+ acid —p> salt + hydrogen Ita base cssolves, ean «The chemical opposite of an acid isa base. si alkali + Bases are chemicals witha pH grester than 7. Hydrochloric acid | Human stomach 1 Ethanoic acid Vinegar 2 | ‘crus fruit 2 sulfuric acid | car battaries 1 Carbonic acid [Fey drinks a_| Name of base Cre ED Sodium hydroxide | Laboratories 4 Calcium carbonate | Chalk Sodium bicarbonate | Biarbenste of soda (cooking) Ammonia Har dyes " me Gardening products al + When a chemical is neither an acid nora base itisneutra. + Aneuteal solution has a ph of 7 Neutralisation + When en acid and a base ave mixed together, they react. ‘+ fan acid reacted with a base there will come a point where a selt and water ere mede and no more acid or base exist. + At thie point the mixture wl be neutral anc have a pH of 7. + The whole proces is called neutralisation acid + metal oxide © —> salts water acid + metal hydroxide —> salt+ water acid + metal carbonates —> salt + water + carbon dioxide In all neutralisation reactions, water is made. What can you declues if a chemical pH 57 Explain neutralisation metal Why is & pH probe ancl a dat lg than Ul pape ager better to measure pH add base neutral alkali neutralisation Review Questions Mixing, Dissolving and Separating @ Anns and Kata are caryng out cromstograpny of ink, a thay believe achequehs been forged. They are going to texto see whether the ink on the cheque ithe se the Ink ofthe suspecs pen. The resus are shown inthe cromatogram be. How many different pigments are in sample A and in sample B? a 1) Which of the samples matches the ink of the suspect’ pen? a ©) Spain why was the starting line on the chromatogram was drawn using a pencil. a © Karim isivestigating how cha (acum carbonate reacts when heated. He heats the chal fora minute at atime and then measures Rs mass. He notices thatthe mass decreases. 2) What is tho name given tothe chamical reaction Karim is observing? m 1) Complete the word equation forthe reaction given below: calcium carbonate > + a © rte the chemin quai or the eation of carbon with oxgen al

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