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ENTREVISTADOR: [00:00:00] The thing is that we don't want you to be

politically correct. The less

as you can say anything, freezing

something against me. And now when I launched a website and you said, that's

all right? How long would a conversation you want? At least 30 minutes. Okay.

ENTREVISTADA: How, how are you here? Why am I here? Um, [00:01:00]
many reasons I will say that I have always been, wanted to be successful, but
when I was younger, my success was really different from what is my success
today. So I am being I'm 41 years old and I live in Japan from 20 to 30 years old.
Um, so I study when I went to Japan, I didn't have any language skills, but I was
fancy about being perfections.

So that's why I chose Japan and my parents think I'm crazy, but I said, I'm crazy
about going in. So I do my language until my master working there. And then
after 10 years of, well now year and a half, I decided that, well, my mind, I
decided that as you come home by [00:02:00] the truth is that if I didn't want
to come home, I don't come anyway.

Just like I go to the van, I go, but I also think it was the right time because after
living abroad for a few years, the best year, I would say the number fifth. But
after a long, while you start to realize that you will always be an outsider. So to
develop a further life is not a possible. So I decided to come home, come back
to Thailand.

And the first year was I couch or cash is crash because I didn't know anything
about Thailand and everything is so different. Despite I'm from. I was waiting
for the train in Japan, everything per size. I would get paid from the moment
I'm walking from home to the station. And then the world would tell me, this is
the train.
There's three choices you're going to, to take to [00:03:00] work. So there's no
way you can be late because they know exactly what time to come with them
to go. So I learned a lot of cultures, but also values from Japan. So that's why
I'm a lot more driven with values from very young age. My probably it wasn't
my first place.

That's why I chose Japan, you know, very first place because of a perfectionist.
So when I come home, my driven up to being success, the same I thinking,
okay, I come home. Now I go to work in a company, probably I call gray the
payment. This is not going to work out, I guess, in Japan, the payments so
much. And then I was like, okay, no.

And I go to try to apply for a job. And I feel they don't even have the same. I'm
not insulting, but it's not good or bad, but we just have a very different
experience, live experience. So I decided that [00:04:00] to go into view and
work in a company that I don't have the same values, probably not the best

So I decided to do a consulting company. So the, my Southern company is

basically it's the same way as I do in Japan. It's a breach of culture. So I many
got money like the Netherlands or Japan, one to enter Thailand. So I helped
them do market research before we launch products or the brand and all this.

And one day I came across elephant parade and, um, by accidentally I was
attending the opening of the project introduction. They've been there in time
for a long time, but the original, the company is from the Netherlands, but they
do a production in Thailand and then everything you see around the world
produce from Thailand.

Um, and then the father was talking about why he was so inspired to do this
job, to do this project [00:05:00] because he wanted to have an elephants true
or not, or yes or no, or it, it has been true from the founder's perspective, as
far as the French. Very first time, I have my paradigm shift that that is such a
thing that you can do business with helping addicts.

And that was very first time. I have changed my from that day and decided that
I'm going to try to do a job that really make money, but contributes. 'cause
before that actually we have a lot of crisis in Bangkok. We have a lot of
protests, so we come by with a group to help society. I think that's great.
But when I come across this elephant parade that they have a functionality
that you can make good things sustain or providing sustainable income for
people who are doing [00:06:00] social work. So I worked with them finding
the sponsor and making the, the exhibitions. But then later on, I may still, I'm
still do a lot of things because I like to do a lot of things.

So market research for Japanese company, but this project has always been
one that I love most. So when we met, after a long while, we had to decide
where we were going to live. He lived in Shanghai. I live in Thailand, but I just,
at that time, I was hoping to move to see. Like I seen out for it. I mean, my life,
my work life is always like Japan, German, Madeline, or Singapore is always my
favorite place.

It's like this block. So when, when we going out and he said, I live in Shanghai, I
said, well, no, this is a bad idea. I mean, I love him a lot, but I mean, Shanghai is
not like, [00:07:00] it's not even in my block. It's like, it's totally different from
driving on the street. You know how Singapore is, how Japan is. And Shanghai
is like, I'm going to die at any moment.

And my dad, we decided not to go. So in this case, I said to him, I cannot just
go and do nothing. So we take a long while. So we negotiated the project with
elephant parade and I take elephant parade to shine the most difficult part
that I didn't realize. In China, that is no such. The charity work is super difficult,
very, very difficult, because it's controlled by government.

It's not like you can donate to anybody. You need to donate in the right place
in order to get up government approve. So when our projects related to these
kinds of things become very tense. Plus, you know, the concept of elephant
parade is that when you sell [00:08:00] merchandise, like if I have this bag and I
went to sale, I presented some of them going to the foundations of helping
and elephants.

So it's become very complicated in China because if we mentioned about

donation, it will be traveled some due to the regulation inside the country and
plus people in Europe, for example, in general, when you buy a product, when
you know that some part of the product going to have. So society, you buy
more and you pay more by not knowing that the money is gone or not, but it
says, uh, become a very commercialized marketing of saying that, okay, if I
produce a new product, let me put five, let us put 5% of knit of a profit.
There is a difference between 5% profit and [00:09:00] prep, 5% of revenue,
because I could say, okay, the profit is you're already 1000 years by making the
spreadsheet. As you know, therefore it's become so much more of the reality
of people willingly to help you use these as a strategies to gain more. So you
mom is like, okay, if I put this people have weaknesses.

Yeah. So this is something that I'm not saying that elephant pride is like that,
but something that I have legalized. So in China to come back on that, but that
is no concept right now of the buying a product and some Southern
percentage go to go to some something. So it's very, become very difficult
because we poke skeptical, skeptical, skeptical about the products, [00:10:00]
because there is no concept in that environment.

This is something I also learned. Very, very big thing is that it's so hard to, to
start something that people are not naturally understand it. So what we did a
very successful first exhibition, but the person who, the company that really
wanted me to invest. Raffles Singapore. So it was not originally the Chinese
company itself, but the Singapore and company in Chicago.

So they pay a big amount of money to make the exhibition in a way we come
out very good. And we donate a lot of money to elephant parade because at
the end of the day, whatever we make, we do the percentage and basically
donate. So the outcome of it, it was really good because we donate a lot by
[00:11:00] the lesson that I have learned, and we didn't continue because it
was so difficult.

So to have a social projects mixing with business, you have to be in an

environment that people really understand the concept. I don't know why you
are losing that energy of trying to explain, explain people. So you have not put
that energy in the right. So if I know I'm a friend, I don't have death only make
a business in China and donate separately.

I will not mix it because it's not the environment that is really going to prosper
in Europe. Yes. In Thailand. Yes. Because majority of people who buy in is
European or American. So they just move the market into, to the tourist. Now
that is something that I learned that [00:12:00] it's difficult to, how to combine
the business and social percentage, what is authentic.

And what's not. So when we moved here, I decided that I wanted to continue
the same thing, but I want to use the experience that I had at first. The
problem is how to, how to make a really good project can really. Live meaning
that can really make it not to the, not to the organization because we cannot,
for example, a WWF or NGO or those different NGO or on a FX, is that you
cannot ask them to show the transparency, because that has so many things
going on.

But I, I knew a lot of [00:13:00] projects. So if somebody wanting to have like

you or anybody want to do some good things and have, but then you list what
you need and why you need it. Just like Elon Musk recently, he said he will
donate. If you can really prove the transparent. But this is something that what
we have strife of the gifted too.

But we wanted to do was from this because I've personally myself experienced
the same I wanted to give, but I didn't see that transparency. So I stopped
because when I was a young, I was younger, I was collecting a lot of bicycle. I
wanted to donate bicycle to Cambodian kids through one of the organization.

So I asked a lot of friends because I know bicycles. I said, guys, let's put money
together and donate. So when we donate the first thing that only the answer,
thank you very much [00:14:00] for, I don't know, 10 bicycles and that seat, no
photos, nothing. So I feel bad because all I can give it to my friends that thank
you very much for the donations.

I also know that people who give that's not expecting that. But how do you get
people to give more how the most important is not one time? How do you
make more of it? And it's become a spiral things. And I think that's what, what
make a human or our social become very advanced when we are always do
positive things to get, I mean, if one person stopped doing bad things or
negative, I don't know intentions, you are going to, you're going to make more
of it.

But if [00:15:00] we are trying to create something because everything has

black and whites like yin and yang, when we have to choose one side and make
it more than the others. So with a social project, the same, how, how, how are
we going to bake it tomorrow? 'cause now you don't have money to NGO and
other places.

People don't want to give more because they don't know where the money
come and go. So therefore, I was thinking that if we do a projects, people who
want to do something, you can take money. No problem. It's normal. I'm not
gonna, we, nobody expects everybody to just be hungry, to do good things.
You should support people who is good to do good things so you can list it as
my hours.

This is what I wanted to do. I wanted to, I don't know, having teaching tip 10
kids [00:16:00] is required. A classroom require these require that I'm going to
make a commitment to make the kids to be able to speak another language or
to learn different skills. But, but this is something that we don't have in a

And people are not willing. I give you a very simple thing. Recently we have
done, we have some stock of elephant back in Shanghai, so we decided to
donate and then we don't have really like, not nothing. And then people are
not willing. And then for people to do activities, to get it, people prefer to pay
instead of acting together or doing things together because it's more difficult.

This required time required. You have to go listen to some good beings or
something. That's not whatever, but if you just pay [00:17:00] 10 euros, 50
euros, it's easier. So my point is that I was society today. We don't have, we
don't build something for people to participate in. And change the habit. It's
not like something that we have to change, but everyone has good thing in
you, everybody.

But we, we don't have this, I don't know, platform that is really bringing out
the goodness in us in regular term. I'll make it make is normal. You don't feel
like, okay, I want to go clean. I don't know, rubbish on the sea and it's to travel
because that is how our society today try and ask that if he doesn't make
money, if he doesn't make connections in some certain way to gain business,
[00:18:00] if it doesn't make me look better in some certain way, first thing
they will ask.

If I go do that, are you going to publish about, on me? Are you going to do this?
Or what am I going to get from doing this? Nothing. You are doing these
because you want to do good things and it's inside you is collect inside you. But
that, I don't know that why you don't we do it more or making it more normal.

We do because we want to help each other. We do because it's good. It's not
because of anything else. So yeah, if you're talking about how about social, um,
how can we contribute more to the social? I really think we should have puts
like Facebook, Instagram that we have, that the people scroll to look. What
kind of, [00:19:00] what kind of holidays you have, what kind of house you

What kind of car you drive is pricing? Because we have a very collective
memory. And we don't even know ourselves that we collect that by just
looking at it. If I give you 20 pictures right now, both of you, and then I asked
you live it just flip. And then later on, I asked you, okay, we're going to test

You're going to tell me that how many pictures, this one you see or not. Do you
believe that you didn't think that you remember anything, but then when I
asked you, what's this a picture you see, you can say yes or no. And it's almost
very, very correct. So therefore, everything you flipped is become your
collective memories.

And we just having a lot of something [00:20:00] going on right now that is not
going to make us a very better, he wouldn't be because we are going to kill
each other because of somebody having Lowy and. Oh, someone driving mini
Cooper and they have not because we are not driven by values. Nevertheless,
when we watch American idols, they tap our emotions that, okay, this is very,
very emotional someone trying to do better.

This is one another thing that inspires American idol, but I think at very least
make us emotionally involved in a positive way because we want to be better.
And this is something that I think if we can view something that get people to
engage with emotional, it will make our society better in any form.


You know that the name is gifted to well, it's, it's a brand. So we have triangle
in the beginning. I want to do both meaning that we wanted to put art out and
Ft and everything. Uh transections is going to give it to them for different
projects. For example, if you buy an empty, you can choose how many
percentage you want to give to a projects, and then you can choose the

For example, if you, if you driven by mathematics, yes. You want to look for a
project that related to someone want to do good things about mathematics.
So you decide that, okay, 5%, I'm going to donate to this project. But then at
the same time, I don't want to complicate [00:22:00] things like I used to
between making my.

And social projects. So right now I'll gives you two more. We are going to do, is
we just going to collect a good projects? People can come and put out projects
by mine, water leaves. We are in the stage of how do you display the project
that is transparency. What is transparency? Because recently we've been doing
a lot of project different with different people, but we also realized that the
word transparency means saw different things with different people, because
some people said I do good things, you know, I'm very transparent.

And I said, how do you show transparency? I update, I upload my invoice, but
that doesn't help so much because nobody would just see, everyone will just
see, okay, 500 has been spend, but nobody, really the [00:23:00] thing is that
we need to make more advice. Basically you, that data should be that data is
very valuable and we need to translate that valuable data for normal people to
understand what it means.

For example, transportation, how much food, how much staff, how much, and
this is the level of transparency that we should, what our platform or what we
want to do with the platform to try to translate the word transparency and
make it more contagious for people to collect the idea. The concept of gifted
today is collect moments.

Not things I didn't say no things, but the concept is to collect moments because
when you do good things or when you even take sometimes Saturday to grid a
project and decided. [00:24:00] Out and then the money will be unlocked by
blockchain. So if all today donations that, you know, like Kickstarter coming,
they already can produce when the money, which a certain amount, this is the
same thing that if we create a project, like we listed correctly, then the money
will unlock in that stage.

So you don't need to wait until the end, but you need, I started the stage.
Okay. This is, I need to move for people to go with me this amount. Once we
reached that he's had a lock and then I lock, is it a lock? But it has to be a
project that is really, we need to define what is, how to unlock the money that
is made the project prosper.

But these cannot be launched until we really track. [00:25:00] Basically, we

don't want to do something that again, so many million websites trying to be
transparency is not the only one to do it. I think we need school smart people
to help learning how to do the time span and see, and how, and a lot of out
and doing a lot of project with different people to understand what's the

So they, more or less is kids study. But the aim is that donation go to projects,
not who anyone can do. You don't need to have NGO. You don't have anything.
You just need to have a clear plan, how you're going to spend money. And how
are you going to evaluate your projects for the people who donate.

Because if I donate 30 years is my earning is a [00:26:00] hard working money.

So you want to appreciate people who give money by showing them that the
study euros means we all can make these beautiful projects. So the time to the
people who donate is the result that we should show so gifted to it is give plus

So making, giving as an attitude. So if you're having an attitude of, I want to be

success. Yes. Great. So you all you all the way you are driven, you always
leading success, success, success, success. So we talk about giving as an
attitude. If you have given in your mind, you are going to be more kind. You're
going to be more empathy.

Two hours to your worker, two people, and the success is really inside. It's not
[00:27:00] about, yes, money is important, but if you come, if you interview a
lot of rich people, they will say, I have another problem as well. I have a
mistake. I don't have a good friends. I don't have the right network anymore
because everyone wanted my money.

And Ambien is become like people who don't have money, wanting to have a
lot of money. People who have money feel lonely, alone, que themself drugs
because they can buy anything. So I think if we asked smart enough, we can
help society by creating amazing products that people can use every day to.
And we are responsible to create the product that make us society better and
that we should really [00:28:00] have it in mind when everyone booting the
products, is this gonna not jazz make money?

And then what do you do with the money? I mean, the money cannot be
sitting in a bank and you can be happy. So, yeah, so gifted to resist us example
that we are trying to do by changing the way people live a little bit by having
giving us an attitude. And then the way the good project work is not by the
organization, but by the project they do.

Like if, um, the big NGO wanted to receive money, they should say the projects
that they want to do this by over. Because we don't want to be participate
about that transparency of the organization. Like they want to help Africa,
even in these, during Cornell writers and all [00:29:00] this, give us a plan to
ask the budget and you are the one who organize it, but then you don't need
to fly people from different worlds and paying for the airplane ticket and that
first class, and then hotels, because if you show you use local people and
minimize it or whatever you need, the expert, then the PR is become a very
new way of seeing things on how do you donate not to organization.

And when people said, I trust him, but do you want to give them all know this?
This is every time when I ask. So how much you donate? Um, well, I gave
commemorate in 10 years. And I said, if you are getting richer or why, why do
you give 10 is you don't have more, uh, you, you, you want him to wait longer
when you have more money and you pay more?

No, actually I'm comfortable with 10 [00:30:00] years. And I said, how would
you give them more? Maybe I have more results. Maybe I know more. And
then I might give him 50 years. So it's not about money. It's about what you get
people to really know what you pay for. You are going to be surprised how
much people are willing me to pay.

Actually, it's not too bad, but to share. So I think society needs, transparency,
needs honesty. I need values. This is what we need most, but yet I don't know
why we built. System around us in a different way. So yeah, so basically that,
so give it to it is we want to make transparency with the projects and get their
nations [00:31:00] to everybody who want to do good.

That can show transparency. Okay. So in order to invest in associate, you, you
think that the main problem is the transparency you said, um, to give more, to
give more it's a transparency. Yes. And I'm not the only one Ellen Mac stated
and he's one of the richest it's yeah. To make it simple. Just like what he said,
he willing to give only if the big amount of money, if they said that they are
going to solve the hunger in the world, or if it's not immediately, what's the.

So people talk at people, right? You don't give, you give her, you use an a, but
again, if you ask someone to give people, make money, because people take
that [00:32:00] time to go to work. So just to tell them why don't you give you
are not good. You are not kidding. This is not fair. If you want it, you show
what you need, what you want, why you need it.

So that's a project for transparency is

that, as I said, transparency means a lot of things on different people. So using

the word transparency simply is not quite simple. So could you define
transparency or transparency is something that I would say that you can start
from uploading the invoice. You. Some people say that, but as I said, my
transparency is more or less is that those data should be put in a useful way in
more normal that everyone can understand.

If I give my mother Excel [00:33:00] of how much I spend every day, just very
normal day to day, not talking about giving away anything. Yeah. In my mind,
give me money to go to school. And my mother said, I want to know how you
spend it because you've been asking a lot these day. And then I gave my
mother food. This is my exhale.

Should I have load your invoice? And your matter would turn around and say,
look, don't play with me. This is not, I mean, you only come to me and you just
say, okay, mom, my food is this. My, my apartment is this. My school is, is my
going now is this. See, I don't use my time. I going out to that apartment in
Madrid is expensive.

As a school required me to buy a lot of. Then your mother will give more
because she understood you are necessities. And this is the same thing. The
giving act is every day, today is someone spending time to do something for
you. Someone's sparing time to [00:34:00] give you money. Like if I have a
organization and someone caught a game that rubbish today, I would just say,
okay, let's go to collect the rubbish because we have some time, but that is a
time that someone willing to do.

But by then, if you said, okay, we meet here, we aiming to do five gallons. We
need to do this and that people wanting to do more because they have a plan
money. The same, I won a hundred thousand years to do this, and this is going
to cost like a business plan, but make it simple. They do. I mean, transparency
is as common sense, but common sense might not be easy for a lot of people
because they don't have knowledge because they don't have tools.
That's all. But if you ask them that if you do this, you're going to [00:35:00] get
more. Is that keeping people the right tools like your mate, like if you are hired
a mate and you don't give her any mop, anything, she's going to comment
that's it. But he just said he had all the cleaning materials. You wish the result
will be a million times different because of the tools we are using.

So transparency based on the tools of the other person, half and knowledge,
but transparency is a very common sense. Already there, but how do we
transfer that transparency of the common sense to reality? That's like how it
will be fall to put pictures on the website. You need to take a picture, put the
USB loaded.

Luckily we have [00:36:00] smart people decided, look, it has to be faster. Now
we have a mobile upload. Same as the transparency saying it's the same
purpose. Y'all, might've definitely to know how you spend your money each
month. And then she wanted to give them all. So how do we transfer that
information? We can start from the matter of tracking, does the student how
to use money, but that's not going to make sense, but it's like that.

It's about the transparency common sense, but depending on the tool, you're
half in order to transfer that transparency into the. Okay. And, and you talk to
about the game, um, how, how we all have power inside of us and about how
society is leading the, the human being in like another, [00:37:00] the right

Like you want to have that image of the other perfect gender man, well
dressed with a good time, that thing. So do you think that in some way we are
having a value crisis? I would say that definitely. I would say you put it in the
right way, definitely by the crisis. Yes. Because as a human today and human
hundred years ago, The way we take the necessity is different.

Then let's SATs of our human beings is food, water, and place to, to sleep that
used to be out of necessity a hundred years ago, I thousand years ago, it's so
hard to get food. You'll have to go out and hunt [00:38:00] all day with a man,
the group of men trying to hunt one, one rhino to eat or whatever, and then
come back and give to not rhino.

But cow, for example, I guess they don't eat rhino. And then the woman went
ding and cook. That is, has been, and we live in a cave and we express our eyes
by drawing something and building some amazing Egypt and beauty. And that
was out years ago using. To make a structure says impossible today that we
can do it.

Now, today we go to Macedonia by, we have plenty of time now, before we

don't before in order to go to my granddaughter, I take me one week now, like
I know not it's five second, because every month I don't that everywhere in
every corner or whatever. [00:39:00] So now we ask that he wouldn't be when
I'm not developed fast enough as how the technology fast, we therefore
randomly did it.

The crisis is there because apart from the economy, because of the crisis I
come in, we have more important things is radical crisis. And she just said,
because we don't know what to do without.

Fiber friendly. We don't know how to manage our time. And that is no. And we
offer deals tools, but nobody really think about the tools they used to know
philosophers about this new technology that we have. We had the philosopher
philosopher in books, you know, Greek philosopher and all that because we
needed it as a [00:40:00] human.

We need art in order to, to connect with something that is not exist in object.
Wait, because that's what we do as a human being. And now we have so many
things, but we are not catching up with that. Our reality that now we have so
much time. And what do we do if we are. Feeding ourselves with this luxurious
thing, we are going to destroy ourselves.

So that fall, we need to start thinking. And the new generation need to think
about whose need to act by animals. I need to create fun news. The most
important thing is create, because first you recognize your values and rhinos is
also very universal. It's something that you don't need to tell is good or bad
because you [00:41:00] know, that is, there is no teacher to tell you that if you
put your back hitting and then that's a bad act, nobody needs to tell you that
because you know, in your heart, so same thing, vitals is in us, but we need to
open it and understand it and created, and maybe.

So we need to trade values by doing good things together, but we need to let
people open up. So yes, by the crisis. But you think that the body should be
teaching at school? I, I would say that it started from school by not what
teaching is very funny because what, how do you teach values? You cannot
I keep to have a values because vitals it in us. You have different values, you
have different lines. I have different vitamins without nobody [00:42:00]
teaching us. And only we know, but the school should shape the values or
giving an opportunity for people to think about it. Not about going to class
every single day, but then there must be a moment and thinking, what is that?

Giving us space of the time on our kids to, to look within themselves, to
understand emotions, to understand what makes you happy and what is it.
And if you really go through that, you were yet, I said, we all the same. That's
like, we all need water. We need food. We need goodness, good things, but
you can stop feeling it when there's so many things.

And the kids, when parents put [00:43:00] them, you gonna have to go back to
class to another class. The kid doesn't have no time to think about himself is
we would think about others all the times. And then you start comparing
yourself with others. And that when you start thinking, I need, I need a better
car. I need a better bag.

Or my sweater doesn't look so good anymore because I'm flying out of her.
Because you teach outward. I won't say values is not teaching value itself, but
teaching self recognition and said, look within you. I would say that you should
be at least one, one hour a week, like should be a silence, clash or something.

And thinking about what you feel today, you asked her, so how you feel today
and what can you do to help society? Like even put that one hour just for the
good things and we know, give yourself a break, feel good. [00:44:00] And then
what would you like to do to this week to help others? But without thinking
about getting back, maybe I want to help my friends to learn something today
because I'm better than, than the other person.

And the other person maybe helped me. My mom always says like, do you
want to have. Just just to, to, to make a question, it's not like, you know, how
much do you earn? What do you have? What car do you have? Why do you
live in Spanish? Everyone always asks, where do you live? Eh, see you. No, it's
not like, it's not that important, but why don't we ask you?

Okay, what can I help you today? Do you have any project that I can help? But
I'll off. Come off my, um, feeling from inside. Not because you would do it
because you want something, but I think this can, [00:45:00] can happen to
you from a very young age, but it has to be put in the system. Imagine that it's
a kindness class.

You have to help your friends imagine like 10 years old, six years old, instead of
you trying to make friends. I didn't use, I know today, you going to make your
friend feel good. You're going to have your friend today one hour, even 30
minutes. And you will see that. And the kid would thinking like, what do I do?

But he did tell them, make your friends feel bad. I guarantee you in 30
minutes, you thank you all you're 10 years old. Let me have your hoodies. Let
me, I dunno, you know exactly what, how to destroy my friends. But then if
you said you do good thing to your friends, what do you do? Um, of course the
first 30 minutes, you don't know, but if you practice every day, one year, you're
going to have to learn how to make friends feel better.

You [00:46:00] wanted to learn how to make your parents feel better. You
want them to learn how to make your partner, your husband, your wife, your
colleagues, everyone better. And he's already one time. So yes, one hour class,
but not teaching values. I would say it's about giving opportunity for the kids to
show that good side, because, because vitals mean so many things from
different people, but good and bad is very universal.

It's a good day. It's a good hour. Instead of happy hour or black Friday, we
could do the, the good day that you at. Absolutely. I have to go out of there. If
you don't have money, you can do some good thing as well. Just stayed around
me from somebody in the park to put in the rubbish because you feel that will
help instead of feeling it is not [00:47:00] my, my rubbish.

Why do I take it? So I would say yes, even the class, we should do activity a
good thing. Um, we should have a one day good days. You can say it all black
Friday. We can do good Monday or whatever. Well,

I, um, I think that one of the problem stood east that how, what do you, what
do you basically said that our brain and how we function is not prepared to
the, to the, to the society and, and how it has evolved so quickly so quickly
that, I mean, for example, I think that some mental triggers that we'll have
[00:48:00] and the, the enterprises and the consumer is consuming in, in
And drink us to, to buy more and to, to have, uh, uh, more money, a better car,
even if you don't need it. Are you going to say that they talked today?
everyone showing all the things that have and all days is we have an
opportunity right now today to change. And I re I really think people like you
guys can make a big difference because she was at university, you in a mom,
beaker, bigger community, because once you enter to work, it's become very
small, actually, because you want to be meeting a certain amount of [00:49:00]
people that you would need a different connections.

You are not going to be careful you meeting anybody like. Because at work,
you need to focus in a certain thing. You need to meet a certain people and
they send from blood that you go out like this, but when you are younger
university, he was so CRA carefree to meet as many people. I passed the
volume from one university to another university.

You can go through like part-time job from one university, another university.
He said like, you do whatever you want. So I think if young generation can stop
thinking like what you are doing right now, if we change a lot, um, but I give it,
what I find really interesting is that, is that what you want to make with gifted
too, is basically use the same mechanism as the costume is [00:50:00] that to
make the people is like, basically engage a client and the people are least
giving money.

But in some working, uh, in a search up for you to, to make thing, see what
they have do with they many are, um, I don't know. We've had a simple, yeah,
exactly too. That's why, you know, when we buy something, we as humans. So
we attach, I give you a very various example. And if ti in art, because we do
another platform, which is wanting to people to sell, uh, to do art through NFC.

But the problem is that everybody is thinking, what is a N Ft? If I, if I, if I buy an

empty, I cannot touch it. I cannot touch the art. What do I do with this digital
art? Because we are human. [00:51:00] We, we need, we need to touch them.
We need to. We need to feel that we see something out of our effort. So when
you, that's why when you buy things, you're very satisfied because you feel,
um, I'm getting, that's how human being work, but it's vanished very fast.

If you buy a new car, it's super height, but then inside days later, you need
more things because that's how human doing, being, doing. In order for us to
apply the same technique of our human needs, giving she'll be transferred to
sin. You need to give a result. You need to make people excited. You need to
make it fun.

You need to make people feel engaging. And then you want to do more of that
is the same as spending money. How do we use the same [00:52:00]
psychologies into the good things? So that is the most challenging. And I think
if we think about the concept and try to think of us as a very similar small
cultures, cause small creatures mean like not just human, we need the same

We have the same need. That's like you eat, you have to go to the bathroom.
There's no exception. You reach you poor, you need bathroom. Same, you buy
rich or poor when you purchase something that is expensive. This is live. So if I
have 100 years, something, 1000 is expensive. If I have 1 billion, of course 10
billion is expensive, but we check the same exact psychology.[00:53:00]

So therefore. We just say I'm happiness. That's not, it depends on whatever. So

we S we smart. Now we should take that psychology and make majority of
people change that habit, but remain the same, the same feelings. So
therefore, ultimately giving fun. You need to show the good resolve. You need
to get interesting people to really do it.

Like my dreams. Actually, I want to be a Google of you mean the reason why?
Because many days wake up at night thinking what can I do today that is really
fast and really make a quick impact. And then what w why do I find it? It's not
going to find, um, of course the basic first thing is to find, uh, in [00:54:00] my
area who is do good things.

That's a basic, but a second basic is that, how can I create it? Because that's
what type of people I create are all followers. But if you want to make more,
you need to make people who's like creators to do more like, uh, like, um, the
content creators, the more you get the greater you get the website really up
going deeper.

Facebook, Instagram, YouTube. Same. How do you get these credit? Her to
quit as good projects, even better? So my dream ultimate is that I want people
to people like you. For example, I saw some problem the other day. So you'll
come to give the dude and look for the project you search rubbish. I don't
know, rubbish collect and he's come out with [00:55:00] a different project.
And you can see, oh, these already cost, this is the only function this way. So I
just need to find these disease. And the result is better than the others. I don't
know if you understand what I'm saying. It's like, you have so many way to like
you mathematics. If you're smart, it take you five seconds because you know
how to go fast.

If I'm a little bit slower, it's going to take me longer hours. So it's all about
them, my data, how to do it and what I wish we can, we give him, uh, we
showcase of the efficiency of the, my data to give the way to give the way to
make a good project, a social project and more efficient. And then the only
way to do that.

[00:56:00] To get people to do a lot. And we have to build the algorithm to

make the ranking. It's not about just how good it is, but how efficient it is that,
and then people like, like, I, for example, I I'm from first time, I'm from
Thailand. I want to learn more. And suddenly I felt a project in my Madrid that
they do very good and I can learn from it.

And I created the same project. Doesn't need to have the same brand. It
wasn't like the same concept. And you can refer that, that, Hey, that works
that. So that's why I wanted to bring this here and we want to do the same.
And then that borrowed him to be able to, to collect the data and make it
more efficient and sooner or later we're going to have the, the way to.

Every day today, faster [00:57:00] like the car wash, like the things. So I took
them back to you. When you said about the school, having it about a given
class, he has to shoes, but now we have technologies and we might make it
faster. By using the AI. I got with him to collect all the data, to get created
different projects and evaluated, but we need younger people to aware.

That's why I liked what we are doing now, because then if you do this, when
you have some idea, you have an idea or someone tell you to do this research,
meaning that, that isn't a normal school system, at least something, someone
talking about it. So we are better than we used to. Um, the last question being

That are now more willing to [00:58:00] do Saudi are seeing done before the
COVID or the yes, definitely. We are willing to do more, but people don't do
because people don't know how and people don't know why I'd be more
scared of giving to the wrong people because Christ is coming from two
suicides. It's the moon, the first off, the only thing that come out from crisis
opportunities, it says the period, but then who are going to use that

You, some people said, okay, these vaccine company, you know, they take
advantage and then you use this opportunity to sell more. And then you got
stock market right now as us. And they got five stars. How many had gone up?
Yeah, you can do that also, but also many, many opportunities to come by how
to get people to.

To do it. The willingness of [00:59:00] asked to do things for others isn't there.
It has never changed. It's always in us before call with after-call wheat forever
because we all have good things in us, but we don't have enough opportunities
or people don't open that box and thinking, oh, what do I have? So what does
COVID do is that COVID asked us, it gave us an opportunity to, to look, I need
to be more than a normal day, but the willingness is there, but how do we get
people to do it?

I don't know if you understand what I'm saying. So quality, this is an

opportunity to, to let us to stop from this craziness. And we suddenly thinking.
We are not forever. Look, maybe [01:00:00] my job is not for everything. I
don't need to go nine to five every day. I can look from home for the very first
time. Maybe people change at home will change that job.

People divorce, because every day you will never to get it. So you would think
our relationship is so good today. Every day we have kids. So problem. And
now when COVID, I know you want today, maybe we no longer together. So
the COVID is as an opportunity for us to, to see things differently, nothing
more. So willingly is about how the opportunities we can do.

So yes, people want aware today because the situation like COVID stopped as
from business. So. People want to do more if they know how, but again,
[01:01:00] after call with people also don't want to give, because people are
scared of being taking advantage. So they want to do, but I don't want to be
taking advantage.

So people say, okay, I donate this money during COVID everyone donate
because you fear, you feel like you need to help others, but then the money
disappeared and now people want to give, but they don't want to give, or
people don't want to do much social because they don't know how they don't
know if they are being used.

So yes, they want to do, but it wants to know more.

Did I even answer this question?

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