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Year# 2 Issue# 190

Date: 27th Nov 2007

Thursday 27th September 2007

Mahavardhaman Dr. Yogindrasinh Joshi and Dr. Vishakhaveera Joshi recited the 14th Chapter
of Guru charitra in Sanskrit. While they were reciting P.P.Sadguru Aniruddha Bapu
performed the ‘puja’ and ‘abhishek’ on Lord Dattaguru.

P.P. Sadguru Bapu’s Guidance

|| Hari Om ||

""O` hZw_mZ kmZ JwZ gmJa

O` H$nrg {Vhw± cmoH$ COmJa &&
am_XyV AVw{cV ~cYm_m
A§OZrnwÌ ndZgwV Zm_m Ÿ&&''

""Zmg¡ amoJ ha¡ g~ nram

OnV {Za§Va hZw_V ~ram Ÿ&&''

""^yV {ngmM {ZH$Q> Zqh Amd¡

_hm~ra O~ Zm_ gwZmd¡ Ÿ&&''
“Jai Hanuman Jnan Guna Sagar
Jai Kapees Tinhu Lok Ujagara ||
Ramdoota Atulita Baladhama
Anjaniputra Pavansuta Naama ||”

“Naasai Roga Harai Saba Peera

Japata Nirantar Hanumat Beera ||”

“Bhoot Pisach Nikata Nahi Aavai

Mahabeer Jab Naam Sunavai ||”

Many of us can recite “Hanuman Chalisa”. If Bapu has not done

any thing, he has at least flung “Hanuman Chalisa” on us and
we have accepted it lovingly. We have started reciting it. We
have started reciting Ramraksha. We have started reciting
“Ghorokastoddharna”. Even “Sundarkand” we have started
reading once in a while. We have started the worship of
“Ashwatha Maruti” since 1997. Since then we know this
mantra, “Om Ramadutaya Hanumantaya Mahapranaya
Mahabalaya Namo Namah”. But while doing all this we think o
my goodness! How much to do? And what to do? We have to
read Saisatcharita, we have to read this, we have to read that.”
Whatever maximum you can do, you should do. Keep this in mind. Don’t bind yourself
unnecessarily. Do not get bound and that does not mean you are let loose. We will not do
anything. We will see when it is required. There is no point in digging a well when you are
thirsty. Whatever I know, whatever I am able to do, I do in a morning, in the noon, in the
night, in the evening- I should be able to do as much as I can. When we read “Hanuman
Chalisa”, there is one sentence we get stuck at. “Aur Devata Chitta Na Dharee. Hanumat
Seyee Sarba Sukha Karai.” “Aur Devata Chitta Na Dharai”- this means that no other God
other than Hanumant should be borne in your mind. Only Hanumant should be borne in
mind. “Hanumat Sayee Sarba Sukha Karai”. It seems that we to say this but worship
Ganapati also, Ram and Krishna also. We will worship Sai also. Then is it wrong to recite
Hanuman Chalisa or to do all this is wrong? Both are not wrong. We do not understand the
meaning of the words properly. “Aur Devata Chitta Na Dharai”- we should understand its
meaning properly. We should first understand the difference between “Man” (the mind) and
“Chitta” (the inner mind.) It appears to us that “Man” and “Chitta” are one and the same. In
“Shreemadpurushartha Grantharaj”- I have clearly specified the difference. What is the
difference between “Man” and “Chitta”. Very often in pravachans I have told you, “ ‘Chitta’
is that part of your mind which resides at the Lord’s feet with the help of ‘buddhi’” “Aur
Devata Chitta Na Dharai”- what is the important thing in this? This means that man’s chitta
cannot be the controlled by anyone else. “Aur Devata Chitta Na Dharai”- you do not control
it- – that is one of its meaning.

The other important aspect in it is that all the other Gods that are there, they cannot create
“Chitta”, only Hanumant comes to help us in creating the “Chitta” in our mind. It is because
He is God and He is also a devotee. Because He is a bhakta He is God. He is always seen with
folded hands, standing with the (‘gada’) club in His hand, standing in front of Ram and He
also has separate temples of Himself. In every danger of Ram, who saves Ram, Seeta and
Lakshman? Only Hanumant. Yet, He is Ram’s ‘das’ (servant). We must realize that in order
to convert our mind to “Chitta” , as Tulsidasji tells us, no other God can help us here, only
Hanumant, the ‘doot’ (messenger) can do it. It can be done by that ‘doot’ only, mind you he
is not an agent. He was and is the only One. “Aur Devata Chitta Na Dharai” it is only
Hanumant and no other God is capable of creating “Chitta” in your mind. How does it
happen? That ,”Yea Yatha Man Prabaddhate”or “Jaya Mani Jaisa Bhav, Taya Teisa Anubhav”
( One experiences according to the feeling that one has in one’s mind. ) He is ready to give
you in many times more than what you have done. But first, you have to do. Hanumant is
one such God that if you are not believing in God, he stands in your way and tries to pull you
towards Him. “Ram Bimukha Sampatti Prabhutai, Jahi Rahi Pahi Binupai”. He who is against
God, he who has turned his face away from Ram, his wealth, his fame are all at stake. It
should not so happen that is why Hanumant, the one who is continuously chanting Ram’s
name, the “mahapran” (life force) of entire universe, and us is active in those who believe in
God and in the atheists too. But He only always helps us in converting our mind into
“Chitta”. Where the Gods tell us ”Yea Yatha Mam Prababddhate” or “Jaya Mani Jaisa Bhava,
Taya Taisa Anubhav”, Hanumant tells us one, ”Aur Devata Chitta Na Dharai | Hanumant Sei
Sarba Sukha Karai ||” Who converts our mind into “Chitta” very happily end easily?
Hanumant does it for us and no other God does it for us. You may worship any God but if
you are not doing bhakti of Hanumant or you do not chant Hanumant’s name , then
whatever fruits that you should get from that ‘upasana’ you would not get it fully because
you can receive God’s grace only to the extend of the ‘chitta’ created in your mind. And who
can convert the maximum part of your mind into “Chitta”? Hanumant can do it. Therefore,
we must realize, that is why our Bapu is always telling us to read “Sundarkanda”, chant
“Bhimrupi Maharudra’ stotra, chant “Hanuman Chalisa” or chant “Om Shree Ramadutaya”-
by all these various means. Tell me who is standing at the back of me? He is standing. Why
is He kept standing? He is standing and I am sitting here, comfortably. Is it right or not? But
remember that He is standing, that’s why I can sit. He is alert. Therefore, I can sit here

We should think about of these spiritual matters. Without

bothering for how much more or how much less, I should be
able to do as much as I can. “Shreemadpurushartha
Grantharaj” is not read once in while for gaining knowledge
but it is meant to be read again and again by us. By doing so,
we will have many experiences, many miracles in my life. But
when would it happen? When we read it lovingly and with faith,
only then. What have I always been telling you? You will
understand only that much as is required by you. What you
have not understood that is not required by you, this you must
bear in mind. And when you are required to understand it,
then you would understand the meaning the words
automatically. “Madhufal Vatika”, “Aachaman”, “Purushartha Ganga”- these should be read
again and again. You can open any page and read it and that page will give you in plentiful.
But it needs to be done. Here, we just simply can not try but we must make efforts. Because,
this “Shreemadgrantharaj” has given us the assurance that in every page there are
thousands, lakhs of ‘devdoot’ (angels) who come out on reading that page. They come to
safeguard the innumerable matters in our life! But we don’t have time and when there is a
problem then the circumstances are such that we do not have enough time. In such a
situation we do not know what to do and here again Hanumant comes to rescue us, a verse
from “Hanuman Chalisa” tells us “Ram Rasayana Tumhare Pasa, Sada Raho Raghupati Ke Dasa”.
“Ram Rasayan”. The word “Rasayan” in Sanskrit is related to “Ayurveda” (a Hindu science of
medicine) See Yogindra, am I right or not? Because he is an “Ayurvedacharya” (Doctor in
Ayurvedic science), I am not. Then the meaning of the word “Rasayan”, for the common
people, is that it is a medicine that has the capacity to cure the imbalance created in the
three humours (the phlegm, the bile and the wind) in the body. It has the capacity to cure
the disease, the bad condition created by the imbalance. And here, “Ram Rasayan Tumhare
Pasa”- what we understand is that Hanumant has got that “Ram Rasayan” with him and he
distributes it to people and “Naasai Rog Hare Sab Peera Japata Nirantara Hanumat Beera”.
“Naasai Rog Hare Sab Peera”- “Ram Rasayan” is that which removes all ailments and all
diseases and it is with Hanumant. “Sada Raho Raghupati Ke Dasa” means therefore
Hanumant you shall remain the ‘das’ (servant) of Raghupati. No, this is not the meaning. I
have told you its meaning several times in my pravachans. I am telling it to you again -
“Ram Rasayan Tumhare Pasa, Sada Raho Raghupati Ke Dasa” What is its meaning? “Sada
Raho Raghupati Ke Dasa”- this itself is “Ram Rasayan”. “Sada Raho Raghupati Ke Dasa”
means our being a servant of Ram itself is Rasayan”. And with whom is it? Who is the
greatest of all servants of Ram? It is Hanumant. But when I find that you all have appeared
for the Saisatcharita exams, many have appeared for the 5th exam, but if some lines were
asked from it, or some words, nobody could remember it and there Hemadpant has written
a wonderful line “Ram Kathecha Hachi Mahima Tithe Vighnanche Na Chale Garima”. The
glory of Ramkatha is that wherever Ram katha is going on there can be no obstacles there.
Obstacles can come, it does not mean that obstacles cannot come. If they come they have
no effect on us or its effect on us is very negligible.

According to Prarabdha (destiny) if the demerits thus acquired is 100 grams then due to the
Ram katha being done it will come down to 0.1 percent or 1 percent, it is all because of
Ram’s grace and Hanumant’s grace. To read Ramkatha, means to read the stories Ram in
Sanskrit, is very difficult for us. Even to read Tulsidas Ramayan is very difficult and lengthy
for us. In today’s world we are not ready to read “Sunderkand” and Ramkatha which is so
beautiful, what about it? “Ramkathecha Hachi Mahima, Tithe Vighnache Na Chale Garima”-
then what does one do? Such a thought came to one’s mind and that “one” then decided to
write “Ramkatha” himself and that “one” is Myself. In this world, I am the only “One”. I
have written the “Ramkatha”. The name of that “Ramkatha” is “Ram Rasayan”. Just imagine
it is of 240 pages only. .

It is in the form of a ‘pothi’ (religious book). These 240 pages can be read easily, even if one
reads it very slowly it can be read in about two and half hours. It is written and printed in a
completely different manner. The first photo itself is very beautiful. It’s my Father’s photo.

And there are at the most five to six lines on a page. At many places it is filled with pictures.
And for these pictures there was a big team working on it for many days. There was lot of
hue and cry at the time of making the pictures- not this, not that. It should be like this, it
should be like that and that is how Swapnilsinh Dattopadhye got these beautiful pictures
done. Since he is my son-in-law I did not shout at him. Keep this in mind, these beautiful
pictures are related to the story given there so that the sentences you are going to read
ahead of it should be all properly nutured in your mind. It will come to our notice, there are
very few lines on each page but all the events given are true and are of great importance
right from Ram’s birth to the coronation ceremony of Ram as King. All these stories we will
read, it will be implanted in our minds, it will grow and develop in our minds, all these
aspects are there in it and most importantly each line is ‘mantramay’ (like a mantra). Each
word is “mantramay’. There are many mantras in it. Right from “Ramo Rajamani Sada
Vijayate” there are many mantras at various places.

But along with that we should know that each sentence and the each word in it is
‘mantramay’. Since each word, each letter and even the space between them is ‘mantramay’
whenever we will read it from the very bottom of our heart and lovingly then this complete
Ramkatha transforms into Ram Rasayan and seeps in our life and I am giving you this
Assurance. It’s because the One who is standing behind me with a club in his hand
(Hanumant) has entered this “Ram Rasayan”. This book is actually my protector Hanumant.
We shall read this book, we can read it at home, we can read it in the bus, in the train, in the
car. We can read in the car even when wearing chappals. We can read it at night. But we
have to read it because while reading it the Ramkatha will assume its form in before me. If
we doze off while reading it then it is meaningless. But if we read it lovingly, attentively
then every incident in it will assume its form before our eyes and while continuing to do so
one day certainly you will get Ram in his entirety in your life- “Akhand Ram Ladhal”. The
situation in the eleventh Chapter of Sai Satcharitra will automatically appear in our life. And
once Ram appears in our life then Ramrajya will be established. Whether there is Ramrajya
in the outside world or not is immaterial, Ramrajya must come in my life. We must resolve
this in our mind. And I am determined to see that every person who has come to me gets
Ramrajya in their lives. Those who have come and gone, not for them, no, not at all. It’s
only for those who have come and stayed with me with love and faith. In this picture we see
the meeting of Ram and Bharat. The meeting of Ram and Bharat! It’s a beautiful picture. We
come across one line in “Hanuman Chalisa”

""cm` g§OrdZ cIZ {O`m`o Ÿ& lr aKw~ra ha{f Ca cm`o Ÿ&

aKwn{V H$sÝhr ~hþV ~S>mB© Ÿ& Vw_ __ {à` ^aV{h g_ ^mB© Ÿ&&''
“Lai Sanjeevan Lakhan Jiyaye, Shree Raghuveer Harashi Ur Laye.”
Raghupati Kinhi Bahut Badai, Tum Mama Priya Bharathi Sam Bhai”
Many people have asked me a question. It’s good. I have liked it. 3-4 years ago in one
of my pravachans I had told you its meaning. People say, Bapu, truly speaking shouldn’t
Lakshman be dearer to Ram then Bharat? Then , in that case, why not “Lakshmansama
Bhai” (You are dear to me only like my brother, Lakshman) or “Lakhan Sama Mama Bhai”
why is it “Bharathi Sama Bhai”? It’s because at that time, Lakshman was unconscious and
was in the jaws of death. Whether he would come back to life or not? Such was the terrible
situation Ram was facing. In such a terrible situation, Ram who loved Lakshman more than
himself, who was there to help him? Seeta, his dear wife, his better half was in captivity of
Ravana, Lakshman himself was in a state of unconsciousness, on the verge of death. In
these circumstances who could save him? It was Bharat only who could have helped him.
But He was in Ayodhya. But who was in front of him? It was Hanumant. And whatever
Bharat could have done, Hanumant was doing. Whatever Bharat would have done for Ram
and Lakshman, Hanumant was doing. Therefore, Shree Ram tells him, ”Tum Mama Priya
Bharathi Sama Bahai” ( You are dear to me like my brother, Bharat) Whatever Bharat would
have done for me and Lakshman, you have done it and therefore, “Tum Mama Priya Bharathi
Sama Bhai”. In the meeting of Bharat and Ram we can see the feelings on Bharat’s face. We
can see sorrow, we can see love on meeting Ram and the immense joy in meeting Ram.
Then the next picture, the occasion of Seeta’s “Swayamvar” (the marriage ceremony where
she chooses her own husband), then we can see Ravana asking for alms from Seetamayee.
Many such pictures are there. And there is something different in these pictures. In Navratri,
I have always been telling you that reading of of Ramkatha is the most beautiful thing. It is
good on other days too. We remember Ram only Ramnavami. But we should know that it is
more important to remember Ram in Navratri than on Ramnavami, the birth of Ram.
Because on Dasera Ram gained victory, Ram had killed Ravan. Instead of burning some
statue of Ravana and clapping, it is better we sit down and try to read, make an effort to
read “Ram Rasayan” then Ravan will definitely be killed. Our “Mahavakya” (Pledge of
Honour) is-

""`wÕ _mPm am_ H$aUma Ÿ& g_W© XÎmJwé _yi AmYma Ÿ&
_r g¡{ZH$ dmZa gmMma Ÿ& amdU _aUma {ZpûMV Ÿ&&''

“Yuddha Majha Ram Karnar | Samartha Dattaguru Mool Aadhar |

Mee Sainik Vanaar Sachaar |Ravana Marnar Nishchit

(“My Ram will wage war. Self sufficient Dattaguru is the origin, the basis.
A soldier I am in word and deed. Ravana will die. Yes he will. )

I was talking about this picture where Hanumant is bringing Sanjeevani, he is actually
bringing the Dronagiri mountain. Ram is sitting with Lakshman in his arms. Lakshman’s
head is on Ram’s lap. When we read this incident and actually look at the picture then that
impression becomes imbedded in our minds.

From today this book is available for everyone. For the last few days since
“Ganeshchaturthi” it was available only in “Aniruddha Gurukshetra”. Soon it will be made
available in English, Hindi and other languages. Now it is available only in Marathi. We need
not wait for Navratri, now “Pitrupaksha” (the dark lunar fortnight where all the departed
souls are remembered) is going on. O my God ! What will happen? In fact, it is good, it will
do good to all your ancestors if you read the Ramkatha. We use a phrase (in Marathi)
“Papyachi Pitar” To whom do we say this? What do we say of a sickly, skinny person ? We
call him “Papyacha Pitar”. What does it mean? The man who is a sinner, his ancestors have
to starve. Do you understand? We must understand its meaning. Because of our sins, we not
only harm ourselves but we harm our ancestors as well. Therefore this phrase has come
into force. We have never realized its meaning. We just say “He is a ‘Papyacha Pitar”. He is
a skinny fellow. What does it mean? What is meant by “Papyacha Pitar?” the man who is a
sinner, his ancestors remain in the hell. If we do not want that to happen then we must
read “Ram Rasayan” for us because “Ram Rasayan” not only uplifts us but it also uplifts our
ancestors. It uplifts our future generations as well. This “Ram Rasayan” is now in our hands.
There is no need to look for any auspicious moment for chanting Ram’s name. On the
contrary, there is not any better time for chanting Ram’s name than a time which is the
most inauspicious or a moment which is the worst. Ramnaam is such that the more
inauspicious the moment is, the better it is because then Ramnaam works more powerfully
and effectively to drive away the evil! Because in that situation only, Ramnaam works at a
greater speed and with far greater effect. We are going to read “Ram Rasayan” and not just
keep it after reading it but shall go on reading it lovingly as and when we get time, then the
entire Ramayan, entire Ram will definitely enter our life, our mind and our ‘pran’.

|| Hari Om ||

Today we are going to recite the same “Aaradhanajyoti 38.” Next time we shall recite the
same one . This time and the next time we shall recite the same one. Then I don’t know.

|| Hari Om ||
Gajar 1 : ""^r_énr _hméÐm dO« hZw_mZ _mé{V''
“Bhimroopi Maharudra Vajra Hanuman Maruti”

Gajar 2 : ""H$éUmKZm ~mny H$éUmKZm''

“ Karunaghana Bapu Karunaghana”

Arti –
1. "AmaVr gmB©~m~m gm¡»`XmVmam Ordm....'
2. "› gmB© lr gmB© O` O` gmB©am_...'
1. “Arti Saibaba saukhadatara jeeva”
2. “Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai SaiRam”

|| Hari Om ||

Aniruddha's Bank of Ramnaam

Total no of accounts : 'Ram' Naam : 'Shri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram' :
1,11,872 1,260,551,808 78,784,488
'Krishna' Naam : 'Dattaguru' Naam : 'Jai Jai Aniruddha Hari' :
315,317,952 157,568,976 78,784,488

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