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12/20/21, 11:16 PM Applying the Agile Mindset and Techniques | Coursera

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Peer-graded Assignment: Applying the Agile Mindset
and Techniques
Mid course assessment

Peer-graded Assignment: Applying

the Agile Mindset and Techniques Reviews 3 left to complete
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Review Your Peers: Applying the

Agile Mindset and Techniques
Digital Check Deposits
O by Omar
December 20, 2021  Like  Flag this submission


Blue Bank has always used the traditional waterfall

method to deliver IT projects. Harold Johnson and
Please rate the overall quality of the response?
the company leadership have suggested that you also
use traditional methods to build the software. You
0 pts
have a different idea. You think agile would be better
Invalid arguments
for this situation.
1 pt
In the space below, make a case to Harold as to why Valid arguments presented, but they are not
we should switch to agile (explain why using agile is a complete
better choice for this project/situation). Be sure to
support your argument by referring back to the case 3 pts
study text. Valid and complete argument presented, but
some of the supporting details are incorrect.
There are three separate deliverables (mobile
app, browser plugin, changes to Portal) which 5 pts
can be more easily completed with an agile Valid arguments, covering all aspects; very
framework as we can deliver smaller increments convincing.
every few weeks to build them.
9 pts
Each deliverable has overlap which can be more
Valid argument that is complete and correct. In
easily taken advantage of by using an agile
addition, had some out of the box reasoning,
methodology, eg. scanning of checks, deposit e-
quoted some statistics to prove the point and
check to account, validate image check. Agile
quoted some benefits from the agile survey
allows this to be built once and reused.
mentioned in the videos.
By concentrating on the web development first
and not adopting a waterfall method, we can
use the current skills of the team whilst we train In the answer to part 1 of the question, did the
them up in mobile app development skills. learner identify "speed to market" (or something
Similarly, this approach can be use for similar) as one of the characteristics? Did the learner
performance, user experience and automated specify the correct logic (using this to correctly
testing. support choosing agile)?
An agile approach will more likely help delivery
on time and on budget as there is a lot of new
item which requires training. With a waterfall
0 pts
approach, the team would need to spend a
Didn't identify this as one of the reason for
large chunk of the early part of the project in
choosing Agile.
training before they could start development.

With so many new features, an agile approach 1 pt

will route out any issues quickly and so more Identified this as the reason for choosing Agile,
likely deliver the project on time and on budget. but the explanation was not appropriate.

2 pts
Identified this as the reason for choosing Agile,
and the explanation was appropriate.

In the answer to part 1 of the question, did the larner

identify "Unknown solution" or "Learning needed
around technology" (or something similar) as one of
the characteristics and specified the correct logic?

0 pts
Didn't identify this as one of the reason for
choosing Agile.

1 pt
Identified this as the reason for choosing Agile,
but the explanation was not appropriate.

2 pts
Identified this as the reason for choosing Agile,
and the explanation was appropriate.

In the answer to part 1 of the question, did the

learner identify "unknown user needs" (or
something similar) as one of the characteristics and
specified the correct logic?

0 pts
Didn't identify this as one of the reason for
choosing Agile.

1 pt
Identified this as the reason for choosing Agile,
but the explanation was not appropriate.

2 pts
Identified this as the reason for choosing Agile,
and the explanation was appropriate.

Any other feedback you have for the learner in terms

of the quality, completeness, or correctness of the



Assume Harold liked your argument and agreed to

proceed with agile on this project. In his reply,
Did the learner identify that team members currently
Harold asked for further guidance on how to move
sit on different floors, and, for agile to succeed, it will
forward. Please reply back with the following:
be beneficial to get the entire team to sit/work
1. What things will have to change on how this
team operates and how key stakeholders
interact or engage on this project. (Hint: as you
have learned, for agile to be successful there
0 pts
are certain prerequisites and it poses certain Didn't identify this need.
challenges for leadership/business stakeholders
as well) 2 pts
2. The team is new to Agile and based on Identified the need, but didn't give the correct
prerequisites for agile to be successful, please argument.
specify if you and your team need any help or
4 pts
training etc. If none, please state that.
Identified the need and gave the correct
Point 1

- Team members and business stakeholders should 5 pts

be co-located so that collaboration is easier.
Identified the need, gave the correct argument,
and suggested a potential solution. The solution
- Team members should be encouraged to work in
the office throughout the duration of the project for included details like establishing a team room,
the same reason as above.

- An agile methodology needs to be agreed for the

project (my preference is scrum).

- All the relevant ceremonies need to be adopted and Did the learner identify that business stakeholders
attendance from business stakeholders and currently sit in a different building and in agile they
managers where appropriate has to be secured.
have to engage with the development team
- We need to assign a product owner and a scrum throughout the process? Business stakeholders
master to the team if we are using scrum but similar cannot just hand-off requirements to the team. To
people will be needed as well for the project to work.
succeed, these stakeholders must collaborate with
the development team on daily basis.
Point 2

0 pts
- Training is required for the developers in mobile Didn't identify this need
app development plus relevant agile engineering
2 pts
- Training is required for the testers in performance Identified the need but didn't give the correct
and user acceptance testing plus relevant agile
engineering practices.

4 pts
- All team members need to attend training on agile
Identified the need and gave the correct
software development.

5 pts
Identified the need, gave the correct argument,
and suggested a potential solution. The solution
included details like setting sessions to discover
user needs, etc.

Did the learner specify training needs in terms of

user experience, performance testing, and some agile

0 pts
Didn't identify this need.

2 pts
Identified the need but didn't give the correct

4 pts
Identified the need and gave the correct

5 pts
Identified the need, gave the correct argument,
and suggested a potential solution and additional

Did the learner specify the need for training in

engineering practices and specify that, unless team is
setup for change (i.e has engineering practices in
place), it will difficult to succeed in agile.

0 pts
Didn't identify this need.

2 pts
Identified the need but didn't give correct the

4 pts 1/1

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