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Madara Uchiha

From: Naruto Shippuden

Madara Uchiha legendary leader of the Uchiha clan. He

founded Konohagakure alongside his childhood friend and rival, Hashirama
Senju, with the intention of beginning an era of peace. When the two couldn't
agree on how to achieve that peace, they fought for control of the village, a
conflict which ended in Madara's death. Madara, however, rewrote his death
and went into hiding to work on his own plans. Unable to complete it in his
natural life, he entrusted his knowledge and plans to Obito Uchiha shortly
before his actual death. Years later, Madara would be revived, only to see his
plans foiled and ultimately, and finally, realising the error of his ways and
making amends with Hashirama before his final death.

Madara was one of the most powerful shinobi in history, recognised as the
strongest Uchiha in his lifetime and for decades after his death. A child prodigy,
he killed several adult Senju before he had awakened his Sharingan. History
remembers him as the only one able to compete with Hashirama Senju, a "God
of Shinobi", and pushed him to his absolute limits. When Obito operated under
Madara's name, fear of Madara's power forced the Five Great Shinobi
Countries, and the neutral Land of Iron, to band together and trigger
the Fourth Shinobi World War, as it was noted Madara's name itself was
power. After his return from death and various enhancements, Madara was
able to decisively defeat thousands of shinobi, the Five Kage, and the
nine tailed beasts, all at one respectively.

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