HIV Life Cycle

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HIV Virus Invasion

Kayleigh Dean

Version 1

The screen flashes as though a computer screen is being turned on then a searching logo
appears and rotates on the screen as the music slowly begins. The logo is transformed into a
virus and lines of light appear forming that of a computer grid and fades away and the virus
moves to the side and turns around slowly. Glowing lights form a text box beside the virus,
text appears on the screen displaying ‘Virus name: HIV, Destination:...’ Text box and virus
become smaller and move to the top left corner and a grid human figure appears in the
centre with the text ‘The Human Body.’ The screen fades to black leaving the human figure
which revolves 180 to the left side of the screen. More text appears showing the virus origin
‘passed on through sex body fluids into the blood stream or directly into the blood stream
through cuts.’ A quick zoom into the gridded figure and the camera comes to a slow stop as
it enters a vein passage way with passing red and white blood cells.

The location of the blood stream is established in a flashing text box as the virus floats down
the moving stream of blood past the camera. A white blood cell comes into sight with a
circle of targets establishing the virus’s target. The HIV virus slowly approaches the white
blood cell till it makes contact with a glow of light and the process is sealed with a sign of
‘cell fusion complete’. Hovering above the virus the camera zooms inside the cell to reveal a
capsule. As the capsule descends into the white blood cell it is ladled the ‘HIV Genetic
Material’. Inside the blood cell the capsule disintegrates revealing RNA strands and
enzymes. The RNA floats down they are drawn together by the enzyme, as the top of the
strands are joined the camera moves inside the DNA spiralling as the RNA particles are fused
together revealing the HIV DNA strand. The newly formed DNA strand descends to another
strand of DNA ladled the white blood cell DNA initiating an alert of beginning integration
process. The two cells merge as the camera rotates from horizontal to vertical changing the
colour of the DNA in a wave. The camera moving down the strand of DNA the integration is
established informing the audience that the Virus can commence to the next phase.

The transcription enzyme floats down and starts to duplicate strands of HIV DNA that float
upwards alongside strands of RNA. As they float upwards the DNA and RNA case themselves
in a capsule and continue to float up towards the surface of the white blood cell. Outside of
the cell a shell around the capsules comes together as one emerges from the surface. As the
camera pans out more emerge from the surface floating off into the blood stream getting
pulled but the current. Fading to black the screen confirms the infection has began showing
the grid human figure wiping from green to red and the screen flashes as to turn off.

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