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The Life of Nico x Maki

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Teen And Up Audiences

Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/F
Fandom: Love Live! School Idol Project
Relationship: Nishikino Maki/Yazawa Nico
Character: Nishikino Maki, Yazawa Nico, Minami Kotori, Yazawa Cocoro, Yazawa
Cocoa, Yazawa Cotarou, Yazawa Family (Love Live!), Hoshizora Rin,
Koizumi Hanayo, Toujou Nozomi
Additional Tags: Canon Universe, Fluff, High School
Stats: Published: 2021-09-28 Updated: 2021-11-03 Chapters: 5/? Words:

The Life of Nico x Maki

by Mylen_Ploa


A collection of random small scenes I'm writing about Nico/Maki to just mess around with
little ideas and quick writing prompts. Nothing too major just a lot of "First thing that
comes to mind" writing practice and experimentation based on a random selection of
prompts. Each chapter title or intro shows the prompt it originated from. They're all
relatively cannon compliant and just build off ideas and times that could/did happen while
also having no continuity/connection to each other.
Tear Stained

Tear Stained

Despite having no practice to work on, Maki still finds herself headed up the last flight of stairs at
the end of the day. While normally she’d happily spend her time sitting in the music room if they
don’t have practice; the fact she’s had to finish two pieces this week alone has her even turning her
mind away from music. Pushing open the door she stepped out only to be startled by a small
rustling sound. Looking around frantically she finds nothing as she steps out onto the roof. Turning
back around she finally spots the source of the sound peeking from around the corner of the

“Aren’t you supposed to be going home to the kids?” Maki’s question lingers in the air for a
moment as she walks over noticing a surprising lack of reaction from Nico. Even more surprising
still is that in the few moments it takes her to walk over next to the girl sat down and leaning
against the wall she hears nothing more than a small sigh.

“Mama is home early today. I don't need to be there.” The entire nature of her to-the-point answer
has Maki thrown off even more. She thought for a moment of teasing Nico about the fact her
siblings are one of the reasons they weren’t even practicing today, but she stops as she looks down.
Slowly sitting herself down beside her she leans back against the wall and sighs.

“So what’s wrong with you?”. Unsure if she should even say anything, Maki decides it’s worth the
shot noticing the redness in Nico’s eyes. Another small glance over and she sees the small dark
spots on the hem of her sleeve. While she knows she really isn’t the best person in this situation she
can’t help but think crying alone on a rooftop isn’t fitting of the whole “World’s number one super
Idol” persona.

“What do you mean what’s wrong? I was just relaxing here when you showed up.” Maki knew full
well that wasn’t the case given how cold the response sounded and the fact she could see it in her
face. Though what was there she could really do about it.

“Alright fine, but I’m not leaving. I need somewhere not the music room to relax for once. I think
all the writing is starting to get to me.” As Maki spoke Nico tried her best to settle the unease on
her face as she watched her lean back and close her eyes.

“You really do know how to get on someone's nerves don’t you? Seeing a pretty girl looking
distressed and then just sitting down and ignoring her!”. Nico’s outburst felt more like her normal
self as she berated Maki in classic “all-important” fashion. With a small chuckle escaping her lips
Maki didn’t even bother to turn her head back down.

“I thought you said there was nothing wrong? Besides you should know by now emotional people
aren’t really my strong suit.”

“Yeah well…” With a click of her tongue Nico huffs out a few times as she looks around the roof
in frustration. Eventually, she gives in and lets it fade as she slides herself over to huddle herself
into Maki’s side. Leaning her head to the side she rests herself down with ease onto the taller girl's
“You should be honored that the greatest idol is laying her head on you.”

“Maybe if that idol would say what’s on her mind she could go back to that whole “smiling” thing
she goes on about.” Maki knows she’s pressing her luck digging into Nico like this, but it’s the
only thing she really knows. Neither of them is one to give into each other’s aggravation easily;
though she knows despite that they keep ending up together like this.

“If Maki really wants to know then fine. Nico is just worrying too much about how her most loyal
fans will see her if she can’t keep this success up. They’ve been so much more excitable lately and
I can’t let myself disappoint them.” Maki turns her eyes down towards Nico’s head on her shoulder
with a soft smile. Her eyes are closed as she let herself fall immediately back into a relaxed state
the moment she finished speaking. The thought of disappointing one's family is something that she
could relate to painfully well; even if she knows that for Nico it’s a much more genuine ordeal.

“They’ve admired you this long Nico. I don't think anythings going to change that. Though now I
feel like the pressure’s on me given so much of our success is on my back.” She can’t help but
worry more now that she said it. The very core of an idol's success is in her music so as the one
making the all comes down to her.

“Just because you have a bigger role doesn’t mean it’s all on you Maki.” Nico quickly lifts herself
up from Maki’s side and jumps to her feet. A wide grin crosses her lips as she revels in the brief
moment of towering over the younger girl.

“Get yourself up right now or I’m putting you through at least five rounds of my catchphrase
princess! Hearing you doubt yourself made me realize my own problems. This isn’t on any single
one of us, but instead the group as a whole. We got here together so we’re keeping it going

“You’re giving me a chance to not have to listen to the great Nico Nico-nii? What have you done
with the real Nico?” With a heavy sigh Maki lifts herself off the ground determined not to have to
suffer through Nico’s ramblings.

“I came here to relax and get my mind off music so why are you making me get up?”

“Because it’s not fun lingering in your stress alone on a rooftop. You can trust Nico about that! So
you can accompany me on my research trip I planned to do in Akiba today.” Nico laughs as she
walks towards the door to the roof with her hands on her hips.

“So lucky of Maki to get to accompany the greatest idol in the universe around town!”. With
another heavy sigh Maki shakes her head and follows Nico towards the door. She can’t argue that
her times with µ's has made her realize the value of having company, but she’s beginning to
question who it always ends up being.
Chapter Summary

This whole thing is an interesting experience as I'm not normally one to actually write
fanfiction. It's strange to try and balance the idea of expanding a universe and
characters outside of their very clearly railroaded design to fit a show/franchise's theme
while staying in character. I find I probably picked the two hardest characters in LL to
do that with as well...


As her head falls against the desk Kotori lets out a long groan as the sound of her pen hitting the
floor echoes through the room. Without lifting her head she turns her eyes over the papers scattered
across the table with a soft smile. Suddenly the sound of the club room door opening causes her to
shoot up pulling her sketchbook back in front of her.

“Oh you’re still here Kotori?” Nico steps into the room shutting the door behind her with her foot
as she tosses her bag off to the side. Her gaze wandered around the complete mess on the table that
wasn’t there only a few hours prior while her and Rin suffered through more of Umi’s wildly strict
ideas for plans.

“Ahhh....yeah I didn’t intend to stay, but it’s rather easy to get lost in making new designs. Even if
it is frustrating at times.” Kotori sighs as she begins pulling some of the papers together before
tossing a few of the bad drafts into the small bin at the side of the table. As Nico goes to sit down
she motions her over to the chair next to her.

“Maybe you can help me out Nico.”

“Every time I try to pass on a wonderfully cute costume idea you all turn it down! I thought I was
incapable of helping on this sort of thing?” Kotori can’t help but laugh as she pulls her sketchbook
between them and shakes her head.

“Your overall designs are well...unique, but that doesn’t mean you have bad input on how to
finalize ideas.” She flips through her book a few times until she finds the latest set of drafts she
came up with. In an effort to be ready for anything she’s found herself experimenting with a wide
array of styles ahead of time instead of adapting to each song on the fly. With a wide hopeful smile
she hands the book off to Nico.

“This one and the next couple of pages are my latest tests at expanding our themes a bit.” Taking
the book Nico leans back in her chair a bit and stares down at the intricate drawings across the
pages. Each costume design has various little accessories and inserts to highlight the variations for
each of their outfits. A few designs have even full sketches of a few members to give a sense of
scale to the stage.

As she continues to flip through the pages she realizes something about the sketches that involve
the actual girls wearing them. Flipping back and forth between a few designs she confirms her
suspicion as she keeps noticing the same trend over and over again.

“Why are most of your designs modeled by me, and why even more are the majority of them with
Maki as well?” Kotori stares on a bit in shock at the question before she feels herself becoming a
bit embarrassed.

“Well because two are always together so often and your specific designs are usually
quite dissonant as well!” Nico stares back at her intently for a moment trying to judge the strange
emotion across Kotori’s face before sighing. Setting the book down she leans forward stretching
her arms across the table.

“Well I suppose that’s fair, but really? I’m surprise anyone else noticed how much we’re together.”

“Huh?! You know it’s obvious right? If I’m with Umi or Honoka it’s not that notable because I’ve
been with them almost as long as I can remember. If we see Rin and Hanayo or Eli and Nozomi
together it makes sense because they all came into this together. You and Maki are in an entirely
different situation. You two only met when this group started. You two constantly are at each
other's throats when we’re all together. Yet at the end of the day I’ve seen you spend more time
with her than anyone else has either of you by quite a lot.”

Kotori’s words ring through Nico’s ears for a while after she finishes speaking. Despite that Kotori
doesn’t seem to be pushing her for a response. Instead just watching as Nico rolls her head across
the table with a heavy sigh.

“A super idol like myself has a duty to make people smile and enjoy life. So I can’t help but feel
off when I see how Maki is the majority of the time. I figure maybe she’ll learn to smile a bit and
enjoy herself more if she gets the honor of spending time with Nico.” Kotori can’t help but let out a
heavy laugh as she hears the deflecting explanation from Nico. Reaching her hand out she places it
on top of Nico’s with another small laugh.

“I see so that’s what you’re thinking. Well I’m sure from watching you two that you’re doing a
wonderful job Nico. It’s certainly the time the two of you are the most energetic and that’s why
you make good models for designing out costumes! Though I do wonder how you’d answer that
question the next time someone asks it.” Nico turns her eyes up to the gentle welcoming smile
Kotori has. The entire nature of the situation and such an innocent look makes her flinch as she
feels the hidden judgment in those actions.

“Hah...the great Nico has nothing to hide. If anything she’s happy she could be such an amazing
model as to help the group so much!” Nico watches as Kotori tidies up the last of her papers while
they speak and grabs her bag.

“Well then I’ll see you tomorrow for practice Nico. It’s good to see you enjoy being such a good
fashion subject. Hopefully Maki does as well because I’m sure she’ll find out.” With a small wave
Kotori heads out the club room door without so much as a second glance back to notice the
frustration building on Nico’s face.

“ I really that easy to read?” Nico huffs to herself before falling back down onto the
table the same way she found Kotori. Her eyes drifting towards a discard sketch forgotten on the
floor. A small smile creeping across her lips as she sees the rendition of her standing back to back
with a rather annoying looking redhead.
Chapter Summary

Honestly barely fits the prompt I had, but I guess that's the nature of first to mind
things when doing prompts. It made me think of a scene and idea I wanted to write and
the idea of "Haircut" was just an easy way to logically make that scene happen.

As they walked down the hall towards Nico’s apartment Maki couldn’t help but groan as she saw
the joyous skip in Nico’s step.

“Are you really that happy you roped me into coming over?”

“No. I’m just happy it was as easy as offering to cook for you. promised you’d help me
out today since mama will be gone this afternoon.”

“You’re the one always telling me I’m sheltered and out of touch with real-life so how in the hell
could I help?”

“That’s because you are! You may be a haughty stubborn rich girl who can’t fend for herself in
almost any way, but the kids love you and that’s what I need right now.” Maki lets out another
audible sigh as she hears the last words come out of Nico’s mouth. She knows her siblings do seem
quite excited whenever she visits, but she can’t help but still feel so overwhelmed and out of place
around children.

As if on queue they make it to the door and the moment Nico pushes it open a small flash of black
hair rushes out and clings itself onto Maki’s waist.

“I was right I did hear you with Nico down the hall!” Cocoa continued to bury her face into Maki’s
body even as she spoke. Reaching down Maki hesitantly pats the girl's head as she struggles to
walk inside with the tiny body clinging on the entire way. Cocoro peeks around the corner as the
girls all make it inside with a bright smile as she sits on the floor beside their brother.

“Now now children don’t get too excited for Maki. She was nice enough to come over and help me
out today so don’t go scaring her away.” Nico shakes her head as she has to forcefully remove her
sister from Maki’s waist. Waving her hand she motions Maki to follow her into her room after
playfully scolding her siblings.

“You’re being suspiciously nice and dare I say tolerable today Nico so what’s rolling around in
that head of yours.”

“Hey, keep talking like that and you’ll see that change real quick princess. But really you should
know by now if it’s for the kids then I’ll do anything for them. So if that means buttering up a
certain feisty friend of mine then so be it.” Nico sighs as she looks around the room the entire time
she speaks to Maki. Her motions are uncertain as she digs around through various drawers and
even into her closet. Maki on the other hand sits idly on Nico’s bed still worried about the
suspicious nature of the change in attitude.

“Even when you’re acting nice you sure know how to work on my nerves, but you’re right. I can’t
deny it’s actually rather nice to see how much you care about them so if I can help then I’ll do so.”

“Huh?” Nico suddenly pauses from her search to turn her head towards the girl on her bed. “I can’t
say I expected a genuine response out of you, but thank you. Maybe it’s because you’re the only
one I really ever have around on their own other than the few times Hanayo helped me out, but
they really do like you Maki. Though I’m surprised you’re so interested in how I treat them.”

“You know my family situation well enough that shouldn’t be the case. I’m an only child who's
been living a life pre-planned since before she was even born. You all feel..” Maki’s words trail off
as she hears the children shouting and then laughing from outside the room. She finds herself a bit
entranced by Nico’s family every time she visits, if for nothing more than a sense of “family”.
Turning her head down she stares down at the floor thinking about how to finish what she was
saying before she suddenly hears Nico shout.

“Found it!” Nico struts out from her closet holding a small pink case with a flower on the top of it.
After a moment she pulls it open to check the contents and Maki notices various pairs of scissors.

“It’s a small haircutting kit. The reason I need your help is that Cocoa especially is insufferable to
manage because she refuses to sit still, and well you see what you can do with her.” Maki stares at
the kit in Nico’s hand for a second before letting out a small laugh as she stands up.

“So that’s how someone ‘Who can’t fend for themself’ can help you. You literally just need me to
be here.”

“That’s exactly the case Miss Nishikino. You may be out of touch with how to live, but at the same
time, you fit right in amongst us. So help me keep that girl still and I’ll make you a nice home-
cooked meal with extra special super idol love.” Nico’s smug attitude slowly begins to creep back
into her words as she strikes a pose to taunt Maki, nearly dropping the hairdressing kit in the
process. After taunting the poor girl she waves her to follow back out into the main room only to
stop just before opening the door.

“It’s simple really. The word you wanted is ‘Normal’ isn’t it? That’s why I invite you over so much
after all. Not just for the kids, but for you as well. I can tell you enjoy the change in atmosphere
and quite frankly your family angers Nico. So as the number one idol in the universe I have a duty
to make sure my fans are happy. For Maki, that means giving her a break from that preplanned life
to actually get to be herself...Isn’t Nico so nice?”

The entire time Nico speaks Maki can’t help but stare down at the floor too embarrassed to even
look at her. Though she’d never actually tell any of that to Nico she can’t help but feel a sense of
frustrated happiness that Nico picked up on it all on her own. The thought of being around them all
is a truly different life from the one she’s known for so long. Much in the same way her life as an
idol, making music, and following her passion is from the preordained plan of medicine. With a
heavy sigh she lifts her head still feeling the flush in her cheeks as she pushes Nico out the door. A
faint whisper under her breath as she catches the smug look on the other girl's face.

“Thank you…”
"Does it really matter?"
Chapter Notes

I never really had a strong camp in the whole honorifics good/bad in English writing
thing. But after 3 small prompts so far I figure I find it easier just to leave them given
it's for an audience that understands their meaning. A lot easier than trying to work the
nuance into such small pieces.

The sound of the piano echoing through the music room takes an unusual twist as a mass of
random notes ring through the air. This is quickly followed up with a heavy groan as Maki
stretches herself back off the bench.

“Maki-chan, why don’t you just leave it at that ~nyaa!” Rin leans back against the windowsill as
she stares down the exhausted looking girl in front of her. Kicking her feet she jumps up and darts
forward towards Nico who's sitting off on her own looking equally frustrated at Maki.

“Right Nico-chan? Maki just needs to let herself be finished with the song. It already sounds so

Nico slowly shakes her head as she stands up placing her hand on Rin’s shoulder. With a wide grin,
she points her other out towards Maki who’s now leaned back the other way resting her head on
the edge of the piano.

“Normally I’d agree, but this is Maki-chan we’re talking about so there isn’t going to be a way to
stop her.” Nico lets out a long sigh as she walks over to sit herself down on the bench aside Maki.

The look on Rin’s face grows more confused than frustrated at this point as she reluctantly plops
herself back down on a chair nearby. Her eyes were now glued onto Maki's, causing her to turn
away from Rin.

After leaving the room sit in silence for a few moments Maki picks herself up from the piano
placing her hands back on the keys. With a small hum to herself she works through a few quick
sequences of notes to match the sound of her voice. Each time she reaches the end of a phrase it’s
followed by a subtle groan before she starts again with only a slight variation.

“Does it really matter that much?! I can barely hear any difference between them, and besides, it’s
not like we’re always perfect on stage either.” Rin lets out a small laugh as she stands up and twirls
in place while holding a forcibly bad note for a moment.

Maki ignores the prodding questions and continues the same trend she’s been at for what is well
over 30 minutes at this point. Meanwhile, Nico continues to sit idly aside her on the bench staring
her down with a worried expression.

“True idols need to strive for perfection Rin!” Nico’s words ring throughout the room as shouts.
“But this time you’re actually right. There’s nothing really wrong with even the original version
Maki started with, but she’s not going to settle until she’s happy.”

Rin slowly makes her way over towards the piano as well before crouching down at the side of the
bench. While Maki sits still thinking and not playing for a moment Rin reaches up towards the
keys. Idly prodding at a few keys she sighs and stares up at the other girls.

“I don’t understand the music part much at all. I can help Eli figure out problems or variations in
our dances, but when it comes to the songs I just sing what I’m shown ~nyaa.” She continues
poking around at a few keys. “Though I can tell it means a lot to Maki-chan to get it perfect and if
even Nico-chan supports her then I will too!”

“You two have helped enough really. I only really needed your input on the general idea of this
section. I didn’t mean to keep you around through me trying to refine it when I asked if you’d listen
to what I’m working on.” Maki’s head had fallen back against the edge of the piano as Nico’s hand
brushed across her hair.

Shaking her head Nico stops her petting of Maki to poke heavily at her cheek with a smug grin.

“I’m staying right here until you’re done. You asked for my input and a super-idol never goes back
on a promise.” Rin’s eyes turn up to Nico as she speaks alluding to her sudden lunge upwards. Her
arms wrapping tightly around Nico’s neck as she laughs.

“Nico-chan is committed to her role as an idol and to Maki-chan..”

Pulling herself back from Nico’s neck Rin stares down at the dejected looking Maki and gives her
a small bow before perking up into a confident pose as she pulls her fist to her chest.

“I have faith you’ll get there because you’ve never failed us Maki-chan, but I’m going to leave
now. Kayo-chin is probably wondering where I am by this point…”

Rin walks off to the other side of the room towards the door turning back for a moment to give the
other girls a small wave. They wave her off in return before she’s seen from the door window
sprinting down away from the music room.

“Are you really going to stay here the whole time Nico-chan?” Maki sits herself up and stretches
her arms up over her head. Her eyes turn back down to the keys as she places her hands on the
piano once more.

Without a word, Nico gives her a small nod and leans her head to the side resting it on Maki’s
shoulder. Her eyes drift shut for a moment as she listens to Maki begin to hum and play the same
small phrase she’s been this entire time.

“I know there are days you sit in this room at this piano until well after it’s dark out Maki-chan.
The least I can do is try and keep you company while you do it so you’re not sat alone in a room
for hours.”

Maki’s hands immediately stop upon hearing Nico’s words. A small lump forms in her throat
halting her humming as well while she tries not to turn her head towards the girl leaning against
her. Suddenly her hands pick up right where they left off once more. This time each run through the
sequence is a bit faster than last, but without her accompanying hum. As she rests her finger on the
last note letting it ring out as long as possible she pushes her hand against Nico and stands up from
the bench.

“I swear I’ve heard that exact version at least five times today so how are you suddenly done?”
Nico crosses her arms and glares up at Maki who’s already grabbing her jacket from the nearby

“You have, but I decided it’s the one I like best.”

“Suddenly right now it’s the one you like best?” Nico’s glare gains a subtle smirk as she stands up
as well. “You’re just wanting to not spend your afternoon with Nico cooped up in the music room
is what it is.”

Maki’s face instantly glows a soft shade of red as she turns towards the door leaving Nico behind.
Nico quickly darting forward to catch up clings herself around Maki’s arm giving it a tight squeeze
before pulling back but leaving her arm linked.

“You’re too excited about it so now I’ve changed my mind.” Maki’s eyes continue to look
everywhere they can except towards Nico who’s now clung right up against her. Even still she
leaves her there as they walk down the hall entwined together.

“Poor Maki-chan still can’t be open about wanting to spend time with the great Nico Nico-nii can

“You know I almost said something sincere right there, but hearing your catchphrase made me
want to choke instead.” Maki pulls her other hand up to feign a coughing motion as she picks up
the speed forcing Nico to stumble along next to her before quickly pulling herself off and stepping
in front of Maki.

“You say that, but it doesn’t really matter. Nico knows how you hide things so she knows very
well what the real meaning is.” Nico’s smile widens a bit as she bows her head and reaches a hand
out towards Maki. “ would be nice to hear once in a while you know.”

Maki stares at Nico with a pained look on her face before reaching out and taking the outstretched
hand. With a small huff she steps forward finishing their walk out of the school grounds hand in
Chapter Summary

Nico's attitude is both fun and difficult to write. At times I struggle to think "Is it too
much or is it too little".

Nozomi on the other hand is just a joy of a character and I had fun with this little idea
especially because of the thought of including her.

“Nico-chi don’t you have your own room you can lay around in?” Nozomi stared over towards the
bed as she leaned back in her chair. A small chuckle left her lips every once in a while as she
watched Nico fidget around and roll across the bed staring at her phone for the past twenty

“Yeah, but you’re the only other one in the rooms at the moment. Doesn’t it feel nice to have the
company of such an amazing idol?” Waving her hand around and to her chest, Nico strikes a smug
pose as she sits up towards the edge of the bed.

After nothing but a heavy sigh in response Nozomi notices a small booklet laying on the desk in
front of her. Picking it up she smiles a bit before tossing it over onto the bed.

“Put that in Maki’s bag please.” The booklet lands aside Nico’s leg before she reaches down.
Turning it over in her hands a few times she looks towards Nozomi a bit confused.

“What is it?”

“It’s her passport. She left it out on the desk as she was searching her bag and I don’t want it to get

Nico takes a moment to flip the book open immediately putting on a frustrated look as she puls her
head back with a groan.

“Why the hell does her passport photo look like a modeling shoot!” Nico’s frustration builds
quickly as she thinks back to her own photo that makes her look barely alive. Her eyes fixated on
the rather stunning photo of the one person she could never imagine herself being topped by.

As Nozomi peers over watching Nico’s inner conflicts she laughs softly to herself as she leans back
in her chair. Taking her time with her answer she leaves Nico in silence for a few moments as she
notices she continues to just stare back and forth between the passport and the mirror at the side of
the room. After a few times back and forth she falls back onto the bed letting the booklet sit at her

“That’s not like you Nico-chi. Letting yourself get consumed by Maki-chan of all people.” Nozomi
pauses for a moment. “Or should I say it’s more wearing your heart on your sleeve?”

Turning her head towards Nozomi she gives her a heavy glare as she huffs out “That’s definitely
not something I want to hear from you more than anyone. You shouldn’t be scolding people for
something you’re bad at yourself.”
“I think I’ve made quite the improvement over the past few months. You however seem to keep it
all bottled up under that attitude of yours.”

“Attitude?! You think I have an attitude when it’s Maki we’re talking about? The girl can’t go
more than 20 minutes without making some kind of snide remark at my expense and fights me on
everything!” Sitting up, Nozomi leans her head in her hand as she rests on the desk knowing she’s
getting into Nico’s head.

“You’re doing it again Nico-chi. We weren’t even talking about her anymore yet you still found
yourself unable to go on without bringing her up.” Letting her smirk widen she points down
towards Maki’s passport. “You know deep down the reason she fights you so much is because
you’re the one provoking it. You’d probably feel a lot better if you were just more honest with

The thought of being lectured by Nozomi churns Nico’s stomach to the point of being sick as she
picks the passport back up. Holding it over her head she flips the page open once again staring into
Maki’s eyes in the picture. Clicking her tongue she snarkily responds without even looking over.

“That’s easier said than done Miss ‘She was the only friend I had.’. We don’t all have it so easy
and besides...I’m not even that sure myself.”

A bit taken back by the sudden burst of honesty Nozomi pulls herself up from her chair slowly.
Making her way towards the bed she sits herself down beside Nico before leaning back and turning
her head.

“I’ll concede your point, but do you really think you’re much different? You’ve both gone from no
one at all to all of us, but you have to realize how much you two stand out.”

Nico closes the booklet, setting it back at her side as she turns herself away from Nozomi’s
piercing gaze. The words ringing through her head still as she hears her begin to speak again much
to her displeasure.

“All I’m saying is you two spend a lot of time alone together. Maybe one of those times just be a
bit more honest with yourself. It might do some good for that temper of yours.”

As Nozomi continues to not shut up Nico can’t help but groan out in frustration as she jumps up
from the bed. Reaching down she picks up Maki’s passport one more time to finally finish the
initial request. Slipping it down into the pocket of Maki’s luggage she stares down at Nozomi
shaking her head.

“Sometimes I think you know just how much you get on my nerves. Actually, that’s a lie because I
know you understand that because you keep doing it.” Reaching a hand to her head Nico rubs her
forehead before pacing softly around the room.

“I hate even more that I know you’re right.” Nico’s words ring out louder than she’d been speaking
the entire time as she heads across the room. With not a word more she heads out the door paying
no mind to even look back at Nozomi who hadn’t moved at all since falling onto the bed.

Shaking her head as she’s gone Nozomi sits up with a faint smile as she notices the small handbag
Nico had left at the side of the bed.

“Well, at least it’s an easy way to force them together for a bit. Sorry Nico-chi, but you should
know by now that I understand stubborn minds more than anyone.”
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