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Total: 1,187,682-1,545,822

200,000–2,000,000 CIVILIANS VIETNAM Total dead: ~1,912,846-3,992,846

20,000-35,000 killed[ gulf war
Total dead: 38,778-70,278 iraq war
Taliban and Insurgents

Killed or captured: 38,000+

Wounded: unknown

The terrified history of US remind us an era of Cowboys shooting down Innocent Native Americans
(Red.Indians) and enjoyed alot in killing of mankind.Who can forget the Black Negros enslavement the
word called "Nitty gritty".Who can forget the "Litte boy and Fat man".Killing of 1,187,682-1,545,822 only in
Korean war.200,000–2,000,000 civilians in Vietnam.20,000-35,000 in Gulf-War.In current US-Iraq war
38,778-70,278 lost their lives more than 2,000,00 civilians died in Afganhistan.3000 Innocent people died
in Dronez attack in pakistan other than covet actions and proxy different part of the world.These
are the few drops from the Ocean.America is a building structure of countless crimes.Even it is famous to
say in America "Whose your daddy" a proud illicit nation.The sensible person could be understand the
soar high crimes in American.Human rights Champion doesnot need a Nuclear techonology and highly
killing weapons all the need is to spread peace and love but the new digitialze cowboys can't forget their
bad blood inhertiantly received by the forefathers.Similarly if America want to become the King of Human
Rights.she should be out of Iraq and Afghanistan at first.I still remember when i was a child I used to
watch war movies which mainly made against Chieness spot face people called Vietnamese and the
shameless American and Hollywood directors made such movies by which they can save their pride that
they already lost in war by Brave Vietnamese.These movies were made in US for 15 years and so to wipe
out the dirty spot on their collars however the truth is the same.

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