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 After the exponential expansion knowing
vbe < < VT

Small signal

DC component
Thus, The signal current can be
written as

This equation relates the signal current in the

collector to the corresponding base–emitter signal
voltage. It can be rewritten as

where gm is called the transconductance,

 A graphical interpretation for gm is given in Figure
shown in the next slide, where it is shown that gm is
equal to the slope of the i –v characteristic curve at ic
= IC (i.e., at the bias point Q). Thus,
 The analysis above suggests that for small
signals (vbe < < VT ), the transistor behaves as a
voltage-controlled current source. The input port
of this controlled source is between base and
emitter, and the output port is between collector
and emitter. The transconductance of the
controlled source is gm , and the output resistance
is infinite. (open circuit)

 To determine the resistance seen by vbe , we first

evaluate the total base current iB using

Small signal

The small-signal input resistance between base and emitter, looking
into the base, is denoted by r π and is defined as

From the above equations we can get :

 The total emitter current iE can be determined

Small signal

If we denote the small-signal resistance between base and emitter looking
into the emitter by re , it can be defined as

From the above equations

 We have established above that the transistor senses
the base–emitter signal vbe and causes a proportional
current gm vbe to flow in the collector lead at a high
(ideally infinite) impedance level. In this way the
transistor is acting as a voltage-controlled current
source. To obtain an output voltage signal, we may
force this current to flow through a resistor, Then the
total collector voltage vCE will be
Small signal

Thus the voltage gain of this amplifier Av is
 The π model is an equivalent circuit model for
the BJT . This model represents the BJT as a
voltage-controlled current source and explicitly
includes the input resistance looking into the
base, rπ . The model obviously yields ic = gm vbe
and ib = vbe / rπ . Not so obvious, however, is the
fact that the model also yields the correct
expression for ie. This can be shown next slide
 At the emitter node we have

BJT as a voltage-controlled current source

 A slightly different equivalent-circuit model can be
obtained by expressing the current the controlled
source (gm vbe ) in terms of the base current ib as

BJT as a current-controlled current source

 Although the hybrid-π model (in one of its two
variants) can be used to carry out small-signal
analysis of any transistor circuit, there are
situations in which an alternative model is much
more convenient. This model, called the-T- model,
represents the BJT as a voltage-controlled
current source with the control voltage being vbe .
Here, however, the resistance between base and
emitter, looking into the emitter, is explicitly
shown. We see clearly that the model yields the
correct expressions for ic and ie . For ib see next
 we note that at the base node we have

voltage-controlled current source representation

 we can obtain the alternative T model Here the BJT is
represented as a current-controlled current source but
with the control signal being ie, as follows

current-controlled current source

 The availability of the small-signal BJT circuit
models makes the analysis of transistor amplifier
circuits a systematic process. The process
consists of the following steps:
1- Eliminate the signal source and determine the
dc operating point of the BJT and in particular the
dc collector current IC .
2- Calculate the values of the small-signal model
parameters: gm =IC / VT, rπ =β / gm, and re =VT / IE =
α/ gm.
3- Eliminate the dc sources by replacing each dc
voltage source with a short circuit and each dc
current source with an open circuit.
4- Replace the BJT with one of its small-signal
equivalent circuit models. Although any one of the
models can be used, one might be more convenient
than the others for the particular circuit being
analyzed. This point will be made clearer later.
5-Analyze the resulting circuit to determine the
required quantities (e.g., voltage gain, input
resistance). The process will be illustrated by the
following example.
Analyze the transistor amplifier shown below to
determine its voltage gain vO / vi .
 Assume ß = 100.

 We shall follow the five-step process outlined

1. The first step in the analysis consists of
determining the quiescent operating point. For
this purpose we assume that vi = 0 and thus
obtain the dc circuit shown in the next slide.
The dc base current will be
The dc collector current will be

The dc voltage at the collector will be

circuit for dc analysis

2. Having determined the operating point, we can
now proceed to determine the small-signal model
3. Replacing VBB and VCC with short circuits
results in the circuit in Fig below
4. To carry out the small-signal analysis, it is
equally convenient to employ either of the two
hybrid π equivalent-circuit models as shown below
5. Analysis of the equivalent circuit proceeds as follows:

The output voltage vo is given by

Thus the voltage gain will be

 We need to analyze the circuit below to
determine the voltage gain. The capacitor Cc1 is
a coupling capacitor whose purpose is to couple
the signal vi to the emitter while blocking dc. In
this way the dc bias established by V+ and V-
together with RE and RC will not be disturbed
when the signal vi is connected. For the purpose
of this example, CC1 will be assumed to be very
large so as to act as a perfect short circuit at
signal frequencies of interest. Similarly, another
very large capacitor CC2 is used to couple the
output signal v to other parts of the system.
1. Figure below shows the circuit with the signal
source and the coupling capacitors eliminated.
The dc operating point can be determined as
2. We now determine the small-signal parameters
as follows:
3. To prepare the circuit for small-signal analysis,
we replace the dc sources with short circuits. The
resulting circuit is shown in Fig below. Observe
that we have also eliminated the two coupling
capacitors, since they are assumed to be acting as
perfect short circuits.
4. We are now ready to replace the BJT with one of
the four equivalent circuit models of . Although any
of the four will work, the T models will be more
convenient because the base is grounded. That
results in the amplifier equivalent circuit shown in
Fig. below
 Analysis of the circuit in Fig above to determine
the output voltage vo and hence the voltage
gain vo / vi is straightforward and is given in the
figure. The result is
 With the emitter used as a common terminal between input and
output, Fig.(b) shows a transistor amplifier known as a common-
emitter or grounded-emitter circuit. Derive an expression
for the voltage gain vo /vs, and evaluate its magnitude for the
case Rs = 5 kΩ, rπ = 2.5 kΩ, gm = 40 mA/V,ro = 100 kΩ, and RL =
5 kΩ. What would the gain value be if the effect of ro were
 An alternative model for the transistor in which a current
amplifier rather than a transconductance amplifier is utilized is
shown in Fig (c). What must the short-circuit current gain β be?
Give both an expression and a value.
Refer to Fig.(b). We use the voltage-divider rule to determine the
fraction of input signal that appears at the amplifier input as

Next we determine the output voltage vo by multiplying the current

(gmvbe) by the resistance (RL || ro),

Substituting for vbe from Eq. yields the voltage-gain expression

Observe that the gain is negative, indicating that this amplifier is

inverting. For the given component values,

Neglecting the effect of ro, we obtain

which is quite close to the value obtained including ro. This is
not surprising, since

(b) For the model in Fig.(c) to be equivalent to that in Fig.(a),

Since ,the open-circuit voltage gain can be
obtained as

Overall Voltage Gain To determine the overall voltage

gain we first determine the fraction of that appears at the
amplifier input proper, that is, ;

Common Base (CB) Amplifier T-model equivalent circuit

From the T-model

To determine the voltage gain, we write at the collector node

and substitute for the emitter current from

to obtain
Using the voltage division rule

If a load resistance RL is connected to the amplifier

output terminal, it will appear in parallel with RC and
thus Av can be determined as

The overall voltage gain Gv can now be obtained by

multiplying Av with the expression for 𝑣𝑖ൗ𝑣𝑠𝑖𝑔
 Since 𝛼 ≈ 1 , we see that the overall voltage gain
is simply the ratio of the total resistance in the
collector circuit to the total resistance in the
emitter circuit. We also note that the overall
voltage gain is almost independent of the value of
β (except through the small dependence of 𝛼 on
ß), a desirable property.
Consider a CB amplifier utilizing a BJT biased at
IC = 1 mA and with RC = 5 kΩ. Determine
Rin , Avo , and Ro , If the amplifier is loaded in RL =
5 kΩ, what value of AV results, What Gv is
obtained if Rsig = 5 kΩ

Common collector amplifier The equivalent T-model

Note that ro appears in parallel with RL . Since in
discrete circuits ro >> RL , we shall neglect it, thus
obtaining the simplified circuit as follows
The input resistance Rin is found from

Substituting for ib = ie / (ß + 1) where ie is given by

we obtain

The voltage gain Av is given by

Setting RL = ∞. i.e. open circuit, yields Avo ,

The overall gain Gv can be obtained as follows

This is equivalent to
By dividing both the numerator and denominator
by ß +1

This is equivalent to
When RL = ∞ , i.e. open circuit , Gvo = 1, and Rout is
It is required to design an emitter follower to
implement the buffer amplifier of Fig in the next
slide Specify the required bias current IE and the
minimum value the transistor ß must have.
Determine the maximum allowed value of vsig if vπ
is to be limited to 5 mV in order to obtain
reasonably linear operation. With vsig = 200 mV,
determine the signal voltage at the output if RL is
changed to 2 kΩ, and to 0.5 kΩ.
Ro = re = 10 Ω

The input resistance Rin will be

Minimum β = 98
The overall voltage gain can be determined from

Thus when vsig = 200 mV, the signal at the output will
be 100 mV. Since the 100 mV appears across the 1-kΩ
load, the signal across the base–emitter junction can
be found from
If v
ෞπ = 5 mV then vsig can be increased by a factor
of 5, resulting in vෞ
sig = 1 V.
To obtain vo as the load is varied, we use the
Thévenin equivalent of the emitter follower,
To obtain

For RL = 2kΩ

For RL = 0.5kΩ

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