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Computer skills 

Under supervision: Dr Kadry 

Student name : Dalia Osama

ID : 391800311 

Group: B

The uses of Microsoft excel and

access in physical therapy

Physical therapy clinic improves productivity to help more

patients with Microsoft excel and access
To keep up with the rising number of patients, locations,
and employees, the clinic deployed Microsoft 365 for
business productivity and communication. Envision Sport
empowered its therapists to do mobile charting, saving
them time and providing faster, more efficient service to
improve its patients’ experiences.
Microsoft 365 has been worth every penny for us to get set up
with the right technology to serve more patients. There is
nothing more rewarding than hearing patients say ‘thank you’
and knowing we helped them live better, healthier lives. 

First the uses of Microsoft excel in
physical therapy
Health Science 391 

The Physical Therapy Budget

We are the administrator of the Physical Therapy department in a medium sized
hospital and are responsible for developing the annual budget for our department. 

Department expense budgets are maintained over 12 month time frames. Individual
line items such as salaries, payroll taxes, office supplies, etc. must all be budgeted for
each month of the year. In addition to the monthly budget, you must also generate 3 to
5 graphs to help present the data. Your department has just been issued an IBM
compatible computer equipped with Microsoft Excel which we will use to create our
budget model.

Attached is a sample budget report containing a sample monthly versus budget. 

Creating the Budget 

All expenses fall into one of two categories:

Fixed Expenses - Generally don't change from month to month. For example,
rent on a building tends to stay the same regardless of anything else.

Variable Expenses - are related to the level of treatment activity during the
month. For example, the number of gloves used by a nursing staff would vary by the
number of patients treated every month. In the Physical Therapy department, variable
expenses are related to the number of patients treated and the number of treatments

To help us calculate variable expenses the hospital's planning committee has already
projected the number of patients by month. Given this projection we must determine
the likely expenses by month. 

Because the budget is often revised several times before it is finally approved, our
model must also include the ability to recalculate the monthly expense budget given
revisions to any of the assumptions or to the patient and treatment projection. This
means that assumptions should not be hard-coded into formulas. Please read Budget
Project Tips for more information about hard-coding assumptions as well as other
helpful advice.

Activity Projections

  Patients at Patients Patients Patients at End

Beginning of Admitted Discharged of Month
Month During Month During Month
Jan 59 57 58 58
Feb 58 59 58 59
Mar 59 52 52 59
Apr 59 56 53 62
May 62 57 56 63
Jun 63 50 54 59
Jul 59 49 45 63
Aug 63 52 54 61
Sep 61 53 52 62
Oct 62 57 51 68
Nov 68 57 43 82
Dec 82 56 46 92

 What our budget model must include
A monthly budget for each month of the year

A total year column which adds up the 12 months

Appropriate formatting applied to all cells (E.G. Dollar amounts should be formatted
as currency, percentages should be formatted as percentages, etc.)

Use of the IF() function to calculate the number of new therapists

Use of the ROUNDUP() Function to calculate the total number of therapists required

by month

A pie chart showing each expense category as a percent of all expenses

The trend in monthly treatments depicted with a 3-D column chart

Salary related expenses by month depicted with a 3-D stacked column chart (show
each salary-related expense category as a stack)


Salary-Related Expenses

Average Patients by Month - Beginning # of Patients plus Ending # of

Patients divided by two. 

Total Patient Treatments by Month - Patients receive an average of 20
treatments per patient per month. You must first calculate the number of average
patients in a month and then multiply it by 20.

Number of Therapists Required - Each therapist can perform 9

treatments per day. To arrive at the number of therapists, you must first calculate how
many treatments are to be performed in a given month. Based on how many
treatments per day that one therapist can do, you can then determine how many
therapists will be needed.  TIP: Don't forget to convert the number of treatments per
day to treatments per month so that it is consistent with the assumption above.

Salaries - (Variable) - Average salary of $3,750 per therapist per month. 

Benefits - 15% of salaries (Variable) - Calculate salaries first and then multiply by

Payroll Taxes - (Variable) - 5% of salaries - Calculate salaries first and then

multiply by 5%

Education Reimbursement - (Variable) - Average of $100 per month per

therapist. Assumes that every therapist will spend an average of $100 per month for
continuing education.

Operating Expenses

Office Supplies - (Fixed) $250 per month 

Postage - $100 per month (Fixed) 
White Lab Coats - (Variable) $50 per new therapist . To calculate, subtract the
number of therapists in each prior month to arrive at the number of new therapists in
each given month. Use the IF() function to make sure that we don't accidentally get a
negative number in the event the number of therapists ever declines.

Telephone -(Fixed) $150 per month

Courier - (Fixed) $50 per month 
Admittance/Evaluation costs - (Variable) $150 per new patient - The
number of new patients is the same as the number of patients admitted during the


for example : General Hospital - Physical Therapy Department 

Operating Budget

Second the uses of Microsoft access in
physical therapy
Microsoft Access is an information management tool that helps you store

information for reference, reporting, and analysis.  Microsoft Access

helps you analyze large amounts of information, and manage related data

more efficiently than Microsoft Excel or other spreadsheet applications. 

This article shows you when to use Access, and how it can help make you

more effective.

Some of the major benefits to using a database are

1. Fewer errors and inconsistencies. 

2. Higher productivity

3. Security and Control.

4. Better Decisions and Insight. 

Microsoft Access also comes in handy for many industries,

including healthcare. In fact, healthcare is one of the top

industries that relies on databases to identify patients, manage

lab results and track billing and payments. The amount of

healthcare data continues to grow, and databases offer a

reasonable solution to keep track of it. Once information is

entered into the database, the documents can be shredded,

helping medical offices stay in compliance with the latest HIPAA


Ways Databases are Used in Medical Facilities  

There are dozens of uses for databases in the medical field.

Microsoft Access is able to handle most of them with no flaws.

By entering data into an Access database, it’s collected in an

analytic format. This way, medical professionals can better

understand the data and offer patients better, more efficient


Let’s look at some of the ways that the healthcare industry uses


 Lab systems

 Financial systems 

 Patient satisfaction systems

 Patient identification

 Billing and payment processing

 Practice management system 

 Ambulatory surgery 

 Claims database 

 HR system 

 the Challenges Databases Solve for Medical


Databases solve a number of challenges for healthcare

facilities. Specifically: 

 Data quality. It’s hard to make sense of overwhelming

information. With a database, data can be entered into the

system and organized in a way that’s practical and sensible.

When you need quick, reliable information, it can be searched

for, compared, analyzed and more. 

 Collaboration. Databases make it possible to

collaborate with others. Multiple users can look at the same

database and exchange ideas, address an account, etc.

However, not all users need to have the same access. For

example, multiple users can be on the same sheet but only one

will have authorization to make edits. 

 Security. Data security is a major concern for healthcare
facilities. Having a reliable, secure database is an effective way

to keep information safe. Paper documents can then be

shredded, keeping in compliance with HIPAA laws.

Healthcare organizations have endless ways to benefit from

using a database. To learn more about databases and how they

can benefit your medical office, call Arkware today. We’re

happy to help and find the best solution for us

✘Examples of Databases in Current Use

Database Description

The Within the DVA, the Veterans Health

Department Administration (VHA) operates the largest

of Veterans centrally-directed health care system in the

Affairs United States. During 1993, these facilities

(DVA) supported 1.1 million inpatient and 23.9

million outpatient visits. Files include all

inpatients and outpatients who use DVA health

services; this population includes veterans,

their dependents, active duty military

personnel, DVA employees, and other emergency

Database Description


VHA's goal is the development of a fully

automated patient record. In 1982, VHA began

implementation of a national automation

program to integrate software for patient

registration, admission/discharge/transfer,

clinical scheduling, outpatient and inpatient

pharmacy, and clinical laboratory.

Implementation now centers on film and chart

tracking, dietetics, radiology, mental health,

medical center procurements, surgery, nursing,

order entry and results reporting, patient-

based cost accounting, and payroll


Applications under way for the clinical record

module include capture of clinical information

such as coded encounter information, tracking

of consult requests, preparation of discharge

summaries, maintenance of problem lists, and

provision of a clinical lexicon for providers.

Database Description

VHA utilization data include inpatient

episodes in DVA and non-DVA hospitals,

extended care facilities, DVA and community

nursing homes, outpatient visits and

ambulatory surgery, prescriptions (and

payments) for non-DVA sources, social work

treatment and placement, and drug dependence

treatment programs.

VHA files are also used to produce fiscal

statistics and estimates of total and average

costs for various service categories (e.g.,

medical beds, nursing home care, and

outpatient care) at each DVA medical center

and to produce information for pension and

compensation benefits, death rates, and

county-level enumerations of veterans.

Minnesota This project has been operating for five years

Clinical with 50 participating health care

Comparison institutions. It represents a coalition of

and provider institutions, professional societies,

Database Description

Assessment and others coordinated by the Healthcare

Project Education and Research Foundation, a nonprofit

(MCCAP) research foundation in St. Paul.

MCCAP includes data collection, analysis, and

dissemination organized into a system that

gives participants both comparative

information for quality improvement and

provider education and an analysis of changing

practices and variations in practice.

The Greater GCHQC is a joint effort of the local business

Cleveland coalition, the Greater Cleveland Hospital

Health Association and 32 of Cleveland's hospitals,

Quality and the Academy of Medicine (the county

Choice medical society) to measure and disseminate

(GCHQC) information about the quality of care in

Cleveland hospitals. Manually abstracted

hospital records of patients in the

metropolitan area provide information on (1)

outcomes of certain medical and surgical

admissions, (2) outcomes of intensive care

Database Description

admissions, and (3) satisfaction data from

hospitalized patients. Risk-adjusted quality

data have been provided at an institutional

level to employers for use in contracting

decisions by employer members of the


The This is the best known and the most used of

Manitoba the provincial databases. It is both quite

Provincial comprehensive and inclusive. In Manitoba,

Health claims filed routinely with the Manitoba

Database Health Services Commission (MHSC) from many

settings of care (hospital, medical,

outpatient, and nursing home) have been linked

with the population registries and with each

other to provide good longitudinal histories.

The claims are generally complete and, when

used appropriately, highly reliable.

Nonparticipation in the Manitoba Health Plan

is minimal as residents are not required to

pay any premiums.

Database Description

Cardiac For many years the New York State Department

Surgery of Health has gathered information on all

Reporting coronary bypass operations, valve operations,

System and heart transplants in the state; included

(CSRS) are data on patient demographics; admission,

discharge, and surgical procedure dates; pre-

operative risk factors; complications; and

discharge status. Surgeon and hospital

identifiers are included.

An advisory committee, composed of practicing

New York State cardiac surgeons and

cardiologists as well as advisors from other

states, determined the clinical data needed

and developed the report form used by the 30

hospitals certified to perform open heart

surgery in the state. A series of pre-

operative surgical risk factors were

identified by cardiac surgeons and


The work has documented wide differences over

Database Description

the years in the mortality rates of both

hospitals and individual surgeons.

The work has documented wide differences over

the years in the mortality rates of both

hospitals and individual surgeons.

The TRACS includes 152 standardized data elements

National on patients treated for trauma at 19 trauma

Trauma centers. Data elements include: type of

Registry of injury; diagnosis; treatment provided; days in

the the intensive care unit and hospital; hospital

American charges and reimbursement; medical

College of complications, readmissions, reoperations, and

Surgeons indicators of delayed treatment; impairments

(TRACS) in self-care, mobility, or verbal ability; and

final disposition. Additional modules will be

directed toward data on pediatric trauma,

autopsy, burn care, head injury, quality

assurance, orthopedic services, prehospital

care, and outcomes research

Integrated IMS is a vendor that has developed a database

Database Description

Medical designed to provide administrative information

Systems, and to aid current medical management through

Inc. (IMS) provision of information such as claims data,

eligibility, benefits information, and

utilization review. IMS owns (in most cases)

and operates 23 information networks in 20

states with 90 hospitals and 5,000

participating physicians. A Colorado network

involves 40 percent of the state's acute-care

hospitals, 800 physicians, 5 pharmacies, a

clinical laboratory, an insurance company, a

diagnostic center, and an imaging center.

These information networks are what some term

virtual databases in that no data to which

they provide access are stored in a central

computer. IMS uses telephone lines and modems

to transfer text, voice, image, and graphics

information (e.g., electrocardiograms,

magnetic resonance images) among network

sponsors and users authorized by each sponsor.

Database Description

Sponsors are typically institutional

providers; their authorized users are

typically individual practitioners.

Medicare As of 1990, these files have included about 96

National percent of the U.S. population who are age 65

Claims and over (29 million people), disabled persons

History and (about 10 million), and almost 150,000

Beneficiary patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD).

Health The main files resemble the typical insurance-

Status claims-driven data files of private- and

Registry public-sector payers, but they are by far the

best known (and most inclusive, but not

necessarily the most comprehensive) of all

health-related administrative databases.

Between 1989 and 1991, HCFA completed

implementation of the National Claims History

system, which consolidates all beneficiary

information by linking hospital and physician

payment records. The agency believes this

system will increase appreciably its ability

Database Description

to track access to and quality of care and to

support research and demonstration projects;

such public-use tapes have been and will

continue to be, therefore, a rich source of

data for health services research. In the

early 1990s, HCFA also began work on the

Medicare Beneficiary Health Status Registry,

which will contain longitudinal information on

2 percent of beneficiaries from enrollment

into the program until death; data collected

is to include sociodemographic variables, risk

factors, medical history, and health status

and quality-of-life information.


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