Numerical Skills and Aphasia

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Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society (1999), 5, 213–221.

Copyright © 1999 INS. Published by Cambridge University Press. Printed in the USA.

Numerical skills and aphasia


Universitätsklinik, Innsbruck, Austria
University College, London, U.K.
Department of Psychology, BRAIN Neuroscience Center, Trieste, Italy
Clinica Neurologica, Padova, Italy
(Received October 1, 1997; Revised March 16, 1998; Accepted June 15, 1998)

The aim of this study was to investigate numerical difficulties in 50 patients with left hemispheric lesions. Aphasic
patients were grouped according to their type of aphasia diagnosed by the Aachener Aphasia Test. The overall error
rate in various transcoding and calculation tasks was clearly correlated with the severity of the language deficit,
global aphasics being the most impaired patients. Broca’s and Wernicke’s aphasics scored similarly at the
quantitative level, and amnesic aphasics were less impaired. Interestingly, qualitative analysis of the errors indicated
that each group presented with specific difficulties, partially reflecting the nature of the language problems. In
simple calculation, multiplication was found to be the most impaired operation, in particular in Broca’s aphasics.
This result supports the hypothesis that the retrieval of multiplication facts is preferentially mediated by
verbal processing. Calculation procedures were mainly impaired in Wernicke’s and global aphasics.
(JINS, 1999, 5, 213–221.)
Keywords: Calculation, Transcoding, Aphasia

INTRODUCTION O’Connor, 1990; Rossor et al., 1995). Other studies empha-

size the similarities between language and number system
In the past decade, our understanding of the cognitive pro- and stress the verbal basis of some numerical skills such as
cesses underlying numerical abilities has dramatically in- counting, reading numbers, transcoding numbers from one
creased due to numerous systematic investigations both in script to another (Deloche & Seron, 1982a, 1982b; Seron &
normals and brain-injured patients. In particular, analysis Deloche, 1983; Seron & Noel, 1992) and also simple cal-
of impaired performance in single case studies has pro- culation (Dehaene & Cohen, 1995).
vided invaluable information for developing cognitive mod- All current transcoding models postulate functionally in-
els of number processing and calculation (e.g., Cipolotti &
dependent mechanisms mediating numeral comprehension
Butterworth, 1995; Dehaene, 1992; Dehaene & Cohen, 1995; and numeral production, as well as distinct pathways for
Hittmair-Delazer et al., 1994; McCloskey, 1992; McClos- processing Arabic numerals and verbal numerals. Within
key et al., 1985; Noel & Seron, 1993, 1995). These studies these components a further distinction is drawn between lex-
mostly focused on numerical processing in isolation and did ical and syntactic mechanisms (Cipolotti & Butterworth,
not study the relation between number processing and other
1995; Deloche & Seron, 1982a, 1982b; McCloskey et al.,
cognitive abilities, as, for example, language functions. In
1985). Lexical mechanisms are responsible for the compre-
one of the first investigations on calculation deficits Berger hension and production of the single elements of a numeral
(1926) classified calculation problems associated with apha- (e.g, the digits 3, 5, 8 in the numeral 358), while syntactic
sia as secondary acalculia. Similarly, Hécaen et al. (1961) mechanisms are devoted to the processing of the relations
distinguished calculation problems due to alexia or agraphia among these elements (e.g., the relative order of the single
for numerals from spatial dyscalculia and pure anarithme-
digits within the numerals). As reported by Deloche and Se-
tia. Some recent case reports highlight the autonomy of the ron (1982a, 1982b; Seron & Deloche, 1983), Broca’s aphas-
language and calculation system (e.g., Hermelin & ics have particular difficulties in the syntactic processing,
while Wernicke’s aphasics produce lexical errors. This par-
ticular error pattern was thought to reflect more general psy-
cholinguistic difficulties, namely, difficulties in syntactic
Reprint requests to: Margarete Delazer, Universitätsklinik für Neurol-
ogie, Anichstraße 35, 6020 Innsbruck, Austria. E-mail: margarete.delazer processing and difficulties in accessing lexical–semantic items, respectively.
214 M. Delazer et al.

Apart from transcoding mechanisms, models depict spe- It is assumed that the overall error rate correlates with
cific components devoted to calculation itself (McCloskey the severity of the language deficit, global aphasics being
et al., 1985). Here, the knowledge of simple arithmetic facts most impaired. The qualitative error pattern, however, may
(e.g., multiplication tables) is distinct from the knowledge vary between different types of language disorder.
of arithmetical procedures (e.g., use of carrying and bor- In transcoding tasks one may expect syntactic errors pre-
rowing), as well as the processing of the arithmetical signs dominantly in Broca’s aphasics and lexical substitutions pre-
(i.e, identification of the specific operation required). This dominantly in Wernicke’s aphasics.
basic architecture of number processing and calculation is In calculation the retrieval of arithmetic facts is of par-
well supported by empirical data and widely accepted. How- ticular interest. Since multiplication tables are commonly
ever, current models differ in fundamental assumptions about taught in verbal form and are rehearsed as verbal sequences
the nature of the mental representations underlying number over years, they are likely to rely more on verbal processing
processing and calculation, as well as in the way in which than other operations (e.g., Dehaene & Cohen, 1995). Mul-
various processing components relate to each other. One is- tiplication thus may present major difficulty to aphasic
sue of debate is whether arithmetic facts are accessed in ver- patients.
bal format (Dehaene, 1992; Dehaene & Cohen, 1995), in
abstract format (McCloskey et al., 1985), in an individually
preferred code (Noel & Seron, 1995, 1997) or in multiple METHODS
codes (Campbell & Clark, 1992).
Single case studies (e.g., Benson & Denckla, 1969), as Research Participants
well as group studies have been devoted to the calculation Fifty Italian speaking patients took part in the study. Inclu-
problems of aphasic patients. One attempt to differentiate sion criteria were unilateral, focal, left hemispheric lesion
between Broca’s and Wernicke’s difficulties in calculation (documented by CT scans) and right-handedness. A further
tasks is the Dahmen et al.’s (1982) group study. The authors inclusion criterion was the ability to recognize single Ara-
propose that calculation problems in Broca’s and Wer- bic numerals by reading them aloud or by indicating their
nicke’s patients depend on different factors, linguistic for cardinality with fingers (N 5 5). Some patients, mainly glo-
the former and spatial for the latter. bal aphasics, had to be excluded from the study, since they
Rosselli and Ardila (1989) investigated calculation diffi- were not able to indicate the cardinality of single Arabic
culties in patients with right and left sided cerebral lesions. numerals.
Since the nature of errors differed between right and left hemi- Forty-five patients had vascular lesions, 3 patients trau-
spheric lesioned groups as well as between different aphasic matic lesions and 2 patients a tumor. CT scans showed the
groups, it was suggested that distinct underlying deficits may following lesion sites: 3 frontal, 6 frontotemporal, 4 fron-
be responsible for the calculation impairments. However, this toparietal, 4 parietal, 15 temporoparietal, 5 temporal, 4 oc-
study did not analyze the single components depicted in cur- cipital and 9 deep lesions. The mean time since onset was
rent calculation models and is thus difficult to interpret. A 15.3 months.
summary score derived from different types of calculation All patients underwent a language assessment using the
(mental and written calculation), different operations (addi- Aachener Aphasia Test (Italian adaptation; Luzzatti et al.,
tion, subtraction, multiplication, and division) and different 1991). Following the outcome of the AAT, patients were clas-
levels of complexity does not allow inferences about the cal- sified into five different groups: (1) amnesic aphasia (AA;
culation system and its relation to language functions. Thus, N 5 10), (2) Broca’s aphasia (BA; N 5 8), (3) global apha-
further evidence based on current cognitive models is re- sia (GA; N 5 7), (4) Wernicke’s aphasia (WA, N 5 12) and
quired to assess numerical difficulties in aphasia. (5) nonaphasic patients (NA, N 5 13)1 . A control group
The present study aims to evaluate the relation between matched for age and education included 15 normal partici-
language impairment and number processing, mental, and pants (see Table 1 2 ).
written calculation. Single case studies reported associa-
tions, as well as dissociations, between verbal and numeri-
cal processing. The present group study aims to assess the Materials
relevance of these findings.
The study investigates the single components proposed The assessment of transcoding skills consisted of the fol-
in current cognitive models (Dehaene & Cohen, 1995; Mc- lowing tasks: (1) reading aloud Arabic numerals (N 5 10;
Closkey et al., 1985) in a larger group of left hemispheric from two-digit to five-digit numerals); (2) reading aloud
lesioned patients. The dissociations between simple and com- number words (N 5 5; number words corresponding to two-
plex arithmetic on one hand, and between different types of
operations on the other, have been put forward very re- 1
Nonclassifiable aphasias, as well as conduction or transcortical apha-
cently thus, so far, no group studies have investigated these sias were excluded due to the low frequency of these cases.
issues. Thus in the present study, the functional indepen- The ratio of female and male participants in the patient group and in
the control group are not matched. No differences were found between
dence of multiple components of the calculation system and male and female controls; thus we do not regard the sex distribution as a
the number processing system will be specifically assessed. critical factor.
Numerical skills and aphasia 215

Table 1. Demographical data

Sex Etiology
Age Education
Group N F M (range; years) (years) cva tr np
Amnesic 10 1 9 54.5 (27–70) 6.9 9 1
Broca 8 4 4 41.9 (22–56) 9.3 7 1
Global 7 3 4 57.3 (32–76) 6.9 6 1
Wernicke 12 1 11 63.5 (41–83) 6.8 12
Nonaphasic 13 3 10 59.8 (40–79) 6.8 11 2
Controls 15 9 6 57.7 (46– 66) 7.3

Note. Number of patients, sex, age and educational level for five patient groups and controls. Etiology
is vascular (cva), traumatic (tr), and np (neoplastic).

digit to four-digit numerals); (3) writing Arabic numerals to subtests. In a second step a qualitative analysis of the errors
dictation (N 5 10; from one-digit to four-digit numerals); was performed. Given the distribution of the data and the
(4) writing number words to dictation (N 5 8; number words lack of homogeneity of variance in the different groups, a
corresponding to two-digit to four-digit numerals); (5) read- nonparametric procedure was adopted in order to analyze
ing arithmetical signs (N 5 4; 1, 2, 3, 4); (6) writing ar- the results. Multiple comparisons between different groups
ithmetical signs (N 5 4; 1, 2, 3, 4). were carried out via Mann–Whitney U tests and a Bon-
The assessment of calculation skills consisted of the fol- ferroni correction was used (a conservative error rate of
lowing tasks: alpha 5 .003 was adopted). Table 2 shows the mean per-
centage of correct answers for the single groups. Table 3
1. Arithmetical Facts: Single-digit problems were pre- gives the percentage of patients (per group) who performed
sented visually and were read aloud at the same time by without errors in the different tasks. Table 4 shows the pro-
the experimenter. Participants answered in the preferred portion of patients (per group) who made lexical, syntactic,
modality (verbal, written, pointing the result on a table, mixed, and omission errors in the different transcoding tasks,
or indicating the result with fingers) in order to mini- and Table 5 gives the error distribution over groups in men-
mize errors secondary to language problems. The task tal and written calculation and in the number composition
included seven addition, seven subtraction and seven task.
multiplication problems presented in blocked order.
2. Mental Calculation: Problems with two two-digit oper-
ands were to be solved mentally, without the use of writ- Transcoding Tasks — Quantitative Analysis
ten procedures or strategies. Presentation and answer Reading Arabic numerals and
modality were as in the arithmetical facts task. The task reading number words
included five addition and five subtraction problems (two
of five subtractions required borrowing, three of five ad- Performance of the patient groups differed from the perfor-
ditions carrying). mance of the control group in both reading tasks, with the
exception of the AA. Patients and controls differed signifi-
3. Written Calculation: Six multi-digit problems (two ad-
cantly in reading Arabic numerals (BA, p , .0001; GA,
ditions, two subtractions and two multiplications) were
p , .0001; WA, p , .0001; NA, p 5 .001), as well as in
presented in Arabic numerals to be solved in written form.
reading number words (BA, p 5 .0002; GA, p , .0001; WA,
4. Number Composition Task: Patients were asked to com- p , .0001; NA, p 5 .001). NA presented only mild difficul-
pose a given number (presented in Arabic numerals) using ties (above 70% correct answers in both tasks), while GA
tokens of different values (1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100). The performed at floor level in both reading tasks (0% correct).
easiest item required two tokens, the most complex re- The reading of Arabic numerals was poor in BA (only 17.5%
quiring five tokens (N 5 24). correct), statistically not different from the score of the GA
group. BA were the only group showing a format effect in
The administration of the battery required approximately the reading tasks: Reading of Arabic digits was signifi-
1 hr, the testing was carried out in one or two sessions. The cantly worse than reading of number words (Wilcoxon; p 5
Aachener Aphasia Test was performed in a different session. .04). Analysis at the single-participant level showed that 6
out of 10 (reading number words) and 7 out of 10 (reading
Arabic numerals) AA performed error free, while all other
aphasic patients showed some difficulties in reading Arabic
Results were firstly analyzed quantitatively taking into ac- numerals (Table 3). In reading number words, 2 out of 8 BA
count the percentage of correct responses in the different and 1 out of 12 WA performed error-free.
216 M. Delazer et al.

Table 2. The groups’ mean percentage of correct answers in the different tasks

Amnesic Broca Global Wernicke Nonaphasic Controls

(N 5 10) (N 5 8) (N 5 7) (N 5 12) (N 5 13) (N 5 15)
Reading Arabic 93 15.7 17.5 27.1 0 0 24.2 27.1 70.7 37.7 100 0
Writing Arabic 76 23.7 62.5 32.9 4.3 11.3 40.8 38 79.2 36.8 100 0
Reading NW 90 14.1 45 38.2 0 0 31.7 33.5 73.8 34 100 0
Writing NW 57.5 39.2 20.3 27.5 0 0 4.2 8.1 55.8 47 100 0
Reading signs 100 0 71.9 33.9 25 38.2 45.9 43.7 90.4 16.3 100 0
Writing signs 100 0 87.5 35.5 21.4 22.5 45.9 48.6 84.6 33.1 100 0
Facts (Total) 80 23.3 56 33.9 31.3 31.6 46.4 41.7 83.1 28.7 98.7 2.2
Addition 90 22.4 69.7 39.2 49 40.3 48.9 41.1 90.1 27.6 99 3.7
Subtraction 84.3 23.8 66.2 41.1 28.6 35 45.3 44.7 78 34.3 99 3.7
Multiplication 65.7 39.9 32.1 35.6 16.3 37.3 45.3 44.3 81.3 32.7 98.1 5
Mental calculation 60 41.9 47.5 43.8 15.7 37.3 30.8 38.5 64.6 32.7 94 7.4
Written calculation 71.6 31.5 45.8 46 9.5 19 33.3 39.6 62.8 40 91.1 15.3
Number composition 95.4 9.5 83.8 34.7 29.2 37.3 51.4 43.4 86.5 28.7 100 0

Note. Means and SDs of correct answers for the different groups in all tasks. Arithmetic facts are averaged over addition, subtraction,
and multiplication.

Writing Arabic numerals and Comparison between writing and reading tasks
writing number words
All patient groups presented more difficulties in writing num-
All patient groups scored significantly poorer than controls ber words than in reading number words ( p 5 .0001), with
in writing tasks (writing Arabic numerals: AA, p 5 .0002; the exception of GA who scored at the zero-level in both
BA, p , .0001; GA, p , .0001; WA, p , .0001; NA, p 5 tasks. This dissociation was not observed in the processing
.0005; writing number words: AA, p 5 .0002; BA, p , .0001; of Arabic numerals, where writing and reading tasks re-
GA, p , .0001; WA, p , .0001; NA, p 5 .0005). Omissions sulted in the same difficulty. BA even showed a signifi-
of single letters or other orthographic errors were not con- cantly poorer performance in reading than in writing Arabic
sidered as errors. Analysis at the single-participant level in- numerals ( p 5 .01).
dicated that only few individuals performed at ceiling. Even
in the NA group only 7 out of 13 patients scored error free Writing and reading arithmetical signs
in writing Arabic numerals and 5 out of 13 in writing num-
ber words. In the AA group 3 out of 10 performed without The reading of arithmetical signs differed between controls
error (in both tasks). BA, GA and WA were all severely im- and BA ( p 5 .003), GA ( p , .0001) and WA ( p 5 .0001).
paired and only 1 BA and 2 WA had no errors in writing In writing arithmetical signs only GA ( p , .0001) and WA
Arabic numerals (Table 3). ( p , .0001) scored significantly lower than controls. For

Table 3. Proportion of participants in each group who scored at ceiling in the different tasks

Amnesic Broca Global Wernicke Nonaphasics Controls

Task (N 5 10) (N 5 8) (N 5 7) (N 5 12) (N 5 13) (N 5 15)
Reading Arabic 70 0 0 0 46.1 100
Reading NW 60 25 0 8.3 46.1 100
Writing Arabic 30 12.5 0 16.6 53.8 100
Writing NW 30 0 0 0 38.4 100
Reading signs 100 50 14.3 25 69.2 100
Writing signs 100 87.5 0 33.3 76.9 100
Facts 30 0 0 16.6 38.4 73.3
Addition 70 25 14.3 25 76.9 93.3
Subtraction 60 37.5 14.3 25 53.8 93.3
Multiplication 40 12.5 14.3 25 61.5 86.6
Mental Calculation 30 12.5 12.5 8.3 23 53.3
Written Calculation 40 25 0 16.6 30.7 66.6
Number composition 70 62.5 0 25 61.5 100
Numerical skills and aphasia 217

Table 4. Percentage of patients who committed a particular and tens by the digits corresponding to the unit names (e.g.,
type of error in transcoding tasks twelve r 2; forty r 4; Seron & Noel, 1992) or by the in-
sertion of additional zeroes (e.g., one hundred and three
Task Amnesic Broca Global Wernicke Nonaphasics
r 1003). Additional classes consist of mixed errors (sub-
Reading Arabic stitution of elements in syntactically wrong numbers) and
Lexical 10 37.5 0 58.3 46.1 omissions. The same classification applied to reading both
Syntactic 20 50 14.3 66.6 30.8 scripts (alphabetical and Arabic) and to writing Arabic nu-
Mixed 10 62.5 14.3 75 15.4 merals. Performance in writing number words was not in-
Omission 10 62.5 100 50 15.4 cluded in the qualitative analysis, since most of the errors
Reading NW
consisted in omissions.
Lexical 30 25 0 33.3 23.1
Given that the absolute number of errors varied consid-
Syntactic 10 25 0 16.6 15.4
Mixed 0 12.5 0 16.6 15.4 erably between groups, the qualitative differences were in-
Omission 0 25 100 58.3 7.7 vestigated by comparing the percentage of patients who
Writing Arabic committed a particular type of error in the single tasks
Lexical 20 62.5 14.3 58.3 7.7 (Table 4).
Syntactic 50 62.5 0 33.3 15.4
Mixed 50 37.5 0 50 0 Reading Arabic numerals
Omission 0 50 85.7 58.3 23.1
Lexical errors appeared mainly in the WA group (58.3%)
Note. Proportion of patients who made lexical, syntactic, mixed, and omis-
sions errors in the different transcoding tasks.
and in NA (46.2%), syntactic errors in WA (66.6%) and in
BA (50%). Mixed errors were found in WA (75%) and in
BA (62.5%), while omissions were predominant in GA
both AA and controls participants these tasks were ex-
tremely easy (100% correct).
Reading number words

Transcoding Tasks — Error Analysis Lexical errors appeared frequently in WA (33.3%) and AA
(30%). Interestingly, 25% of BA had syntactic errors in read-
Errors were classified as lexical, syntactic, mixed or omis- ing number words.
sion, as firstly proposed by Deloche and Seron (1982a,
1982b). Lexical errors consist of substitutions of single el- Writing Arabic numerals
ements of the numbers and belong to the same lexical class
(e.g., four r 3 or 5, or twelve r 11 or 13). These errors Lexical errors were frequent in WA (58.3%) and BA (62.5%),
have also been called position-within-class errors. Syntac- while the percentage of patients with syntactic errors was
tic errors concern the syntactic structure of the numeral; for almost doubled in BA (62.5%) when compared with WA
example, errors consist of the transcoding of verbal teens (33.3%).

Table 5. Percentage of patients who committed a particular type of error in calculation

tasks and in number composition

Amnesic Broca Global Wernicke Nonaphasics Controls

Mental calculation
Calculation 50 50 16.6 50 61.5 46.6
Procedural 30 12.5 0 41.6 46.1 6.6
Omission 40 50 85.7 75 30.8 0
Written calculation
Calculation 40 37.5 16.6 25 53.8 40
Procedural 30 37.5 28.6 41.6 38.4 13.3
Omission 30 50 71.4 66.6 23.1 0
Number composition
Nonecon 20 25 14.3 33.3 30.8 0
Syntactic 0 0 28.6 8.3 23.1 0
Mixed 30 25 71.4 50 30.8 0
Omission 10 25 85.7 33.3 15.4 0

Note. Proportion of patients who made specific errors in the different calculation tasks. In mental and
written calculation: calculation errors, procedural errors, and omissions. In number composition: non-
economical composition, syntactic errors, mixed errors, and omissions.
218 M. Delazer et al.

Calculation procedural errors, indicating that the knowledge of calcula-

tion procedures does not present major difficulties to healthy
Arithmetic facts participants. A larger proportion of WA than BA patients
All aphasic groups performed worse than controls in an- had procedural errors in mental calculation.
swering arithmetic facts (AA, p 5 .006; BA, p , .0001;
GA, p 5 .0001; WA, p 5 .0003), while NA did not differ Number Composition Task
from controls. In all patient groups addition was better pre-
served than subtraction and multiplication. Interestingly, WA and GA scored significantly more poorly than the con-
multiplication tables were particularly difficult for BA (as trol group (WA: p 5 .0001; GA: p , .0001), no significant
compared to subtraction, p 5 .05). While 11 out of 15 con- difference was found between the other patient groups and
trols performed error free in arithmetic facts, only 5 out of controls. BA scored better than WA, the difference, how-
13 NA, 3 out of 10 AA, 2 out of 12 WA and no BA or GA ever, was not significant ( p 5 .08). The task was for many
answered without errors. participants an easy one, as indicated by the analysis at the
single-participant level. All controls performed at ceiling,
Mental multidigit calculation as well as a good proportion of AA patients (7010), BA (508)
and NA (8013). However, only 3 out of 12 WA were error
Only the GA and WA groups differed significantly from the free and none of the GA group.
control group (both groups p , .003). The analysis at the
single-participant level showed that controls also some-
Number composition task—Error analysis
times had problems in answering mental calculation: Only
8 out of 15 performed without error. In the AA group 3 out Errors were classified into the following types: syntactic er-
of 10 scored at ceiling, in all other groups the proportion ror (e.g., 120 is composed by a token of 1 and a token of
was lower (Table 3). 20), mixed error (e.g., 127 is composed by 100, 20, 20, 20,
1, 1), noneconomical composition (e.g., 55 is composed by
Written calculation 50, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), and omission (also partial omissions were
included). Syntactic errors occurred only in GA, WA, and
Performance in written calculation showed a similar pro-
NA. All other errors were observed, in different propor-
file, with only GA and WA differing significantly from the
tions, in all groups (Table 5).
control group (both groups p , .003). Only 9 out of 15 con-
trols and 4 out of 10 AA performed without error. In all
other groups the proportion was lower (Table 3). DISCUSSION

Mental multidigit calculation and written The aim of this study was to contribute to our under-
standing of the relation between language impairment and
calculation—Error analysis
numerical skill deficits. This issue has been previously ad-
Errors were analyzed in order to differentiate problems in dressed in single case studies and occasionally in group
arithmetic procedures from failures in answering arithmetic studies indicating its theoretical importance. In the present
facts within complex calculation. Procedural errors consist study, however, the selection of the numerical tasks as well
of failure to retrieve or to execute the correct algorithm; that as the interpretation of the results have been driven by re-
is, to perform the sequential steps in order to answer the cent theoretical models of number processing and calcula-
multidigit calculation. Typical errors consist of failure to use tion. Thus, our results may provide evidence for theoretical
the carry procedure in addition or the borrowing in subtrac- issues currently discussed.
tion or to select the correct factors in the multiplication pro- Our results suggest that patients with left hemisphere le-
cedure. Calculation errors, on the other hand, consist of sions, and in particular aphasic patients, are likely to present
failure to answer the single problems within complex cal- difficulties of various kinds in all numerical abilities. The
culation. Finally, omissions were counted. The same clas- results thus confirm previous studies that document the in-
sification was adopted for mental multidigit calculation and volvement of the left hemisphere in calculation (Grafman
written calculation (since mental calculation included only et al, 1982; Jackson & Warrington, 1986; Rosselli & Ardila,
addition and subtraction, only failures of carrying or bor- 1989).
rowing were considered as procedural errors). The overall error rate clearly correlates with the severity
All groups (including controls and nonaphasic patients) of the language deficit, global aphasics being the most im-
showed calculation errors in mental and written calculation paired patients. BA and WA scored similarly at the quanti-
(Table 5). Paradoxically, the lowest proportion was found tative level, AA showed only mild difficulties. Further to
in GA. This group however, had an extremely high propor- these quantitative results, error analysis revealed qualita-
tion of omissions. Procedural errors, as well, were found in tive differences between the patient groups, partially reflect-
all patient groups and controls. Again, GA showed the low- ing the nature of the specific language problems. BA scored
est proportion (zero in mental and 28.6 in written calcula- very poorly in reading of Arabic numerals. Moreover, they
tion), due to frequent omissions. Few controls showed showed a format effect and scored significantly lower in read-
Numerical skills and aphasia 219

ing Arabic numerals than in reading number words (none of tients could recognize Arabic numerals and most of the time
the other groups presented with this effect). This result in- arithmetical signs),3 nor by speech output problems (differ-
dicates that Broca’s difficulties in reading Arabic numerals ent answer modalities were allowed).4
cannot be simply explained by speech output problems, but Simple addition was the better mastered operation, while
more likely by specific difficulties in assembling the syn- subtraction and multiplication were more compromised. In
tactic structure of complex numerals. Further support for particular, BA patients performed significantly lower in
this hypothesis comes from the high incidence of syntactic multiplication as compared to subtraction. This result is con-
errors observed in this group (87.5% of BA made syntactic sistent with the neuropsychological literature, which indi-
errors in transcoding tasks). This finding is in line with pre- cates a high incidence of multiplication deficits in patients
viously reported data (Deloche & Seron, 1982a, 1982b; Se- with language impairment (Hittmair-Delazer et al., 1994;
ron & Deloche, 1983). Syntactic errors have been interpreted Kashiwagi et al., 1987; McCloskey et al., 1985). Given that
as the result of morphological difficulties in constructing multiplication tables are learned in verbal rhymes, while
complex numerals and were thought to reflect a more gen- the other operations are studied less systematically, it has
eral impairment of syntactic skills in BA. been suggested that multiplication facts are stored at a
Note that syntactic errors in reading Arabic numerals aloud prephonological level (Dehaene, 1992; Dehaene & Cohen,
can arise from at least two different processing stages: ei- 1995). Thus one may speculate that different operations are
ther the syntactic comprehension of the Arabic numeral is supported by distinct cognitive mechanisms, varying from
incorrect (Noel & Seron, 1993), or the generation of the computational strategies (requiring attentional resources,
verbal syntactic frame is defective. Since BA patients had planning, monitoring) for subtraction and division to more
few problems in the number composition task (where Ara- automated fact retrieval in multiplication and some addi-
bic numerals have to be analyzed), difficulties are likely to tion facts.
arise from the assembling of the syntactic frame rather than While all aphasic groups differed from controls in simple
from the comprehension of Arabic numerals. fact retrieval, only GA and WA (but not BA and AA) scored
The reading of number words and the reading of Arabic significantly lower than controls in mental multidigit cal-
numerals may dissociate as a consequence of a disorder for culation and written calculation. Evidently these tasks pre-
number syntax: Such disorder would disproportionately af- sented some difficulties to all groups, nonaphasic patients
fect reading of Arabic numerals where the reader has to con- and controls included. Further to fact retrieval errors within
struct the syntactic structure of the verbal numeral (e.g., the complex calculation, errors in the application of arithmetic
Arabic numeral 406 has to be transformed into four hun- procedures were observed. These errors may arise either from
dred six). In written number words, on the other hand, the a defective knowledge of the underlying algorithm (Girelli
verbal syntax is fully specified. & Delazer, 1996) or from a specific difficulty in monitoring
WA were likely to make lexical errors (substitutions of the execution of the complex procedure (Semenza et al.,
single elements) in transcoding tasks. They correctly ac- 1997). The qualitative error pattern (erroneous subpro-
cessed the respective number class (e.g., teens), but failed cedures, omissions of single steps, confusions of factors,
to retrieve the appropriate item within the class [e.g., 14 r etc.) indicates that WA and GA had difficulties in both steps,
quindici (fifteen)]. These lexical errors were thought to par- retrieving the correct algorithm and monitoring the appli-
allel WA’s semantic errors in linguistic tasks (Seron & De- cation of the procedure.
loche, 1983). It should be noted, however, that WA produced In the number composition task, again, WA and GA scored
syntactic and mixed errors as well. This fact may be par- significantly lower than the other groups. Similarly to the
tially explained by the error classification adopted. Misor- written calculation task, number composition requires the
derings of single elements, which were subsumed under execution of sequential steps. First, complex numerals have
syntactic errors, were frequently found in WA (e.g., 23 r to be analyzed in their multiplicative and additive structure
trentadue (thirty-two). This particular type of error might (Power & Dal Martello, 1990), e.g. the numeral 17 has to
also be favored by difficulties in lexical access. be decomposed into 1 times 10 plus 7 and 7 has to be de-
Lexical and syntactic errors were also observed in the per- composed into 5 plus 1 plus 1. Secondly, the appropriate
formance of nonaphasic patients, suggesting that transcod- tokens may be selected and finally the sum has to be assem-
ing problems are not bound to language impairments, but bled. Thus, the task is multicomponential and several sources
may reflect specific difficulties in number processing. In fact, of errors have to be considered. Further to problems in
intact processing of alphabetical script with impaired pro- encoding and understanding the complex structure of
cessing of Arabic script has been reported (Cipolotti & But- numerals, errors may arise in selecting, memorizing, and
terworth, 1995) and the reverse dissociation (intact reading
of Arabic numerals, impaired alphabetical reading) is a well
known finding in neuropsychology (e.g. Anderson et al., 3
Moreover, operations were presented in blocked order reducing cross-
1990; Dejerine, 1892; Hécaen et al., 1961). operation confusion.
In arithmetic facts retrieval, all aphasic groups showed Participants were allowed to point their answers from a number table
including all Arabic numerals from 1 to 100. This answer modality, by-
problems and differed significantly from controls. These def- passing verbal production, eliminates the critical factor of number size (re-
icits can neither be explained by encoding difficulties (pa- sults in multiplication being greater than addition and subtraction).
220 M. Delazer et al.

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