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Weekly Toolbox Talk

Topic: Arc Flash Hazards Awareness

The purpose of this process is to
provide guidance for performing arc
flash hazard analysis on all electrical
equipment that are operated on 220V or
more voltage and for managing risks
related to those hazards. This analysis
helps to determine the arc flash
protection boundary, the incident
energy a worker may be subject to, the
hazard/risk Category, and the PPE to
be worn.

What is Arc?
In this training we discuss about basic of arc and how it is travelling. A dangerous
condition associated with possible release of energy caused by electricity when electrical
current jumps from one phase conductor to another are called as Arc.
What are an Electric Arc Hazards?
A brief discussion was shared about the electric arc hazard caused by current flowing
through the air. The discussion was as follow.
➢ Creates heat and light.
➢ Generated heat ranges from 6,000 to 30,000 degree Celsius
➢ Current and heat melt copper, steel, plastic …. etc.
➢ Crates noxious fumes.
➢ Rapidly expanding gases - creating pressure and noise.

Arc Flash Hazards:

It was discussed that how to prevent arc flash hazards. We shared with temperature and
rate of death.
➢ Cell death temperature (1/10 sec) 250 “F (96 C’)
➢ Temperature of sun surface 9,000 “F (4982 “C)
➢ Temperature at Arc terminals 35,000 “F (19,427 “C)
➢ Temperature of metal droplets 1,800 “F (982 “C)
➢ Vaporized copper expands 67,000 times.

TAMIMI Safety & Loss Prevention Department (SLPD)

Weekly Toolbox Talk
Topic: Arc Flash Hazards Awareness

Below are the common hazards related to Arc Flash resulting injuries and even death.
➢ Severe burns
➢ Electric Shock
➢ Blindness
➢ Blast Injuries
➢ Flying debris
➢ Lung blast injuries
➢ Ruptured eardrum
➢ Pressure wave injuries.

TAMIMI Safety & Loss Prevention Department (SLPD)

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