PGCS Response To The Complaint

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Case 3:18-cv-00649-HEH Document 13 Filed 02/19/19 Page 1 of 15 PageID# 121


Richmond Division




v. Case No. 3:18-cv-00649-HEH





NOW COMES the Defendant, Kristina Truell (“Truell”), by counsel, and for her Answer

to Plaintiff’s Complaint, hereby denies that she is liable to Plaintiff, denies that Plaintiff’s rights

were violated, denies that Plaintiff is entitled to the amount requested or any amount, denies the

allegations in the first un-numbered paragraph of the Complaint, and further states as follows:


1. In response to paragraph 1 of the Complaint, Truell admits that Gloria Tyler,

Administrator of the Estate of Ashton Gilchrist, deceased (“Plaintiff”), has filed this action

arising out of the death of Ashton Gilchrist (“Ashton”) on September 26, 2016. Truell further

admits that, at the time of his death, Ashton was a 16-year-old student attending Prince George

High School (“PGHS”) in Prince George County, Virginia. Truell denies any and all remaining

allegations contained in paragraph 1 of the Complaint.

2. In response to paragraph 2 of the Complaint, Truell admits that Ashton had

multiple disabilities, at the time of his death, lived with his grandmother, Plaintiff, and was non-

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verbal and required adult support for all of his daily life activities. Truell is without sufficient

information to admit or deny the remaining allegations contained in paragraph 2 of the

Complaint and, therefore, denies them in the manner and form alleged.

3. In response to paragraph 3 of the Complaint, Truell admits that on September 21,

2016, Ashton was unresponsive at the time of dismissal. The paraprofessional who assisted

Ashton to the bus and the bus driver were concerned about Ashton’s condition and summoned

Truell, the school nurse, and the classroom teacher, Brenda Lockhart-Clary (“Lockhart-Clary”).

After the nurse checked Ashton’s vitals and observed his condition, she recommended that

emergency services be called. Emergency services and Plaintiff were called, and Ashton was

transported by ambulance to John Randolph Medical Center and later VCU Medical Center.

Truell avers that no one refused to call emergency services and that no one told the bus driver

that Ashton had been in this condition all day. Truell denies any and all remaining allegations

contained in paragraph 3 of the Complaint in the manner and form alleged.

4. Truell denies the allegations contained in paragraph 4 of the Complaint.


5. In response to paragraph 5 of the Complaint, Truell admits that Plaintiff is a

resident of Prince George County and was Ashton’s Grandmother and Guardian. Truell admits

that Ashton was born on July 19, 2000, and resided with Plaintiff at the time of his death. Truell

is without sufficient information to admit or deny the remaining allegations contained in

paragraph 5 of the Complaint.

6. Truell admits the allegations contained in paragraph 6 of the Complaint.

7. In response to paragraph 7 of the Complaint, Truell admits that she was the

Assistant Principal of PGHS from August 2014 to August 2017. The remaining allegations

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contained in paragraph 7 of the Complaint are legal conclusions to which no response is

required. To the extent that a response is required, Truell denies the remaining allegations

contained in paragraph 7 of the Complaint.

8. In response to paragraph 8 of the Complaint, Truell admits that Lockhart-Clary is

a special education teacher at PGHS. The remaining allegations contained in paragraph 8 of the

Complaint are legal conclusions to which no response is required. To the extent that a response

is required, Truell denies the remaining allegations contained in paragraph 8 of the Complaint.

9. Truell is without sufficient information to admit or deny the allegations contained

in paragraph 9 of the Complaint and, therefore denies them.

Jurisdiction and Venue

10. In response to paragraph 10 of the Complaint, Truell admits that the Court has

jurisdiction over this matter, but denies that she violated Ashton’s rights in any way.

11. In response to paragraph 11 of the Complaint, Truell admits that venue is proper

in this Court, but denies that her conduct gives rise to a claim on behalf of Ashton or Plaintiff.

12. In response to paragraph 12 of the Complaint, Truell admits that venue is proper

in this Court, but denies that her conduct gives rise to a claim on behalf of Ashton or Plaintiff.

Facts Common to All Counts

13. In response to paragraph 13 of the Complaint, Truell admits that Ashton was born

on July 19, 2000 and suffered from multiple disabilities. Truell is without sufficient information

to admit or deny the remaining allegations contained in paragraph 13 of the Complaint and,

therefore, denies them in the manner and form alleged.

14. In response to paragraph 14 of the Complaint, Truell admits that Ashton resided

with Plaintiff at the time of his death and that she was his guardian and primary caregiver at that

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time. Truell is without sufficient information to admit or deny the remaining allegations

contained in paragraph 14 of the Complaint and, therefore, denies them in the manner and form


15. Truell admits the allegations contained in paragraph 15 of the Complaint.

16. Paragraph 16 of the Complaint contains legal conclusions to which no response is

required. To the extent that a response is required, Truell denies the allegations contained in

paragraph 16 of the Complaint in the manner and form alleged.

17. In response to paragraph 17, Truell admits that the School Board identified

Ashton as a student with a disability under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

(“IDEA”), and that he was eligible for special education services throughout his education at

PGCPS. Truell denies the remaining allegations contained in paragraph 17 of the Complaint in

the manner and form alleged.

18. In response to paragraph 18 of the Complaint, Truell admits that Ashton was re-

evaluated in early 2016 to determine his continued eligibility for special education services.

Truell denies the remaining allegations contained in paragraph 18 in the manner and form


19. In response to paragraph 19 of the Complaint, Truell admits that Ashton had

various disabilities and required care and assistance for all of his daily life activities. Truell

avers that the May 15, 2016 proposed IEP, which Plaintiff never signed, speaks for itself. Truell

denies any and all remaining allegations contained in paragraph 19 of the Complaint in the

manner and form alleged.

20. Truell admits the allegations contained in paragraph 20 of the Complaint.

21. Truell admits the allegations contained in paragraph 21 of the Complaint.

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22. In response to paragraph 22 of the Complaint, Truell admits that Ashton had

limited hand and arm motor skills. Truell avers that the May 15, 2016 proposed IEP, which

Plaintiff never signed, speaks for itself. Truell denies any and all remaining allegations

contained in paragraph 22 of the Complaint in the manner and form alleged.

23. In response to paragraph 23 of the Complaint, Truell admits that during the

2015/2016 school year Ashton was a happy person, aware of his environment, and desired to

interact with it. Truell avers that the May 15, 2016 proposed IEP, which Plaintiff never signed,

speaks for itself. Truell denies any and all remaining allegations contained in paragraph 23 of

the Complaint in the manner and form alleged.

24. In response to paragraph 24 of the Complaint, Truell admits that Ashton was non-

verbal. Truell denies the remaining allegations contained in paragraph 24 of the Complaint in

the manner and form alleged.

25. In response to paragraph 25 of the Complaint, Truell admits that an Assistive

Technology Assessment was performed and a report dated April 12, 2016 prepared. Truell avers

that the report speaks for itself. Truell denies any and all remaining allegations contained in

paragraph 25 of the Complaint in the manner and form alleged.

26. In response to paragraph 26 of the Complaint, Truell avers that the Assistive

Technology Assessment report dated April 12, 2016 speaks for itself. Truell denies any and all

remaining allegations contained in paragraph 26 of the Complaint.

27. Truell denies the allegations contained in paragraph 27 of the Complaint in the

manner and form alleged.

28. In response to paragraph 28 of the Complaint, Truell admits that Ashton required

monitoring and attention during the day, was required to be fed a pureed diet and small amounts

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of liquids at a time, was transported to school on a wheelchair-accessible bus accompanied by an

aide, and that a seizure plan was in place. Truell denies the remaining allegations contained in

paragraph 28 of the Complaint in the manner and form alleged.

29. Truell admits the allegations contained in paragraph 29 of the Complaint in the

manner and form alleged.

30. Truell is without sufficient information to admit or deny the allegations contained

in paragraph 30 of the Complaint and, therefore, denies them in the manner and form alleged.

31. In response to paragraph 31 of the Complaint, Truell admits that she was the

Assistant Principal at PGHS and that she was familiar with Ashton’s disabilities and his

dependence upon adult support. Truell denies any and all remaining allegations contained in

paragraph 31 in the manner and form alleged.

32. Truell admits the allegations contained in paragraph 32 of the Complaint.

33. In response to paragraph 33 of the Complaint, Truell admits that Lockhart-Clary

was Ashton’s classroom teacher on September 21, 2016, and that three paraprofessionals worked

in Ashton’s classroom on that day. Truell is without sufficient information to admit or deny the

remaining allegations contained in paragraph 33 of the Complaint and, therefore, denies them.

34. Truell denies the allegations contained in paragraph 34 in the manner and form


35. In response to paragraph 35 of the Complaint, Truell admits that at the end of the

school day a paraprofessional brought Ashton in his wheelchair to the school bus waiting outside

to transport him home. Truell further admits that, at that time, the school bus driver (“Allen”)

and the paraprofessional noticed that Ashton was unresponsive. Truell denies any and all

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remaining allegations contained in paragraph 35 of the Complaint in the manner and form


36. Truell is without sufficient information to admit or deny the allegations contained

in paragraph 36 of the Complaint and, therefore, denies them in the manner and form alleged.

37. Truell denies the allegations contained in paragraph 37 of the Complaint.

38. Truell denies the allegations contained in paragraph 38 of the Complaint.

39. In response to paragraph 39 of the Complaint, Truell admits that an employee

returned to the building to call for the school nurse. Truell denies any and all remaining

allegations contained in paragraph 39 in the manner and form alleged.

40. In response to paragraph 40 of the Complaint, Truell admits that the school nurse

responded to the bus loop and determined that it was necessary to call for an ambulance. Truell

avers that she agreed with this decision. Truell denies any and all remaining allegations

contained in paragraph 40 of the Complaint.

41. In response to paragraph 41 of the Complaint, Truell avers that Plaintiff was

contacted regarding Ashton’s condition at approximately 2:30 p.m. after school personnel called

emergency services. Truell denies any and all remaining allegations contained in paragraph 41

of the Complaint.

42. Truell admits the allegations contained in paragraph 42 of the Complaint.

43. Truell denies the allegations contained in paragraph 43 of the Complaint.

44. In response to paragraph 44 of the Complaint, Truell admits that JRMC provided

emergency services to Ashton and determined that he needed to be airlifted to VCU Medical

Center. Truell is without sufficient information to admit or deny the remaining allegations

contained in paragraph 44 of the Complaint and, therefore, denies them.

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45. In response to paragraph 45 of the Complaint, Truell admits that Ashton was

transported by air to the VCU Medical Center on September 21, 2016. Truell is without

sufficient information to admit or deny the remaining allegations contained in paragraph 45 of

the Complaint and, therefore, denies them.

46. Upon information and belief, Truell admits the allegations contained in paragraph

46 of the Complaint.

47. Truell denies the allegations contained in paragraph 47 of the Complaint.

Count One: Wrongful Death – Negligence, Gross Negligence,

and Willful and Wanton Negligence
(Against all Defendants)

48. In response to paragraph 48 of the Complaint, Truell incorporates by reference

paragraphs 1-47 of this Answer as if set forth fully herein.

49. Paragraph 49 of the Complaint contains legal conclusions to which no response is

required. To the extent a response is required, Truell denies the allegations contained in

paragraph 49 of the Complaint.

50. Paragraph 50 of the Complaint contains legal conclusions to which no response is

required. To the extent a response is required, Truell denies the allegations contained in

paragraph 50 of the Complaint.

51. Truell denies the allegations contained in paragraph 51 of the Complaint.

52. Truell denies the allegations contained in paragraph 52 of the Complaint.

53. Truell denies the allegations contained in paragraph 53 of the Complaint.

54. Truell denies the allegations contained in paragraph 54 of the Complaint.

55. Truell denies the allegations contained in paragraph 55 of the Complaint.

56. Truell denies the allegations contained in paragraph 56 of the Complaint.

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57. Truell denies the allegations contained in paragraph 57 of the Complaint.

58. Truell denies the allegations contained in paragraph 58 of the Complaint.

59. Truell denies the allegations contained in paragraph 59 of the Complaint.

60. Truell denies the allegations contained in paragraph 60 of the Complaint.

61. Truell denies the allegations contained in paragraph 61 of the Complaint.

62. Truell denies the allegations contained in paragraph 62 of the Complaint.

63. Truell denies the allegations contained in paragraph 63 of the Complaint.

64. Truell denies the allegations contained in paragraph 64 of the Complaint.

65. Truell denies the allegations contained in paragraph 65 of the Complaint.

66. Truell denies the allegations contained in paragraph 66 of the Complaint.

Count Two: Deprivation of Civil Rights – 42 U.S.C. § 1983

(Against all Defendants)

67. In response to paragraph 67 of the Complaint, Truell incorporates by reference

paragraph 1-66 of this Answer as if set forth fully herein.

68. Paragraph 68 of the Complaint contains legal conclusions to which no response is

required. To the extent that a response is required, Truell denies the allegations contained in

paragraph 68 of the Complaint.

69. Paragraph 69 of the Complaint contains legal conclusions to which no response is

required. To the extent that a response is required, Truell denies the allegations contained in

paragraph 69 of the Complaint.

70. Truell denies the allegations contained in paragraph 70 of the Complaint.

71. Truell denies the allegations contained in paragraph 71 of the Complaint.

Case 3:18-cv-00649-HEH Document 13 Filed 02/19/19 Page 10 of 15 PageID# 130

72. Paragraph 72 of the Complaint contains legal conclusions to which no response is

required. To the extent that a response is required, Truell denies the allegations contained in

paragraph 72 of the Complaint.

73. Truell denies the allegations contained in paragraph 73 of the Complaint.

74. Truell denies the allegations contained in paragraph 74 of the Complaint.

75. Truell denies the allegations contained in paragraph 75 of the Complaint.

76. Truell denies the allegations contained in paragraph 76 of the Complaint.

77. Truell denies the allegations contained in paragraph 77 of the Complaint.

78. Truell denies the allegations contained in paragraph 78 of the Complaint.

79. Truell denies the allegations contained in paragraph 79 of the Complaint.

Count Three: Deprivation of Civil Rights – 42 U.S.C. § 1983

(All Defendants)

80. In response to paragraph to paragraph 80 of the Complaint, Truell incorporates by

reference paragraphs 1-79 of this Answer as if set forth fully herein.

81. In response to paragraph 81 of the Complaint, Truell admits that Ashton was

dependent upon PGCPS employees for his needs during the school day. Truell denies any and

all remaining allegations contained in paragraph 81 of the Complaint.

82. Paragraph 82 of the Complaint contains legal conclusions to which no response is

required. To the extent that a response is required, Truell denies the allegations contained in

paragraph 82 of the Complaint.

83. Paragraph 83 of the Complaint contains legal conclusions to which no response is

required. To the extent that a response is required, Truell denies the allegations contained in

paragraph 83 of the Complaint.

84. Truell denies the allegations contained in paragraph 84 of the Complaint.

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85. Truell denies the allegations contained in paragraph 85 of the Complaint.

86. Paragraph 86 of the Complaint contains legal conclusions to which no response is

required. To the extent that a response is required, Truell denies the allegations contained in

paragraph 86 of the Complaint.

87. Truell denies the allegations contained in paragraph 87 of the Complaint.

88. Truell denies the allegations contained in paragraph 88 of the Complaint.

89. Truell denies the allegations contained in paragraph 89 of the Complaint.

Count Four: Deprivation of Civil Rights – 42 U.S.C. § 1983

(Against all Defendants)

90. In response to paragraph 90 of the Complaint, Truell incorporates by reference

paragraph 1-89 of this Answer as if set forth fully herein.

91. Paragraph 91 of the Complaint contains legal conclusions to which no response is

required. To the extent that a response is required, Truell denies the allegations contained in

paragraph 91 of the Complaint.

92. Truell denies the allegations contained in paragraph 92 of the Complaint.

93. Truell denies the allegations contained in paragraph 93 of the Complaint.

94. Truell denies the allegations contained in paragraph 94 of the Complaint.

95. Truell denies the allegations contained in paragraph 95 of the Complaint.

96. Truell denies the allegations contained in paragraph 96 of the Complaint.

97. Truell denies the allegations contained in paragraph 97 of the Complaint.

98. Truell denies the allegations contained in paragraph 98 of the Complaint.

Case 3:18-cv-00649-HEH Document 13 Filed 02/19/19 Page 12 of 15 PageID# 132

Count Five: Deprivation of Civil Rights – 42 U.S.C. § 1983

(Against all Defendants)

99. In response to paragraph 99 of the Complaint, Truell incorporates by reference

paragraph 1-98 of this Answer as if set forth fully herein.

100. Paragraph 100 of the Complaint contains legal conclusions to which no response

is required. To the extent a response is required, Truell denies the allegations contained in

paragraph 100 of the Complaint.

101. Truell admits the allegations contained in paragraph 101 of the Complaint.

102. Truell denies the allegations contained in paragraph 102 of the Complaint.

103. Truell denies the allegations contained in paragraph 103 of the Complaint.

104. Truell denies the allegations contained in paragraph 104 of the Complaint.

105. Truell denies the allegations contained in paragraph 105 of the Complaint.

106. Truell denies the allegations contained in paragraph 106 of the Complaint.

107. Paragraph 107 of the Complaint contains legal conclusions to which no response

is required. To the extent that a response is required, Truell denies the allegations contained in

paragraph 107 of the Complaint.

108. Truell denies the allegations contained in paragraph 108 of the Complaint.

109. Truell denies the allegations contained in paragraph 109 of the Complaint.

110. Truell denies the allegations contained in paragraph 110 of the Complaint.

111. Truell denies the allegations contained in paragraph 111 of the Complaint.

112. Truell denies the allegations contained in paragraph 112 of the Complaint.

113. Truell denies the allegations contained in paragraph 113 of the Complaint.

114. Truell denies the allegations contained in paragraph 114 of the Complaint.

115. Truell denies the allegations contained in paragraph 115 of the Complaint.

Case 3:18-cv-00649-HEH Document 13 Filed 02/19/19 Page 13 of 15 PageID# 133

Count Six: Deprivation of Civil Rights – 42 U.S.C. § 1983

(Against all Defendants)

116. In response to paragraph 116 of the Complaint, Truell incorporates by reference

paragraphs 1-115 of this Answer as if set forth fully herein.

117. Paragraph 117 of the Complaint contains legal conclusions to which no response

is required. To the extent that a response is required, Truell denies the allegation contained in

paragraph 117 of the Complaint.

118. Paragraph 118 of the Complaint contains legal conclusions to which no response

is required. To the extent that a response is required, Truell denies the allegations contained in

paragraph 118 of the Complaint.

119. Truell denies the allegations contained in paragraph 119 of the Complaint.

120. Truell denies the allegations contained in paragraph 120 of the Complaint.

121. Truell denies the allegations contained in paragraph 121 of the Complaint.

122. Truell denies the allegations contained in paragraph 122 of the Complaint.

123. Truell denies the allegations contained in paragraph 123 of the Complaint.

124. Truell denies the allegations contained in paragraph 124 of the Complaint.

125. Truell denies the allegations contained in paragraph 125 of the Complaint.

126. Truell denies the allegations contained in paragraph 126 of the Complaint.


127. Truell avers that Plaintiff has failed to state a cause of action upon which relief

can be granted for the reasons stated in the Motion to Dismiss, which is hereby incorporated as if

set forth fully herein.

128. Truell denies each and every allegation in the Complaint not specifically admitted


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129. Truell avers that, where applicable, she is entitled to sovereign immunity.

130. Truell avers that she is entitled to qualified immunity.

131. Truell avers that she intends to rely upon the defense of state good faith immunity

as a bar to Plaintiff’s claims.

132. Truell specifically denies that any of her conduct violated any of Ashton’s

constitutional rights.

133. Truell specifically denies that Ashton’s constitutional rights were violated.

134. Truell denies that she acted with bad faith or gross misjudgment.

135. Truell avers that none of her alleged conduct was a proximate cause, the sole

reason or cause for, the reason for, or a motivating factor of Ashton’s alleged injuries and


136. Truell avers that all actions taken on her part were done in good faith and for

legitimate reasons and with reasonable grounds for believing she had not violated the

constitution or any other federal law.

137. Truell denies that she is indebted to Plaintiff in the amount claimed or in any

amount, for the reasons stated or for any reason.

138. Truell will rely upon any and all other defenses lawfully available to her

developed through discovery, or otherwise, at the time of trial and reserves the right to amend

her Answer if necessary.

WHEREFORE, for the foregoing reasons, Kristina Truell, by counsel, respectfully

requests judgment in her favor together with her costs and attorney fees expended herein.


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By Counsel

David P. Corrigan (VSB No. 26341)
Melissa Y. York (VSB No. 77493)
Attorney(s) for Prince George County School Board, Kristina Truell, and Brenda Lockhart-Clary
Harman, Claytor, Corrigan & Wellman
P.O. Box 70280
Richmond, Virginia 23255
804-747-5200 - Phone
804-747-6085 - Fax


I hereby certify that on the 19th day of February, 2019, I electronically filed the
foregoing with the Clerk of the Court using the CM/ECF system, which will send notification of
such filing to the following:

Harold G. Belkowitz, VSB No. 37274

Belkowitz Law, PLLC
10427 North Street, Suite 200
Fairfax, VA 22030
703-246-9270 - Phone
703-246-9271 - Fax

David P. Corrigan (VSB No. 26341)
Melissa Y. York (VSB No. 77493)
Attorney(s) for Prince George County School
Board, Kristina Truell, and Brenda Lockhart-Clary
Harman, Claytor, Corrigan & Wellman
P.O. Box 70280
Richmond, Virginia 23255
804-747-5200 - Phone
804-747-6085 - Fax


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