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1 – Complete as frases com o verbo to be (am/are/is).

a) She is beautiful. (Ela é bonita)
b) He is a doctor. (Ele é um médico)
c) You are a teacher. (Voce é um (a) professor (a)).
d) I am a singer. (Eu sou um (a) cantor (a))
e) They are my parentes. (Eles são meus pais)
f) We are friends. (Nós somos amigos)
g) It is my dog. (É meu cachorro)

2 – Passe as frases para forma negativa do verbo to be.

a) He is not an engineer. (Ele é um engenheiro)
b) She is not a singer. (Ela é uma cantora)
c) They are not good students. (Eles são bons alunos)
d) I am not a doctor. (Eu sou um médico)
e) I am not happy. (Eu estou feliz)
f) It is not a dog. (É um cachorro)
g) She is not my sister. (Ela é minha irmã)

3 – Complete as frases com Was/Were e traduza.

a) I was at home last night. (Eu estava em casa na noite passada)
b) You were in London last week. (Você estava em Londres semana
c) They were in my house yesterday. (Elas estavam em minha casa
d) She was my friend. (Ela era minha amiga)

4 – Passe as frases para a forma negativa e traduza.

a) I was happy yesterday.
R: I was not happy yesterday. (Eu não estava feliz ontem)

b) She was upset with me.

R: She wasn’t upset with me. (Ela não estava chateada comigo)

c) They were in Madri last month.

R: They were not in Madri last month. (Eles não estavam em
Madri no mês passado)
d) You were at home last night.
R: You were not at home last night. (Você não estava em casa
na última noite).

5 – Passe as frases para a forma interrogativa e traduza.

a) You were in the museum.
R: Were you in the museum? (Você estava no museu?)

b) They were in the park.

R: Were they in the park? ( Eles (as) estavam no parque? )

c) She was at school.

R: Was she at school? (Ela estava na escola?)
6 - Traduza as frases abaixo.
a) She can kick the ball.
c) Marcos can clean the kitchen tonight..
d) Maria can’t go to the theater today.
e) Lisa and I can’t go to the park, we’re going to the cinema.
f) Can we call you later? Yes, you can.
g) Can Sheila go with you to the market? Yes, she can.
h) Could you go to the market? Yes, I went yesterday.
i) I couldn’t call you earlier, I was busy.
j) Elliot couldn’t ride a bike when he was six, now he can.
k) Billy could sing very well, but Sandy couldn’t.

l) Exemplos com o verbo “can” no presente:
m) She can kick the ball.
Ela sabe chutar a bola.
n) Marcos can clean the kitchen tonight.
Marcos pode limpar a cozinha hoje à noite.
o) She and Ann can go to the beach.
Ann e ela podem ir à praia.
p) Maria can’t go to the theater today.
Maria não pode ir ao teatro hoje.
q) Can you help me with the homework?
Você pode me ajudar com a lição de casa?
r) Lisa and I can’t go to the park, we’re going to the cinema.
Lisa e eu não podemos ir ao parque, nós estamos indo ao cinema.
s) Can we call you later? Yes, you can!
Podemos te ligar depois? Sim, podem!
t) Can Sheila go with you to the market? Yes, she can. I leave at 3pm.
A Sheila pode ir com você ao supermercado

Exemplos com o verbo “can” no passado simples:

Could you go to the market? Yes, I went yesterday.
Você pôde ir ao supermercado? Sim, eu fui ontem.
I couldn’t call you earlier, I was busy.
Eu não pude te ligar mais cedo, eu estava ocupado.
Elliot couldn’t ride a bike when he was six, now he can.
Elliot não sabia andar de bicicleta quando ele tinha seis anos, agora ele sabe.
Billy could sing very well, but Sandy couldn’t.
Billy sabia cantar muito bem, mas Sandy não sabia.
He couldn’t go to the concert, he was late.
Ele não pôde ir ao concerto, ele estava atrasado.
Daniel is studying right now. He couldn’t study earlier.
Daniel está estudando agora mesmo. Ele não pôde estudar antes.
• Perguntas de “sim” ou “não” com o verbo “can”

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