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Systems Research and Behavioral Science

Syst. Res (2013)

Published online in Wiley Online Library
( DOI: 10.1002/sres.2223

■ Research Paper

Towards a Methodology of Wicked Problem

Exploration through Concept Shifting and
Tension Point Analysis
Luke Houghton1* and David Tuffley2
Griffith Business School, Management, Griffith University, Nathan, Queensland, Australia
Information and Communication Technology, Griffith University, Nathan, Queensland, Australia

Synthesis is a creative and mysterious process in which a chaotic array of concepts, what
might be called a mess, is cognitively ‘engaged’ with a problem domain to produce as
many interpretations as can validly be derived for effective decision-making purposes.
The benefits of engaging concepts into a mess are that it allows the problem to be viewed
through multiple lenses simultaneously, which affords a holistic vantage point for richer
problem interpretation. By deliberately shifting the underlying concept held by actors
and provoking the movement of concepts, better interpretations might lead to more useful
decision making. Although research has discussed the possibility of using synthesis
through case studies, we argue that there is a need to formally develop methodologies
in this area for the purpose of fostering and solving complex problems. To demonstrate
this, we provide a speculative case study to illustrate how this approach may be usefully
applied. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Keywords decision making; problem solving; problem structuring; wicked problems

INTRODUCTION wicked problems one must accept that they are

messy. We must adopt the ‘moving target’ metaphor.
It is recognized that there is a need for more In dynamically changing environments, unstruc-
optimal synthesis (Barton and Haslett, 2007; tured problems cannot simply be cleanly nailed
Houghton and Metcalfe, 2010) and new conceptual down to a given set of alternatives or be reduced to
approaches to wicked problems (Houghton and a significant and easily managed cognitive model
Ledington, 2004). The concept of a wicked problem (Van Bueren et al., 2003). Instead, we must rely
(Ackoff, 1978) is a unique and troublesome one. heavily on actors’ conceptions and subjective
Liebl (2002) notes that when trying to understand interpretation of the problem to give it meaning
(Landry, 1995). According to Leibl, a problem arises
*Correspondence to: Luke Houghton, International Business and when the dynamic concepts used to form interpreta-
Asian Studies, Management, Griffith University, Kessells Road,
Nathan, Queensland 4053, Australia.
tive schema interact in an ill-structured or ‘wicked’
E-mail: context with unpredictable consequences. In essence,

Received 21 April 2013

Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Accepted 26 August 2013

the problem’s key interpretation depends on the to be finished even if it is not solved, because the
actors who are interpreting it. Conklin (2005) some- people working on it have exhausted their
what aptly calls these problems wicked in the sense energies. It effectively goes into the ‘too hard’ cat-
that they are seemingly impossible to interpret, egory, thus falling well short for the sake of
much less act on effectively due to the difficulties expedience of any reasonable definition of
of reaching a shared understanding on the meaning ‘agreement’. As far back as Mitroff and Emshoff
of the problem. A range of problem structuring (1979), it has been recognized that stakeholder
methods have arisen as a response to this issue agreement is problematic and should be seriously
(Mingers and Rosenhead, 2004; Mingers, 2011; Shaw investigated. Ulrich (2003) picks up this point by
et al., 2006). arguing that actors need a ‘critical’ engagement
More fundamental than constructed methodol- with problems towards a discourse about where
ogies is the human instinct for creativity and boundaries lie and who is responsible for what.
ingenuity when trying to solve problems. De Conversations about boundaries, ideology and
Bono (1970) highlights this as lateral thinking, a values (Foote et al., 2006) extend the rationale of
process by which we think sideways, perhaps in what a problem’s interpretation is likely to be.
unorthodox ways about problems to gain new As Ackoff (1978) observed, this has the potential
insights. This speaks to the idea of ‘synthesis’ as to ‘dissolve’ messy problems. The implication
an alternative way of approach wicked problems. here is that we can see real change and noticeable
We ask, would there not be considerable benefit improvement in difficult problem situations when
to have a softer, alternative approach when we deliberately begin to unpick the concepts we
trying to solve ‘messy’ problems? That is, if we use to structure them.
are to make traction in wicked problems, would We argue that problem interpretations are
not the analytical approaches of the past lead to conceptual structures that can be engaged into
significant breakthroughs? The aim of this paper messy situations to provide new interpretations
is to put forward an approach of studying wicked of problems. Houghton and Metcalfe (2010)
problems through the lens of ‘concept’ shifting or argued that in relation to messy situations, we
learning how to structure multiple, conflicting can think of problems as ‘cognitive engagement’
cognitive frames of problems at the same time. where actors overlay an interpretive structure
Our argument is that if these authors are right, on problems to establish cause and effect
and we need more synthesis as part of the creative linkages and so make sense of messy contexts
problem solving and decision making process then (see also sensemaking research (Weick, 1995)).
why is not anybody researching it in the cognitive The problem structuring literature makes similar
decision-making space? We begin by providing assertions by making problem interpretations
some background to this problem, then progress create apparent causality. We argue that problem
to a speculative case study to demonstrate how contexts can change when the concept used to
such a formal methodology might work. frame them changes (Midgley et al., 1998).
Ackoff’s (1978, 1993, 1999) work on problem
dissolving highlights this by noting that prob-
BACKGROUND AND THEORETICAL lems are caused by tensions between conflicting
DEVELOPMENT interpretations and actions and the resultant
ambiguity. He recommended an approach where
Consider the problem of stakeholder engagement. you could focus on those tensions, dissolve them,
If a consensus-based approach for problem and the problem would no longer be significant.
solving, that is, built on rationalist foundation is Since Ackoff (1978), we have had a host of
the dominant paradigm, then logically, one problem structuring methods that seek to achieve
should find consensus between stakeholders in some degree of problem resolution (Mingers and
the final construction of a problem. However, this Rosenhead, 2004). Although we have enough
is often not the case. As Eden (1987) notes, when literature talking about how to structure messy
an impasse is reached, the problem is considered problems, we nonetheless have a dominant focus

Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Syst. Res (2013)
DOI: 10.1002/sres.2223

Luke Houghton and David Tuffley


on accommodation and consensus building in To begin, we introduce the ideas of the

current methodologies (Baroudi and Metcalfe, social construction of knowledge and continue
2010; Midgley, 2003; Ulrich, 2003)This is most ev- to discuss what that means for problem solving.
ident in the approaches of authors such as
Conklin (2005), who argue that structuring a
wicked problem context is about establishing THE SOCIAL CONSTRUCTION OF
mutual understanding. We argue, along with KNOWLEDGE
Ackoff (1978) that, while this can be an effective
way to improve a bad situation, a better Gergen and Gergen (2003) describe the social
approach is to introduce a new concept. construction of reality as a multiplicity of
In doing this, we are building on the work of interacting viewpoints, all working through
authors such as Houghton and Metcalfe (2010) various discourse processes (see also Phillips and
Midgely and Richardson (2007) and Ulrich (2003), Hardy, 2002). This view implicitly views knowledge
who share the view that problems are a matter of as not being fixed, or indeed linear, but the result of
conceptual structure. If this is the case, then in the the complex interacting processes of intersubjective
Operations Research/Management Science (OR/ human experience (Burr, 2003). Knowledge is
MS) literature, we need to move towards a method- negotiated between subject and object. Berger
ology for dissolving problems through the introduc- and Luckmann (1966) conceive of reality as an
tion of new concepts. It has been shown repeatedly ongoing state of flux, a fluid state of
in the literature that this is an aim of problem interconnected perceptions that begin with the
structuring. We argue that a methodology for delib- individual reality of the person and end in the
erately provoking concept shifting in problems is contending versions of reality observed between
needed. This approach to problem dissolving would groups in society. Not surprisingly, sometimes
enable actors to seek better concepts in those situa- consensus is reached and sometimes not. Often,
tions where shared understanding around existing the competing interests of the actors mean that
conceptual structures is not feasible. consensus cannot be reached in any meaningful
In order to make a case for this approach this sense because of conflicting interpretations of
paper seeks to: reality. More recently authors (Grint, 2005) have
applied these ideas to leadership, where as
(1) Argue that a constructivist/interpretivist
others have successfully applied constructivist
approach to messy problems allows actors to
ways of thinking to MS in methodology creation
shift nimbly between concepts in messes. To
(Checkland, 1994).
support this, we argue that problems are an
This view does not see knowledge as a fixed
outcome of the social construction of reality.
logical expression of ideas normally associated
(2) Extend the constructivist argument by
with decision modelling. It describes knowledge
demonstrating that concepts are malleable; they
as the result of contending views of what people
can be made flexible through problem tension
think a problem is and which actor has the most
points, which can move and shape their con-
credibility, whose version of reality has the most
struction. This allows for the reconceptualization
force. The work of Ulrich (2003), Checkland
of the ideas used to form problems, because they
(1981) and the ‘critical’ systems literature
are seen to be socially constructed.
(Jackson, 2001) all share this view that knowledge
(3) Support this argument by presenting an
is the product of a social construction process.
example of how a problem situation might
Actors involved in problem solving interventions
be tackled using a concept shifting approach
may use discourse to change the perception of
as an illustration.
boundary judgments, as in the example of Ulrich’s
We follow this with an illustration of what an (2003) critically systemic discourse. The main
appropriate methodology might look such as point of difference in constructivism as a view of
for future reference and conclude with suggested knowledge is the manner in which ‘truth’ is
directions for research. handled. Grint (2005) points out that ‘reality’ is

Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Syst. Res (2013)
DOI: 10.1002/sres.2223

Concept Shifting and Tension Point Analysis


contentious in constructivism, because it draws on THE SOCIAL CONSTRUCTION OF PROBLEMS

the idea of a temporary view of reality dominated
epistemologically by groups Problems in the social world involve a significant
subjective component and are therefore different
That implies that ‘reality’ is constructed
from problems that deal with the objective,
through language and, in turn, since language
physical world. The latter only contributes to an
is a social phenomenon, the account of reality
understanding of the situation, the alternative
which prevails is often both a temporary and a
conceptual frames that the problem solver
collective phenomenon… (Grint, 2005), p. 1471)
perceives to be inherent in the physical artefact.
Knowledge then is the transient result of the Therefore, the physical problem is defined by
collective interpretation of a ‘social phenomenon’. the natural and social properties inherent in
Knowledge is subjective and will vary according that situation.
to the composition of the group that produced it. The dependent variable is people. If the people
Such knowledge is constructed through language leave, the natural problem, the water shortage,
and semantics to give a meaningful representation will obviously continue, but because there is
to a group that finds it meaningful. Grint’s (2005) now no one to be affected, the social problem will
analysis is reminiscent of the early work of cease to exist. It has departed with the people.
Checkland (1981), who said that a problem Natural problems such as chronic water shortages
situation is something an actor or group decides can be studied scientifically using empirical
is ‘problematic’. It is a problem if we believe it is methods to arrive at a peer-reviewed or consensual
a problem. This perspective was argued to include understanding of the nature of the problem. Social
Ackoff’s work on interactive planning and problems are not as amenable to scientific study
Churchman’s systems analysis (Churchman, due to their inherent subjectivity. There is an assort-
1968; Haynes, 2001; Jackson, 1999). ment of actors, each using their unique conceptual
Berger and Kellner (1981) argued (p. 24) that framework to understand the world, and each
there is a conflict of meaning in our life world pursuing their own sociopolitical agenda.
between the internal realizations of reality and This distinction was highlighted in the remark-
those constructed outside of us in our collective able 30-year longitudinal research project started
lived experiences. The conflict derives from a by Checkland (2000). Checkland’s assessment of
misalignment of a person’s internal perception social problems was based on the idea that they
of reality and that of the external consensual were highly complex, contained in the minds of
reality. The cornerstone of the constructivist people and ‘the idea of a situation which some
argument is that knowledge is generated and people regard as problematical’ [35]. This paper,
reproduced through the agency of social therefore, carries on from Checkland’s (1981)
interactions, and relationships likewise through work, studying what he originally called the
the dynamic of lived experiences. Social reality phenomenon of ‘ill-defined problem solving’.
is taken to be a collection of commonly held His work is in line with the pragmatists, such as
assumptions that are tied together through Churchman (1968) in conversation with Rittel
‘collective perceptions’. Based on this, it might and Webber (1973) who called it wicked problem
be argued that social cohesion is therefore a solving, and Ackoff (1978) who called it messy
function of how much consensus has been problem solving. Another way of exploring this
reached in the collective social consciousness, would be to call it, ‘realistic’ problem solving as
though this is not the topic of this paper. scholars Eden (1987) and Klein (1999, 2013).
As people interact with each other, forming per- The typical way of thinking about problems is
ceptions, building social networks and institutions through the lines of structure. Those that are well
such as ‘supply chains’, for example, then a defined tend to have an easy solution pathway
consensual reality begins to take shape. We are (i.e. Simon’s chess problem solving model). You
now in a position to extend this analysis to under- simply follow the steps and you reach a known
stand how problems are socially constructed. conclusion, such as a recipe for Beef Stroganoff.

Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Syst. Res (2013)
DOI: 10.1002/sres.2223

Luke Houghton and David Tuffley


The complex problem is one with many possible media framed the war on terror as being about
solution pathways. A problem of this nature weapons of mass destruction. Those in power
involves possible actions with many potential out- have the dual imperative of defining problems
comes. The wicked problem, according to Conklin and proposing solutions in a single communica-
(2005), involves no potential structure, or outcomes tion strategy. Yet the more wicked a problem is,
with no possible solution pathway. As noted in the the less amenable it will be to being solved by a
problem structuring literature, these kinds of single, convenient solution. The actors involved
problems require framing and interpretation will interpret the problem according to their resi-
(Rosenhead, 2006). The issue that has not been dent ideology and so frame it according to their
afforded much detail in this literature is: what do own subjective interpretations. Herein lies the
we mean by ‘problem structuring’? problem with problem structuring: how can we
Eden and Ackermann (2006) addressed this explore something unstructured through a singu-
when they raised the issue of how confusing the lar ‘agreed’ construct? If we are working on a
title ‘problem structuring’ is. That is, if we are problem that is wicked, it has no perceived struc-
building a contextual structure for a problem to ture, and when we try to impose a structure, we
exist in, it is because as actors we agree it is succeed only in making it worse (Rittel &
meaningful to do so. This is socially constructing Webber, 1973). We make it worse because there
a problem. It is framing a problem so that actors are too many intertwining ideologies that simul-
can reach the stage that both Eden (1987) and taneously offer alternative problem structures
Conklin (2005) call ‘problem finishing’. A criti- and solution pathways. Thus, the problem is con-
cism of this literature is that problem structuring sidered to be wicked.
is dominated by a particular ideology, namely
that of the methodologist (Ulrich, 2000) instead
of the actors involved. It is perhaps because ac- WICKEDNESS ITSELF CAN PROVIDE
commodation is the name of the game when it STRUCTURE
comes to problem structuring and not a creative
discourse. This, of course, depends on method The simultaneous viewpoints held by actors thus
and context. shaping the wickedness of the problem derive
In constructivist language, we could say that from different framing starting points. We argue
creating a problem is framing (Kaplan, 2008a) it that if this is the case with wicked problems, the
according to certain conceptions we already have wickedness itself is the structure, and that solu-
and to our immediate social influences. Actors tions are therefore inherent in that structure. In-
perceive the usefulness of the problem structure stead of providing a framed interpretation, that
and use it as the basis for action to achieve the de- is, reached through accommodation, we argue
sired ends (see also Jackson, 2001). In any case, that a similar methodology to Conklin’s dialogue
the outcome of a structuring process is a singular mapping could provide useful insights into struc-
concept, that is, used to drive the problem solv- turing the ultra-complex wicked problem. This
ing process. An example of this can be seen in relies on the process of synthesizing (Houghton
the construction of organizational strategy, which and Metcalfe, 2010) divergent viewpoints into a
is often presented with labels such as ‘growth new set of interpretations. We contend that in-
strategy’ or ‘operations strategy’. The concept stead of, for example, structuring agreement,
has meaning and ultimately drives behavior problem solvers should explore disagreement
(Metcalfe, 2007). and deliberately highlight areas of dynamic ten-
So the problem concept is also a solution con- sion so that new solution pathways can emerge.
cept. As soon as actors create the structure for The process of synthesis means exploring tension
the problem, they have simultaneously aired the and conflict to find places where the creative
solution they think is most appropriate. Going solution can be found. Ackoff’s (1978) process
back to constructivism, we find this in Grint’s of problem dissolving hints at this by suggesting
(2005) work through his example of how the that a wicked problem can be ‘dissolved’ through

Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Syst. Res (2013)
DOI: 10.1002/sres.2223

Concept Shifting and Tension Point Analysis


shifting tension points that hold it together. In the substantial share of the international education
language of constructivism, this means shifting market in the Australian state of Queensland.
the mechanisms that are used to interpret reality In a strategic planning exercise, EduCo recog-
to find better social constructions that make nized an emerging problem with no obvious so-
better sense of existing problems. lution. It was resolved to seek an innovative
It is therefore argued that, by exploring multi- solution to this emerging problem. At the centre
ple different interpretations of a problem context of this approach was the desire to mine existing
in tension, we could learn a great deal about pos- data from across the organization to map
sible solutions to the problem and its wickedness. patterns. The patterns would take the form of
To exemplify this, we provide a case study that multi-dimensional data cubes whose graphic
shows how such an analysis might be performed. nature might afford a unique perspective on the
Although this approach was not formally ap- organization. This would enable the analysis of
plied to the case in question, there are indications data from multiple perspectives, which would,
that it could be well applied to future situations. it was hoped, reveal new and interesting patterns
This limits the study to an exploratory and spec- for data usage. This approach is commonly
ulative piece of research with limited generaliz- referred to as business intelligence.
ability. However, we believe the selection of a To achieve this end, EduCo hired a manager
speculative case to further understanding is a to implement their business intelligence plans.
warranted use in this case as it will provide some They started by creating a set of key perfor-
propositions for future research. mance indicators for the manager to measure
and create objectives for the business intelli-
gence exercise. It was hoped that the system
would unite data from across the organization
and that this would create a suitable platform
for business intelligence analysis. Broadly
The case study approach was chosen for this re-
speaking, we were interested in learning how
search (Stake, 1995) because the goal of the re-
people in the organization used computers to
search was not to develop a set of hypothetical
create ‘intelligence’. More specifically, we
assumptions to test, but to induce (Ketokivi
wanted to learn how people used computers
et al., 2010) phenomena from observations to gen-
to solve their problems. This included two
erate meaningful insights into the key problem
open-ended research questions:
under study (Yin, 2008). Rather than use a spe-
cific style of case study, we are using an illustra- (1) How effective are computer systems in
tive case to demonstrate how such a helping you in your day-to-day problem
methodology might work. This is designed to solving activities?
provoke discussion about furthering a more for- (2) Do these systems have an impact on how you
mal methodology in studying the relationship do your work and how you solve your
between concepts and cognitive structure and problems?
wicked problems.
From these questions, we believed that we
could isolate the main concepts people used for
problems in this context. Initially, we expected
Problem Context to find several things about computers but
ultimately were quite surprised by how people
EduCo is a large provider tertiary education framed their use of technology in this context.
services. Confidentiality was a condition of the As discussed in the findings section, we learned
project, so the actual identity of EduCo has been from our case study that in some circumstances,
changed. In recent times the EduCo has experi- those using one concept to solve a problem are
enced rapid growth. With around 50 000 students often relying on concepts that others use in
across a range of programs, EduCo now has a exactly the same way.

Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Syst. Res (2013)
DOI: 10.1002/sres.2223

Luke Houghton and David Tuffley


Data Collection patterns of concept use. The situation became

difficult after we analyzed the answers, because
Data was collected from a series of formal and we noticed different expressions of the problem
informal interviews involving 12 people for formal that were completely incompatible. After group-
recorded interviews and several unrecorded inter- ing the themes into large perspective groupings,
views with EduCo personnel. Due to the sensitivity we noticed four dominant expressions of the
of the data, the host organization is identified as problems emerging:
EduCo, a government-owned company. The partic-
ipants include a range of staff; software engineers, We cannot access the data because it is not
general staff and senior staff from both technical our job.
(e.g. Information Technology) and nontechnical
(senior management) areas. Several workers we interviewed expressed a gen-
During the course of the case study, a series of uine lack of concern for the missing data. Several
observations were made, and data were collected of them were not even aware that the data they
outside of interviews where appropriate. These wanted was there, or that the data they collected
observations were collected in a similar way to on a daily basis was even remotely useful. This is
Spradley (1980) participant observation process, a demonstrated lack of systemic thinking, but is
which involves the systematic collection of ac- understandable from the contextual standpoint.
tions as ‘data’. It also involves collecting detailed The organization does not actively seek data inte-
insights into the behavior of participants that an gration, for example, so those without exposure
interview cannot obtain, and which can be to this strategic vantage point are unlikely to gain
performed in a way, that is, not obtrusive or access to a suitable explanation for the exis-
invasive. tence of the data or the reason for its use. Other
researchers such as Tucker, Edmonson and
Spear (p. 50) noted the same phenomenon in
Data Analysis hospitals. The way people engaged problems
on the lower levels hinders or prevents better
Data was collected from interviews and obser- problem solving on the higher levels. We
vations and categorized using open coding a noticed this recurrent theme in the transcripts
technique where data is organized into mean- as well.
ingful themes that can be later analyzed to
reveal patterns not apparent at the outset We do not know where our data are.
(see Miles & Huberman, 1994). As part of the
coding process, we isolated the concepts used While other themes emerged from the tran-
for problem solving in the context of business scripts, this one was the most dominant. Senior
intelligence and computers. This enabled us and middle managers commonly expressed the
to highlight the way actors framed the problem in ways that reflected towards key
problem so we could zero in more precisely problems in the process. One of them stated
on the relationships between them. The results, the following:
discussed below, indicate the need for a
methodology that brings concepts together for We are reporting basically across the board.
analysis and synthesis. We will return to this We’re tasked, I guess you could say we’re
in our discussion section. meant to be the only business intelligence area
whether we are or not depends on those rogue
elements who want to do it themselves sort of
Findings thing and in any organization you will proba-
bly going to get that. People who will set up
The broad questions were designed to tease out their own reporting systems or their own
the complexity of the situation and reveal deeper spreadsheets finally to digest all of that sort

Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Syst. Res (2013)
DOI: 10.1002/sres.2223

Concept Shifting and Tension Point Analysis


of thing. It happens everywhere. It doesn’t mentioned using spreadsheets and other soft-
matter what organization you’re in but the ware to generate further data. The senior man-
short answer is we’re meant to be, this is a in- ager mentioned that this data was ‘probably
telligence function we have the feeling that collected’. One expression of the problem here
there is probably some other people out there was the routines people made, and thus
probably running their own systems. worked according to, made it easy to bypass
Senior Intelligence Manager established systems.

This issue highlights a problem with analyz-

ing data corporately and being able to find PROBLEM EXPRESSIONS
the pockets of intelligence where strategic as-
sets and data may be located. The next one These models of cognitive engagement, shown in
was similar but was not expressed explicitly. Table 1, were found in the transcript data. In our
analysis we took it a step further by looking for
Our routines do not let us get access to the data. ways to translate these patterns into action taken.
The first step we took was to find the ‘pathway’
Several interviewees spoke about not being for each engagement or expression of the prob-
able to access the data they needed for their lem. A better way for us to think about it was
job. In an informal interview with a part time to think that each time someone identified the
analyst, it was revealed that the system actually problem, they also identified the solution they
did contain, in most cases, the data that was believed necessary. We have shown this
needed to carry out the job. They just did not according to the dominant models of perception.
know where to find it. One administrator talked Although these findings are interesting for
about not being able to access the data, whilst business intelligence, it was at this point that
another talked about ways the data could be the researchers were left with divergent concepts
accessed. This occurred frequently. Both expres- without any apparent connection.
sions of the problem essentially were not aware The outcome of the process is ongoing. After we
of the other. reported back the findings to EduCo, we decided
to create a methodology for aligning the concepts
Instead of finding the data, people do some- to see what could be derived. The following is a
thing else or create new data. demonstration of this technique, which we believe
would be useful for OR practitioners involved in
Creating ways around things and deliberately strategic planning and related areas.
not using systems known to be problematic
revealed itself in two ways in the transcripts.
Firstly, it came out during the point mentioned CONCEPT SHIFTING: A PROPOSED
earlier at 2. Evidence of what Kerr et al. (2007) METHODOLOGY
calls ‘feral systems’ (effective workarounds)
was found. However, the interviewer noticed Concept shifting (Table 2), as a process, is
an element of tacit bypassing of systems. People proposed in four phases:

Table 1 Problem expressions

Problem expressions Concepts used

We cannot access the data because it is not our job. Empowerment

We do not know where our data are. Better access to data, simplification of system
Our routines do not let us have access to the data. Include data in routines; rethink routine management
Instead of finding the data, people do something Cultural issue; help to build confidence in
else or create new data. people to tackle serious problems

Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Syst. Res (2013)
DOI: 10.1002/sres.2223

Luke Houghton and David Tuffley


Table 2 The process of concept shifting relevant by people. If they make them relevant,
Process of concept shifting then, as Checkland (1981) argued, you need a
Phase 1: mapping the problem areas person to find a problem. Berger and Luckmann
Phase 2: synthesizing tension points (1966) discuss what this means for reification and
Phase 3: modelling alternative ‘pathways’ generalizing. (Given the limited space we have to
address this area, we would suggest the reader
may wish to pursue this further.) So, in short, the
The idea is explained in detail in the problem can be seen as a concept used to make
following sections. sense of an area that actors find troubling. Because
it is conceptual in origin, it can be moved and
shaped to a better concept through a process
Concept Shifting—Phase 1: Mapping the of synthesis.
Problem Areas This begins by analyzing areas of disagreement
where the problem context is the most controver-
Even though there are no claims for making a sial. The following example (as seen in Figure 1)
methodology in this paper, we would like to from our case data shows an overall map of the
speculate as to what such a process may look concepts derived from the research and how
like if the results of this study are to be taken actors were using them:
seriously. In summary, the overall process This concept map provides an overview of the
of modelling concept shifting would look area where concepts were found to have created
like this: a tension point. We modelled this to include
The first phase of the process involves map- several connections of the tensions noticed
ping out the areas where we see problems to through our observations. We have also covered
create an overarching concept map of the terrain. these in Table 3. In short, we came to these
To start this process, we used the interview data conclusions through our interviews and
to map out areas of tensions between the levels observations. What is shown formerly are the
of the organization. This has been mentioned in key problems and relationships we noticed. To
the literature by scholars such as Ackoff (1978), deduce these, we used a cognitive mapping
Eden (1987) and others (e.g. Rosenhead, 2006) processes as described by Van Vliet et al. (2010)
as a process of starting a discourse around areas for example. The next phase of a potential
where tension exists. Tension is said to be the concept mapping exercise is to create a synthesis
source of conflict in a messy problem that gives of key points where areas can be feasibly re-
it a certain definitional structure. Ackoff (1978) solved. We chose to put the key issues into a table
not in references called this the underlying condi- and analyze where areas could be synthesized.
tions that cause a problem to exist (Metcalfe, One issue, which deserves attention through-
2005); Ackoff also argued that, if you shift the out the process is the role of the facilitator. It is
concepts that house the problem, you could assumed that a facilitator/analyst will model
effectively create new interpretations that cause the tensions in a way that reflects the group’s
the problem to be seen in a different light. This intentions. However, as discussed elsewhere
process of problem dissolving involves an (see Houghton 2013), modelling disagreement
idealized rethinking of current ways of assessing can result in problems that may see certain
the context to better understand it. actors ‘pushing’ their own perspective and rail-
Ackoff stopped short of saying ‘concept shifting’ roading others. We do not have an immediate
and opted instead for ‘problem dissolving’. We answer to this issue as such but for future
believe that, by using the phrase concept shifting, research we would argue that addressing this
we can more readily link the problem to construc- is of paramount concern. It is a limitation of
tivism, which we argued for at the beginning of this this approach and needs attention in future
paper. This argument can be summarized as: research. It should also be noted that we are
problems are social constructs, developed and made saying that this may be an approach worth

Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Syst. Res (2013)
DOI: 10.1002/sres.2223

Concept Shifting and Tension Point Analysis


developing in future research projects. We do pictures). This would take place ideally through
not yet have enough evidence to suggest that a facilitator. Once the tensions have been mapped,
the approach is useful or could even be vali- drawn and explored, the areas for synthesis can
dated. In the following section, we summarize be explored. In the case above a tension point
our findings and speculate on what such a was expressed as: ‘We do not have access to the
methodology may look like. data’. This immediately creates conflict. It also cre-
In this phase, a concept map or a relevant cog- ates opportunities for ‘synthesizing’ world views.
nitive map is drawn up by the parties to show the In our case, we drew our data from interviews
tension points. This would involve deliberately taken from staff members and by observing inter-
looking at areas where parties are in conflict actions between staff. Again, in future versions of
and modelling a cognitive or concept map the methodology these processes will need to be
(or any other relevant modelling tool, e.g. rich explored. Once we have some tensions modelled,

Figure 1 Overall process of concept shifting as a methodology

Figure 2 Results

Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Syst. Res (2013)
DOI: 10.1002/sres.2223

Luke Houghton and David Tuffley


Table 3 Problem expressions as tension points

Tension point Reasons for their existence

Daily problem solving Actors often do not share the same task across departments,
routines are disjointed but do share the same data. As such, they are solving
each others’ problems without realizing it.
Ad hoc data creation Data are created by actors in ways that are ad hoc
but related to the data needed for running the business.
Lost information and lack Data are disjointed across the firm. Actors collect their
of business data own data as they see fit.
Confusing processes Actors do not understand where one job starts and the other begins.
(and possibly a lack of role clarity)
Unclear system purpose Actors are not aware of a system that addresses the
above-mentioned problem.
Unclear operational goals Actors are not aware of operational goals as they
relate to their job or tasks.
Unclear (or changing) Actors are not sure what constitutes good performance or
performance metrics how it is measured.

we can explore creative ways to synthesize these intersubjective social processes. To try to under-
tensions into new solutions. stand these processes, we have highlighted
the tension points in the succeeding discussion
and framed the reasons given to us for their
Concept Shifting—Phase 2: Synthesizing existence.
Tension Points The next phase is to investigate these tension
points and investigate ways in which the prob-
The tension points found and discussed will nat- lems could be dissolved. This process involves
urally lead to opportunities for problem solving. the development of alternative conceptual struc-
In the case, one problem was identified, as ‘we tures deliberately designed to provoke thinking
do not have access to data’. A synthesis of this about changes. Earlier work conducted in this
involves looking deliberately at an alternative area referred to this process as ‘engagement’
viewpoint and asking the opposite style of (Houghton and Ledington, 2004). We believe a
question: ‘What would it take to remove the better way of thinking about the problem is the
conditions of this view so it no longer existed.’ movement of concepts, because it aligns better
Metcalfe (2005b) calls these ‘problem dissolving with the literature history and provides a less
questions’. He argues that questions should seek convoluted way of thinking about the process.
to dissolve (following Ackoff 1979) tensions by As this is a speculative exercise, we could invoke
exploring ways in which tensions can be dissipat- a variety of existing soft OR methods to achieve
ing through creative synthesis. This means this end, such as Soft Systems Modelling or
exploring the conditions of the tensions, finding others. However, this approach is best thought
questions to explore that deliberately ‘shift’ the of as a conceptual thinking exercise that
concept to a new set of assumptions, with a provokes thinking about alternatives to known
new set of possibilities (Figure 2). problems. It is not necessarily a debate about
Table 3 outlines a process whereby we could feasibility, but a deliberate attempt to rethink
map the tensions to reasons noticed by people things in an alternative way. To this, an alterna-
for their existence. If a concept is to be shifted, tive concept must be offered. Churchman
we argue that it needs to be carried out in such (1968) used this to great effect in his work on
a way that it changes the reasons people use to systems thinking.
frame it. This relates to the central idea of In our example, this might be explored as a set
constructivism, which is often referred to as of questions. For example, ‘What kind of data do

Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Syst. Res (2013)
DOI: 10.1002/sres.2223

Concept Shifting and Tension Point Analysis


you need access to?’ Or: ‘If you didn’t have the shifting could be used. One example is provided
data how would you make the decisions’, ‘If for discussion:
you had the data, would you make different From this process of thought, we can begin to
decisions’ and ‘If you didn’t need the data, how assess and model feasibility. This leads to new
would this change the problem?’. These are only concepts of how to ‘see’ the problem. Once a set
examples and were not actually asked in the pro- of ideas have been argued to be relevant, actors
cess of doing the research. The natural by-prod- can begin to explore the pathways simultaneously.
uct of sourcing questions that dissolving For example, if we have the problem of not
problems is that new ideas immediately arise having access to data, we select the solution of
about how to tackle the problem in question, in needing to the reinvent the process so we do
theory, dissolving the tension. not need data, then we then imagine to see what
that might look like through creative thinking.
This stage asks the question: what would it look
like if this new concept was implemented. This
Concept Shifting Phase—Phase 3: Modelling leads to the last process.
Alternative ‘Pathways’

In this part of the process, we involve divergent

thinking to deliberately provoke alternative con- Concept Shifting—Phase 4: Pathway
cepts. It is well established by now in the soft OR Assessment and Planning For Change
literature that the goal of the problem structuring
methodology (PSM) is to provide structure to com- There is always a question of feasibility in
plex issues. If we identify a series of tension points, complex problems, that is, often overlooked in
we can then begin to use deliberate thinking to pro- literatures (Jackson, 2001; Ulrich, 2003). What
voke discussion about conceptual alternatives. This counts as feasible means what can be performed
does not mean provoking debate about change, it given available resources and willingness.
means provoking divergence of thought towards However, representing this pathway as an op-
another set of problem-dissolving concepts. tion requires a form of planning and discussion,
The first part of this process could be to that is, hopefully the outcome of a concept
identify the bigger tension points that house the shifting exercise. It must be clearly argued,
smaller tension points. Let us tackle the idea of however, that any set of alternative concepts
‘unclear performance metrics’ first. Table 4 must be seen through the pragmatic lens of feasi-
outlines the tension point and offers different bility. That is distinct from strategic assumption
ways of thinking about the problem. We have making, in which concepts frame outcomes
chosen to use the terms ‘provocative’ (derived from without evidence. If an alternative concept is
De Bono (1970) and ‘synthetic’ (from the systems feasible given known constraints or even whether
literature). Please note, these are just ideas taken it is possible, willingness to adopt should follow.
from the literature; any concept found useful for This of course depends on how much money, time

Table 4 Concept shifting: small example

Alternative 1 Alternative 2
Tension point (provocative) (synthetic)

Unclear performance EduCo are managing performance Performance is related to a lack of

metrics poorly. Dismantle the metrics operational goals and poor systems.
system and invent a better group- Fix the operational goals, tighten up
focused way to measure performance. role clarity and enhance system integration.

Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Syst. Res (2013)
DOI: 10.1002/sres.2223

Luke Houghton and David Tuffley


and energy (see Eden (1987) and Conklin (2005) for FUTURE RESEARCH—TOWARDS A
example) the problem solvers are willing to spend. METHODOLOGY
It may be better to look at alternatives through
alternative conceptual problem dissolving path- The question here is, do we need another PSM?
ways and choose the one, that is, most likely to There are already many that have been developed
be approved and acted on. This is a discussion and used with varying degrees of success. This
for another paper, but is worth mentioning here question can only be properly answered through
as a significant concern. more research. At this time, we believe it is a
The second part of the process is planning for worthwhile exercise to pursue and would encour-
change. This involves change management age others to take up the challenge. At the time of
strategies, planning and involvement with those this writing, the process is being developed more
in related areas. It should be noted that the point formally into a complete planning process. This
of a concept shifting exercise is to bring actors to may well prove to be the best way forward.
the point where a pathway is selected and acted Future research should also focus more
on; it is not a change management methodology. squarely on the development of the process as a
It could be used to work through the conceptual strategic guide for those involved in complex
difficulties for change as they arise, but its processes. We believe that it would be most
purpose is to use divergent thinking to reframe useful for OR practitioners if the process was
difficult problem situations. The limitations of developed as a holistic process, and this is what
this are that the situation could be made worse, we are currently working towards.
as noted in Rittel and Webber (1973). As a process The other limitations of this idea need further
of the application of divergent thinking to messy exploration as well. These include things such as:
problems, however, it could provide a useful tool willingness, conceptual framing and strategy
for those involved in operational and strategic (an area, i.e. under-researched (Kaplan, 2008b). As
issues. These kinds of problems often require an approach to developing a conceptual frame for
framing and careful planning, because they are wicked problems, it would need extensive testing
wedded to the entire organization’s performance and evaluation. Arguably, it would benefit from a
and design. self-evaluation process built into the process so that
The final stage of the process involves a basic its usefulness would be evident.
form of feasibility analysis. The idea here is that
once a set of concepts have been extracted from this
process they need to be submitted to the scrutiny of CONCLUSION
feasibility. This may include something such as a
concept analysis, budget, cost over benefit and so This paper outlines an approach to dissolving
on. It is at this stage that other methodologies can messy problems based on a constructivist ap-
be used to cost and formally model the concepts proach, which we call concept shifting. The paper
through to completion. For example, if the problem outlined a problem context then proceeded to an
is ‘access to data’ and the solution is ‘remodelling so example of how this kind of thinking might be
data is not needed,’ then the new concept of how applied. Despite this speculation, we believe that
this is going to look need to be feasibly explored. this approach would be worth developing into a
It is important to note here that feasibility comes methodology or planning framework as it would
after creativity. So many discussions, in the authors’ help extend the view of OR/MS in a strategic
experiences, tend to begin with what we can do way. We concluded by suggesting that four areas
with present concepts of the problem, rather than of research needed to be explored.
exploring how new concepts can lead to new Firstly, the process and ideas of concept
feasibilities. shifting into a PSM (Mingers and Rosenhead
We will now discuss some ways we believe the 2004) and as a strategic planning approach.
concept shifting idea could be moved towards Secondly, further exploration of the theoretical
a methodology. considerations of concept shifting should be

Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Syst. Res (2013)
DOI: 10.1002/sres.2223

Concept Shifting and Tension Point Analysis


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DOI: 10.1002/sres.2223

Concept Shifting and Tension Point Analysis

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