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General Tips
· The more information you include in the One Page the better. Use all the available fields.
· Be very precise on ‘What are you looking for’.
· Use the field ‘Notes’ for additional key information: Vision, references, milestones, status, etc.
· Materials design: Make sure you have the best possible poster and bible design. The visual first
impression is very important.
· As important as the project materials is your profile information. Complete your personal/company
profile with all the available fields: Photo, Bio, IMDb and social networks, etc.
· Add your past work to your Portfolio.
· Tag other team key members with a FMH profile.

Video Pitch
· We highly recommend to include a Video Pitch of your project.
· Only do it if you have the time and the resources to make it look very professional.
· Ideal duration: 7 minutes.
· Not just you talking to camera. Try to use visual elements to support your storytelling. You can use
footage from your referenced titles. Images too.
· On the next pages you will find our recommended structure and the content it should include.
· To upload a video to the One Page, you will need a Vimeo or YouTube link.

How to edit my project?

· Go to your Submissions 2021 area.
· Click on your submitted project title in order to open the One Page.
· Click on ‘Edit Project’ button.
· Edit your project and send the edits.
· Our team will check and approve the edits as soon as possible.

How to edit my contact and profile info?

· Go to Edit Profile.
· Save your edits.
· If you want to add past work to your portfolio, click ‘Add past work to portfolio’ button on your profile


1. Personal introduction
Before you start selling your project it is very important to sell yourself as a trusty professional.
Introduce yourself with your name and describe your role in the project. A few lines about
your background, experience and past work.

2. Project introduction
Present your project to the audience defining it in one sentence.
This is important as it gives a context for the audience: country, genre, mood, etc. This way
they won’t have to guess this information during the pitch.
TITLE is a Spanish 8 episodes x 60 minutes horror thriller about MINI-LOGLINE.

2.1. Trailer (if you have one)
After the introduction is the perfect moment to play any teaser or mood trailer. This way, the
audience will be connected with your visual proposal and aware of the series tone. You and
the audience will be on the same page for the rest of the pitch.

3. Plot
What is the series about?
Overview, don’t go into too much into details.
Explain broadly the characters, the conflict and the evolution of the season.
Where do we start and where do we finish?

4. Characters
Take some time to go into more details of the main characters, one by one.
Who are they? Motivations + Conflict + Evolution
Use visual examples of similar characters from other series or films.

5. Vision and references
What do you really want to say with the series? What are the hidden themes?
Describe the world of the series.
Share your vision as the creator.
What makes the series special? Why are you as the creator, the right person to make it
unique? How will you do it? Personal attachment to the project?
Narrative, visual and mood references from other series or films.

6. Milestones
Track record and achievements of the project so far.
When did you start it?
Awards, selections, recognitions, etc.

7. Current status
Development status: What have you written so far and what draft are you at? What
documentation do you have? Bible?
Producers attached? Directors attached? Casting attached? Key crew attached?
Budget per episode and total budget? How much is secured?

8. What are you looking for?
Be very specific.


· If you don’t have a producer attached:
We are looking for a production company to lead the project development and the search for

· If you have a producer but you need a bigger company to co-produce with:
We are looking for a bigger and more experienced production company to co-produce with.

· If you have the right producer attached:
We are looking for a broadcaster or a streaming platform to finance and distribute the series.
We are looking for financing partners to secure the budget and distribute the series nationally
and internationally.

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