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12/20/21, 4:42 PM The 5 elements in bio-architecture — bio arc



The five elements: Earth, Air, Water, Fire and

Aether offer a comprehensive and direct approach to
bio-architectural design and the creation of man made

environments.  The Five Elements speaks of a holistic

approach to the design of architecture and the

necessity of our connection to these primordial

elements.  These are then used to generate a set of

design principles for the creation of a harmonious and

healthy architectural environment. These principles

hold the key to creating an energetic symbiotic

relationship with our natural ecosystems.




G E O M A N C Y, G R O U N D I N G , 1/61
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M A T E R I A L S , A G R I C U LT U R E .  



D E V I C E S , W A T E R F E A T U R E S ,

B I O M I M I C R Y, R E G E N E R A T I V E

D E S I G N .

• AIR:

A I R Q U A L I T Y, P A S S I V E

S Y S T E M S O F V E N T I L A T I O N ,

S Y S T E M S I N T E G R A T I O N ,

I N T E R I O R S P A C E ,


F I E L D S / P R AY E R .


N A T U R A L L I G H T ,

T E C H N O L O G Y C O H E R E N T 2/61
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T E C H N O L O G Y, C O H E R E N T


G E N E R A T O R S ( C F F G ) , E M

P O L L U T I O N .  


S H A P E P O W E R , L I F E F O R C E ,

S A C R E D G E O M E T R Y,

F R A C T A L D E S I G N , B I O -

G E O M E T R I C T R A N S L A T O R S .

“When structures are designed from the realization

of the intrinsic energetic aspects that exist
throughout all of nature, we will naturally re-enter 3/61
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into a regenerative/symbiotic relationship with our

environment, thus revealing the ultimate purpose
of bio-architecture.”

Juan Schlosser

Earth: geomancy, grounding, fractal bioactive

materials, agriculture

Earth = The practice of “earthing” has been shown to

have dramatic effects on health, which emphasizes the
importance of our connection to the natural elements.

Our modern world practices have severed the

essential connection to the earth element as it relates

to nature and our natural environments. This paradigm

also has disconnected conventional buildings from the

earth’s energy.

Food in most homes doesn't grow in the immediate

environment, therefore not only is it devoid of life

force due to the transportation for long distances and

modern non-organic, toxic agricultural methods, but it

also lacks the local environmental biome which is 4/61
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also lacks the local environmental biome, which is

essential to the living, thriving ecosystem which

connects plants, animals and humans. man-made

environments, therefore, should contain and integrate

the food production within architectural development,

as an intrinsic aspect of the new design principles.

The bio-architecture of the new earth paradigm will

connect to the local environment in life-positive ways,

promoting and maintaining the health of all beings

while also supporting balance within the natural


Geomancy, geomagnetic survey :

Architecture will only integrate energetically with its

surrounding environment when it accounts for the

subtle energies emitting from the earth geomagnetic

and subtle energetic currents. 

Geomancy literally means, “Divining the Earth”. It is

the art of harmonizing and working with the earth's

energies that flow throughout the landscape The 5/61
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energies that flow throughout the landscape. The

naturally occurring energy currents of our living

planet  are affected by many influences: electricity,

magnetism, the time day or night, other planets, sun

and other cosmic influences, light, colour, heat, sound,

matter, consciousness etc been this energy in

constant dynamic change and disrupted or influence in

positive or negative ways by many factors.  The

planetary energy grid operates through certain

geometrical patterns and shapes. The grids meet at

various intersecting points forming a kind of matrix.

They are called Ley lines or also known in ancient

traditions as ‘Song Lines’ or ‘dreaming track’. This

energetic grid and the intersecting nodes are

equivalent to the Meridians and acupressure points on

our bodies, performing a similar function to these

energy channels; these grid points are generally found

at the places of strongest power on the planet.

In order to locate energetic lines and beneficial, or

detrimental energy vortices on the land, specially

designed pendulums or other forms of dowsing can be

used. These measurements can be confirmed by

geomagnetic surveys using additional specialized

scientific instruments.that measure Subtle EM energy

or also the so-called torsion field detectors.

This information can then  serve to inform the creative

process, as also to choose the particular location of

architectural features in such a way that will enhance

the energetic quality of the environment, this design

process need to consider the specialized energetic

qualitative nature of a given power spot and 

energetically finetune the architecture design 

accordingly to the landscape of subtle energies. Also

the inverse is the case where the architectural design 6/61
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the inverse is the case, where the architectural design
will also modify this energies by enhancing,

distorting,  or generating them in differentiated

outputs .  Also this needs to be taken into

consideration to decide parameters of garden design,

particular location of permaculture gardens, compost

piles, waterways, paths, etc. All can be designed to

create a coherent relationship, where all these

different features will be harmoniously located for

synergistic interactions with the earth’s energies.

The development of human-made environments that

do not connect with the subtle energies of the earth

will never reach their full potential as sustainable, life-

enhancing environments. Therefore, geomancy is a

fundamental design principle of bio arc buildings. The

conscious application of these principles in the

creation of communities and human settlements can

help  repair the damage that our existing civilization

has created, within the energetic landscapes of our

planet and the effect that it has upon nature and the

collective consciousness.

Grounding: 7/61
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Earthing systems are concerned with balancing the

electrical fields of our bodies, thus improving our

health, by increasing the quality, as well as the

quantity of our physical connection to the earth


The earth is charged with a negative electrical

potential that is vital for our health and wellbeing.

Connection with the earth has been shown to produce

anti-inflammatory effects, increased blood flow and

viscosity are just some of the many other

demonstrable health benefits.

Grounding has a particularly vital secondary function,

whereby the presence of excess EM energy that has

accumulated in the body, is grounded back into the

earth and out of the body.  This so-called “electro

smog” can affect the regenerative process of our

bodily functions, especially during the sleep

restorative phase, whereby the proper functioning of

the pineal gland in the production of melatonin is

often dramatically reduced, leading to premature

ageing and disease.  Grounding has been shown to

help to reverse these tendencies.

Earthing systems: 

can and should be used to ground entire buildings.

This natural phenomenon is cultivated by earthing

systems described in this bio architectural design

model. The earthing systems are composed of copper

rods that connect into the ground and draw upon 8/61
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these free electrons.  Through a copper geometric grid

installed in the floor, a cable delivers the earth energy.

Occupants of the spaces receive the amplified

benefits of the negative charge emitted from the

earth via the grid.

Earth connection plugs will be installed into the

interior of the bio domes and other structures,

allowing the connection of grounding devices for beds,

chairs and mats.

Earthing floors:

can be designed with different geometric shapes and

materials to perform the function of bringing the

earth’s negative electric charge to the space and their

inhabitants.  At the same time within this system, is

generating a coherent field, further enhanced by the

earth’s energy.  These restorative qualities provided by

the grid system can be further designed and

engineered for healing purposes by adding other

energetic systems.

Fractal materials:

Fractal materials are materials that are phase

conjugate because they have been in most cases

produced by some type of natural processes. They

contain an inner coherent, fractal structure make up,

therefore they are able to exhibit high dielectric

constants. This term is normally exclusively used in

electrical engineering, and as we will learn later, there

are profound implications for this in architecture. Many

structures, not just capacitors used in electronics, 9/61
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exhibit capacitance. 

Is interesting to note that the atmosphere is positively

charged, and the earth has an opposite negative

charge. Thereby dielectric materials situated in this

boundary, for example a forest or a building exhibit

the same electrical condition than the dielectric

component in a capacitor, but on a much larger scale

yet as a low energy system type dynamic. 

There are multiple areas of architecture that should be

looked at from the perspective of an electric engineer,

but they are not. Herein lies an opportunity for

improvement in architectural design from which many

benefits may be derived.

The nature of fractal materials are explained by Dan

Winter: “Materials whose electric field is fractal or

phase conjugating (usually because they have been

electrically part of some real biology) creates a field

which allows the distribution of charge to be efficient.

This is why the use of biological materials enhances

seed germination. However, squarish buildings, full of

metal and non-fractal materials, create a fractionating

electric field, which eventually destroys the

germinating seed, the human immune system and

human bliss”. (Dan Winter –

A particular treatment in the manufacture of what are

called bioactive materials, should replace the use of

conventional concrete, this can be used in any

architectural context, including interiors and other

decorative features. This type of bioactive composite

material can have a profound effect and change the 10/61
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energetic quality of a building dramatically. From a

purely physical/chemical level, we highly recommend

avoiding Portland cements as binders, particularly in

this energetic approach to architecture. When cement

is heated up to 3,000 degrees this process creates a

missing, unstable isotope which gives it an unbalanced

positive charge. Cement made in this way draws

electrons out of anything with an opposite charge

which is in close proximity, including people, animals

or plants,  causing chronic fatigue. Furthermore,

concrete out gases, thus creating more opportunities

for toxicity to be introduced into the living

environment. These are mostly derived from the

additives included in the mix and other sources such

as mold derived from concrete’s tendency to attract


Magnesium based cements and other geopolymers

that represent much more bioresonant choices. Also,

the dielectric constant of these types of materials,

which haven't been exposed to high temperatures, are

much higher.  Rock powders with paramagnetic

properties like basalt and lava rock aggregates or

other similar materials are the prefered options. Many

other possibilities exist within the recipe of these

bioactive materials, including the addition of natural

fibers to add strength and high dielectric properties.

In addition there are the natural radiation mitigating

properties of cetrapitetal field effects of the bioactive

materials themselves. This effect will also be

enhanced by applying the golden mean frequency

cascade produced by golden mean frequencies used in

the curing process which energetically optimizes the

internal coherence of the materials. Polarization and 11/61
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direction of charge flow in the curing process should

also be taken into consideration as to the position of

the components in the actual building morphology, its

location, alignment and direction within the magnetic

fields of the earth. 

Metal rebar should also be avoided, not just because

it reduces the longevity of the buildings (look at

concrete cancer caused by iron rebar) but also

because metal rebar augments the magnetic fields and

acts as an antenna for incoming EM radiation, also

resoninting and amplify this frequencies, thus

increasing the electromagnetic pollution of the

environment . Bamboo rebar or other types of natural

fiber or basalt fibers  are perfectly bound with

geopolymers and as such are the preferable options.

Orgone Accumulator Design:

Is a system that attracts and accumulates Orgone

energy or life force from the environment, as proposed

in the original work by Wilhelm Reich (in the 1930s),

using containers made of ferromagnetic (or

paramagnetic) and diamagnetic materials acting as a

implosive capacitor for energy, according to his

experiments (with what he called Orgone energy), the

metallic material will attract orgone energy and

immediately reflect it where the diamagnetic organic

material will accumulate it asl a dielectric material in a

capacitor.  Also we find in the work of Viktor

Schauberger, who described how this energy could 12/61
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travel through organic non-conductive mediums, and

will be particularly generated according to his

functional devices only in machines made of

diamagnetic materials, for this fact he denominated  it

as “dia-magnetic energy”.

These principles were used in the temple buildings of

antiquity.  For example, in Egypt one can see in the

energetic morphology of the Great Pyramid of Giza,

that the main body of the pyramid is made from stone

with a high level of iron oxides, which is responsible

for the yellow color and in part for the paramagnetic

behavior.  A dia-magnetic layer of white Tura

limestone composes the outer layer.  The inside of the

tower chamber of the Great Pyramid is constructed

from pink granite.  Phillip Callahan’s research into

para-magnetism revealed pink granite as one of the

highest paramagnetic stones.

When we compare these similarities with how these

layers are organized, the flow can be directed inward

or outward. This can be seen as a parallel effect

produced by zebra stripes; the changes of

temperature and density on the zebra surface

produced by the black and white contrasting regions

produce a passive air flow (called ‘zebra effect’) or low

and high pressure in weather or aether systems.  This

effect of layers and alternative surfaces with opposite

qualities are found in fluid dynamics and was in fact

on the greatest  secrets use in Viktor Schauberger

technologies, the use of gradients of pressure and

temperature, This effects also take place in the

structure of all biological systems, which are in a

sense living, dynamic life energy generators and

accumulators.. 13/61
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Water: restructure devices, presence of water

features, biomimicry, regenerative design

Water = Water attracts the life force, or chi energy,

when flowing naturally. Our world’s water sources are

heavily depleted energetically, as our water is full of

chemicals. Water is the lifeblood of our environment 14/61
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and thereby of our communities. We acknowledge its

profound connection to the aether, being the bridge to

life, which is why we honor water’s inherent nature

throughout our designs.

It is well documented that the presence of water

bodies has a beneficial effect upon health and

wellbeing. It is said in the art of Feng Shui that water

attracts chi. Places where water flows have higher

concentrations of negative ions which exhibit healing

and consciousness enhancing properties. Studies

demonstrate the importance of negative ion content in

the air, as is in fact crucial for the correct functioning

of the respiratory process and suffocation will occur in

air completely absent from negative ion content.

These beneficial properties can be amplified by the

use of  water restructuring systems, which generate

highly charged water, the presence of these devices

energizes the environment in which they are present

with also other subtle energies that are imprinted

upon the space.

Restructured water: 15/61
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Can be described as a state, in which the clusters of

molecules that constitute water are in a condition of

high coherent order, were the structure of these

clusters is in a geometrical coherent form, adapting

different types geometric but at the same time

dynamic structures, mostly linked to tetrahedral,

dodecahedron, icosahedron and other related

complexes of polyhedra. This coherent order  is the

cause of the physical decrease of surface tension,

making the water more hydrophilic and more

absorbable by the body. Restructured water also binds

more oxygen and imparts a negative charge known as

zeta potential, conductivity increases and viscosity

and surface tension are decreased,  which when

consumed, increases blood fluidity, transfer energy

into the body apart from enhancing other biological

functions. Similar beneficial effects will take place in

plant life.

Water bodies:

play a special function in the design and energetic 16/61
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play a special function in the design and energetic

quality of the space. Water is a living element that is

intimately linked to ether, in fact can be seen as the

gate and access to the aether. As it plays an intrinsic

function in all biology and is also found as an

important component in some of the most ancient

temple designs of the ancient world , including the

Giza pyramid complex.

Water ponds and rain water collectors are an

intrinsically important part of the bio-design concept

while also performing a functional aspect of collecting

water that will be used in different areas and for

different purposes.  Water also becomes an important

energetic aspect of the design; concentric rings of

water have an energetic effect that generates life

force, (as a water type Orgone accumulator), and can

be beautifully integrated in the design of the

landscape. Use of specific shapes to contain and store

water can be selected to maintain and support it's

energetic function, for example  Shapes that are

connected to the molecular structure of water can

energize water thus  morphic resonance effects, flow

forms and egg-like shapes also have energetic effects

upon water. For the means of transportation of water

the shape of the water pipes used on the buildings

should be energetically optimized to create a torsional

motion in the interior of the pipes while straight lines

should be avoided where possible.

Water structuring devices can be designed in such 

ways as to be integrated in the interior and serve as

an energetic decorative feature but also as a means of

storage in which the water is constantly treated for

example using especially design Impellers this water 17/61
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example using especially design Impellers, this water 
can be then easily accessible to drink for the

residents. This is all consciously designed with the

intention to create a healthy harmonic relationship

with architecture and the element of water.

The integrative and regenerative approach in bio-


• Regenerative approach:

 Development and construction has almost always

been seen as inherently destructive of nature, what if

we  could turn this around 180 degrees? Not just to

minimize the footprint and environmental impact, but

to also have a regenerative effect upon the

environment. Establishing a symbiotic relationship

with its surrounding environment, a micro climate, a

bubble of a living thriving build ecosystems. The

entirety of this article explains, in a deeper sense, how

this can be achieved by energetic effects produced by

the coherent combination of these subtle energy


Therefore, in the application of these methods we will

maximize the effect of shape/energy and fractal

geometry and the effects it has on the regenerative

process, by allowing this energetic design to support

and activate life force within a particular environment. 

This geometric energetic design system approach can

be used in a scenario where the land has been cleared 18/61
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of trees and other plant life. In such circumstances, we

will use a form of energetic geometric blueprint and

design approach, that will have a regenerative effect

within the particular location, calling life force back,

inducing rainfall, inviting animal species and plant life

to return, which will restore to its natural state of


There are many tools that can be used to create this

effect, one of them is shown is the layout of sacred

mandala/yantra like geometry, which have been

demonstrated by an experiment with the use of

geometry such as the Sri Yantra, constructed with

paramagnetic stone in the desert of Oregon by Mickey

Basin which was consequently replicated by Dan

Winter finding the same regenerative effect.

These design principles are able to reintegrate man

made environments into their surrounding natural

ecosystems in a symbiotic relationship; revivifying

those ecosystems through regenerative principles.

This approach can also be significantly enhanced by

the use of CFFG technologies (explain later on this

paper) based on life-force or scalar/torsion field

energy.  Their regenerative properties are measurable

field effects capable of enhancing growth,

regenerating biomass and restoring environmental

equilibrium. These technologies are regenerative

design systems and combinations of bio-architectural

principles, which can reverse entropy, enabling the

creation of a profound regenerative effect upon the


• Integrative approach:

 The principles of integration and regeneration are key 19/61
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to establishing a thriving relationship between nature

and  humanity and the activity of architectural

development. Both systems can be used to different

degrees respectively, resulting ultimately in the

creation of a system that integrates and regenerates...

creating a thriving, sustainable human settlement in

correlation with an existing natural environment.

This concept is firmly grounded upon the principles of

bio-architecture, permaculture and syntropic

agroforestry. Both design systems are the key to

building living ecosystems in harmony with the natural


In terms of the architectural  development   approach,

this system mimics the way a tree will dig its roots

into the earth while at the same time reaching its

branches up into the sky. This extension demonstrates

the perfect distribution of energy and  maximizing

distribution and  propagation in space and the ideal

exposure to light, also called phyllotaxy.

We utilize this natural principle to configure the

distribution of structures into the disrupted

ecosystems in order to reduce environmental impact.

This concept of integration is also a philosophy of

action, where the path of less resistance is the

solution for maximizing integration and reducing the

final energy/work requirements. “Be like water my

friend,” Bruce Lee. 20/61
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  By imitating natural processes and forms, one may

create man-made environments which coexist

harmoniously with their surrounding environment.

Over the last 3.6 billion years,( depending on which

paradigm we look at ) nature has gone through an

evolutionary process that has generated a high

coherence of self-organizing biological systems that

thrive in perfect harmony and equilibrium. Biomimicry

is the art of discovering and mimicking these natural

processes which have created this incredibly  elegant

functional complexity, and employing them to create

fully-integrated man-made environments and

technologies . The outcome is aesthetically pleasing,

life affirming and supportive of those living in and

amongst the dwellings, as well as being harmonious

with the natural landscape. Each individual building

and the formation of the cluster of buildings imitates

in different ways the innate beauty and efficiency of

biological systems. 21/61
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Air: Air quality, passive systems of ventilation,

systems integration, interior space, informational


Air = Space. The quality of air is very low in most

modern buildings as they create an oxygen depleted

environment. With the lack of plant life and

mechanical heating and air conditioning systems this

also contributes to the absence of negative ions. This

also relates to the quality of space itself, like

apartments which are very confined. Ancient

knowledge did not consider air as gas which is a very

recent materialistic development, but rather as a living

emanation from the higher realms here to sustain our

lives becoming its energetic quality a crucial

component of the architectural environment. 22/61
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Passive systems of ventilation:

Air quality and the presence of negative ions and

appropriate levels of oxygen content in our air, are

crucial for health and wellbeing, most would agree

that this is one of the most important hallmarks of a

healthy environment.

Science has now demonstrated how health and

longevity are dramatically improved by the quality of

air we breathe. Stationary adults typically inhale six to

10 liters of air every minute entering in each one of

our cells. The components and energetics of this air

are absorbed and  become part of our body, serving

many biological functions. Therefore these elements

need to be in their most natural state as they exist in

natural ecosystems, being so crucial and fundamental

to our health and wellbeing. The air in a room should

be frequently renewed and it is relevant to note that

artificial systems of ventilation (such as air-

conditioning) degrade the presence of negative ions,

reduce the presence of capacitive charge, and reduce

oxygen content. Using passive systems of ventilation

where natural airflow is encouraged through the

creative and intelligent design, promoting the 23/61
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presence of negative ions and, if done properly, will

deliver all the quality fresh air the human body needs.

Systems integration:

Systems integration describes the process of ensuring

that all components of a man-made environment, from

their infrastructural systems of power, water collection

and distribution, waste treatment systems, food

production, hard and soft landscaping, and the

internal systems of buildings themselves operate as

one integrated system; each serving a common

purpose beyond their own function and each

enhancing the efficacy of the other systems.

Interior space:

A man-made structure is really a generator of space.

We do not live in structures; we live in the space

which is created by them. The structure is simply the

membrane, which defines its boundaries. When the

principles of natural design are properly understood

and applied, a man-made structure is itself a biological

membrane, much like a cell wall. Just like the cell wall,
a man-made structure is responsible for maintaining

homeostasis, such as the balancing of conditions and

management of the exchange of elements between

the inner and outer environment. This includes the

energetic component like the connection between

heaven and earth,  in terms of the building as a

capacitor tapping into the earth frequency harmonics

but also subtle energetics.

Space also relates to the functionality and the use of 24/61
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the space itself. The design and practical distribution

of different areas and their functions are an integral

part of the architectural design process. These are the

things that will determine and influence the flow of

human energy within the space  and are also a primary

consideration of BioArc Designs. As we increasingly

spend more and more time indoors, the ability of a

man-made environment to fulfil our needs and

influence our lives becomes increasingly important.

Interior-space design must become purposed toward

the regeneration and health of our bodies, along with

the harmonization of our psyche toward being a

positive influence on our interactions and

relationships, as well as the healthy movement of our

bodies. This will enhance the efficiency and efficacy

with which we expend our energy in our daily


Informational fields:

Are, in essence, fields of information as the word

implies, they are the in-formation that underlies

beneath the creation of form. This concept of how

subtle energy has this intrinsic formative nature being

the creative generative principle, the formative 

principle... as abstract as it may sound, is, in fact, used

in a form of modern technology known as “radionics” 

which in many ways have effectively demonstrated the

use of these principles in different forms of energy

medicine, healing and other applications. This

phenomena is also demonstrated by Russian sciences

by a wide range of experiments on the informational

field nature of “torsion fields.” This has  been 25/61
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described by the pioneer Nikolai Alexandrovich

Kozyrev and others of his contemporaries. They

discovered how this subtle energy/information can be

applied and affixed to an object as a meta-state, and

particularly in crystalline structures, having geometric

configurations of tetra-octa-cuve Crystal lattices,

which give them the ability to store subtle


This concept of the formative energy and it quality ,

it's nature, and relationship with this source,

generative energy , have been expressed also in  the

budist tradition in the well known text of the Heart

Sutra as  “form is emptiness, emptiness is form”

coinciding with in “the emerald tablets” one of the

greatest texts of the ancient  and alchemical wisdom, 

in the statements find many verses; expressing this

primordial nature of form:

“Body  of  Light  was  my formless  form  formed…

Hear  thou  and  understand.  The  flame  is  the 

source  of  all things,  containing  all  things  in 

potentiality.  The  Order  that  sent  forth  light  is 

the  Word and the  Word  comes  Life  and  the 

existence  of  all.”

Similar fields of  information are used in homeopathics

that have been applied worldwide and have effects in

the health of millions of people, where there is no

substance found in these remedies only energy

information that seems to then precipitates its effects

into lower physical dimensions, generating real and

tangible results . These sciences have  also a number

of other applications like in our work here the creation 26/61
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of spaces, and particularly  in the practical

conversation of architecture, In the harmonization of

environments , that can bring  in the design approach,

the use of a qualitative/generative energetic system

that energetically imprints this informational fields

into the landscape of subtle energies of the

architectural environment . These fields of subtle

energy/information can then be in-printed into

crystalline structures. These features can be placed in

geometrical arranged crystals along the spaces, which

can be pre-programmed or remotely programmed via

morphogenetic field resonance, just as is performed in

radionic healing therapy. Subtle Information fields are

just one more example of the multiple innovations and

potential applications of IDF  technology.. 27/61
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Fire: natural light, technology, CFFG coherent fractal

field generators, EM pollution

Fire = Light and warmth. Scientific studies, such as

those by John Ott, point to the importance of

sunlight, and its full spectrum as essential to health

and behavior. Two thirds of the energy required for cell

function comes from light.  Long-term lack of exposure

to this most fundamental source of energy has several

adverse health effects.The play of light for optimum

health and activity is essential to our designs. Warmth

is more than just heat; it is the regulation of our

biological temperature range, thus our design goal is

to create the most  optimal conditions for biology to


Natural light: 28/61
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The presence (and absence) of natural light is

responsible for generating the sleep/wake cycle. The

degree to which we synchronize with this natural

cycle can affect the efficiency of our digestive

systems, the stimulation of Vitamin D production and

influence our emotional state and other body/mind


The effects of light upon the human body depends

upon the light’s wavelength, intensity, and exposure

duration. Most of us spend the majority of our time

indoors, often in excess of 90 percent. As a result, we

are invariably exposed to unnatural forms of light

which our bodies have not evolved to deal with. The

effect becomes much worse if the exposure to

artificial light continues past sunset, as this disrupts

the circadian rhythm and prevents the production of

melatonin (one of the most potent anti-aging

chemicals)produced  by the pineal gland during the

sleep cycle.

It has long been known in the Vedic culture, and

practiced by yogis themselves, that light can become

our exclusive source of food/energy. Such an insight

speaks clearly to the importance of our connection to

this element, and to the sun itself, at the physical

(light) and  energetic level (subtle energy or torsion

fields ).

Translating this into the practical conversation of

architecture, we need to fully consider these

principles at the outset of the design phase, ensuring

that ideal levels of natural light are realized in the

completed space. This may be as simple as providing

adequate windows or skylights etc. There are studies 29/61
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that reaffirm the importance of the presence of light

as a key factor to the healthy and valance control of

bacterial  growth, that only occur in spaces that  allow

natural light to enter the architectural environment. 

When it comes to the use of artificial light systems 

for light requirements at night, we use the

specification of electric light systems which include

filters that eliminate the blue component (which is the

principal component responsible for disruption of the

Circadian Cycle). Such systems become considerably

more important to maintaining optimum health. 

EM pollution :

The implementation of a free EMF grid by having

different systems, such as low voltage DC for lighting

or also be changed to other biofriendly frequencies,

and EMF shielding of AC cables, are ideal to reduce

the EMF pollution output of all the electrical systems

within the structure.

Also, shielding electrical components such as leaking

transformers, using Faraday Cages to eliminate the EM

noise, this and other design methodologies must be

applied in order to create a more energetically

beneficial, electrical design in bio-architecture. 

(CFFG) coherent fractal field generators:

We can define a Coherent Fractal Field Generator

(CFFG) as a system or technology that produces a

field effect; that will generate coherence, fractality,

lf l l h h l 30/61
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self-organization, implosion, love, harmony, healing

and therefore enhancing and harmonizing the whole of

life. These systems can be beautifully integrated in

the architectural environment, design and

preconceived to be an intrinsic, energetic, resonant 

component of the structure as whole… becoming the

heart, the active core component of the bio

architectural design system, amplifying and enhancing

the overall field effect generated by the architecture

as a  device.

Coherent field generators can be seen as feminine,

antithetical  forms of our current  technology, that

use: neg-entropy /formative force/implosion/life-

force/dielectrics vs



The Agnihotra Fire Ceremony is one of the most

potent examples of CFFG which can be a key to

understanding the precision and potency of the sacred

sciences. This ancient Vedic process utilizes the

energy produced by Phase Conjugation of the earth

and sun’s magnetic fields, which occurs twice daily at

the precise moment of the sunrise and sunset, by

burning specific organic substances in the pyramid of

a specific size and shape is a type of phase conjugate,

Longitudinal EMF antenna. This ceremony/process can

produce profound effects in the surrounding

environment including accelerating growth and

fruitfulness of flora as well as reducing pollution and

radiation in an unprecedented fashion. The scientific

case for Homa Therapy and its core practice has been

carefully documented and collected by the Homa

Therapy International Network 31/61
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Therapy International Network. 

This daily practice can be seen as holding the keys to

a better understanding of sacred space itself which is

in a very real sense the creation and maintenance of

neg-entropic  fields. For more information, download

the book by Robert Bagnall, entitled “The Ancient

Solution to Modern Pollution”. 

Similar effects can be created by other forms of active

technological devices designed to produce this self-

organizing, regenerative, life affirming energy. Devices

using cold  plasma, a cold flame, are very effective

ways to create this bio-active field effect. One of the

ways to generate these effects is what Dan Winter

refers to as Phase Conjugation, in essence this is

created by the collapsing of opposing counter rotating

fields.  As noted in Agnihotra, this is produced by

Phase Conjugation of the earth and sun’s

electromagnetic fields, in geomancy it is generated by

ley lines crossing, in scalar/radionic devices we

oppose counter rotating spiral coils, in the Theraphi

we produce this same effect by using vortices of

counter rotating  plasmas.

In essence what this does is “to void”, in a state, in

which polarity is transcended, a state where time and

space or physicality collapses back into the “one” into

the formative, all life giving source. This non-dual,

neutral state is generative and regenerative and may

be seen as feminine in quality, as source, but is non

dual and beyond space/time. Paradoxically, this state

is able to give birth to all forms, as ”the mother light”

of the tibetan dream Yoga, this is the state in

between, is the un-manifest force or aether that

precedes all forms and manifestations 32/61
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precedes all forms and manifestations.

As an example, when we establish two opposing phase

conjugate magnetic fields they cancel each other out,

seemingly defying the laws of physics as energy can

neither be created nor destroyed. Therefore, there

must be another form of energy created in this

process.  We call this “scalar” in mathematics

represented by +1 -1 = 0 as mathematical conjecture

will assume, but in opposition these fields contain all

the potentiality of form as in “form is emptiness,

emptiness is form,” The Heart of the Perfection of

Wisdom or The Heart S ū tra.

In the words of Dale Pond author of Sympathetic

Vibratory Physics: The neutral state or “place of

voiding" is the causative state of either the expansive

or contractive. These two active states then are the

effects of the cause.  These two states are the active

physical or 3D world”. “Male and Female Forces will

intermingle from which unition results in a third

manifestation, or the initial stages of manifestation of

that which bears parts of each” “there is also a neutral

phase or state occurring between or at phase shifting

loci (fulcrums). ‘The ether is not really a "physical ''

thing but more like a liquid light… ”. 

As in Viktor Schauberger’s work: “the composing,

constructive movement, and the di-composing,

decomposing, disintegrating movement, when both

spirals work inside each other, the life energies are


In The Steiner tradition the concept of “counter-space”

in which biology and nature’s formative fields operate,

as in an omnipresent qualitative nature, a form of 33/61
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instant communication, that leads to the absolute

synchronization of all Life and the cosmos. In such life

is a consequence of this state of transcendence, non


Considering these concepts, let’s look at some of the

effects that this natural has on the biological

organism in reversing disease, mitigation of cancers

and the rejuvenation that is possible by the “Priory

Device” and other energy medicine devices like the

Theraphi, the miraculous healings that occurred in

sacred chambers, the mitigation of radiation and

chemical toxicity enabled by daily performance of

Agnihotra, the spontaneous healings performed by the

Masters and the Saints, and the remenition of disease

that occur after profound mystical experiences, 

become understood in the light of this energetic

principle, wherein a previously healthy and balanced

state of existence is created, returning to its previous

state of order and organization, the original/source

form. Just think  about how we can regenerate and

heal our world with this knowledge.

To incorporate these technologies into the design of

architecture and integrate them with the energetic

fields of the structure and other components of the

architectural design, is the art of energetically

optimizing the creation of a symbiotic regenerative

relationship with our environment and thus fulfill the

ultimate function and goal of architecture.

The transformation by new forms of technology : 34/61
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y gy

 Will have profound implications for architectural

development, as they will change the way we conceive

of and create architectural design. One of the key

ideas here is decentralization at all levels . To help

describe this and its many implications to architecture

design, let’s think of human settlements and  look at

what is implied by the decentralization of power

generation by the implementation of free energy

technologies, a potential source of unlimited clean

energy could be made available in this architectural

framework. Another example of a revolutionary new

potential technology would be anti-gravitational

technologies which could replace roadways and other

long distance travel facilities. The decentralization of

the production of food by highly productive

agricultural systems that produce fresh and high

quality foods by: cyntropic agroforestry, permaculture

and aquaponic systems.

The decentralization of healthcare by the possibility

to access a “true” holistic healing systems, by the

introduction of advanced energy medicine

technologies and other practices that focus on

prevention and maintenance of health. With an

emphasis on health, herbal medicine gardens will also

be built into our architecture.

Just imagine how these architectural improvements

could transform our collective human experience in so

many ways that we would  look back at present day

circumstances and realize the vast intrinsic limitations

we have because of it. Think how wonderful the places

on earth we could potentially live in and feel the

spiritual development that could be attained in these 35/61
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spiritual development that could be attained in these
kinds of spaces, for individuals as well as for humanity

as a collective.

Aether: Shape power, life force, subtle energy, sacred

geometry, fractal design, Biogeometric translators.

Aether = Higher space, subtle energy, that mysterious

quintessence whose existence is denied by the

materialistic paradigm, yet still so essential to the

qualitative aesthetics of life. Modern concrete steel 36/61
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reinforced square buildings not only create discordant

subtle energy fields but also are heavily loaded with

electrosmog EMF pollution, the byproduct of the

overuse of metallic structures and heavy electrical

systems. Imagine the antithesis of this, wherein our

living spaces the optimal balanced presence of this

primordial quintessential life force is in harmony with

our human-made environment.

Shape power Shape power :

 Many ancient cultures have understood the principles

of subtle energy and their relationship to shape or

form and how specific shapes can create field effects

that have a beneficial influence on consciousness and

life. One such shape very well known today is the

pyramid structure. Many experiments have been

carried out demonstrating its effect on life. One of the

most extensive studies was performed by Russian

pyramid researcher Alexander Golod who found many

other influences are taking place in the presence of

the pyramid energy field. Some of the most relevant

being the improved regeneration of tissue the 37/61
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being the improved regeneration of tissue, the

increase of agricultural yields, the improvement in the

Immune systems of biological organisms and the

mitigation of radioactivity. Physicists have observed

significant changes in superconductivity temperature

thresholds. As example water inside the pyramid will

remain liquid to minus 40 degrees Celsius but freeze

instantly if jostled or bumped. We could simply argue

that these effects are not exclusive to the pyramid

energy but are the characteristic effects of shape,

geometry and proportion, and therefore are the

energetic expression of all-natural design. Suffice it to

say that many other shapes can create similar and a

variety of energetic qualitative effects, that can be

purposely applied to specific architectural designs.

This is what is meant by energetic biomimicry which

lies at the heart of the Bio arc design. 

Another example are the specific energetics of dome

structures.  In the work of Victor S. Grebennikov, he
referred to the cavity structure effect, CSE. He

describes how a particular type of beetle used this

dome/cavity structure to create an anti-gravity or

levity effect. By utilizing the resonance generated by a

grand number of dome-shaped cavities in the

composition of the microstructure within their wings

produces an amplified CSE. This can be understood as

the action of "cavitation" within a longitudinal

resonator, just like a cavity will resonate and create a

standing wave of sound and the so called damping

wells (when finely tuned). As also a parabolic reflector

has the ability to concentrate light, this phenomenon

has been widely studied and used in experiments with

torsion fields whereby torsion, or subtle energy, can 38/61
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be reflected by a parabolic, or spherical  mirror-like

surface and concentrated in its resonant focal points.

Contrary to conventional belief this energetic vortex

can be easily felt and measured by triggering the

movement of a needle suspended in a vacuum

insulated by an EM shield creating a sensitive torsion

field detector. This may also be measured through the

use of pendulums that can detect the particular

qualitative property of this energy similar to what we

experience with dowsing in the so called vibrational

radiesthesia. In bio-architectural terms, an egg-shape

is a spherical biological capacitor and as such is a

structure able to generate a fractal phase conjugate

dielectric field connected to all biology and self-

organizing forces.

We can realize how this implosion-point of

ether/charge at the center of this structure forms an

intrinsic part of the energetic quality of all living

organisms and all biological systems. Any structures

that we create incorporating such a shape or fine

proportionally tune “cavity” like structures will create

this effect (also when building with the appropriate

fractal dielectric  material) and therefore it shall be

highly bio-resonant to all life and consciousness,

forming one of the most preferred shapes for sacred



“If lifeforce equals the ability to attract and self-

organize capacitive charge – It now becomes possible

to outline the function of architecture. One reason

architecture should look like biology is that biological 39/61
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gy g

structures have discovered through evolution the

materials and shapes which allow the electrical fields

we call life to converge into self-organization and self-

awareness,” Dan Winter.

Sacred Geometry:  

Is the primordial language of creation, the geometry of

light – energy-information codes that underlay the

reality matrix and give birth to all forms of life that

emerge from this self-organizing force.

When these principles are used to inspire human

creative design processes, a resonance is established

within this field that generates consciousness, life,

coherence, equilibrium, and harmony. 

When these principles are applied diligently to the

creative pursuit of architecture, a tangible effect is

achieved that supports the building’s inhabitants

indirectly experiencing these life-enhancing effects.

However, every shape has a particular quality of

energy. When we understand the energy attributes of

shapes, we hold the key for creating the energetic

qualitative optimization of the architectural space. In

such a way we will support human biology and the

planetary biosphere and consequently the whole of


Shape energy:

The essence of how geometric patterns can influence 40/61
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energy is not a new concept. In the context of the

modern age, the myriad of human-made antennas,

which cover planet earth, similarly capitalizes on the

properties of geometric shapes and wavelengths,

which use the phenomena of resonance in order to

transfer signals (energy) to your computer or mobile

phone. These are high energy systems used in EMF

antennas and are generally very detrimental to humans

and all biological life and, in fact, the entire


Interestingly, this phenomena does not only take place

in our technological devices, but also appears in low

energy systems  in nature and biology, 

Professor Philip Callahan suggests that religious

structures throughout the ancient world were finely

tuned dielectric antennae which collected energy from

the sun, the earth and the cosmos and then passed it

onto the meditators, religious practitioners and the

environment around these temple structures. These

constructions have dielectric (insulative) properties

and are able to receive and store incoming cosmic

energy. Recent studies have shown how consciousness

is connected to the activity of our sun, this speech to

the importance or our connection to not just the earth

but cosmic energies that influence all life.

The physics of dielectric systems are extremely

complex. However, they can be formed into tubular or

rectangular waveguides to collect and direct energy in

the same manner as a metallic radio or TV antenna but

non-conductive but rather dielectric . The size of

antennas determines the length of radio waves with

which they are able to resonate. According to 41/61
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Callahan, they are collectors of cosmic radio waves of

a few metres magnitude. Philip Callahan also describes

how trees and forests are a perfect example of this

type of Dielectric antenna, operating as a low energy

system and low-frequency ELF, by which they are able

to tap into the Schumann Harmonic Cascade, this, in

fact, determines the health of a living tree and the

health of an entire ecosystem. This understanding has

been further developed and expanded upon in the

study and work of Dan Winter. The challenge and

question is how do we extend this out from forests

and trees to include our own buildings and our own


The Schumann frequency resonances, or the earth

frequency harmonic cascade, are a set of frequencies

in the spectrum with extremely low frequency (ELF) in

Earth’s electromagnetic field.  These resonances are

global electromagnetic phenomena generated and

excited by lightning discharges and energetic

conditions generated in the cavity formed in between

the Earth's surface and the ionosphere. This energy is

used by trees and the vast ecosystems they are

connected to, and can also be harvested and amplified

by structures and buildings by following specific

shapes and measurements resonant to these

frequencies. When combined with adequate dielectric

materials this can have profound benefits to the

overall health of people.More information about this is

explained and expanded in our article “the 3 keys to

bioenergetic design and the earth frequency”. 42/61
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Moving into a more  subtle energetic density and less

connected to conventional EM theory we have  the for

example science of Bio-Geometry in studies the

tangible effects of the principles of bio-geometry,

which were demonstrated by Ibrahim Karim, who

defines it as: shape=energy=function. This ancient

science, which has its roots in ancient Egypt, and

more  ancient cultures considers the whole spectrum

of energy beyond the physical  EM spectrum but also

its dual counterpart or conjugate energetic component

. This includes subtle energies which have been shown

to interact with, shape and form itself, ( as form is

emptiness, emptiness is form). This concept of the

energy of form and shape which belongs to the realm

of the subtle, and not measurable with conventional 

EM devices, this can be observed in the principle of

form resonance define also by Ibrahim Karim, as a

different type  of resonance that does not occur as an

effect of wavelength only, but also is a virtue of form

and shape it self. This is shown in his work with what

he call bio geometric signatures that produce a

tangible and demonstrated healing and beneficial 

effects, this signatures describe the path of energy

that a particular organ poses, and by  morphic

resonance effects cause this organ or part of the body

to balance it energy patron and restore to a higher

more valance function, causing the desire healing and

restorative effects.

From here we can also clearly  link the  relationships

to the work and theory of Morphic fields. Which as is

stated simply and beautifully connected to our shape

energy studies,  “morphic fields  communicate by

morphic resonance” : In Sheldrake's theory of morphic 43/61
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resonance, similar forms (morphs, or "fields of

information") reverberate or resonate  and exchange

information within a universal life force. "Natural

systems, such as termite colonies, or orchid plants, or

insulin molecules, inherit a collective memory from all

previous things of their kind  however far away they

were and however long ago they existed," (beyond

space and time).  Sheldrake writes "Things are as they

are because they were as they were". "the idea of

mysterious telepathy-type interconnections between

organisms and of collective memories within species"

this accounts as explanations  for the phantom limbs,

and  how people know when someone is staring at

them or thinking about them. "Vision may involve a

two-way process, an inward movement of light and an

outward projection of mental images," Sheldrake

demonstrate this with Thousands of trials conducted

regore  experimental protocols that can download it

from Sheldrake's Web page "have given positive,

repeatable, and highly significant results.

In this same line of thought also radionics devices as

well, laborage this phenomena in the action of the so-

called the ‘witness’ and the ‘target’, the witness is

generally a picture or DNA of the person that receives

the treatment, what we call the target. the witness is

then situated in the radionic device and subjected to

a scalar field, which is  then  imprint or inform with a

IDFs intrinsic data fields, or fields of information, the

related  effect of this IDFs then are transfer via

Morphic resonance to the target, instantaneously

meaning this is a non local, beyond space-time, 

superluminal transmission of information 44/61
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superluminal transmission of information.

This same process was experimentally used in torsion

field experiments where by a picture of a particular

geometry was used as medium to generate a morphic

resonance field in between two different locations,

then a torsion field emitter, beam a torsion field,

where by the receiver was set up whit torsion field

detector  that will then receive the incoming torsion

field emanated from the picture. This experiment gives

us again  a clue of the power of form and shape and

the relevance in the process of non linear, non local

superluminal transmissions of energy information  and

the understanding that these processes also can be

used  in the arena of  bioenergetic  design


Moreover we have two different artefacts that give us

another inside  of the morphic resonance effects in

action, one of them are the the so call ‘ crystal skulls’.

by the beginning in the late 19th century, around a

dozen carved skulls were found, they were made  of

clear  milky white quartz—also known as rock crystal

—.claimed to be pre-Columbian Mesoamerican

artifacts, but their origin could date back thousands

or even tens of thousands of years, but at the same

time they could potentially  be manufacture in recent

times. In any scenario, many of those who have

experienced these objects attribute healing properties

and the power to expand a person’s psychic abilities.

Whatever the true origin of these artifacts,  they

speak about some related energetic  aspects  to our

tesis here. The reports and the experiences that take

place in their presence is something very

unconventional and experiencilly very real.  In one of 45/61
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the documentaries produced about the crystal skull

they said a very relevant statement to our study of

form resonance: ‘something  happens when a crystal is

carved with the shape,  dimensions and proportions of

a human skull’.  We  suggest that this produce a effect

were by the consciousness of an initiated, will be  able

to connect by morphic field resonance and

reverberate, and  exchange information within the

universal, collective mind of humanity, embedding his

consciousness within this field, in a quantum

interaction beyond space time, and been able to

receive information and knowledge in a mystical or

supernatural experience by using his intention to

consciously interact and use the skull as type of

technological spiritual artefact.

Also a  less known (but in fact a direct personal

experience) that happened at the same time I was

studying all the last mentioned related systems

related to this article, is the so-called crystal heart.

This object is a geode, that by chance or because

other potential unknown causes, adopted the shape of

the human heart,  this object seems to induce some

very interesting experiences, to some individuals, that

touch it or simply stand in his presence. This crystal

was found by Laires Luciano in Uruguay, the object

ended up being exhibited in many places around the

world and  In one of these events ended up in Bali,

whereby synchronicity or chance, I end up in the

presence of this crystal heart, which when I touched

an experience occurred, which brought about, a lot of

the understanding lay related in this article.  I hear

and feel a heartbeat originated in the fabric of space

itself,  just like the whole space around was like 46/61
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palpitating, also a loving and unifying feeling I can't

explain was emanating from this artefact, all of this

disappeared instantly right after I removed my hands

from the object. This experience led me to a whole

series of realizations that link to all the studies that I

was doing at that time, which after has taken me

years to fully comprehend. 

One more but not last connection of this morphic

resonant field effects in operation; are the different

manifestation techniques developed by many, but, the

expression in this field, in my view the most refined, is

the work of Joe Dispenza. by placing your attention in

creating an image of the desired future, and by

unifying with an elevated emotion, as energy in

motion, this will attract to your life the desired

outcome, this is the field of potentiality in operation,

the quantum field, the non-physical aethereal

component of creation, the female aspect of

manifestation that operates in images, form, 

information and energy that exist beyond local

space/time constraint of Newtonian reality.

Another interesting correlation with form and morphic

resonance is the well-known relationship of different

plant foods or medicines and the ability their

compounds, to benefit or produce healing effects by

the virtue of their form, and how it reflects the shapes

of particular organs, or in other cases specific parts of

the human body. This is well understood by many

ancient cultures and is known by for example monks of

Sikkim in the Himalayas, as one the basic principle to

identify plant medicines. 47/61
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All these related systems and theories lead to the

understanding of the power of morphic resonance. A

sort of resonance of pure form; characterized by non-

physical information/energy transfer which happens

instantaneously in between two or more bodies via the

specific address/form/archetype and happens within

the morphic field.   These effects do not obey

conventional physical laws of EM energy or

information transfer, but rather operate a quantum-

like  state where space and  time are transcended. We

use all these principles in bio arc design systems for

desired energetic effects and applications. 

Furthermore, this was also used throughout the

ancient world in the creation of sacred spaces. This is

the technology which the ancients knew and

understood, the technology of life energy, a

technology that interacts and operates from our

consciousness and our mind. A very interesting

documentaries lead us to understand how this

knowledge was in the hands of the ancient Egyptians

and probably their predecessors, is the documentary

series call magical Egypt, in this beautifully made

video-art documentary production, they show how

developed was the knowledge and understanding in

ancient Egyptian culture about  the brain and human

anatomy, which was then used in the creation of their

art,  temples and ritual objects, essentially they are

mimicking human and particularly brain anatomy in an

anthropomorphic fashion. In these documentaries,

they attribute the function of these objects or

temples to some type of didactic art. But we suggest

that in the context our thesis this was a highly

developed form of spiritual technology, design to

create a morphic resonance field effect to stimulate 48/61
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create a morphic resonance field effect to stimulate

and activate, for example, a  specific part of the brain

like the pineal gland and  amplify the abilities of the

spiritual initiate to catapult his consciousness into a 

profound multidimensional experience, been this again

their a particular approach to technological

advancement; which intermingle with consciousness

itself; being this biotechnological, morphic objects, a

highly sophisticated spiritual artefacts.

Thus the full understanding of how shape and energy

correlate and interact with our buildings is a profound

subject, if not the most important in this bioenergetic

design approach. In this context looking then at the

energetic nature of an object or symbol, we can

realize that the effects created by art and design and

how they served in the creation of this energetic that

in the holistic harmonic combination of different

components, will allow us to engineer and generate

the subtle energy landscape of our own architectural

environments therefore in this context, the conception

of art must be transcended in its the material aspect,

to the realization of its deeper function, in the

creation and harmonization of subtle energy fields and

the development of a new form of spiritual


Fractal Design:

 This concept of shape resonance can be applied to

the principle of fractality. In a particular design you

can find the same shape in a multitude of scales 49/61
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(scalar). The internal shape resonance of form at

multiple scales and specific proportions like the

golden mean, is used in temple design throughout all

the ancient world. 

Another fascinating idea that correlates to this, is the

phenomena that when this principle of fractality is

used in active antenna design, a holographic field

effect will extend beyond the physical antenna

creating a virtual projection of this recursive pattern,

just like heterodyning frequencies will keep generating

new derived frequencies that will add and multiply

into infinity. We can generate this phenomena in which

the same principle is applied into the design of a

passive longitudinal-fractal-shape-resonators, that

uses specific proportions in a geometrical generative-

iterative patterns, creating this type inner

form/resonance. This has a particular effect when

golden ratio or golden harmonics are used in the

proportions of the design for the specific geometric

properties of this ratio as it has the ability to add and

multiple constructively creating damping or vortex-like


Also, the resonant relation of multiple elements and

their resonances, is used in the wings of the beetle to

create an amplified CSE which were also used in

ancient temple design to create an amplification of

these effects.

Fine tuning the cavity structure and their recursive

elements (longitudinal fractal resonator) of the

buildings specific forms and shapes, for ideal

optimization of the “dielectric coupling” to earth

Schumann frequency cascade harmonics therefore 50/61
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Schumann frequency cascade harmonics, therefore
acting as a dielectric antennae is fundamental to the

creation and energetic optimization of sacred bio

architectural design. 

Bio geometric translators: 

These specialized devices, designed initially  by Trevor

J. Constable for weather engineering research, use

specific arrangements of materials in geometric forms

and proportions. There are no chemicals or

electromagnetic energy involved.  These small passive

units, when appropriately used, can effect large scale

beneficial atmospheric changes. These devices herald

a new technology which can be a critical component in

the regenerative approach by combining permaculture

and cyntropic agroforestry to regenerate entire

ecosystems and consequent creation of agricultural

gardens. 51/61
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These devices were designed using specific

geometrical forms and ratios and they are evolved

from the Cloudbusters of Wilhelm Reich. Their

interpretation adopts the idea of the aetheric

formative forces delineated in Rudolf Steiner’s

Anthroposophy, creating new series of devices and

different systems that don't have the necessity to be

grounded to water as the original Cloudbusters. Now

the geometric forms and their placement are able to

engineer and alter the aether concentrations in the

atmosphere, and as a direct consequence the cloud

formation and weather patterns. We believe the

technology involved in these devices can be

integrated in architectural design projects like in this



R d fi i hi
l i f h h i 52/61
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… Redefining architectural practices for the harmonic

conscientious application of these principles

for the creation and optimization of our energetic


that  will act as a catalyst for human evolutionary


Rippling into the fabric of the morphogenetic field,

into the collective mind of the human family,

facilitating by means of a passive approach to the re-

awakening of our true divine blueprint,

the source of our primordial consciousness, as a means

to affect the human psyche;

from the core of creation for the transformation and

the transmutation of our collective reality…

By: Nau-Juan Schlosser

Expanding on the thesis of bio architecture

With love and gratitude to Dan Winter, founder of Bio


Thanks to the D&D faculty of the New Earth Project.

For their inspiration in writing the 1st edition of this

paper and to others especially Thomas Brown, Robert

Bagnall, Sacha Stone, Greg Paul, Peter Juhasz, Don

Paris….how also inspired and help to edit this paper,

and ultimately to the intelligent infinite = collective

consciousness = morphic field = akasha = aether…..

References: 53/61
12/20/21, 4:42 PM The 5 elements in bio-architecture — bio arc

1.    Dan-A-Davidson–Shape-Power

2.    The vortex of Lawrence Edwards

3.    Etheric Formative forces

4.    Viktor Schauberger _EnergyEvolution

5.    Coats & Schauberger – The water wizard –

The extraordinary properties of natural water (1997)

6.    Wilhelm Reich. Selected writings; an

introduction to Orgonomy reading

7.    The Ancient Solution for Modern Pollution, Robert

Bruce Bagnall

8.    Ibrahim-Karim–Biogeometry–Back-To-a-


9.    The_Emerald_Tablets_Of_Thoth

10. Kundalini and Agni Hotra Physics. DAN WINTER

11. The Secret Science of Ecstasy and Immortality


12. Gran Attractor DAN WINTER

13. Dream Yoga the practice of natural light

14. Superpowers of the Human Biomind. Ingo Swann

15. The Heart of the Perfection of Wisdom". The Heart

S ū tra

16. The Torsion field and the aura, by Claude


17. 54/61
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25. https://www.k-







31. http://cns-



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H T T P : / / W W W. A D O L FO S C H LO



Juan began his work at a very early age, being heavily

influenced by the artistic Inquietude that permeated

his childhood home.  He explored a variety of artistic

expressions such as sculpture, photography and

design… which then merged into land art, and after

continuing with the same concept, went on to build

large-scale installations, set design for festivals and

architecture.  The theme of his work is always the

same: Nature: energy in all its forms and


Juan’s hasan  extremely diverse experience with

sacred geometry structures through the use of

patterns and forms found in nature.  Taking after his

father – the renowned Austrian sculptor, Adolfo

Schlosser, he has developed a touch for merging

beauty, art and space, creating energetic

environments.  By taking inspiration from natural forms

and the generative geometry that permeates all 59/61
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and the generative geometry that permeates all

things, he has developed a language to his style.

Juan has become known for showcasing the vast and

varied benefits of eco-architecture in a varied range of

schemes including domestic, eco-conscious resorts in

Bali, art galleries in Europe and music festivals the

world over.  By using a variety of building techniques

associated with the natural materials he uses in his

work he has developed a signature style that reflects

his interest in bio-architecture and the relationship

between structure, shape, sacred geometry and the

dynamics of life-energy.

For the last 7 years, he has been one of the central

figures in the design and creation, of the architectural

language adopted by 'The New Earth Project'.  He

thereafter founded the architectural design firm, Bio

Arc, with the intention of continuing and expanding

the vision of bio-architecture as a medium to redefine

architectural practices and contribute to generating a

scientific design basis for creating a regenerative

architectural system.

With the help of artisans, designers, producers,

thought-leaders and influencers, in addition to his

friends and family, Juan’s goal is to share these

concepts and ideas with the purpose of contributing

to a brighter, more environmentally conscious future. 60/61
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