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7) CAMBRIDGE. 5 CAMBRIDGE PREPARE Helen Chilton Second Edition weer annune 10 u 2 2B “4 15 16 7 18 19 20 Going shopping Best friends forever, Fun and games Extreme weather You mad Take care of yourself Sound check ‘Amazing architecture The future is now Animals in danger Offto school Getting around #NoFilter Let's cook! City or country? Lights, camera, action! Getting the message We love celebs! ‘The world of work Making plans 2 16 20 4 28 2 36 40 44 48 32 56 60 aaee 80 GOING SHOPPING a 4] Match the words to their meanings. charge . customer service discount ‘exchange online shopping promotion purchase receipt refund send something back Bwoevausunn 4 ‘a apiece of paper you receive when you buy something. ‘money given back to you if you return something take something back to a shop and replace it with something else something that you buy helping customers in a polite way ask for money for a service or activity a special offer on a product shopping on the internet return an item that you bought online J. lower price than usual for something ‘The customer service / online shopping is excellent in this shop. They're really helpful ‘tocustomers. 2. | saw an advertisement yesterday about a 20% refund / discount on all electrical items. 3. Ifthe shorts don't fit, you can always send them back j refund them. 4 How much did you shop / spend on that new game? 5 I've lost the refund / receipt, but perhaps you have the information on your computer system. 6 When you work in a shop, you have to do more than just serve / charge customers. 7 There are some great exchanges / promotions at MAF ~ you can buy one item and get one free! 8 The watch shop doesn’t charge / spend you if you need a new battery. 9 The sales assistant said that | could get a receipt | refund if| brought the jumper back within 30 days. 10 You don't always have to pay delivery charges / receipts when you shop online. 3. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. There are two words you do not need. charge discounts exchange —_ online receipt refund served spends 1 The shop gave me a when { paid for my T-shirt. 2. Get to BooksForAll now! We have amazing 3. Have you ever done any shopping? 4 The boy who usisin Year 12. 5 V'dlike to ‘these jeans for these trousers, please. 6 Monica alot of money on clothes. Complete the sentences so that they are true for you. 1 I spend about on clothes per month 2 love shopping for but hate shopping for : 3 Inmy country, they charge us to go into 4 The last thing that | sent back was 11 Youare going to read an article about a shopping centre called the Dubai Mall. Read the article quickly. What's special about the mall? 2 shopping centre in the world Dubai is an amazing place to go shopping and if you love fashion, this is the place to come! My favourite place is the Dubai Mall. i's the largest shopping centre in the world by total #88 and ‘there are about 1,200 shops. There are different ‘ists! in the mall. For exemple, there's one ‘whole SBBHIH which sells shoes, and another which sells jewellery. | often spend time walking up and down Fashion Avenue with my friends ~ that's where the designer shops are, lke Dolce & Gaboana and Dior. I's great to look in the windows at the (UR) items, though. Some people think shopping malls are boring, but the Dubai Mall isn't! OF course, there are a lot of shops, but there are plenty of other thinge ‘to s0¢ and do there. There's an aquarium and underwater 200, and we go to the cinema or ice-skating there, as well.? You need them because it's pretty easy to get lost! aig aa CF Reading Part 4 Five sentences have been removed from the text below. For each question, choose the correct answer. There are three extra sentences which you do not need to use. ‘A You can get anything you like. B They charge a lot of money to do this. € We can’t afford to buy much there, even when there are discounts or promotions. D That's just outside the mall, too. E Sometimes my friends and | share one. F My favourite one isa new skirt | bought, G | don't but my friends sometimes do. H There are customer service desks, too, where you can ask for directions. ‘There are a lot of places to eat in the mall 2 There's fast food, many different kinds of international food, and healthy stuf, too. Hove going to the Rainforest Café. We usually get fruit smoothies and burgers. There’ one called the “Jungle Chicken Burger, which is delicious. The desserss are great. |love seeing litle kids’ faces when the ‘Sparkling Voleano' dessert arrives at their table. Its @ huge chocolate thing! Next to the mall isthe Burj Khalifa - the tallest building in the world. You can travel up to the ‘observation deck at the top of the building from ‘the mall. From there you can look down on Dubai I don't go up there very often because everything looks so small from above that you can't see i very well. | go to the Dubai Fountain several times 2 year, though. ° les the words largest musical fountain and its free to watch Ws fun! + Read the text quickly to get a general idea of What itis about. Ignore the gaps for now. + Choose the best sentence (A-H) for each gap, ‘and when you have chosen all the answers, read through the whole text again to check it makes sense. 3. Match the highlighted words and phrases in the article to the meanings. 2. expensive, comfortable or beautiful 2 one of the parts that something is divided into 3 an area that has a special character which makes itciferent from others 4 another word for @ shopping centre 5 how big something is GOING SHOPPING “5 ~~~: 11 Choose the correct word. 1 Lastweek my parents visited ___ shops. an b any € several 2 They wanted to buy __ computer games for my brother and me. a much b some ¢ plenty 3 There are so ‘games to choose from. a much b many € alotof 4 They asked the shop assistant questions, a any b plenty © alotof 5 He said that there weren't action games in the shop at the moment. a plenty b any € several 6 There were car race games either. a much b plenty © no 7 There was an animal game, but he didn’t think it wouldbe___ fun for me, ano b much © many 8 But then they looked online and they found _____ of games to choose from. 2 plenty b several © some 2. Complete the conversation with the words from the box. Use each word once only. alotof any many = much_—no plenty several some some ‘A: Hil Can |help you? B: Yes, I'd like + information about an extra piece of equipment | need for my mobile phone. ‘A: OK, which one? We have * extras here! B: My friend said that there are S batteries that last a long time between charging them. have a battery at the moment but it lasts hardly « time at all. ‘A: Well, it depends what you do with your phone. 5 battery lasts forever! B:1 know, but my friend said it gives __ charges. ‘A: Ah, | know! It’s called a power box, | think, ve got them in? of different colours. B: That's it. How* _ power does ithave? A think it has three charges init. have a more ‘expensive model that has? more charges - about 20 think. B: No, | think that three is enough. Thanks! take it! fe UNIT 1 2 Doyouhave free time on Saturday? ‘Choose the correct sentence in each pair. b Do you have any free time on Saturday 2 a Mybrother spends much money on clothes. b My brother spends a lot of money on clothes. 3a Ben bought two shirts and some jeans. bb Ben bought two shirts and jeans. 4a Ihave so much shoes! b Ihave so many shoes! 5 a Ifyou have any questions, talk to ‘customer services. 'b Ifyou have some questions, talk to, ‘customer services. VOCABULARY 277 |] Match the questions to the answers. ‘Where are my shoes? How are you feeling today? What's the matter with your phone? Did you get Mark's present? Can | borrow that, please? Where's Marcia? Why was he shouting at you? have no idea. | haven't done anything wrong. 'No, there wasn’t anything suitable, This app isn't any good. ‘haven't seen them anywhere. don’t know. Has anyone seen her this morning? You can have it!| don't want it any more. & Not any better, really. se ance Youewne 2. Choose the correct answer. 2 haven't made anything / any good for dinner yet. 2. Emily Johnson isn’t at our school any longer / any good. She moved last term. 3 This film isn't ony more / any good - let's watch something different. 4 Has anyone / any got apen? 5 There isn't anything / anywherein the fridge. Can we go out for cinner? 6 My test results this term weren't any good / ‘ony better than last term, 7 Leonardo Di Caprio still hasn't won anything / ‘ony Oscars 8 I don’t mind where we go - anywhere / anything ‘away from here! 1]. Read the: Read the article quickly and check your ideas. of the article. Where do you think the three teenagers in the article like shopping most? Maggie, 15 ost of my friends shop online for new fashions, but 'm actually into vintage stuff ~ second-hand clothes from diferent periods, tke the 1960s. I've gat some ‘awesome boots and a few dresses from that time. You have to {90 to specialist shops to get stuf Ike that. Fortunately, lve in ‘an area where there's a huge vintage market a the weekend with tne of amazing stalls. You can find online shops that call vintage a while, Suddenly, she had an idea. ‘I know, I'll customise it! she decided, and got out her sewing box. 1. Does the story have a good beginning, middle and ending? 2. How would you end the story? Make some notes, then ‘compare your ideas with a partner. 3 Which of these endings to the story do you think. is better? Why? a. She looked into her box and found some old bits of ‘material and cut them into star shapes. She sewed them onto the sweater in an interesting pattern. aid her sister. Jennifer was pleased because now they were both happy. b She looked for interesting things she could put on. the sweater and found some interesting pieces of material. ‘'l sew these on, she thought. When she finished, Jennifer was really happy with her sweater and putit on. Ga a Writing Part 2 (A story) 2 Writea story Your English teacher has asked you to write a story. Your story should begin with this sentence: Jed really wanted to win the art competition at school. Write your story in about 100 words. @ rxamtips + Read the sentence you must use carefully and think about how your story will develop. + Make a few notes about the beginning, middle and end of your story. Try to make it interesting! YOU MADE I VOCABULARY (yrs 1 Complete the crossword, using the clues on the right. ra 1 force air out of your body, often when you have a cold 2 hurta person or part of your body 3 open your mouth and take air in because you ate tired or bored | 4 havea pain which is | continuous and isn't very nice 5 be hurt by fire or heat 6 lose blood 7 become well again 8 hurtyourself ona sharp object and produce blood 2. Write the letters in the correct order to make words and complete the sentences. 1 wobl lFyou've got a cold, tissue and throw it away. 2 thearhe Iean't through my nose at the moment because Ive got flu 3 tesab Yourheartoften not very well 4 nbru Be careful not to _ 5 bnki My eyes hurt when | ‘what's wrong with them. 6 heac Sorry, but | won’t be at work today because I've got a painful my back. 7 reveore You need time to 8 juinerd ‘The footballer has can't play in today’s matc your nose into a faster when you are yourself on the cooker! -Idon't know fter a big operation, himself again and 9 gohcu ve gota horrible at the moment and my chest really hurts, 20 gbldicen Yourfinger’s______! What have you done to it? [= UNIT 6 3 Complete the article with the correct form Of the verbs in the box. You do not need to use all the words. ache beat burn bleed blink blow breathe cough cut injure recover yawn ‘This week in Health Matters, we're taking lock at the head. One very common thing that many of you complain about is an head and itchy eyes, especially when you're using the computer. “To reduce these problems, try to spend less time in front of the screen and when you're working, remember to? Often and allow your eyes to rest. If you start a _. that's @ warning that you're _getting tired, so take a break! Playing sport means there is always a chance that you will ¢ __ yourself. Wear ‘a helmet if you can, and if you do fall or bang your head, make sure you give yourself time to®_ ‘before going back on the field. ‘What should you do if your nose is © Put your head forward and, hold the top of your nose where it's narrow. ‘Stay lke this until it stops and ifit coesn’t stop, see a doctor as soon as you can. ‘And finaly, colds, These can make you feel ‘retty bac, especialy when you can stop and your nose is $0 blocked very well ‘that you can't ® ‘When you've got a cold, get some medicine from the pharmacy, take time off and get some rest. Next week's article is all about the neck. ‘See you then! 1 You are what you eat! 2. Health drinks 11 Read about the effects of drinking caffeine and choose the best title for the article. 3 Fastand fizzy ~~ R O If your heart starts beating quickly after you've had a «an of cola or other fizzy drink, then you should lsten carefully to what your body's trying to tell you. Many fizzy drinks contain caffeine, lke coffee does, and this is what wakes you up and gives you energy. It can also make you breathe more quickly and even affect your sleep, as well as raise your blood pressure, Which could put you at risk ofa heart attack or other medical Bondition, If you notice effects lke these which fee! Unpleasant, or you think that your heart is often beating too fast, it might be time to @utidoWnon the number of fizy drinks you're having. You don’t have to stop drinking them altogether, but it's definitely @ ‘g00d idea to drink more water during the day than other kinds of drink, including coffee, tea or hot chocolate, which also contain caffeine. And you should avoid having any of these drinks at least six hours before you want to go to sleep. However, if you already drink a lot of caffeine, don't stop suddenly. Doing so can cause headaches, stop you being able to concentrate and make you feel more anxious than usual. ‘Some studies suggest that you should include some caffeine in your diet because It helps to reduce the possiblity of heart problems and developing some kinds of cancer. It can also help you keep going while you exercise and reduce muscle pain after you've WorKed/OUt. And, of Course, it is helpful when you want to stay awake and study when you start yawning! But how much caffeine is healthy? Doctors say that teenagers shouldn't have more than 100 mg a day, which is about one cup of coffee, 6 about three cans of regular cola. That isn’t to say that drinking three cans of cola is good for you. It contains a lot of sugar and can cause the negative effects mentioned earlier. You should also be very careful with energy drinks. Some large cans can contain over 150 mg of caffeine, which is more than the recommended daily amount for a teenager. Remember: if your heart often beats fast when you're resting and you don’t have fizzy drinks ‘or other drinks containing caffeine, you could have a medical problem. So, if you're even little bit worried, you should go and ask the doctor to cheek You over. D. Read the article again and write true (T) or false (F). 1. Soft drinks such as cola and certain kinds of hot drink have something in common. 2 Fizzy drinks have both positive and negative effects on the body. 3 The article says you should drink water immediately to reduce the effects of too much caffeine. 4 When people try to stop drinking caffeine, they might fea 3 Match the highlighted words in the article '5 Research shows that some caffeine can be healthy for sete mennieees the body. 1 notvery nice 6 Young peopié shouldn't drink more than one cup of 2 reduce coffee each day. 3 havea look at to make 7. Energy drinks contain less caffeine than cola sure someone is OK 8 The article saysit’s a good idea to see a doctor about 4 disease, illness or injury drinking too much caffeine. 5 do exercise AKE CARE OF YOURSELF 3

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