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Aircraft Structure II (EAE 4195) – Fall - 21 –Group Project


Module Code: EAE 4195 Module Name: Aircraft Structure II

Level: 4 Max. Marks: 20

Instructions to Student
• Consider sections A & B.
• Deadline of submission: 16/11/2021
• Each group must have a max. of 4 students
• Report submission through the provided link in the Moodle
• Feedback after final evaluation will be provided Through the Moodle 26/11/2021

Task A:
Perform detailed structural design of the portion near the fuselage between
section AA and BB in a two seaters trainer/ semi-aerobatic aircraft shown in Fig.
1. Assume two modes for the analysis, the first mode when the engine is off,
while the second mode when the engine is on.

Fig. 1

The fuselage diameter and dimensions at sections AA and BB are shown in Fig. 2. While the full
details of the fuselage portion between sections AA and BB are shown in Fig. 3.

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Aircraft Structure II (EAE 4195) – Fall - 21 –Group Project

Fig. 2

Fig. 3

❖ Data given:
▪ Aircraft fully loaded weight is 37.43 KN
▪ Moment of inertia about the center of gravity for fully loaded aircraft
is 22235 Kg m2
▪ Body drag coefficients are: CD, B= 0.01583 (Engine On), CD, B= 0.0576
(Engine Off)
▪ Engine horse power is 905
▪ Propeller efficiency is 90%

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Aircraft Structure II (EAE 4195) – Fall - 21 –Group Project

❖ Fuselage dimensions (Rare):

Fig. 4

Fig. 5 idealize fuselage cross section

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Aircraft Structure II (EAE 4195) – Fall - 21 –Group Project

Fig. 6

Fig. 7

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Aircraft Structure II (EAE 4195) – Fall - 21 –Group Project

Fig. 8

Fig. 9

❖ Required
▪ Detailed structural design analysis for the rare fuselage portion
▪ Bending Moment
▪ Shear stresses on the wall
▪ Torques

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Aircraft Structure II (EAE 4195) – Fall - 21 –Group Project

Task B:
Perform Numerical analysis for the explained task above. You are required to
presents the relevant contours and plots.

Final Report
Each group is required to submit a complete final report of the project assignment in Week-14. The
final report must not exceed (20) pages in length, excluding attachments and should consist of the
Table of Contents
Table of Figures
1. Introduction
2. Background
3. Specification
4. Design
5. Implementation
6. Results and Evaluation
7. Future Work
8. Conclusions (Use bullet Points)
9. Reflections on Learning

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