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64 Children today are too dependent on computers and electronic

entertainment. It would be better for them to be outside playing sports and

taking part in more traditional past times than spending all day indoors.
Do you agree or disagree with this statement?
You should write between 200 and 250 words.
Computers have revolutionised the way we learn, travel, work and socialise.
The advancement of technology during this domain has born to smartphones,
tablets, mp3 players and other gadgets that aren't only a good source of
entertainment but are instrumental in fetching valuable information. One cannot
imagine living without them during this epoch. People believe that children
have gotten more enthusiastic about these electronic devices which are alarming
and that we should persuade them to participate in other outdoor physical
activities. Though this move is laudable, i do not agree fully. This essay will
analyse the merits of both views before presenting an opinion.
People believe that young one amongst society should participate in physical
sports. Proponents of this viewpoint say that physical activities make them
mentally strong and physically fit. Playing sports and different games is
instrumental in learning the art of teamwork, develops skills vital for
competitions and nourish their leadership qualities. Moreover, it develops their
stamina, improves metabolism, sharpens their reflexes and braces them to face
way of life challenges. it's been medically proven that the rays emitting from
these electronic devices don't seem to be good for human vision. Furthermore,
one can truly enjoy the sport by playing it physically. for example, football, a
game that's different on the sphere, where it requires stamina and
fervor( enthusiasm) compared to some clicks over the pc. other than that, it
helps people to socialize, a trend missing in our present generation.
On the contrary, electronic gadgets like computers, notebooks, smartphones
etc play a crucial role to enhance the mental abilities and intellectuality of a
baby if used wisely. Children can play different mind games that improve their
thinking power, decision-making skills and harness creativity and innovation.(
give examples ) Moreover, physical games and entertainment can cause
harmful injuries which may be fatal. for example, parents in Karachi usually
prefer their children to spend time reception because of fear of terrorism and
abduction for ransom.
To recapitulate, the aforementioned provides plausible arguments for both
views. However, I personally believe that both computers and physical activities
are of equal importance and one should specialize in maintaining the proper
balance and getting positive outcomes.

Some people said that children should not be given homework everyday,
while other said that they must get homework everyday to be successful at
school. What your opinion?
Recently, there has been a debate over the question that should students be given homework
everyday? Some people believe children should not be given homework everyday but the
others said that children should get homework everyday to be successful at school. In my
opinion, I strongly believe that homework should be given to children every day because of
some following reasons.
Firstly, students who are given homework everyday can improve their knowledge
they learn from school. Most students will not learn anything unless it is compulsory. Only
By giving them homework everyday, can teacher ensure that they can learn their lessons on
the same day they are taught in class. Without constant practice it is not possible to succed at
school. For example, subjects as science, math need regular revision. If student do not do
homework, they will suffer during exams because of the pilling of work.
– learn 4-5 period / school – 4-5 sub – can’t remember all - homework/ consolidate / what /
learn / school
- Vary / method / study
- / kept /sts / away / social / evils

Secondly, doing homework will prepare students for the big end test. If a child does poorly
on an assignment then they will learn what is necessary to do well on the next test without
being punished. It also provides students with the opportunity to practice at what it takes to
be successful in school. Like they say, practice make perfect. Furthermore, doing homework
is also a great way to develop responsibilities. By being assisgned work one day and knowing
that it has to be done by the next day, they will develop a sense of punctuality by turning their
work on time. Finally, homework allows students and teachers to work more closely together.
They can discuss their assignments or any problems that they are having with parts of their
textbooks, before or after classes. Moreover, homework can bring families closer together as
students may ask their parents or siblings for help on their homework. Not only will this help
the students get a better understanding on their work with any parts they are stuck on, it will
also allow parents to get more involved in their children’s educational life.
To summarize, homework should be given to children everyday to help they get
successful in study.
Thùy Linh 22

Topic1.Nowadays, with an aim to satisfy human's demand of entertainment,

the era of technology has opened and created an increasing number of
modern machines. Recently, some people argue that sitting glued to digital
devices is not as good as participating in many outdoor activities. Personally, I
totally agree with that opinion because of the following reasons.
To begin with, Outdoor activities bring children a good health, both height and
shape. Undoubtedly, muscles and bones will be strengthened through sport
activities such as soccer, swimming, badminton and even the risk of diseases in
adolescence like diabetes, heart disease and obesity will also be significantly
reduced. According to research, being too lazy and dependent on electronic
devices, over 60% children around the world suffer from obesity and short-
sightedness. For this reason, youngsters are in need of more exercising.

Sedentary life
What’s more, It is by playing outdoor that youngster can make many friends.
On contrary with sitting indoors and surfing webs, active children will be more
interested in interacting directly with friends, so they can increase interaction
with others and learn how to control their emotions and actions. In addition,
some games like football, cricket contribute to improving team-building.
Last, Children are promoted creativity and agility. Participating in outdoor
games can boost imagination in youngster. Active games such as jump rope,
shuttlecock, tennis not only bring joy, but also help children learn reflexes of
hands, legs and eyes. Therefore, improving coordination and balance for body.
In conclusion, It seems to me that entertaining with natural environment is
better than with digital medias. It brings us a lot of benefits about physicality,
vivacity and sociability.

Topic 2.Education is always a top of concern. However, in recent years,

technology and Internet are developing sharply and directly influence on every
aspect of life such as …….. For this reason, there has been a hotly discussed
topic over whether children should choose online or direct learning. In my
opinion, I think direct learning is better. My essay will analyse my reason.
To begin with, students are exposed to a effective and receptive learning
environment. At school, not only can they listen to teacher's lectures, but they
also get training drill from practical exercises or outdoor experiences.
Moreover, direct learning creates chances for students to ask their teacher/
peers when they have difficulty understanding lessons/ individual care .
Consequently, knowledges will be clearly remembered. ( enhanced )
- Drill - entertainment
Next, children can learn how to discipline themselves./ soft skills It goes
without saying that school provides us the necessary baggage to step out into
life. It is the simple things that help children to form a high sense of
responsibility. To illustrate, children are taught through daily activities such as
getting up early to get to school, behaving politely to teachers or friends and so
on. / school – small society – learn –how to get on well with others . work
with different kinds of people
Finally, students can build more relationships. They can talk to friends face
to face; therefore, it is convenient to express their feelings and make out the
partners’ feeling. Sympathized / diadvantages ones

Only in this way do children gain confident in every situation.

In a nut shell, personally, I would rather learn at a traditional school than
learn at home. Because It brings a positive result in studying for youngsters.

Topic 3. Doing voluntary are becoming more and more popular in today's life.
Recently, Some people claim that youngsters should be given an opportunity
to do unpaid work in their spare time because it will brings benefits to both the
personal teenager and society. From my perspective, I also agree with this
statement. And my writing will advocate my opinion.
- Better society
Firstly, the community will recieve benefits from doing unpaid work.
Activities such as supporting the poor with food, clothing, and vocational
training to the impoverished can alleviate some of their burden. Raising
money, fing jobs
- Inspire / others / overomce hardness
As a result, their doings createthe random acts of kindness which makes a
better society.
Secondly, unpaid work gives youngsters the opportunity toexpanda wide range
of interactions.Obviously, only when teenagershave a lot of contact with the
outside societycan theyknow more people from all situations, environments
and professions in life. In addition,It is the real-life experiences that source of
inspiration develop theirconfidence and sociability.Thanks to that, youngsters
will have more diverse relationships and learn more from different people.
Finally, Volunteering is a great chance to learn new skills. In fact,there are
many individuals spending a large amount of money take classes in leadership
skills, finance management but do not know that if they experience by
themselves, they will gain more benefits.For instance,when planning a
donation campaign helps adolescentimprove the ability to manage
money.What’s more, teenager’s leadership skills will also be developed
throughtraining and mentoring other volunteers.
In conclusion, young people should be encouraged to become more active
in volunteer work because of their personal growth as well as for the of
Gain experience
Orienta / future career

So 40

“Many people think the modern communication technology is having some negative effects on
social relationships. Do you agree or disagree?”

Over the last few years , it has been strongly argued that innovative
communication technology has detrimental impacts on social interconnection.
While I am in agreement with this point of view, it is my belief that benefits
which this new means of communication offers outweigh its drawbacks
On the one hand , there are some drawbacks of technological development .
which negatively effect social bonds . There are chances of humans suffering
from cyber-bullying while communicating via the Internet. Specifically , social
media users, especially adolescents who is sensitive to critisim , stand a great
chance of receiving unreasonable hateful messages or even extreme insults
from online social communities. Consequently, this phenonemon may not only
cause the victims emotional distress but also build invisible barriers between
them and the rest of society . More seriously , anti-social behaviour is caused
and the socail bonds are losen considerably as a result.
On the other hand , it goes without saying that modern means of
communication brings about undeniable benefits. The Internet is claimed to
provide human beings with numerous ways to communicate , such as video
calls and virtual intepreters, which help stabilise both interpersonal and
international relationships. Geograhical barriers or even language boundaries no
longer are noticeable problems , so humans have no difficulty keep in touch
with their adored ones , especially who live far away . To illustrate , individuals
comming from different nations could partipate in sinternational references to
communicate, exchange cultures ... Indeed , not only do modern technology
tighten the bonds among humans but aslo lead the world to a new level of

In summary, modern technological means of communication brings about both

negative and positive impacts on social connection . Personally I think that it is
essential to make use of this new communicative media to strengthen the
relationships among individuals in the community .

So 74

Some people think that all teenagers should be required to do unpaid work in
their free time to help the local community. They believe this would benefit
both the individual teenager and society as a whole..

As the requirement for a higher educated workforce and the need for intensive labor have
increased in recent decades, the idea of requiring all teenager to do unpaid work in their
free time to help the local community has always been a topic of interest. While some argue
that this may distract juveniles from studying, I am a strong advocate of thE approach and
the reasons will be covered in this essay
First of all, juveniles might gain a number of soft skills as well as knowledge through this
experience. It is undeniable that hardly can they find any practical comprehension in
classes . To illustrate, being in favor of theory might lead to a great deal of
miscomprehension in future work flow. However, with the skills teenagers learn through
unpaid work, they can, obviously, know how to tackle the problems. In brief, unpaid work is
a key in future career
On top of that, the intensive labor bring an enormous merit to society in general and local
community in spectacular. In the past time, youngsters did not know how to work to help in
their neighbor, but now, with the rapid development of technology, students can easily
assist people with a tiny phone . Many work many entangle elderly people now can be
effortlessly solved by youngsters
Taking everything into account, there are many compelling reasons for teenagers to work in
their free time . This can , indeed , bring an enormous merit to juveniles as well as society as
a whole

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