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A stage play on Rita a graduate who lost her dad after graduation and is left with her mother
who is a house wife and got sick few months after the death of her husband.

Her mother is the only relative who has not deserted her after the death of her father

Rita, troubled and confused on how to raise money for her sick mom because she has no Job.

scenes and dialogue breakdown


Rita is at the stage with her mother and a doctor explaining the bad condition of her mother’s
health Rita shows sadness after receiving the bad news and ask the doctor what can be done to
improve her mother’s health

Dialogue scene one

Doctor: Rita your mum's sickness is getting worse.

Rita: Yes Doctor, please help me what can we do about it?

Doctor: As it stands now you haven't made any deposit as regards our discussion.

Rita: things are hard and I'm trying my best to ensure I raise funds for the surgery. I have sold
almost all the properties, I've been able to raise to 20% of the total bill which I'm about to make
deposit now.

Doctor: Wow you've tried but it's cancer we're talking about here, 20% can't cover the bed
space alone. As it is now you'll have to take your mother home.

Rita: Please give me few more days.

Doctor: There's nothing I can do.

Rita was forced to take her sick mother home


Rita is on stage selling puff puff. A misunderstanding happen between she and a customer
which lead to a quarrel with the customer that happened to be her classmate. He told her
about a job opening.

Dialogue scene two

Rita: buy eggroll

James: how far, give me two egg roll with cold zobo

Rita: customer you look tired o, no worry after you chop ther egg roll e go be like say you drink
energy drink

James: take money

(Give's him one k)

Rita: ha! Me no get change oo. For early momo like ther, why you no tell me now?

James: why you no ask?

Rita: why I no ask abi? No worry you go body guide me until I sell get your change

James: they no born you well

Rita: eeevwee! Me they no born well

Quarrel ensue, after a moment

James: wait o, Rita?!

Rita: who tell you my name?

James: Rita na me your guy, James. Look well well

Rita: James omo meh. How your side now, omoh e don Tay o

James: waytin sup now, you don change o, SAPA really follow you up o

Rita: Baba levels no clear for job o.

James: my guy one opening dey for interview na the date and registration link I just go copy so
o, you dey interested
Rita: who go put sugar for diabetes patients mouth dey ask why he lick am, Baba give me link
very fast

They laughed and Rita collected the link and left


Rita is seen going for her interview, on approaching there she met Jude her friend who gave her
information about the interview, he asked Jude how was the interview.

Jude informs her, she will have to give a bribe before she will get the chance to be
interviewed. But she still went in with boldness.

Dialogue scene 3

Rita: big man how far now, how the thing go, hope no be jamb theory questions they dey ask?

James: babe e go well o, but I no lie you, babe you need drop if not nothing go sup o

Rita: drop Kwa Baba forget that stuff, my grade will speak for me I have faith

James: ok no issues I wish you the best

Few mins into interview

Interviewer: Woaw I must say you grades are impressive

Rita: thank you sir

Interviewer: but one finally question who recommended you for ther job?

Rita: I don't get sir

Interviewer: like the member of the board of director that recommended you

Rita: nobody sir a friend just shared me the link for registration

Interviewer: but am afraid you can't get the job because without such recommendations your
good grades are useless

Rita: (kneeling) sir please I beg you in the name of God, ther is my last resort for save my sick,
without ther job I doubt if she will survive
Interviewer: is alright, there is a way, stand up, I've heard you. The only was to think now is you
would have to sleep with me so I can maybe stand in place for you. You can even start
tomorrow all you have to do is just say yes

Rita: sir please, it's against my moral up being ( Rita continues pleading)

Interviewer: really also it's against the company policy to employ someone without the
recommendation of a member from the board of directors. Leave my office with you crocodile
tears and come back when you are ready

Rita continues to plead until he chased her out and banged the door and Rita lament about the
man know man before they get job


Rita's mother is on stage a few month after the failed interview, with the mom encouraging her
not to give up as theres still hope for her. Encourage Rita decide to get something from a retail
store came back and met the lifeless body of her mom

Dialogue scene 4

Rita's mom: Rita my daughter, I know it's not easy especially after your dad my husband died
(sobbing) don't lose hope you will still make because you are a star my star that will shine
brighter than noonday. Just don't let what the interviewer said bring you down because you
made me a proud mom when you declined

(Rita's mom smiled and Rita smiled back)

Rita: mom I've heard what you said and I will continue to strive until I secure a job that would
make me give you the life you deserve.

Mom let me get something we would eat for dinner

(Rita walks out to get something to buy from a retail store)

Rita's mom begin to struggle as she is seen gasping for air on stage

Rita mom: RI(few seconds to gasp in air) Ta. Hee.....lpppp!!!

Slowly gose down and dies

Rita walking in to see the lifeless body

Rita: mom! No. Don't do this to me please, mom!!!!! No

What kind of a world is this? graduate with good great still nothing. You have to know some
before you can secure a job, know a skill set no threate to show case yourself you still have to
sort to be considered.

What is the essence of life when the reason for my existence is no more.. mom please wake
up.. somebody help me!!!!

(Neighbors rush in and she carries her out)


Rita looks depressed and complains that the very essence of life to her was no more and she
took a poisonous substance to take her life.

Dialouge Scene five

Rita walks in crying with a substance in her hand.

Rita: (sobbing) mom, I had plans for you to enjoy the fruit of your labor that was why I worked
hard in school and graduated with good grades only to miss out on job because I know nobody.

My skills I developed if I can't sort my way I won't be given the opportunity to showcase myself
for the few that are available in a country that has more than enough.what is happening in this
country where we have to struggle for our right SME loan we register for to get the grant is a
problem after the regorous registration and exercises. Infact no use living again.

Drinks the poison and dies

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