English Teachers' Pedagogical Competence in Implementing Curriculum 2013

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NIM : 10507.02.007.17


A. Background

There are some factors making teaching and learning processes possible to

take place, which is exclusively called the four perennial truths, namely teacher,

students, material, and context of time and place (Rasyid, 2009:19). In certain time

and place, the teacher has to exist in teaching and learning process because he/she is

the one who teaches and the students have to exist because they are the ones who are

going to be taught. In the same time, the material must be available because it is the

matter to be learnt. In short, those four factors are linking with each other. If one of

them is not available, there will be no teaching and learning process, thought the

learning process itself may still take place.

Being a teacher is not as easy as the people think, because “the teachers play

an important activities in what they do, and how they do in developing their own

professional knowledge and practice” (Loughran, 2006, as cited in Livia, 2010: 1).

The teacher become the models for their students and teacher’s must be have good

attitude and behavior because would most likely be imitated by their students in the

class. In other words, a teacher also carries a big responsibility and influence in her

classroom. Teachers should be more creative in developing learning so that students

do not feel bored and lazy in learning activities that will have an impact on learning

outcomes for the economy.

Pedagogical competence is a teacher must have creativity and innovation to

manage their teaching, the use of IT in implementing innovative learning model,

curriculum development in the teaching and learning process.

There are previous researches have been conducted by the researcher related

to the pedagogical competence. Julkifli and Azisah (2016), explain that the
contribution of teachers pedagogical competence toward the effectiveness of teaching

English has made serious effort in conducting the teaching to make more effective

teaching of English in the class. Adnan (2015), explain that the quality of teaching

plays an important role in the creation and establishment of the quality of the learning

process of the students and also shows the level of professionalism of teachers

according to their field and can contribute in improving learning performance.

Because of the importance of these two concept so this researcher in the journal above

is interested to conduct a study on teachers’ pedagogical competence in implementing

curriculum 2013.

Based on the previous study, the researcher try to identifying the English

teachers’ pedagogical competence should be considered as the expectation of the

teachers’ competence in order to meet the national standard of education in Indonesia,

in which the teachers should keep teaching with a good knowledge, skill, and attitude.

Pedagogical competence of the teachers is obviously performed in three teaching and

learning phases, that is before, during and after teaching. In these three phases, the

teachers should understand the students’ cognition, personality and prior knowledge,

they should have a good plan before teaching.

B. Research Problem

In order to get complete and clear data about this research, the researcher formulates

two questions as follows:

How do teachers accommodate their pedagogical competence in teaching

English based on Curriculum 2013 to the second graders at SMP Negeri 1

C. Research Objectives

The research aims to analyze the teacher pedagogic competence in teaching English

with the following research objectives:

1. To know the teachers’ pedagogical competence in Teaching English at the The

Second Grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Bontonompo.

2. To know the factors influence the teachers pedagogical competence at SMP

Negeri 1 Bontonompo.

D. Research Significance

In this research, the researcher is expected to give significant contribution in key

terms of theoretical and practical as follows:

1. Theoretical Significance

This research was expected to have a significant contribution for the development

of the teachers’ pedagogic competences theory especially for the English teachers.

2. Practical Significance

a. Significance for the students So that learners were able to achieve mastery

learn optimally so as to achieve a proud achievement.

b. Significance for the teachers

To understand the phenomenon systematically education, provide clues about

which should be implemented in educating and as an opportunity to make

corrections to themselves in implementing the learning in the classroom.

c. Significance for the Institution

This researcher was expected to be a reference for university to pay more

attention to their students’ quality in teaching as the next teachers.

E. Research Scope
English teachers have to master at least four competences in teaching namely:

pedagogic competence, personal competence, social competence, and professional

competence. In this research, the researcher focuses on the teacher toward the

pedagogic competence in teaching. English teachers’ pedagogic competence talks

about the English teachers competence in: understanding the learners, mastery the

learning theories and the educated principles of learning, developing the curriculum,

developing the learners’ potential, communicating with the learners, and

implementing assessment with all techniques and kinds.

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