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A. Background

There are some factors making teaching and learning processes

possible to take place, which is exclusively called the four perennial truths,

namely teacher, students, material, and context of time and place (Rasyid,

2009:19). In certain time and place, the teacher has to exist in teaching and

learning process because he/she is the one who teaches and the students

have to exist because they are the ones who are going to be taught. In the

same time, the material must be available because it is the matter to be

learnt. In short, those four factors are linking with each other. If one of

them is not available, there will be no teaching and learning process,

thought the learning process itself may still take place.

Being a teacher is not as easy as the people think, because “the

teachers play an important activities in what they do, and how they do in

developing their own professional knowledge and practice” (Loughran,

2006, as cited in Livia, 2010: 1). They become the models for their

students. The teacher’s attitude and behavior would most likely be

imitated by their students in the class. In other words, a teacher also carries

a big responsibility in her classroom. Teachers should be more creative in

developing learning so that students do not feel bored in learning activities

that will have an impact on learning outcomes for the economy. Therefore,

the competence of teachers assessed the economic effect on learning

outcomes. According to the applicable standards ( Law No.14 The year

2005) on Teachers and Lecturers and PP 74 on 2008, the government has

formulated four types of teacher competence as listed in the explanation of

government regulation No.19 of 2005 on national education standards,

namely: Pedagogical Competence, Personal, Professional and Social.

Pedagogical competence is the existing competence of teachers in

regards to the ability of teachers to manage their teaching, the use of IT

implementing innovative learning model, curriculum development in the

teaching and learning process. Personal competence plays a role in

student achievement. Personal competence is the existing competence on a

teacher that include values that existed at the personality of a teacher who

can be channeled to the learners in the learning process so that the creation

of a conducive learning. Professional competence is needed for teachers to

conduct an effective instructional strategy and also encourages students to

actively participate in the sustainability in education. Social competence is

required by a person’s ability to succeed in dealing with others, including

skill in social interaction and social responsibility (Hamidi and Indrastuti,


Pedagogical competence is a competence that will determine the

success of teaching and learning process and also the students’ learning

outcomes. Pedagogic competence is teachers’ ability in managing

students’ learning from planning, implementing and evaluating the process

and the learning outcomes which consist of teachers’ understanding of (a)

educational foundation, (b) students’ characteristics, (c) curriculum

development, (d) lesson plan, (e) implementation of educational learning,

(f) implementation of dialogic learning, (g) ICT utilization, (h) learning

outcomes evaluation, (i) students potential development (Mulyasa,

2007:75), and (j) reflective action (Permendiknas No. 16 The year 2007).

Meanwhile, based on Voss, Kunter, and Baumert (2011), the main

components of the pedagogic competence are : knowledge of classroom

management, knowledge of teaching method, knowledge of classroom

assessment, structure of learning objectives and the lesson process, lesson

planning and evaluation, and adaptability dealing with heterogeneous

learning groups in the classroom.

In terms of the students’ characteristic, teacher should know the

children’s world, educational process, and characteristics such as

children’s interest, talent, motivation, learning absorptions, intelligence,

level and social development (Janawi, 2011). Another component of

teachers’ pedagogical competence is that teachers should be able to master

the educational foundation and its principles concepts of teaching which

consists of the role and function of educational institutions (Musfah,

2011). It is important for the teachers to plan their lesson before they

entered the classroom. Ur (1996) uses the metaphors such as roadmap,

blueprint, or game plan for the lesson plan. A lesson plan itself is a very

important tool that consists of a combination guide, resource, and

historical document reflecting the teacher teaching philosophy, student

population, textbook, and teachers’ goals for their students (Jensen in

Celce-Murcia, 2011). A lesson plan is essential for both novice and

experienced teachers (Jansen in Celce-Murcia, 2001).

In teaching and learning process, teachers should implement an

educational and dialogic learning. According to Callander (2013:38)

dialogic learning involves students’ extended and supported use of talk

(involving both teacher-to-student and student-to-student interaction) that

includes open-ended question, reflection, extended exchanges of dialogue,

authentic feedback, and uptake/building on the ideas of others to

collaboratively engage in knowledge construction within a safe learning

environment. It means that teachers and students should create a

communicative and an attractive communication in order to help students

to develop their understanding of the teaching and learning process.

In order to increase students’ interest, teachers can utilize ICT to

modify their teaching methods and techniques (Thapaliya:2014). Teachers

should take advantages of ICT to ease them in teaching or to create

interesting material so that students can increase their interest and

motivation. Schools and teachers also need to facilitate their students to

develop students’ talent by providing them with challenging learning

opportunities. School can provide students with extra-curricular activities

(ECA) which have positive effect for students to become productive

students and adult where they can learn lessons in leadership, teamwork,

organization, analytical thinking, problem-solving, time management,

learning to juggle many task at once and it allow them to discover their

talents (Massoni, 2011).

In related to the evaluation process, teacher need to create and

develop the learning evaluation to find out students’ achievement in

learning, students’ difficulties in learning, and to know teachers’ strategies

in learning (Arifin, 2010).

There are several previous researcher have been conducted by the

researcher related to the pedagogical competence:

Julkifli and Azisah (2016), explain that the contribution of teachers

pedagogy competence toward the effectiveness of teaching English, seems

the teacher have made serious effort in conducting the teaching to make

more effective teaching of English in the class. This contribution seen

from how the teacher organize the learning from arranged the teaching

plan, teaching and learning process, and assessment, this researcher used

the qualitative descriptive research, that is the researcher observe the

teaching and learning process and interact with the teacher by interview

and observation.

Raynesa (2018), said that there was a difference between senior

and junior teachers in their pedagogical competence in term of : classroom

management, understanding the students’ characteristics, curriculum

development, lesson plan, and teachers’ talk. Meanwhile, junior teachers

were good at: the use ICT and the development of media in teaching. It

was also discovered that both senior and junior teachers were still less in

mastering the theory of basic principles in teaching and developing

students’ potential. There was no reflective action in teaching and

teachers’ less understanding in classroom action research were other

factors that affect teachers’ pedagogical competence. In order to collect the

data, observation notes, videotaping, and interviews were used to get

comprehensive data in the field.

Selvia, budhi, and sumarlam (2017), explain that the teacher in

arranging lesson plans (RPP) is still not correspond to the component

regulated in Permendikbud No 22, 2016. However the teachers could

access their class by giving the learning method in the form discussion. It

will help the students to solve the problems which appeared in the lesson.

The teacher have enclosed learning media to facilitate the students

receiving the learning material. However, the teacher still has not made the

RPP in accordance with the correct components. Thus, the lesson plans

prepared by the teacher will give impacts toward the learning practice and

also the students’ learning result. The source of data in this research is the

teacher, while the data obtained from the teachers’ pedagogical

competence are the readiness of the teachers to teach (RPP), sources and

teaching materials. The techniques used to collect the data interview and


Adnan (2015), explain that the quality of teaching competence

plays an important role in the creation and establishment of the quality of

the learning process of the students and also shows the level of

professionalism of teachers according to their field and can contribute in

improving learning performance. Because of the importance of these two

concept so the researcher interested to conduct a study in order to

determine and analyze the effect of teacher competence include

pedagogical competence, personal competence, professional competence

and social competence. The approach used in this research is correlation

with proportional sampling technique.

Anif, Sutama, Prayitno and Idrus (2019), explain that increasing

the teachers professional competence only with the ability to continuously

adapt will not be able to solve the given problem. Therefore, a strategy to

improve pedagogical competence is needed through the MGMP

(Musyawarah Guru Mata Pelajaran) forum. Using this forum the subject

teachers will try to carry out self-evaluation together with their peers. The

research method was of survey type and the data collection instruments

were a list of questions, polling, and a questionnaire.

Lukman (2017), said that teacher is one component of human who

has a strategic role in the learning process, especially in developing the

quality of human resources. Therefore, teachers as one element of

education must play an active role and placing their position as a

professional, in accordance with the demands of the growing community.

Therefore, this study also learns more about pedagogical competence

development. The research method used is qualitative descriptive which

reveals phenomenon holistically and contextually. Qualitative descriptive

data were analyzed by arranging and classifying the data, thus providing a

real picture to the reader.

Haniatin (2016), explain that the fact shows that most of the

problems existing in the pedagogical competence and professional

competence. Pedagogical competence is competencies required of teachers

with respect to student characteristics viewed from various aspect such as

moral, emotional, and intellectual. It implies that a teacher should be able

to master the learning theory and principles of learning, because students

have the character, nature, and different interest. There are many teachers

have not been able to optimize the potential of learners to actualize his/her

ability in the classroom, and also has not been able to conduct an

assessment of the learning activities that have been performed due to

factors clueless or stuttering technology.

Based on the previous study, the researcher try to identifying the

English teachers’ pedagogical competence should be considered as the

expectation of the improvement of the teachers’ competence in order to

meet the national standard of education in Indonesia, in which the teachers

should keep teaching with a good knowledge, skill, and attitude.

Pedagogical competence of the teachers is obviously performed in three

teaching and learning phases, that is before, during and after teaching. In

these three phases, the teachers should understand the students’ cognition,

personality and prior knowledge; they should have a good plan before

teaching; they have to be able to implement the teaching and learning

process based on the curriculum; they have to know the appropriate way to

evaluate the result of the students in developing their potency. When the

teacher can apply those things effectively, hopefully the students gain the

learning objectives.

Based on the background written above, the researcher is consider

that the teachers’ pedagogical competence is something important to

know, so that the she is interest in conduct a research under the tittle ; “

English Teachers Pedagogical Competence the implementation in

2013 curriculum”.

B. Research Problem

Analyzing the teacher pedagogic competence in Teaching English is the

main problem of this research. In order to get complete and clear data

about it, the researcher formulates the research questions as follows:

1. How was the pedagogical competence of English Teachers of The

Second Grade students at SMP Negeri 1 Bontonompo in teaching


2. What are the factors influence the teachers pedagogical competence at

SMP Negeri 1 Bontonompo?

C. Research Objectives

The research aims to analyze the teacher pedagogic competence in

teaching English with the following research objectives:

1. To know the teachers’ pedagogical competence in Teaching English at

the The Second Grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Bontonompo.

2. To know the factors influence the teachers pedagogical competence at

SMP Negeri 1 Bontonompo.

D. Research Significance

In tohis research, the researcher is expected to give significant contribution

in key terms of theoretical and practical as follows:

1. Theoretical Significance

This research was expected to have a significant contribution for the

development of the teachers’ pedagogic competences theory especially

for the English teachers.

2. Practical Significance

a. Significance for the students So that learners were able to achieve

mastery learn optimally so as to achieve a proud achievement.

b. Significance for the teachers

To understand the phenomenon systematically education, provide

clues about which should be implemented in educating and as an

opportunity to make corrections to themselves in implementing the

learning in the classroom.

c. Significance for the Institution

This researcher was expected to be a reference for university to pay

more attention to their students’ quality in teaching as the next


E. Research Scope

English teachers have to master at least four competences in

teaching namely: pedagogic competence, personal competence, social

competence, and professional competence. In this research, the researcher

focuses on the teacher toward the pedagogic competence in teaching. The

basic pedagogical competence As the Kemendikbud MIFA Operator

(2014), the English teachers’ pedagogic competence talks about the

English teachers competence in: understanding the learners, mastery the

learning theories and the educated principles of learning, developing the

curriculum, developing the learners’ potential, communicating with the

learners, and implementing assessment with all techniques and kinds.



A. Pedagogical Competence

a. Definition of Pedagogical Competence

“Pedagogical competence implies that the teacher from

definite goals and frameworks, through continuous development of

teaching and personal professional development, supports and

facilitates the learning of the students in the best way. This

pedagogical competence also reflects the teacher’s competence in

regard to collaboration, comprehensive view and contribution to the

development of pedagogy for higher education.” (Ryegård, 2008, p. 9).

Pedagogical competence is the ability and will to regularly

apply the attitude, the knowledge, and the skills that promote the

learning of the teacher’s students in the best way. This shall be in

agreement with the goals that apply, and within the framework

available and presupposes continuous development of the teacher’s

own competence and instructional design.

Pedagogical competence is the ability of understand of

learners, design and implementation of learning, evaluation of learning

outcomes, and the development of learners to actualize different

potentials. (Sukanti, Sumarsih, Siswanto, & Ani, 2008) Pedagogical

competence includes the sub competence:

 Understand the characteristics of learners from the physical

aspect, social, moral, cultural, emotional, and intellectual.

 Understand the background of the family and the

community of learners and the needs of students in a

cultural context.

 Understanding the learning styles and learning difficulties.

 Facilitate the development of potential learners.

 Mastering the theory and principles of learning and

educational learning.

 Develop a curriculum that encourages the involvement of

students in learning.

 Designing learning educate

 Implement educational learning

 Evaluate the process and learning outcomes

b. Aspects of Teacher’s Pedagogical Competence

There are some aspect for the teacher’s pedagogical competence:

1. Attitude

Attitude is intended to mean how the teacher sees

respectively their own role and responsibility and the role and

responsibility of their students,

2. Knowledge

As a basis for pedagogical competence the teacher needs

knowledge within the four following areas.

 The subject

 How students learn in the class

 The teaching process and teaching methods

The goal of the course and the to only have knowledge in

these areas has little value as a qualification. The most important

word in the definition is apply. It is not enough to have the

knowledge and skills that are needed. Pedagogical competence

means that the teacher also uses their knowledge and applies

acquired insights and skills.

3. Ability

Applying knowledge in the areas mentioned means

demonstrating different types of ability. The ability to plan and

organize the activity

 The ability to structure and present material in a subject in an

appropriate way for the students

 The ability to adapt teaching to the particular group of students

and the situation.

4. Adapting to the situation

The definition emphases that pedagogical competence

always has to be related to the situation – to the framework. The

composition and levels of groups of students varies. A course can

be popular or “a necessary evil”. The learning of the students has

to do with a particular content, a particular learning context and

overall goals and course goals, with given (often limited) financial

and temporal resources. Pedagogical competence means handling

the diversity of factors in the best way with the goal of optimizing

the learning of the students.

5. Perseverance

Good teaching requires perseverance. Neither the students

nor the institutions gain from brilliant one-off efforts if interest and

commitment then wane. It is a demanding task to teach extensively

with undiminished commitment term after term, perhaps even on

the same course. The ability and the will to work regularly in the

best way ought therefore to be an important part of pedagogical


6. Continuous development

Pedagogical competence is not something static, something

which one ever completes. Showing the ability and the will to

apply a way of working that best supports student learning means

continuously taking in new knowledge, learning from new

experiences and developing professionally both in one’s subject

and pedagogically. Pedagogical competence means continuously

evaluating one’s pedagogical practice in the light of what research

and proven experiences have shown to best promote student


7. An integrated whole

The six aspects above can be seen as a description of what

is included in pedagogical competence. They are a clarification of

the first condition for being able to make an assessment, namely

making clear what is to be assessed. The different aspects are

linked together in a chain where different parts build upon, or

follow, other parts. Attitude is fundamental. Application of

knowledge in one area can presuppose knowledge in another – for

example knowledge of the course goals and how learning takes

place are the basis of decisions about teaching strategies and so on.

The teacher’s ability to reflect over their experiences and to

integrate and apply their total knowledge is the visible expression

of a teacher’s pedagogical competence.

c. The Assessment of Pedagogical Competence

In order to be able to carry out a systematic and methodical

assessment of pedagogical competence requires relevant criteria upon

which the assessment is based, documentation that demonstrates that

the criteria have been fulfilled and clear descriptions of the levels that

are to be achieved in order to fulfil the different criteria. (Ramsden &

Martin, 1996; Chism, 2006; Elton, 1998; Trigwell, 2001). The

following criteria (here somewhat simplified) have been used in

assessment of pedagogical competence for acceptance to LTH’s

Pedagogical Academy:

1. Focus on student learning

 The applicant bases their pedagogical practice on

student learning.

 The applicant uses their knowledge about teaching

and learning to develop their pedagogical practice.

 The applicant functions well in their pedagogical

practice in relations with the students.

2. Clear development over time

 The applicant strives, consciously and

systematically, in their pedagogical practice, to

support and develop student learning

 The applicant has ideas and plans for continued

development of their pedagogical practice.

3. A reflective (scientific) attitude

 The applicant reflects on their pedagogical practice

with the help of knowledge of teaching and

learning, relevant to their subject.

 The applicant reflects on student learning in their


 The applicant participates in an exchange of

experiences from their pedagogical practice and

their knowledge of teaching and learning with

colleagues through cooperation and interaction with


B. Curriculum

a. Definition of Curriculum

Definition of Curriculum according Marsh, C. J. & Willis, G

(2003), there are:

1) Curriculum is those subjects that are most useful for living in

contemporary society.

2) Curriculum is all planned learning for which the school is responsible.

3) Curriculum is all the experiences learners have under the guidance of

the school.

4) Curriculum is the totality of learning experiences provided to students

so that they can attain general skills and knowledge at a variety of

learning sites.

5) Curriculum is what the students construct from working with the

computer and its various networks, such as the internet.

6) Curriculum is the questioning of authority and the searching for

complex views of human situation.

7) Curriculum is all the experiences that learners have in the course of


Based on the some definition curriculum above, the writer can

conclude that curriculum in general is rule which arrange study process so

curriculum is all of activities which interrelated in teaching learning

process, as planning lesson for teachers, experience in learning process for

students and as the rule law in education sector for institution and


Strengths of 2013 curriculum:

1) Students compel should be active, creative and innovative in problem


2) Authentic evaluation (all of aspect).

3) Integrative lesson in developmental character.

4) Curriculum base competency appropriate with the educational


5) Competency describing as holistically in affective, skill and cognitive


6) Compel remedial continuously.

7) Government prepares all of component curriculum for example

syllabus, text book and guiding book.

8) Improving motivation in teaching with improve profession pedagogy,

social and personal.

Weaknesses of 2013 curriculum:

1) 2013 curriculum contra with UU number 20 year 2003 which the

content of national system education it is because emphasized

curriculum development only base on the aspect pragmatic oriented. In

the other hand, 2013 curriculum not base on evaluation aspect from

system held in KTSP.

2) Teacher as the important element is not involved directly in process of

effort 2013 curriculum development. Government looks that teacher

and students have same capacity.

3) Still used National Examination so there is not balancing between

orientation from learning process with result of 2013 curriculum itself

4) Some of the teacher still not ready and to be creative teacher and also

not understand clearly about concept of scientific approach.

b. 2013 Curriculum

Definition of 2013 Curriculum

Based on the (Marzatus, 2013) writing in her article, that KTSP

which now is implemented in Indonesia has significant differences in the

2013 curriculum. The most distinguished thing is the structures of those

curricula. The 2013 curriculum will have a fewer subjects than KTSP. For

example in junior high level, total subjects for KTSP are 12, but in the

2013 curriculum will just have 10 subjects. They are Religion, Civilization

(PKn), Indonesian, Mathematics, Culture (SBK), English, Art, Sport

(PJOK), and Science (IPA) and Social (IPS) will be integrated lesson.

Moreover, in the 2013 curriculum will apply a thematic learning method

and especially in junior high level emphasized to the affective domain

support with the cognitive and psychomotor. Furthermore, there is an

additional time in the 2013 curriculum for junior high level. It was 32

hours, but in the new curriculum it will be 38 hours every week.

Rules of 2013 Curriculum

There are some rules which arrange 2013 curriculum in Indonesia

(Kemendikbud, 2013);

1) UUD RI No. 20 Year 2003 about System of National Education.

2) Government Rule No. 32 Year 2013 about Changing of Government

Rule No. 19 Year 2005 about Standard of National Education.

3) Government Rule No. 74 Year 2008 about Teacher.

4) Minister of Education and Culture Republic Indonesia Rule No. 22

Year 2006 about Content Standard for Unit of Basic and Intermediate


5) Minister of Education and Culture Republic Indonesia Rule No. 54

Year 2013 about Standard of Graduation Competency of Basic and

Intermediate Education.

6) Minister of Education and Culture Republic Indonesia Rule No. 65

Year 2013 about Standard of Basic and Intermediate Education


7) Minister of Education and Culture Republic Indonesia Rule No. 66

Year 2013 about Standard of Evaluation Education.

8) Minister of Education and Culture Republic Indonesia Rule No. 68

Year 2013 about Basic Design and Curriculum Structure of Junior

High School.

9) Minster of Education and Culture Republic Indonesia Rule No. 71

Year 2013 about Text Book Lesson and Teacher’ Guiding Book for

Basic and Intermediate Education.

Implementation of 2013 Curriculum

Related to the statement of (Mirzatus, 2013) in her article publish

by HISSA that the implementation of the 2013 curriculum has some

effects in several ways somehow. The effects must be in positive or

negative. The advantages are the good standard competence, the

constructive approximation method, and the continuing competence from

SD to SMA.

Firstly, the graduation standard competence is well ordered. In

2013 curriculum, the determination of graduation standard competence

had to be fixed first before the subjects. Secondly, the 2013 curriculum

completes the approximation method based on the students’ creativity. The

new curriculum fulfils three main component of education: knowledge,

skill, and attitude. Thirdly, the 2013 curriculum is designed continuously

from SD to SMA.

The disadvantages are teachers’ position threatened to be relocated,

obstruct children’s intelligence, and unobvious lesson. First, English and

IT (Information and Technology) teachers might lose their job. It is

because IT subject that was taught in SMP and SMA would be removed

and it is also done in English for SD. Second children’s intelligences

related to English will be deleting from elementary level. Third, the lesson

will be unclear to learn. In fact, Social and Science lessons are combined

into one. That is Indonesian. Naturally, it is difficult to differ for the

students to learn science in the Indonesian.

c. English Teaching Learning

Actually 2013 curriculum has implement new method in teaching

learning process that is scientific approach, scientific approach is approach

which implement new stage on teaching learning process there are

observing, questioning, associating, experimenting and networking, the

five stage here can be implement and recommend in English language

teaching on the implementation of this new curriculum. In every stage

have some weaknesses, for example in observing stage which is

emphasized for meaningful learning. In questioning stage, when teacher

ask, he guide his students to learn, when teachers answer students

question, that time he motivate his students for listen and to be good

learner. In associating, it is emphasized to competency group variously

idea and associated various event for then entered to be memory part. In

part experimenting, learning activity with experimenting approach do

trough three stage there are prepare, implementation and action continued.

Besides scientific approach, in 2013 curriculum there are some

method of learning which recommended in teaching learning process, for

example discovery learning which is recommended for teaching science

and English. Discovery Learning can be defined as the learning that takes

place when the student is not presented with subject matter in the final

form, but rather is required to organize it himself” (Lefancois dalam

Emetembun, 1986:103 as cited in Kemendikbud, 2013). Discovery did

through observation, classification, measurement, prediction,

determination and inferi. According to Syah (2004:244 as cited in

Kemendikbud, 2013) in implement discovery learning in class, there are

some procedures, such as stimulation, problem statement, data collection,

data processing, verification generalization.

The form of teaching material is anything which presents of

informs about the language to be learned.

Teaching material is a key component in language teaching. It is

important roles of teaching. It is a resource for what will be taught and

learned, source activities for learner practice and communication

interaction, reference source for learners on grammar, vocabulary,

pronunciation etc, source of stimulation the ideas for classroom activities,

syllabus, and also learning support.

To make teaching learning more successful, the material must be

selected appropriately. Before selecting material, the teacher must decide

the objectives of English teaching and make the syllabus. A language

curriculum can be viewed as a document that provides guideline for

textbook. In an attempt to give workable definitions to the terms

curriculum and syllabus, the definition are A curriculum is a document of

an official nature, published by a leading or central education authority in

order to serve as a framework or a set of guidelines for the teaching of a

subject area. A syllabus is contrast to the curriculum, is a more

particularized document that addresses a specific audience of learners and

teachers, a particular course of study or particular series of textbook.

According to the distinction made here between curriculum and

syllabus, it follows that the curriculum should state the following the

goals, the rationale, and the guiding principles for language teaching. A

syllabus on other hand should translate these guiding principles into

specific goals, content, activities to the carried out in particular, and well

defined context.

The definition of teaching method is the way of teaching. Teaching

methods means the ways that usually used to do something, related to the

content, is the way to transfer knowledge or to teach. Edward Anthony

said that there are three hierarchical elements namely approach, method,

and technique. An approach is a set of assumptions dealing with the nature

of language, learning and teaching. Method is an overall plan for

systematic presentation of language based upon a selected approach.

Technique is the specific activities manifested in the classroom that were

consistent with a method and therefore is in harmony with an approach as


Harmer has defined method as the practical realization of an

approach. The methods arrived at decisions about types of activities, roles

of teachers and learners, the kinds of material which will be helpful, and

some model of syllabus organization. According to Brown, the teaching

method definitions as follows:

“Methods are a generalized set of classroom

specification for accomplishing linguistic

objective. Methods tend to be concerned

primarily with teacher and students roles and

behaviors and secondarily with such features as

linguistic and subject matter objectives,

sequencing, and material. They are almost

always thought of as being broadly applicable

to a variety of audiences in a variety of

contexts. There is relationship among teaching

method, approach, and technique. Method is

the practical realization of an approach, and

includes various procedures and techniques”.

In every school, teacher should have certain method in teaching

materials by looking at students characteristics. Teaching children for

young learners has different method with teaching adult learners. In

International Community Village have two different learners, young and

adult. So, the teacher should have certain method in teaching learning.

Actually, not all of the methods are suitable for them.

Assessment is described as an attempt to analyze the learning

process, measure student’s achievement over a period of time as a result of

teaching learning.

There are some purposes of assessment. First, assessment is to

increase in continuous learning process (formative), second is to give

feedback for students on their progress or achievement (summative), and

inform it to teacher and parents (informative). Third is to identify students’

need to be supported (diagnostic), and forth, it is also to check the

effectiveness of teaching method and learning material (evaluate).

According to Brown, there are two kinds of assessment, formal and

informal assessment.

Criteria for measuring a test, type of test, and a synthesis of issues

in testing will be centered on formal. The meaning of formal is

measurements of language those designated moments during which the

administrator prepared instrument to students for the purpose of measuring

their competence. Informal assessment is involved in all incidental,

unplaned, evaluative coaching and feedback on task designed to elicit

performance but not for the purpose of recording results and making fixed

judgements about a students’ competence. Informal assessment includes

formative and process, and formal assessment include summative and

product. Teacher should consider that assessment must practically (it is

within the means of financial limitations, time constrains, ease

administration, scoring and interpretation), reliability (consistent and

dependable), and validity.

C. The assessment of performance of teachers implementing learning.

a. Opening the learning

1. Preparing the students

Preparing the students in the classroom physically and mentally such

as delivering greetings, praying, asking about the condition of students

and checking the attendance of students.

2. The motivate of the students

Provide the explanations to students about the importance of taking

lessons, conveying the benefits of learning the material to be studied

and arousing students’ interest in learning.

3. Convey apperception

Linking students’ experiences with presents learning or previous

learning, asking challenging questions, conveying the benefits of

learning material, demonstrating something related of learning


4. Delivering objectives of learning

Convey the ability to be achieved with the language of the students for

example by saying the after the learning is complete students can

explain the factors that cause the earthquake. Plan the activities for

example, individual, group work, and make the observation.

b. The core of the activities

1. Mastery of material

1.1. Delivering of material

The material delivered is in accordance with the learning objectives

formulated in the learning implementation plan, the material

delivered is related to other relevant fields of study.

1.2. Apply the concept of learning material to the life

Give a real example, linking up to the least information, linking it

to each other ( science, environment, technology, and society ).

2. Model / approach / strategy

2.1. The apply active learning

To do of learning steps, material, strategies and learning activities

in accordance with the competencies to be achieved ( cognitive,

psychomotor, and effective ), material presented systematically

using appropriate learning strategies, students attention focused on

proper learning, maintained class discipline, and the class is under


2.2. The foster positive activities

The learning activities can encourage the habits of students to work

together, respect each other and think critically.\

2.3. The using tools / material and media and IT

The effectively and efficiently ( to do appropriately and safely,

skilled in using tools / materials / media / ICT, fostering active

participation of students in learning, strengthening students

understanding, attracting students’ attention ).

2.4. Class management

Skill in guiding students in a classical, group and individual

manner, the class remains conducive, always provides

reinforcement and motivation, can attract the attention of students

to stay focused in carrying out activities, the mobility of teachers in

the classroom has a purpose, eye contact with students awake.

2.5. The use of language

Clear and easy to understand sentences, choice of words or sappan

sentences that are in accordance with the psychological maturity of

students (eg calling students with your words, not you etc.),

intonation and tone of voice as needed, the volume sounds clear,

uses polite language .

2.6. Assessment of the learning process

Go around monitoring student learning progress, asking questions

for, monitoring student achievements to achieve higher

development, carrying out process assessments as planned.

2.7. Assessment of learning outcomes

conduct assessments according to purpose, carry out assessment of

results in accordance with planning, using the rubric in assessing,

following up on the results of the assessment during learning.

2.8. Social sensitivity

show empathy for students, care about the needs of students, care

about environmental conditions, be open to differences in student


2.9. Personality

An open the attitude (saying thank you / sorry for the right

conditions, showing the right gesture, showing a gesture (gesture)

that is friendly, acknowledging the misfortune / lack of space,

looking neat, clean and polite, excited)

c. The close of learning

1. Summarizes learning material

To ask the students to recall important things that have

happened in learning activities (for example, asking questions about

processes, material or other events), facilitating students in making

summaries, and providing feedback.

2. The reflection and follow up

Reviewing material concepts that have been taught, guiding

students to carry out self-evaluations to find benefits, provide feedback

on the learning process, give assignments, inform plans for learning

activities for the next meeting.



A. Research Method

1. Research Design

This research apply descriptive method. It being qualitative,

Margono (2010:8): Descriptive research is a research method that

seeks to provide a systematic and careful with the actual facts and the

nature of certain populations which aims to solve the actual problems

faced now and collect data or information to be arranged, described,

and analyzed.

In a commentary Sugiono (2012: 15) argues that qualitative

research is often call the method of naturalistic because of research

done on the condition that the natural (natural setting), also known as

ethnography, because initially this method is more widely use for

research in the field of cultural anthropology, also call qualitative

methods for the data collect and analysis is more qualitative.

In finding the right data on An Analysis of Teachers' pedagogic

Competence in Teaching English at The Second Grade of SMP Negeri

1 Bontonompo, researcher will use collecting data techniques through

observation, interviews and document. Furthermore, to analyze the

data that has collect since the beginning of the study until the end of

the study with the technique of data reduction, data presentation and


Researcher conduct observations in every class when learning

English take place. Then, the researcher process data by using

statistics. The results of process data was describe by investigators

using descriptive design.

2. Research Variable

The variable was anything that shape what define by the

researchers to be study in order to obtain information about it, then

drawn conclusions. This research have two variable, namely Teachers’

Pedagogic Competence and 2013 curriculum.

B. Research Subject

This research subject is an English teacher at class VIII SMP

Negeri 1 Bontonompo. This research will be conduct at the teacher

because researcher wants to find out directly how is the practice of

pedagogical competence of teachers when teaching in the classroom so

that researcher can get the real data.

Furthermore, the researcher chooses this place because the

researcher is the alumnus of the school that researcher knows the state of

English teachers in the school. In addition, the researcher hopes that the

results of this research can be a reference for English teachers at the school

to further enhance learning practices in primary class about teacher

pedagogical competence.

C. Research Instrument

1. Observation

According to Margono, S (2003: 158-159), observation is a

scientific method which is define as observation through focusing on an

object by using the senses. Observation is define as the systematic

observation and recording 14 of the symptoms that appear on the object of

research, observation and paint are make for the object in a place or event


The terms of the observations the researcher chose a form of

assessment use to test the teacher performance in the PPG ( Teacher

Professional Education ).

2. Interview

Interview is a tool to gather information by asking a number of

questions orally to be answer verbally anyway by direct contact or face-to-

face with resources (informant). The interview is a question and answer

verbally between two or more people directly. This interview is conduct

by using interview guide that contains instructions outline in principal with

the intention to ask the principal plan to be cover entirely.

In this case the researcher will use a structure interview as the

research instrument, therefore, doing interviews, the researcher will set up

an instrument in the form of a question the answer to written questions at

the ready alternative to making it easier for researcher to do the recording.

The purpose of the interviews in this study to obtain data,

information related to teachers’ pedagogical competence of English

Education at the students of class VIII SMP Negeri 1 Bontonompo.

D. Data Collection Procedure

Data collections procedures use in this study were:

1. Researcher observe the English teachers, while teaching English in

the classroom.

2. Researcher give a questionnaire to students as respondents to

obtain the data, this questionnaire contains some statements about

the way the teacher teach.

3. Researcher will an interview English teachers about their

perceptions of the pedagogical competence of English teachers in

their teaching.

E. Data Analysis Technique

1. Qualitative Data

According to Bogdan, data analysis is the process of

systematycally searching and arranging the interview script, field notes,

and othe materials that you accumulate to increase your own

understanding of them and to enable you to present what you have

discover to others (Sugiyono, 2014: 334). After the researcher collects the

data, the researcher analyzes it by using descriptive analysis which involve

the description and interpretation of the data. So, the data collect of this

research was describe and interprete into own sentences.

Data analysis in qualitative research, carried out at the time of data

collection takes place, and after the completion of data collection in a

particular period. According to Miles and Huberman (1984), suggests that

activity in the qualitative data analysis performed interactively and runs

continuously until complete, so that the data is already saturate.


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