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Middle East Technical University

Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering

December 2nd, 2021

PETE490 Petroleum Engineering Research:

Drilling Riser System Components and Riser Space Out

Supervisor: Salih Şimşek, Sevtaç Bülbül

Instructor: Sevtaç Bülbül

Group Members
Asiye Anralıgil
Elif Sude Çelebi
Emir Mazlum
Table of Content


Statement of the Problem..........................................................................................................................3


Literature Survey......................................................................................................................................5

Time Plan of Research..............................................................................................................................6


The drilling riser system is simply defined as a pipe connecting the offshore wellhead to the
bottom of the sea. The system is located at the surface of the sea where vessel is located to the
Blow Out Preventer stack which is positioned at the bottom of the sea. The riser system is
connected to the well and it is tensioned at the top end while drilling. Also, fluid and mud can be
circulated in this system. Drill strings are carried through this system. The biggest difference
between onshore drilling and offshore drilling is the riser system, which makes riser system
special for offshore drilling. In this project, we will study about drilling riser system and
determine the riser length and weight according to given riser space out depth. Finally, a
program will be developed that may be used to perform design calculations

Statement of the Problem

Turkish Petroleum Offshore Technology Center has been conducting and supporting petroleum
and natural gas exploration and production activities at the seas of Turkey since 2019. One of the
important equipment used in offshore drilling is riser systems. The aim of our project is to design
a riser system with given data from OTC. Before designing our system, we need to conduct
research about offshore drilling riser mechanisms and equipment, mainly drilling riser system
components. Secondly, we will calculate riser space out and riser design depending on such
important parameters as water depth, mud weight, riser properties, and tension considerations
that will be used for calculation. These parameters will be explained in detail in the methodology
part. Moreover, we are expected to develop a software program for our real case problem. As the
group 6, our purpose is to learn more about the riser system and be able to deal with these
problems by applying appropriate engineering solutions.

In this project, we will use different methods in order to make situation clear and understand the
offshore drilling and drilling riser systems better and then we make some assumptions which are
expected from us to be done here as step of the riser space out problems. Initially, we will utilize
from the books that is published articles about offshore drilling by using literature review method
and utilize from experts ‘opinions. This will help us to be able to understand drilling riser system
and the riser system design. Moreover, we will adopt analytical approach and try to calculate
riser space out considering water depth, mud weight, properties of riser system and tension.
Lastly, if it is possible, we will develop a software (Matlab) which will aid us to design running
riser in that space with given data. At the end, we will compile all this information and create a
work paper whose aim is being a scientific literature about offshore drilling mechanisms.

Literature Survey
The riser system is essentially a system that is used to drill even deeper into the earth, with the
blowout preventer being run down to the sea bottom when the riser pipes are added one by one
(Yin et al., 2016). Rotary Kelly bushing is an adapter that serves to connect the rotary table to the
Kelly, which turns the entire drill string . The blowout preventer (LBOP) is connected to a
wellhead which is located on top of the casing pipe. A riser adapter, flex/ball joint, annular
BOPs, subsea control pods, and a hydraulic connector that connects the riser system to the BOP
stack are typically included in the Lower Marine Riser Package (LMRP). The vessel is
connected to the seafloor via the riser pipe. A smaller drill bit was utilized to drill down through
the riser pipe and casing pipe than the one that was originally used. Drilling begins after the riser
pipe is attached, and instead of seawater, drilling mud is used. The riser pipe is connected all the
way from the vessel to the seafloor. The drilling mud sprayed out of the drill bit is collected and
recycled at the vessel via the riser pipe, together with the cuttings. Riser drilling not only makes
it possible to drill deep into the earth it is also breakthrough drilling method that is both
economically and environmentally beneficial. Diverter system, tensioner system, telescopic
joints, riser joints/components (Standard/Pub Joints with or without buoyancy modules, fill-up
valve) are the main components of the riser system. The purpose of diverter system is to guide
mud returns to processing and to direct any low-pressure gas in the riser away from the drill floor
and to a safe location. The diverter is located right below the drill floor in the housing. Typically,
the upper flex/ball joint is attached below the diverter. Buoyancy joints are used for reducing the
submerged weight of the riser and connected to the bare riser which provides additional
buoyancy force. (J. Offshore Mech. Arct. Eng, 2018). Riser tensioner system is a mechanism that
tensions the riser string while compensating for the floater and risers’ respective vertical motion
(stroke). The stiffness of the unit regulates tension changes. The telescoping joint's primary
purpose is to handle relative translational movement between the unit and the riser as a result of
heave and tidal fluctuations. Moreover, at the top and bottom of the riser, flex or ball joints are
employed to allow for angular displacement, decreasing bending strains at both ends of the riser
string. Below the telescope joint, an intermediate flex or ball joint can be installed. Flex joints
are typically rotationally rigid, making them more efficient at controlling riser angles. Pup joints
are riser joints that are shorter than full length riser joints. The pup joints are normally available
in variable lengths to accommodate different operating water depths.
Time Plan of Research

Actions 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th

week week week week week week week week
Meeting X X X X X X
Meeting X X X X X
Proposal X
Literature X X X X X X
Information X X X X

Compilation X X X
Progress X
Poster X

Note: Number of weeks are based on tentative course schedule. Weeks that shown as “no class”
weren’t counted. Between 2nd, and 6th, 8th weeks there are four “no class” weeks. There will be
only instructor meeting online.

Yin, D., Lie, H., Russo, M., & Grytøyr, G. (2017). Drilling riser model test for software
verification. Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, 140(1).

Se-0476 offshore riser systems. DNV. (n.d.). Retrieved December 2, 2021, from

Drilling riser analysis - abs. (n.d.). Retrieved December 2, 2021, from

Drilling industry glossary. RKB | Drilling Industry Glossary. (n.d.). Retrieved December 2,
2021, from

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