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PETE 300


Ali Kus


August 4th,2020 – August 26th,2020

Siverek,Sanliurfa and Erzin,Hatay

Arar Oil & Gas Inc was established in 2002 and founded by
S. Fatih Alpay as an exclusive acting operatör of the EPIC
Gocerler Gas Field Project of ASX listed Amity Oil in the
Thrace basin. Gocerler 3 well tested to 32MM scf/d flow,
still a record to date in Turkey. Arar focused on
international service operations and extensive exploration
activities in Turkey. Arar gives drilling services to
Operations in US, Iraq, Texas, Albania, Georgia, Afghanistan
and Turkey. Amity Oil, OMV, Transatlantic etc. take services
from Arar. Arar became the largest private acreage holder
in Turkey after TPAO with 2.5MM acres and 23 exploration
licences. Arar has successful discoveries in Central Anatolia,
South East Turkey and East Mediterranean onshore Turkey.
Exploration continues in carefully selected licences across
Turkey. Arar is the winner of 2015 and 2016 “Golden
Barrel” Award by Turkey Energy Summit. Arar has its own
drilling and workover rings, MLU cementing units, seismic
crew and various auxiliary equipment
I have conducted my summer practice on production
section. The production engineer ensure that the best
quantity of products are delivered and try to reduce time
and operating cost for doing some designs of production
and processes. The engineer checks every well in the field
to decide necessary applications to achieve more
production rate of oil and gas or decide for abondenment
from well.
Production is the process of separation of mixture of
hydrocarbon from water, solid particles and try to get
100% hydrocarbon components. Production needs to
improvement everyday to prevent collapse and achieve
more hydrocarbon from wells. Choosing the best suitable
pump is the one of the most important job of the engineer.

Types of Pumps used in the oil and gas field

Beam pump
Beam pumping, or the sucker-rod lift method, is the oldest and most widely used
type of artificial lift for most wells. A sucker-rod pumping system is made up of
several components, some of which operate aboveground and other parts of which
operate underground, down in the well. The surface-pumping unit, which drives the
underground pump, consists of a prime mover (usually an electric motor) and,
normally, a beam fixed to a pivotal post. The post is called a Sampson post, and the
beam is normally called a walking beam.

Components of sucker-rod lift system

 Downhole sucker-rod pumps

 Sucker rods
 Miscellaneous downhole equipment
 Sucker-rod pumping units
 Prime movers
 Miscellaneous surface equipment

Electrical submersible pumps

The electrical submersible pump, typically called an ESP, is an efficient and reliable artificial-lift
method for lifting moderate to high volumes of fluids from wellbores. These volumes range from a
low of 150 B/D to as much as 150,000 B/D (24 to 24,600 m 3/d). Variable-speed controllers can
extend this range significantly, both on the high and low side. The ESP’s main components

 Multistaged centrifugal pump

 Three-phase induction motor
 Seal-chamber section
 Power cable
 Surface controls
The components are normally tubing hung from the wellhead with the pump on top and the motor
attached below. There are special applications in which this configuration is inverted.

Volumetric Method To Estimate Volume In


Volumetric is a method to estimate fluid in reservoir based on volume of pore space

in a rock and water saturation.

Volume of Oil Initially In Place (OIIP)

To estimate oil initially volume in place, the following formula is a volumetric
calculation for oil.


STOIIP = stock tank oil in place, stb

A= area, acre

h = reservoir thickness, ft

ɸ = rock porosity, %

Swc =connate water saturation, %

Boi = oil formation volume factor, rb/stb

Note: the stock tank condition is a standard surface condition of oil and gas at 60F
and 14.7 psia.
Volume of Gas Initially In Place (GIIP)
The formula to determine gas in place is listed below;


G = gas oil in place at standard condition, scf

A= area, acre

h = reservoir thickness, ft

ɸ = rock porosity, %

Swc =connate water saturation, %

Bgi =  gas formation volume factor, rcf/scf

Note: This is the same formula as the oil in place but only constant is different
because of volume of gas is reported in cu-ft.

Rock Compressibility

.Rock metric and formation fluid in pore spaces supports the weight of rock above.
When petroleum is produced from reservoir rocks, pressure of fluid in pore space
decreases, but overburden is still the same. This will result in the reduction of bulk
volume of rock and pore spaces. The reduction on volume in relation to pressure is
called “pore volume compressibility (cf)” or “formation compressibility” and it can be
mathematically expressed like this.

Vp = pore volume

dVp = change in volume

dp = change in pressure, psi

cf = rock compressibility, 1/psi

Note: The actual measurement of rock compressibility is expensive and it is required

to have a formation sample. In practical, utilizing Hall correlation to determine rock
compressibility is acceptable.

Hall’s rock compressibility correlation is a function only of porosity. The correlation is

based on laboratory data and is considered reasonable for normally pressured

Rock compressibility factor is very important for reservoir modelling.

cf is typically in the range from 3 x 10  to 6 x 10 1/psi.

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