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Dagohoy, Louis John P.

Attendance to WRP online activities

A. What is your most liked recreational activities?

- For me the best recreational activity is self-defense because first it builds up my

confidence most of the people don’t have the confidence when you learn the self-

defense which can also develop awareness your body and also overcome your

unattainable achievements. Also, self-defense can be good to your body such as cardio

which can prevent other diseases such as atherosclerosis or heart disease. Second is it

develops self-discipline because being consistent and reliable can be part of discipline.

Third is goal-setting, when we dream something, we can achieve it how? By step-step

procedure even you fail in the first part keep on forwarding until you succeed. Lastly you

can learn responsibility and values because when you apply mastery in the body, you

develop a sense of responsibility and core values in our daily lives.

B. Which WRP Online Session you attended was aligned to the recreational activities you enjoy

doing the most? Why? For me the resemblance is Sir Encarnacion’s self-defense who taught us

how to defend ourselves by using what we have such as hair clip, automatic umbrella, card,

books other things. The first part was how to defend using hair clip so sir Encarnacion taught us

how to use it by using the edge of the hair clip because it has a sharp edge that can cut through

the skin especially can be effective when you cut the radial artery which opponent can’t move

his hand, second item that he taught is umbrella, how to defend by using a carriable automatic

umbrella especially for the girls who always walked around so sir Encarnacion used the handle

to choke the opponent for him to unable to breathe so you can able to run the opponent and
lastly how to defend using book so sir Encarnacion used the edge of book to choke the

opponent and strike the back with it so the opponent cannot able to stand up and fight back.

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