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ATVB in Focus

Tobacco Related Cardiovascular Diseases in the 21st Century

Series Editor: Muredach P. Reilly

Mechanisms of Coronary Thrombosis in Cigarette

Smoke Exposure
Rajat S. Barua, John A. Ambrose

Abstract—Acute rupture or erosion of a coronary atheromatous plaque and subsequent coronary artery thrombosis cause the
majority of sudden cardiac deaths and myocardial infarctions. Cigarette smoking is a major risk factor for acute coronary
thrombosis. Indeed, a majority of sudden cardiac deaths attributable to acute thrombosis are in cigarette smokers. Both
active and passive cigarette smoke exposure seem to increase the risk of coronary thrombosis and myocardial infarctions.
Cigarette smoke exposure seems to alter the hemostatic process via multiple mechanisms, which include alteration of the
function of endothelial cells, platelets, fibrinogen, and coagulation factors. This creates an imbalance of antithrombotic/
prothrombotic factors and profibrinolytic/antifibrinolytic factors that support the initiation and propagation of
thrombosis.   (Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2013;33:1460-1467.)
Key Words: cigarette smoke exposure ◼ coronary thrombosis ◼ endothelial cells ◼ plasminogen activator
◼ von Willebrand factor

H emostasis is a process that maintains integrity of a cir-

culatory system after vascular injury and prevents the
sequelae of uncontrolled hemorrhage.1 This process regu-
in the first year after quitting.8 Furthermore, public smoking
bans in Helena, Montana and Boulder, Colorado, as well as in
Scotland and France, were associated with significant reduc-
lates the intravascular balance of antithrombotic/prothrom- tions in thrombotic cardiovascular events.9–12
botic factors and profibrinolytic/antifibrinolytic factors via In the following sections, we review the existing data
interrelated functions of endothelial cells (ECs), platelets, regarding the mechanisms of thrombosis in relation to CSE.
fibrinogen, and coagulation factors.1–4 Under normal physi- The Table and Figure 1 summarize the effects and potential
ological conditions, regulatory mechanisms contain thrombus mechanisms of thrombosis in relation to CSE.
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formation temporally and spatially. When these regulatory

mechanisms of hemostasis are overwhelmed by pathologi- Smoking, Endothelium, and Thrombosis
cal processes, excessive quantities of thrombin form initiat- ECs play a pivotal role in vascular homeostasis by maintain-
ing pathological thrombosis. When a vessel wall is injured or ing a delicate balance between vasodilating (NO, prostacyclin
when there is a rupture/erosion of an atheromatous plaque, [PGI2]) and vasoconstricting (endothelin-1) factors, thrombotic
collagen and tissue factor (TF) become exposed to the flowing (TF) and antithrombotic (TF pathway inhibitor-1 [TFPI-1]
blood. Exposed collagen triggers the accumulation and activa- and thrombin activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor) factors, as
tion of platelets, whereas exposed TF initiates the generation well as fibrinolytic (tissue-plasminogen activator [t-PA]) and
of thrombin, which not only converts fibrinogen to fibrin but antifibrinolytic factors (plasminogen activator inhibitor-1
also activates platelets. All these initiate the formation of an [PAI-1]).7,13,14 EC dysfunction precedes the thrombotic modi-
intravascular thrombus.1–6 fication of an atherosclerotic plaque.7
Cigarette smoking (CS) is a major risk factor for acute cor- Two EC-derived vasodilatory molecules, NO and PGI2,
onary thrombosis leading to myocardial infarction and sud- also have direct antithrombogenic effects because they inhibit
den cardiac death.7 Cigarette smoke exposure (CSE) seems to platelet activation and aggregation by a cGMP-dependent
alter the balance of antithrombotic/prothrombotic factors and mechanism.13–15 We have demonstrated that exposure to active
profibrinolytic/antifibrinolytic factors by affecting the func- smokers’ sera decreased NO availability from both human
tions of ECs, platelets, fibrinogen, and coagulation factors.7 umbilical vein ECs (HUVECs) and human coronary artery
A meta-analysis of 20 studies showed a 36% reduction in ECs, by altering the expression and activity of the endothelial
the crude relative risk of mortality for patients with coronary NO synthase enzyme.16,17 Similarly, using cigarette smoke
heart disease who quit smoking compared with those who extract or isolated components, such as nicotine, multiple
continued smoking. Smoking cessation also leads to an expo- studies have found that CS was associated with decreased NO
nential reduction in acute cardiovascular events, particularly availability.18,19 It is proposed that decreases in EC-derived

Received on September 21, 2012; final version accepted on: December 26, 2012.
From the Department of Medicine, Division of Cardiology, University of Kansas School of Medicine, KS and Division of Cardiology, Kansas City Veterans
Affairs Medical Center, MO (R.S.B.); and Department of Medicine, Division of Cardiology, University of California San Francisco, Fresno, CA (J.A.A.).
Correspondence to John A. Ambrose, Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, University of California San Francisco, 2823 N Fresno St, Fresno, CA
93721. E-mail
© 2013 American Heart Association, Inc.
Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol is available at DOI: 10.1161/ATVBAHA.112.300154

Barua and Ambrose­­   Coronary Thrombosis in Cigarette Smoke Exposure   1461

Table.  Effect of Cigarette Smoking Exposure on Various Components of Hemostasis and Thrombosis
Mechanisms (Based on Combination of In
Active Cigarette Exposure Passive Cigarette Exposure Vitro and In Vivo Studies)
Endothelial cells Decreased NO and PGI2 availability. Alteration in balance Decreased NO availability Oxidative stress
of EC-derived TF, TFPI, t-PA, PAI-1
Inflammatory effect Increased adhesion molecules, CRP, IL-6, TNF, Increased adhesion molecules, CRP, IL- Inflammatory genes activation
homocysteine 6, TNF, homocysteine
Platelets Increased aggregation and activation Increased aggregation and activation Oxidative stress and reduced NO
Procoagulant effects Decreased TFPI release; increased TF level, TF- Increased circulating TF-microparticles Oxidative stress and reduced NO
microparticles and fibrinogen and fibrinogen availability
Antifibrinolytic effect Decreased stimulated t-PA release; alteration of t-PA/ Change in fibrin architecture Oxidative stress and reduced NO
PAI-1 molar ratio; change in fibrin architecture availability
CRP indicates C-reactive protein; EC, endothelial cell; IL-6, interleukin-6; PAI-1, plasminogen activator inhibitor; PGI2, prostacyclin; TNF, tumor necrosis factor; t-PA,
tissue-plasminogen activator; TF, tissue factor; and TFPI, tissue factor pathway inhibitor.

NO occur via 2 mechanisms. First, cigarette smoke contains HUVECs isolated from mothers who smoke have also been
high level of free radicals, and the scavenging activity of shown to produce less PGI2 in vitro.24
cigarette smoke–derived free radicals leads to reduced The endothelium is a major source of both thrombotic
NO bioavailability.17,20,21 Second, altered endothelial NO (TF) and antithrombotic (TFPI-1) factors, as well as fibri-
synthase protein and its activity also decrease NO availability nolytic (t-PA) and antifibrinolytic factors (PAI-1).2,4,7,13 We
in relation to cigarette smoker exposure.16,17,19 Not only is and others have demonstrated that CSE causes an imbalance
NO a vasoregulatory molecule but also it helps regulate in EC-derived antithrombotic and fibrinolytic factors, thus
inflammation, leukocyte adhesion, platelet activation, and contributing to the generation of a prothrombogenic milieu
thrombosis.13,14 Therefore, an alteration in NO biosynthesis leading to an acute thrombotic event.7 Existing data regard-
would cause both primary and secondary effects on the ing these are discussed in more detail in a later section of
initiation and progression of thrombotic events. this article.
Similarly, PGI2 is also affected by CS. It was reported that
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aortas from rats that were chronically exposed to cigarette Smoking, Plaque Vulnerability, and
smoke showed a reduction in PGI2 production.21 Reinders Thrombosis
et al22 showed that incubation of cultured HUVECs with ciga- An atherosclerotic plaque may remain silent and stable
rette smoke condensate impaired the basal and stimulated for a long period of time.25,26 The vulnerability of a plaque
(phorbol myristate acetate) production of PGI2. Ahlsten et for rupture depends on its lipid composition, fibrous cap,
al23 reported that maternal smoking significantly decreased degradation of extracellular matrix proteins, recruitment of
PGI2 production in umbilical arteries from newborn infants. inflammatory cells, and intraplaque hemorrhage.26 It was

Figure 1. Potential pathways and mecha-

nisms for cigarette smoking–mediated
thrombogenesis. The flow diagram repre-
sents the probable central mechanisms in
the complex pathophysiology of cigarette
smoking–mediated thrombogenesis.
PAI-1 indicates plasminogen activator
inhibitor; t-PA, tissue-plasminogen acti-
vator; and vWF, von Willebrand factor.
1462   Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol   July 2013

found that smokers have a higher extracellular lipid content in endothelium and is independent of vWF and glycoprotein
their plaques.27 CSE has also been reported to downregulate a VI.5,47 TF derived from the vessel wall or present in flowing
key enzyme, n-prolyl-4-hydroxylase, in arterial wall collagen blood initiates a proteolytic cascade that generates thrombin.48
metabolism, which could contribute to development of a Thrombin cleaves and activates protease-activated receptors
thin fibrous cap in the atherosclerotic plaques of smokers.28 on the surface of platelets. Protease-activated receptor-1 and
Matrix metalloproteinases, which are involved in degradation -4 are particularly important for platelet activation. Once
of extracellular matrix proteins in plaque, were shown to activated, platelets further stimulate thrombus formation and
have increased expression and activity in relation to CSE.29 recruit additional platelets by releasing ADP and serotonin,
Similarly, CSE or components of CS were suggested producing thromboxane A2 and amplifying the signals for
to increase intraplaque inflammation and intraplaque thrombus formation.5,46,47 CSE seems to activate platelets by
neovascularization.30–33 Intraplaque inflammation and both pathways.
intraplaque neovascularization lead to intraplaque hemorrhage Platelets isolated from smokers exhibited an increased
and subsequent necrotic core enlargement.26 Furthermore, stimulated and spontaneous aggregation.49 Platelet α-granule
CSE was found to cause an increased sympathetic activity constituents, such as platelet factor-4, β-thromboglobulin, and
leading to a rise in blood pressure, pulse rate, and vasospasm, platelet activating factor, are increased in the plasma of smok-
which might create a high-mechanical stress zone near a ers, suggesting increased platelet activation.50–52 Using a mod-
vulnerable plaque.34 All these together are likely to cause ified prothrombinase method, Rubenstein et al53 compared
plaque instability that contributes toward plaque rupture. Once the effects of sidestream and mainstream smoke on platelet
plaque rupture has occurred, its progression to pathological function. Interestingly, the impact of sidestream smoke was
thrombosis depends on the local balance of platelet activation, as pronounced as that of mainstream smoke. Our group, using
antithrombotic/prothrombotic factors, and profibrinolytic/ thromboelastography, demonstrated that acute CSE was asso-
antifibrinolytic factors. Plaque erosion, the other major ciated with functional changes in platelets and these changes
mechanism for coronary thrombosis leading to myocardial affected the dynamics of clot formation. These clots were
infarction, is highly dependent on prothrombotic forces and is more resistant to thrombolysis as compared with clots of non-
increased in cigarette smokers.35,36 smokers.54,55 Smokers also have higher P2Y12 expression in
platelet lysates than nonsmokers.56
Smoking, Proinflammatory Effects, and Platelet activation and recruitment are partly regulated by
Thrombosis products of the endothelium, including PGI2 and NO.14,15 NO
Thrombosis and inflammation are interrelated and mutually inhibits platelet adhesion and aggregation; loss of platelet-
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reinforcing processes. Thrombosis is proinflammatory, and derived NO promotes platelet recruitment.57 Furthermore, NO
inflammation promotes thrombosis. These processes involve insufficiency combined with increased reactive oxygen species
inflammatory mediators (eg, tumor necrosis factor-α and cause an increase in intracellular calcium levels in platelets.
CD40 ligand), expression of adhesion molecules on ECs, Increased intracellular levels of calcium induce cytoskeletal
platelets, and monocytes.2–4 An inflammatory response is also rearrangement, trigger α and dense granule release, and pro-
involved in TF expression on monocytes and the activated mote platelet activation. We and others have demonstrated that
endothelium, as well as activation of circulating TF-bearing EC-derived NO, as well as platelet-derived NO, is decreased
microparticles.7,37,38 In humans, chronic CSE was found to in relation to CSE.16–19,58–60 Impaired NO bioavailability also
be associated with increased levels of multiple inflammatory causes secretion of thromboxane A2 from the platelets, which
markers, including peripheral leukocytosis, C-reactive protein, consequently activates additional platelets.14,15,57 These acti-
homocysteine, interleukin-6, and tumor necrosis factor-α.39–42 vated platelets show conformational changes in their cell
Studies have demonstrated that exposure of HUVECs to surface integrin (glycoprotein IIb-IIIa [GP IIb-IIIa]) receptor
cigarette smoke condensate resulted in increased nuclear fac- that result in heightened affinity for its ligands (fibrinogen and
tor κB DNA binding activity, increased surface expression vWF). Fibrinogen, vWF, and GP IIb-IIIa receptors cross-link
of intercellular adhesion molecule-1, vascular cell adhesion these activated platelets, leading to platelet aggregation.14,15,57
molecule-1, and platelet EC adhesion molecule-1.43–45 von CSE by affecting the levels of vWF and of fibrinogen contrib-
Willebrand factor (vWF) is contained in EC Weibel–Palade ute to increased cross-linking of platelets, which will further
bodies and is an important ligand of platelet binding. Multiple enhance the strength of a thrombus.7,39,54,55
studies have demonstrated an increased level of circulating
vWF in smokers.41 Smoking, TF, and Thrombosis
TF is proposed to be a major initiator of thrombin generation
Smoking, Platelet Activation, and Thrombosis and fibrin formation.6 TF is constitutively expressed on
During the process of thrombus formation, 2 distinct path- fibroblasts and pericytes in the adventitia and medial
ways acting in parallel or separately can activate platelets.5 In smooth muscle cells of the vessel wall. Its expression on
the first pathway, exposure of subendothelial collagen initi- monocytes and ECs can be induced by various stimuli.6,61 TF
ates platelet activation. The interactions of platelet glycopro- is also present in circulating blood in association with micro
tein VI with the collagen of the exposed vessel wall and of particles. These vesicular structures (microparticles), which
platelet glycoprotein Ib-V-IX with collagen-bound vWF result are <1000 nm in diameter, are derived from leukocytes,
in adhesion of platelets to the site of injury.46 In the second platelets, ECs, smooth muscle cells, and monocytes.5,62–64
pathway, platelet activation does not require disruption of the Microparticle-associated TF is thought to exist in a latent
Barua and Ambrose­­   Coronary Thrombosis in Cigarette Smoke Exposure   1463

(or encrypted) form that lacks coagulant activity.5,63 Currently,

it is unclear how microparticle-associated TF becomes active.
It has been hypothesized that activated platelets and ECs
secrete protein disulfide isomerase, and this enzyme converts
the inactive microparticle-associated TF to its active form.62–65
CS seems to affect TF expression and activation in cells, as
well as in the circulation. Atherosclerotic plaques isolated
from ApoE−/− mice exposed to nonfiltered research cigarettes
showed an increased TF immunoreactivity and an increase in
TF activity.66 In smokers, 2 hours after smoking 2 cigarettes,
an increase in circulating TF activity has also been reported
in human plasma.67 In vitro, HUVECs exposed to serum from
chronic smokers showed a relatively higher increase in TF level
after 12 hours.68 However, it was not statistically significant.68
In the same cell culture supernatant, there was a significant
decrease in EC-derived TFPI-1 secretion in the smoking
group..68 TFPI-1 is a potent regulator of TF factor VIIa-
dependent activation of the TF pathway. In the same study, EC
culture supernatant in smokers group had a relative increase of Figure 2.  Electron microscopic image of fibrin clots from a
the TF/TFPI-1 ratio, and this alteration conceivably denoted an smoker (A and B, pre- and postsmoking samples from the same
increase in thrombotic potential. Additionally, TFPI-1 showed subject) at 20K magnification.
a significant positive correlation with NO.68. This suggested that
the prothrombotic alteration in TF/TFPI-1 could be partially All these suggest that endogenous fibrinolytic activity is impaired
mediated by decreased NO bioavailability. Similarly, an in smokers.
increase in TF-containing microparticles in the circulation was
reported in multiple studies in relation to CSE.5,67,69 Smoking, Oxidative Stress, and Thrombosis
Cigarette smoke contains >4000 identified and >100 000
Smoking, Fibrinogen, and Thrombosis unidentified components, of which only a few components
Fibrinogen, a bivalent molecule, augments platelet aggre- have been examined in isolation, such as carbon monoxide
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gation by linking GPIIb/IIIa receptors between activated (CO), nicotine, and particulate matter.7,75 An earlier study
platelets. The structural support of a thrombus is provided suggested that CO could be responsible for smoking-related
by a matrix of cross-linked fibrin.70 Dotevall et al71 found that atherothrombotic events.7,75 However, more recent data suggest
plasma fibrinogen levels were significantly higher among that CO from cigarette smoke has been shown to exhibit
smokers. Factor XIII covalently cross-links and stabilizes antithrombotic properties.7,76 Nicotine is the only known
fibrin clots. It was reported that factor XIII A-subunit levels addictive substance in cigarette smoke, and it is also its most
were significantly increased in smokers.72 Our group, using studied component.7,75 Although the role of nicotine in the
thromboelastography, demonstrated that acute CS was asso- hemodynamic effects of smoking is well accepted, its effect
ciated with functional changes in fibrin, which increased
on thrombohemostatic factors, such as platelets, fibrinogen,
the kinetics of clot formation, the rapidity of fibrin build-
t-PA, or PAI-1, seems to be small and probably plays only a
up, and clot strength.54,55 In the same study by using electron
minor role in atherothrombotic events directly.7,75 Current data
microscopy, we found these effects were partly mediated by
suggest that particulate matter contributes to atherothrombotic
changes in fibrin clot architecture. CS was associated with
events by increasing the inflammatory response and oxidative
thinner and denser fibrin fibers that were resistant to throm-
stress.75,77 Regardless of the components of CS, current
bolysis (Figure 2).54,55
A timely dissolution of the fibrin matrix is essential to inhibit available data suggest that free radical–mediated oxidative
pathological propagation of a thrombus. The lysis of fibrin is stress and the loss of the protective effect of NO are the
mediated by plasmin. Plasminogen is activated to plasmin by key steps in the prothrombogenic modification of the ECs,
t-PA.68 On the contrary, t-PA is inhibited by PAI-1.68 Smokers platelets, fibrin, and prothrombogenic factors in the vessel
have higher PAI-1, which correlated with the estimated pack- wall, as well as in the circulation.,7,16,17,20 These 2 processes are
years of cigarettes smoked.73 It has been suggested that the interrelated. In a setting of CSE, free radicals could potentially
t-PA/PAI-1 molar ratio is a useful indicator of fibrinolytic bal- arise from the following: (1) cigarette smoke directly, (2)
ance.68 Newby et al74 have shown that, in smokers, substance circulating or in situ-activated macrophages and neutrophils,
P–stimulated t-PA antigen and activity are decreased with no and (3) endogenous sources of reactive oxygen species, such
change in PAI-1 antigen or activity in both the peripheral and as uncoupled endothelial NO synthase, xanthine oxidase, and
coronary circulation.7 Using HUVECs and smokers serum, we the mitochondrial electron transport chain. A reaction between
demonstrated that substance P–stimulated t-PA release was free radicals, such as superoxide and NO, not only decreases
decreased in smokers with no change in basal and stimulated NO availability but also generates peroxynitrite, which
PAI-1 antigen. Additionally, basal t-PA production and t-PA/ further potentiates the oxidative stress. Increased oxidative
PAI-1 molar ratio were also significantly reduced in smokers.68 stress with the loss of the protective effect of NO tips the
1464   Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol   July 2013

cellular and intravascular balance toward a prothrombogenic in smokers may be more fibrin-rich and, therefore, more ame-
milieu.7,16,17,20,75,76 Indeed, in various experimental models, nable to fibrinolytic therapy.90,91 However, in an experimental
antioxidants or agents that reduced the oxidative stress study, our group demonstrated that clots from smokers were
or increased NO availability have been shown to either significantly more resistant to lysis when exposed to t-PA
improve or reverse the proinflammatory and prothrombotic compared with nonsmokers. This seems to contradict this
characteristics associated with CS.17,78–81 hypothesis.55
As for the increased effectiveness of clopidogrel in
Passive Smoking and Thrombosis smokers, CS is a known inducer of cytochrome P450 1A2
Like active CS, passive smoke exposure is also associated with (CYP1A2), and its activity increases relative to the number
an increase in the incidence of myocardial infarction.82,83 The of cigarettes smoked per day.95 CYP1A2 is the predominant
risk of death attributable to cardiovascular disease increases isoenzyme responsible for the first of the 2 oxidative steps
by 30% in nonsmokers who live together with smokers. It is required for clopidogrel to be metabolized into its active
estimated that >50 000 deaths annually from ischemic heart metabolite. However, contradictory data exist and, addition-
disease are associated with passive smoking.82,83 A meta-anal- ally, a smoking paradox was not demonstrated in trials with
ysis of large cohort studies showed that, in active smokers, the newer antiplatelet agents, such as prasugrel (Trial to Assess
risk for ischemic heart disease with 5 cigarettes per day was Improvement in Therapeutic Outcomes by Optimizing
not a quarter but about half that associated with 20 cigarettes Platelet Inhibition with Prasugrel [TRITON]-TIMI 38) and
per day.84 More importantly, it has been estimated that with ticagrelor (Platelet Inhibition and Patient Outcomes [PLATO]
environmental smoke exposure, even though the exposure to trials).96,97 Furthermore, other studies proposed that smokers
tobacco smoke was <1% of the exposure from smoking 20 have a lower mortality after myocardial infarction because of
cigarettes per day, the excess risk for ischemic heart disease their younger age and lower rates of other coexisting cardio-
was ≈33% of that experienced by a person who smoked 20 vascular risk factors compared with nonsmokers.98,99
cigarettes per day.85,86
All these epidemiological data suggest a nonlinear dose– Future Direction
response relationship in the intensity of exposure to passive Although CS is very hazardous, not all smokers seem to be
smoking.85 These findings are consistent with experimental affected similarly from their addiction.100 For example, 50%
data showing a nonlinear effect on platelet activation and of lifelong smokers die prematurely from smoking-related
aggregation.82,86–88 Public smoking bans in multiple coun- diseases, but the other 50% do not.100 The sources of vari-
tries were associated with rapid and significant reductions
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ability are partly attributable to the presence of other risk fac-

in thrombotic cardiovascular events.9–11 In a study in France, tors and partly attributable to genetic predisposition. It was
it was reported that smoke-free legislation led to a 40% reported that there is a differential effect of smoking on cyto-
reduction in fibrin-rich clot stiffness coupled with a drop chrome P450 system polymorphism.100,101 Current smokers
in clotting time and fiber density among exposed subjects. and ex-smokers with uncommon endothelial NO synthase 4a
This change in fibrin structure led to a 22% reduction in the gene polymorphism have been reported to have severe coro-
clot lysis-time.12 These results were similar to the change nary stenosis.101 Several studies have reported that smokers
in fibrin architecture seen by our group in relation to active with the A-455 allele (G-455A b-fibrinogen gene promoter
smoking.54,55 Similarly vWF, TF-containing microparticles, polymorphism) experienced a greater rise in fibrinogen than
fibrinogen, and inflammatory markers were reported to be those lacking this allele.102 Similarly, the presence of the gly-
elevated in passive smokers.82–89 coprotein IIIa P1(A2) polymorphisms are associated with
increased risk of acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction
Smoker’s Paradox in smokers.103 Polymorphisms of factor XIII genes are also
Although thrombosis is the main mechanism for smoking- reported to affect fibrin architecture and fibrinolysis.55 The
related cardiovascular mortality, in a seemingly contradic- combination of the FXIII L34-allele and nonsmoking status
tory observation, it has been reported that there is a reduced increased the risk of nonreperfusion and worse outcomes.55
mortality for smokers with ST-elevation myocardial infarc- The mechanisms of gene CSE interactions in atherothrom-
tion, and it was proposed that based on higher thrombolysis in botic disease have not been well studied. Future focus stud-
myocardial infarction-3 (TIMI-3) flow after t-PA, thromboly- ies examining the interaction between CSE and these genetic
sis was enhanced in smokers.90,91 Furthermore, post hoc anal- variations will be needed to further understand the differen-
yses of pivotal clinical trials (Clopidogrel for the Reduction tial effect of genetic polymorphisms in CSE-related athero-
of Events During Observation [CREDO], Clopidogrel for thrombotic diseases, which will potentially allow improved
High Atherothrombotic Risk and Ischemic Stabilization, targeted therapies in these individuals.
Management and Avoidance [CHARISMA], Clopidogrel Biomarkers can be used as indicators for certain
as Adjunctive Reperfusion Therapy [CLARITY]-TIMI 28), biological states, pathogenetic processes, or responses to
comparing dual antiplatelet therapy consisting of aspirin and pharmacological treatments. An ideal biomarker would show
clopidogrel versus aspirin alone, showed that clopidogrel ther- a dose–response relationship with smoking and a change with
apy may be more effective in current smokers compared with cessation or reduced exposure. So far, no existing biomarkers
nonsmokers.92–94 These findings have been suggested to reflect have been demonstrated to be predictive of smoking-related
a smoker’s paradox. One of the hypotheses is that thrombus atherothrombotic disease, which highlights a need for research
Barua and Ambrose­­   Coronary Thrombosis in Cigarette Smoke Exposure   1465

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