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Amplified Tachyon Mirror Body Deflector

Any thoughts or intentions from people or wants to control you shall be deflected

and amplified upon their return from whence they came.

Any healing intentions that simply are not in your highest joyful good shall be

deflected and transmuted for Earth. (For example a frequency you are not ready

for or energies that although well meant, might cause unbalance within you.)

Amplified Tachyon Mirror Body Deflector works:

Everywhere and everywhen any part, aspect, speck, imprint, memory, thought,

consciousness, footprint or projection of you is or shall be

For example, it works:

Any time
Any place
Any space
Any Incarnation
Between spaces
Between incarnations
Inner planes
Outer realities
At any level
During sleep
During training
During work
During visits

There are many ways that those who are upset at us or want to control us or do us

real harm can get in or set up programs for us to bump into.

You are worth protecting.

Now there is an easy way.
Enjoy your spiritual safety.
Blessings to you along your path, Mariah Windsong Couture
December 1st, 2009 ~All rights reserved

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