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Words in caps to be chanted.

To remember to pack everything needed for the trip:

CRYSTAL-CARE-REACH-all that I need to take.

For the trip to be on time, smooth and ease with baggage etc.:

To ease stressful time during a trip:


To have DIVINE make adjustments TOGETHER (Master Switchowrd) right now:


To keep luggage intact and prevent it from being lost or stolen:

DIVINE-GUARD-LIMIT (Write on luggage inside or outside)

To find luggage easily on your arrival at destination:


Miscellaneous Flying Tips:

for dread (fear of flying):

Abstain from Alcohol during the flight.
Get up every 2 hours, stretch your legs, use the bathroom etc.
Set your watch to the correct time for the time zone of your destination about
halfway through
the flight.
Remember to wear your violet bracelets (keep negative energy from affecting you).
Omega 3 to be taken for sure (for brain and joints)
Vitamin C (keep immune system healthy)


Drink lots of water. (8 ounces of water for each hour you spend in the air)
Cider Vinegar, one teaspoon, taken in water on the flight helps keep the blood
Epsom Salts Bath taken upon arrival at destination.....soak in a bath of Epsom
Salts (a cupful) for 20 minutes.......this helps take the toxins from the body.


Take with you the following essential oils:


While flying put a drop or two of Lavender on a wet washcloth and wipe your
and temples. This eases flying flitters and gets rid of that keyed-up feeling.

Once you are off the plane and settled in banish exhaustion with a soothing bath.
Add 10
to 15 drops of Geranium oil as the water is running. Geranium is an adrenal
and will help you get your second wind.

Finally, banish drowsiness by inhaling an invigorating scent such as rosemary. Put

single drop on a tissue and inhale whenever you need an energy boost.


Avoid VATA increasing foods such as bitters.

Sweets help.
Do not mix raw food with cooked food.

Chant LOVE-GUARD when you eat Airline food (for love and protection).

Four-Way Ear Pull:

To open eustachian tubes:

Pull both earlobes firmly down, hold this position and:

1. Inhale deeply & exhale deeply

2. Inhale deeply & yawn
3. Inhale deeply & gently move jaw back & forth a few times (right & left)
Pull both ear wings firmly away from head, hold this position and:

1. Inhale deeply & exhale deeply

2. Inhale deeply & yawn
3. Inhale deeply & gently move jaw back & forth a few times (right & left)
To open sinus cavities:

Insert index finger in wing of ears near the top and push in and pull ears up and:

1. Inhale deeply & exhale deeply

2. Inhale deeply & yawn
3. Inhale deeply & gently move jaw back & forth a few times (right & left)
To adjust pain in jaw and/or hip:

Insert index fingers in ear canal with fingertips toward nose and push firmly
toward face

1. Inhale deeply & exhale deeply

2. Inhale deeply & yawn
3. Inhale deeply & gently move jaw back & forth a few times (right & left)
Help open ear blockage/flying ear pain:


Defusing word:

Magickwords you can write on your body:

ADJUST (adjust to uncomfortable conditions)

POSTPONE-CHANGE (let go of pain)
HO-SLOW (relax, can help sleep)
FOREVER-BE (keep the secret of good health and peace with you)

Magickwords to overcome jet lag while flying over many time zones:


From Total Body Modification/Environmental Stress Management for Jet Lag:

Unless you will be sleeping shortly after arrival, as the plane is landing:

Rub the left Spleen 21 point for 20-30 seconds this point is about 3 inches down
from the armpit -at about the level of the nipple -in the mid-axillary line; press
around in that general area and find the point that is very tender...that is Spleen

Pull your ears away from your head for 20-30 seconds (pull both ears straight out,
moving your hands around the "wings" from top to bottom and then bottom to top
stopping to pull them at several points).
If you are going to sleep right away, wait until morning, then do the technique
getting out of bed.

If you are driving cross-country, you can do this technique upon arrival at your

This technique resets the biological clock to the current time zone.

Finger Position while doing the breath: (Mudra)

Thumb = God
Index finger = Me
Put them together = God & I are one
Hold the above Mudra in both hands and interlace the two like an infinity symbol.

Sit or stand erect with spine straight and head in aligned with spine.
If comfortable close eyes.

Procedure for breathing:

Step 1:
Inhale (Divine Energy) for (7) seven counts to energize every cell, tissue, blood
vessel, muscle, bone and atom of the whole body.

Step 2:
Hold the breath for seven (7) counts to allow the body to Rest Momentarily,
thereby, slowing down the metabolism and body chemistry� to regenerate the
cells, etc; and above all, to prevent �shock� to the system while making the
exchange with two powerful forces (inhalation and exhalation).

Step 3:
Exhale (Release of impurities, poisons, and blocks from the system for seven (7)

Step 4:

Hold the breath for seven (7) counts.

This is considered One round.
The process requires seven rounds.
Do this �HA� or Divine Breath while traveling every hour you are in the plane, and
will be refreshed and in that time zone when you get there.

Adjust your body thermostat when the environment is too hot or too cold:
Briskly your temples (sides of your head by your eyes) up and down for 20-30
seconds; with
eyes open for awake and closed for sleep time.

To help relieve cramping:

Write Mag Phos on the body

To help calm:

Write Kali Phos on the body

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