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Module 3 (week 3)

Prepared by: Mr. GOA. RC, MSCJ (CAR
At the end of this topic the students may be able to:
1. Identify the theory of Lie detection.
2. To know the recent development of Lie detection instrumentation.
TOPIC:                                                            THEORY OF LIE DETECTION     
i)                    It must be recognized that there is no such thing as an instrument that will
detect lies. The popular name, Lie Detector, given to a collection of certain medical
instruments, is somewhat misleading. No collection of inanimate objects including
the very finest and complicated modern computers, can detect lies on the part of any
human being.
ii)                  The students can understandably ask, “Well, what does this do called “lie
detector” do?” The answer to that question is that the lie detector records certain
physiological activities of the body. These activities are constantly in operation as
long as the person is alive. The student should be aware that the most common lie
detectors record a breathing pattern of inspiration and expiration, a continuous pattern
of relative blood pressure and pulse rate, and a pattern of electro dermal activity.
iii)                It is well known that the body adapts itself as efficiently as possible to its
environment. If the environment changes, the body will rapidly adjust itself to these
changes. This is done by a complicated system of internal checks and balance
primarily involving the autonomic nervous system. This ability to adjust is necessary
if the organism if the organism or body is to survive in a constantly changing world.
Those organisms that cannot adjust rapidly die out.
i)                    Since Mr. Trovillo’s article was written, there have been no great changes in
lie detector instrumentation.
ii)                  The consensus among lie detector operators is that present instrumentation is
adequate and any changes due must come in techniques of question formulation and
chart interpretation
iii)                Most people have tendency to relate lie detection strictly to police activities.
It is true that the police application have received the most publicity and the results
obtained have been most spectacular, however, it should be noted that lie detectors
are used by many modern hospitals abroad to aid in the study of mental conditions
and emotionality.
iv)                The most common of lie detection is in the field of business. Approximately
80% of lie detector examinations being conducted in the United States today are
related to the field of personal employment screening (job seekers), and employee
v)                  Obviously employers are interested in reducing their insidious drain of
company’s funds and inventory due to employees stealing of cash and property. The
lie detector is being used to reduce this drain by periodically screening employees. In
other words, helping honest people to stay honest.
vi)                As a rule, the results of a lie detector test are inadmissible as evidence.
However, if a lie detector subject confesses to the examiner during examination, this
confession can be admitted in court subject to the provisions of the rules of evidence.
vii)              Reasons why the results of a lie detector test are inadmissible as evidence:
(a)    Not standardized as to the qualifications of the examiner;
(b)   Not standardized as to the test procedure; and
(c)    Not standardized as to instrumentation.

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