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There are various ethnic groups in Sabah, one of which is the Suluk or Tausug which
originally existed in the Philippine archipelago, namely in Taguima from Basilan. Later, it
spread to 5 islands that were controlled by the Sulu Sultanate at that time such as Pulau
lupa Sug which is the Capital of Jolo, Tawi-tawi, including Zamboanga and Palawan. Finally,
the Sultanate of Sulu managed to get East Borneo, Sabah at present under the leadership of
Sultan Jamalulkiram II. From the Sultanate of Brunei for their services in overcoming the
rebellion in Brunei. 17 to Borneo and settled and engaged in agriculture and fisheries.

However, the Sulu sultanate was forced to retreat to the Philippines as their power was
threatened to cause them to lose power over the islands under their rule as a result of the
arrival of the Spanish colonizers in the 18th century to colonize the Philippines. Thus, before
the Sulu Sultanate retreated to the Philippines they had leased the land of East Borneo to
the British. Even so, a handful of Suluks remained in east Borneo and did not follow the Sulu
Sultanate when they retreated from Sabah. Therefore, the suluk race also developed from
one generation to the next until this writer.


Currently, it can be seen that the Suluk or Tausug language is increasingly

threatened and isolated by the people of Sabah, including this race itself. It can be seen by
the author himself that the suluk language is increasingly rarely heard or used by the suluk
people themselves when interacting with each other. In addition, the Suluks themselves use
the Malay language more when interacting with family, relatives, or friends as done by the
author. In addition, most of the generation of suluk children today do not know the suluk
language as a whole. For example, in terms of knowing the names of things and suluk songs
are less and less reverberating in the Semporna District unlike before. Therefore, the Suluk
language is believed to be on the verge of extinction due to its isolation by its people as well
as several emerging factors.


ThereSome factors affect the language status of the Suluks, among them is the
problem of the invasion of Filipinos who are Suluks or Tausugs to the state of Sabah in
2013. This is because the invaders considered that the British agreement with the Sulu
sultanate never existed, so the invaders wanted to reclaim. Their right to take over the
government of the state of Sabah from Malaysia. Causing the police to be killed during the
tragedy of shooting between the intruders and the PDRM. After that, various prejudices
arose among Malaysians, especially the people of Sabah as a whole, where the people of
Sabah considered all the Suluk communities, especially the Semporna part, to have
something to do with the arrival of intruders to Sabah. Since then, suluk citizens have felt
threatened and afraid to use their language again when in public to avoid
misunderstandings. In addition, authorities such as the police force, maritime police, and
EssCom are wary of the sulks who work as fishermen. Therefore, since the tragedy, the Zulu
language has become less and less used by the suluk when interacting with each other and
prefer to speak Bahasa Malaysia rather than using Suluk languages.

In addition, one of the factors that causes the suluk language to be increasingly
affected is because the Malay language culture has been inculcated among Suluk children
since they were small. This is done to familiarize them with the Malay language when they
are in the children's guidance center (TABIKA) and so that they are proficient in Malay
language subjects. Moreover, most of the suluk people are now married to the more
dominant races in the Semporna district as well as outside the Semporna district, for
example, the Bajau race, Dusun, Bugis, and other races. As a result, the dominant race is
more vulnerable and more preferred in communication by them as well as their children.
Therefore, the suluk language is increasingly threatened and increasingly forgotten, causing
some words from it to be forgotten and replaced with other words, which in turn gives rise
to the rojak language.


Efforts to overcome the problem of the extinction of the Suluk language must be
emphasized and done so that Malaysia, especially the state of Sabah, does not lose one of
its unique and valuable ethnic races. Therefore, the effort that needs to be done especially
by the authorities, namely the chief minister in Sabah, is to hold carnivals and festivals
related to the ethnic groups in Sabah widely and simultaneously throughout the state of
Sabah. For example, dance competitions, clothing displays, cooking competitions the
language and ethnicity, as well as various interesting activities, were held involving all
ethnicities as well as the entire population of Malaysia as well as foreign tourists. At the
same time, ethnic associations throughout the state make an assessment of their respective
roles as well as work closely with the government to raise the cultural heritage to the
appropriate level. Therefore, such activities should be held every year so that the ethnic
groups in Sabah can be promoted. Purified, preserved, and preserved so that the culture,
language, and arts of the various ethnic groups in Sabah are guaranteed for future

In addition, efforts to avoid the status of suluk of Tausug language being affected is
to encourage the use of suluk language among suluk people when they interact. This can be
done by asking for help from the District Head or JKK to deliver instructions to encourage
the Suluk people. In addition, parents who are suluk should now practice the use of suluk
language when interacting with children while at home. suluk in terms of grammar as well
as much more. With this, the status of the suluk language is guaranteed and not affected or
swallowed by time.

Zubaidi (Sunday, 13 March 2011) usaha menengani kepupusan bahasa .

retrieved from akhbar harian Utusan Borneo :

Cikgu Mohammadia (Khamis, 2 Mei 2019) Sejarah dan perkembangan etnik Suluk di Sabah.

Retieved from Tausug dan Kesultanan Sulu. Kuala Lumpur: 2007

Rizuddin (Januari 2013) suku kaum suluk.


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