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4 (week 5)
Prepared by: Mr. GOA. RC, MSCJ (CAR
At the end of this topic the students may be able to:
1. Discuss the meaning of polygraphy and polygraph.
2.  Identify on the objective of polygraph examination.
1.      What is Polygraphy?
It is the scientific method of detecting deception with the use of a polygraph instrument. This is
the new name of LIE DETECTION.
2.      What is Polygraph?
It is a scientific diagnostic instrument used to record physiological changes in the blood pressure,
pulse rate, respiration and skin resistance of an examinee under controlled condition.
3.      What is Lie Detector?
It is the popular but misleading name of the Polygraph. In Greek, Polygraph means “many
writings” and the instrument was so named because it make various ink recordings of a person’s
body functions.
4.      Other name of the Polygraph?
It is also called “Truth Verifier” since statistics show that is the vast majority of the instances
the instrument verifies an innocent person’s truthfulness.
5.      Concepts of Polygraph Examination.
a)      Used to test an individual for the purpose of detecting deception or verify the truth of
b)      Records identifiable physiological reactions of the subject, such as; blood pressure,
pulse rate, respiration and skin resistance.
c)      The effectiveness of the polygraph in recording symptoms of deceptions is based on
the theory that a conscious mental effort on the part of a normal person to deceive causes
involuntary physiological changes that are in effect a body’s reaction to an imminent
danger to its well-being.
6.      Objective of a polygraph examination.
a)      Obtain additional investigation leads to the facts of the case/offenses.
b)      Ascertain if a person is telling the truth
c)      Locate the fruits or tools of the crime or whereabouts of wanted persons.
d)     Identify other persons involved.
e)      Obtain valuable information form reluctant witnesses
f)       Eliminate the innocent suspects.
7.      Principal uses of the polygraph
a)      Aid in investigation
b)      Speeds up processing of investigation
c)      Eliminates innocent suspects
d)     Pre-employment screening
e)      Honesty test (Periodic test)
Module 5 (week 6)
Prepared by: Mr. GOA. RC, MSCJ (CAR
At the end of this topic the students may be able to:
1.       Discuss the meaning of lie detection.
2.       Identify the kinds of lies, and types of liars.
TOPIC:                                                          Lie Detection
              In every criminal investigation, the truth must be established to ensure proper
prosecution of offenders.  Criminal investigators must exert all effort to determine lying not only
on the part of the suspect but as well as to everyone involved in the criminal act – witnesses,
victims, etc.
                In establishing the truth, criminal investigators apply various methods such as:
observation; mechanical lie detection; use of drugs that inhibits the “inhibitor”; hypnosis; and
LIE defined:
Ê  Any untruthful statement; Falsehood; Anything that deceives or creates false
Ê  To make untrue statements knowingly, especially with intent to deceive; To give an
erroneous or misleading impression;
LIE is synonymous to:
Ê  Deceit; deception; fabrication; falsehood; and untruth.
DETECTION defined:
Ê  The act of detecting, discovery, perceiving, finding, or uncovering something obscure.
1. BENIGN LIE OR WHITE LIE -  Used to maintain the harmony of friendship, harmony of the
home or office.
2. RED LIE -  Communist propaganda; Against the Government
3. MALICIOUS LIE - Chronic Lie;  To mislead justice
? It is one who lies in order to avoid the consequences of a confession
? He/She is afraid of embarrassment to loved ones and it is a serious blow to his / her ego.
? He/She believes that confession will just make the matter worse.
? Is someone laid for spare years?
? This person is a practical liar and lies when it has a higher “pay off” than telling the
? Loves to lie and is excited by the challenge of not being detected.
? This person views an interview as another contest and wants to win.
? This person realizes that he or she will probably be convicted but will not give anyone
the satisfaction of hearing him or she confesses.
? He wants that people will believe that the law is punishing an innocent person.
? The most difficult type.
? This person has no conscience.  He shows no regret for dishonestly and no
manifestation of guilt.
? Is one who is taught not to be a squealer?
*squealer – to cry or to shrill voice
? Used by underworld gangs in order for their members not to reveal any secret of their
? A person who cannot distinguish right from wrong (his mind is sick.)
? Is an insane person.
? A person who always pretends.
? (What he thinks of himself, what kind of person he is, and what he is.)
 MODULE 6 (week 7)
Forensic 5
By: Mr. Gilbert O. Acain, Ms Crim (CAR)
At the end of this topic the students may be able to:
1. Learned a different type of ordeal.
2. Identify the early detecting method of lies.
TOPIC:                                         ORDEAL
                      Historically, early human beings have their own way of determining lying or guilt
on the part of the accused and accuser.  Their common method is through the application of
ORDEAL defined:
  A severe test of character or endurance; a trying course of experience.
  A medieval form of judicial trial in which the accused was subjected to physical tests, as
carrying or walking over burning objects or immersing the hand in scalding water, the
result being considered a divine judgment of guilt or innocence.
  Is a term of varying meaning closely related in the Medieval Latin “Dei Indicum”
meaning “Miraculous decision?”
  Ancient method of trial in which the accused was exposed to physical danger which was
supposed to be harmless if he was innocent.
   “Hindu book of health and science” The earliest known reference of the methods for
detecting deception.
   Come before lie detection (seen through outside manifestation)
   Basis of the invention of the polygraph machine.
   Traditional way is not scientific.
Early Methods of Detecting Deception (Ordeal):
1.  Red hot iron ordeal
 Practiced on the hill tribe of Rajhmal in the North Bengal
 Accused placed his tongue to a red hot iron nine times (9) unless burned sooner.
 If burned, he is put to death.
 Not only that (licking the iron), he is also made to carry the metal into his hands.
 It is doubtful whether the ordeal is meant to determine the physiological changes
occurring in description for if this so, many false observations must have been made.
2.  Ordeal by balance
 Practiced in the Institute of Vishnu, India.
 Scale of balance is used.
 In one end of the scale, the accused is placed in the other end, a counter balance.
 The person will step out of the scale and listen to a judge deliver an extortion is the
balance and her back in.  If he were found to be lighter than before then he should be
3.  Boiling water ordeal
Used in modern Africa.
 The method is that the subject will plunge their right arms into the boiling pot to the
elbow and step into the other side of the fire.  All are told to undergo the test without a
 And when all are finished, they are told to return at the same time the next afternoon.
 The one who by that time had lost some or showed blisters would prove the thief (Point
out who is the one who steals among his tribe mates).
4.  Ordeal by rice chewing
Practiced by Indians
 It is formed with a kind of rice called sathee, prepared with various incantations.
 The person on trial eats, with his face to the hand then spits upon an eyeful leaf.
 If the saliva is mixed with blood or the corner of his mouth swells or he trembles, he is
declared a liar.
5.  Ordeal of the red water
? Used in a wide region of Eastern Africa.
? The ordeal of the “sassy bark” or red water is used.
? The accused is made to fast for twelve hours.
? They swallow a small amount of rice.
? Then he will be imbibed in dark colored water.
? This water is actually an emetic and if the suspects ejects all the rice, he is considered
innocent of the chare, Otherwise, the accused is guilty/.
Combination of Drinks and Food Ordeal
? The accused first fasted for 12 hours and the given small amount of rice to ear followed
by a large amount of black colored water.
? If the concoction was vomited, the accused was pronounced innocent; Otherwise,
? And practiced by “West African Regions”
6.  Trial by Combat
? A fight between the accuser and the accused, whoever lost the battle will be the
adjudged guilty.
? Originated from India and one of the examples of this: a rich man or accuser could hire
somebody or bigger one to fight the accused. After the fight the loser is adjudged guilty
of crime.
7.  Trial by Torture
? The accused was put into a severe physical test.
8.  Drinking Ordeal
? The accused was given a decoration to drink by a priest – if innocent; no harm befalls
him, but if guilty, will die.
? Practiced in:
a. Nigeria
                                b. Brahamic India
                                c. India
9.  Eating Ordeal of Corsnead
? Involves partaking of food.
? Accused was given dry rice to swallow.
? Practiced in:
a. China
                            b. Alexandria,  Egypt
10.  Trial of the Eucharist
? This trial is reserved for the clergy, and administered with pomp and ceremony.
? If the accused was guilty, the Angel Gabriel will descend from heaven and prevent the
accused from swallowing the food given to him.
? Practiced in European countries.
11.  Ordeal of the Bier
? The corpse was brought on a bier of boughs after which the natives would ask the
corpse if it had been bewitched.
? If the victim died by witchcraft, the bier was supposed to know more and if the sorcerer
show killed him was present, the corpse would touch him.
? Practiced in Australian and European Countries.
12.  Ordeal by heat and fire
? The accused was compelled to walk bare footed through a fire; if he remains unhurt
then he is innocent.
? Practiced in a.  East Germany - b. Early Scandinavian Countries - c. Early England
13.  Ordeal of Boiling Oil or Water
? The accused was forced to dip his hands into the boiling water or oil and ask to pick up
stones in it.
? If he remains unhurt then he is innocent.
? Practiced in Asian Countries.
14.  Ordeal of Red hot Needle
? Red hot needle was drawn through the lips of the accused, if innocent; no blood will be
seen flowing out.
? Practiced in Wanaka, East Africa.
15.  Ordeal of the Tiger
? Accuser and accused were placed together in the same and a tiger set loose upon them.
? If both were spared, further elimination followed.
? With such means of redress, there were probably not very many plaintiffs.
? Practical in Siam.
16.  Ordeal by Combat
? Accuser and accused report to a duel where the winner was adjudged innocent.
? Those not proficient in weapons and those who could not afford to do so could hire
champions in the field to do the fighting for them.
? This type of ordeal is vividly dramatized in the movie “Ivanhoe” based on the novel of
the same title (became the only legal ordeal)
? Practiced in England, time of “King Henry III”.
17.  Test of the Cross ordeal
? The accuser and accused each were made to stand with arms crossed on their breasts.
? The one who endured the longest was deemed to have told the truth, the other, is the
? Practiced in Europe.
18.  Donkey’s Tail Ordeal
? Psychological theory, the donkey is placed in one room alone and observes it, and if the
donkey cried is judged guilty of crimes, because deep inside and conscience he is guilty.


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