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Yllana Bay View College

Balangasan District Pagadian City

“The Builder of Future Leaders”
First Preliminary Examination in CDI 7 (Drug Education and Vice Control)
Prepared by: Ma’am Criseljosa W. Lacapag, RC
1. Answer the given questions below.
2.  Use a Long bond paper.
3. Answers should be made in handwritten form. (MAKE SURE THAT YOUR
4. Make sure to indicate your full name (family name first), your course, year level,
block, permit number and your subject at the top of your answer sheet.
7. Just wait for the go signal from your instructor for the schedule of the submission.  Do
not submit ahead of time.
8. Good luck, God bless, and be safe.
Test I. Multiple Choice
1. It refers to any abuse that may alter reality and give stimulation, relaxation or relief and it
may result in impairment on the abuser.
1. Substance abuse        b. Abuse        c. Psychoactive drugs                d. drugs
2. It is an early evidence in Mesopotamian writings and it was used 4000 years ago.
1. Opium                b. heroin        c. morphine                        d. codeine
3. It is the earliest recorded law in the old world where it prohibits the use of alcohol.
1. Christian Law                b. Islamic Law                c. Sharia Law                d. both B and C
4. In what year was fiat Pope Innocent VIII banned the use of cannabis.
1. 1484                        b. 1494                c. 1448                        d. 1384
5. Who stipulates that beer may only contain water, barley and hops?
1. Reinheitsgebot        b. Reinsheitsgebot        c. Reinhietsgebot        d. Rienheitsgebot
6. In the late Qing Imperial of China, what substances were imported by the British East India
1. Opium                b. heroin                c. morphine                d. codeine
7. Who declared the first opium war against China?
1. Britain                b. British        c. America                        d. India
8. What country inherited the opium monopoly in the Philippines?
1. Britain                b. British        c. America                        d. India
9.  What substance was prohibited in the first part of the 20th century?
1. Cocaine                b. Codeine        c. Coke                        d. Cannabis
10. In what year does the prohibition of alcohol commence in Finland?
1. 1919                        b. 1920        c. 1991                                d. 1902
11. In what year does the prohibition of alcohol commence in the United States?
1. 1919                        b. 1920        c. 1991                                d. 1902
12. What system in Sweden where people have personal liquor ration books?
1. Motbook                b. Ration system        c. Alcohol rationing system        d. Bookmot
13. Who was the President that signed the dangerous drugs act of 1972?
1. For. Ferdinand Marcos        b. Pres. GMA        c. For. Pres. Ferdinand E. Marcos        d.
For. Pres. GMA
14. This board was created to implement the provisions of the dangerous drugs act.
1. DBA                        b. DDB                c. PDEA                d. BDD
15. It is the national policy-making body and deals with other related matters on drug-abuse
prevention and control.
1. DBA                        b. DDB                c. PDEA                d. BDD
16. What is RA 6425?
1. Dangerous Drugs act of 2002                b. Comprehensive drugs act of 1972        
         c. Dangerous Drugs act of 1972        d. Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs act of 2002
17. It is referring to a substance which may have medicinal, intoxicating, performance
enhancing or other effects when taken or put into a human body.
1. Substance abuse        b. Abuse                c. Psychoactive drugs                d. drug
18. What is the effect if we combine codeine and paracetamol?
1. Hepatotoxity                b. nausea                c. gastrointestrinal hemorrhage        d. chest
19. What is the effect if we combine codeine and ibuprofen?
1. Hepatotoxity                b.kidney problems        c. gastrointestrinal hemorrhage        d.
chest pain
20. What is the effect if we combine codeine and aspirin?
1. Hepatotoxity                b. stomach pain        c. gastrointestrinal hemorrhage        d. chest
Test II. Simple Recall
1. It is a dissociative drug that distorts the perception of sight and sound and produces the
feeling of detachment.
2. A crystalline white powder with mustic odor.
3. Also known as a poor man’s cocaine.
4. This Greek word means heroic and powerful.
5. The God of Dreams
6. An oily mixture resulting from chemical extraction or distillation of the THC-rich parts of the
7. A therapeutic drug for CANCER and AIDS patients.
8. Opium obtained from a female poppy plant known as?
9. Opium was extracted from milky latex known as?
10. It is 5x stronger than morphine.
11. It is often used for recreational drugs due to its availability over the counter.
12. It is also known as Angel Dust.
13. Known to be as a Rave party drug.
14. Primary active chemical of Marijuana.
15. He was a German chemist who named the alkaloid Cocaine.
16. What is the original formula of Coca-cola?
17. It is a potent opiate analgesic drug that is used to relieve severe pain.
18. It is one of the strongest short acting stimulants that last only 15 to 20 minutes.
19. . Known cure for opium and alcohol addiction.
20. Used during religious ceremonies in  primeval history
Test III. Enumeration
1-6.  Several forms of cannabis are prepared for human consumption.
7-8. Two groups of Alkaloids
9-11. Forms of Cocaine
12-20. Street names of Methamphetamine Hydrochloride
21-24. Trade name of Ketamine
25-35. Street names of Heroin
36-40. Other names of Cocaine.
Test IV. Essay (10 pts. each)
1. Why do you think people abuse drugs?
2. In your perspective, do you think the laws of drugs we have here in the Philippines are
stringent and effective? Why or why not?
Philippians 4:13

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