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Issues experienced by the Bureau of Fire Protection comparable to the

concealment of fire in Pagadian City.
Background of the study:

Fire Protection is an organization of the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) liable
for executing public strategies identified with firefighting and fire anticipation just as execution of the
Philippine Fire Code (PD 1185), which has been revoked and supplanted by the New Fire Code of the
Philippines which is the Republic Act 9514. Formerly known as the BFP is responsible for the
organization and the administration of civil and city fire and crisis benefits all around the country. The
BFP additionally directs programs in regards to the avoidance of fire to reduce the pace of fire in our
country. Fire security and counteraction is everybody's obligation and hence we as a whole should know
how to approach doing these things. It is essential to have a fundamental understanding regarding how
a fire happens and how to act inside in the burning structure. The Personnel of Bureau of Fire Protection
are on the job 24/7, every day. Fire is one of the disasters that you can't just anticipate, it might occur
whenever of the day or even late around evening time and to that end we have the BFP. Yet, before
they go in any direction, there are a ton of arrangements that should be first addressed and that is to set
up the equipment expected to battle fire. To think that the public authority has dispensed cash for BFPs
equipment for it to be more valuable and be more solid. The equipment should be consistently prepared
and checked to guarantee the viability and readiness of it in the event of crisis. For this situation,
absence of fund isn't motivation to simply leave the equipment in not a decent condition. As we know,
fire arrives in a much unpredicted time, how might a fire be effortlessly smothered if in any case in the
event that the BFP isn't dealing with it. Along these lines, we can gauge the degree of viability of work
force to conquer the issues they might experience. This is the motivation behind why we decided to
learn about this theme, to evaluate the issues that the BFP might experience in the midst of crisis. This
will likewise show the viability of BFP's reaction strategies, and attempt to concoct recommendations to
work on the BFP's system.

Theoretical Framework:

Organizations need profoundly performing people to meet their objectives, to convey the items and
administrations they spent in significant time, Performance is also important for the
individual/accomplishing tasks and performing at a high level can be a source of satisfaction, with
feelings of mastery and price. Low execution and not accomplishing the objectives may be capable as
disappointing or even as close to failure. Moreover, execution in case it is perceived by other inside the
organization is frequently granted by monetary and different advantages. Performance is a major
although not the only prerequisite for future career development and success in the labor market. In
spite of the fact that there may be exemptions, superior workers get promoted all the more effectively
within the organization and for the most part have preferable profession openings over low performers.
(VanScotter, Motowidlo, & Cross, 2000). The adequacy of an organization lies exclusively to the
presentation of every person as it was expressed in the previous passage. It is additionally expressed
that every individual will create various types of result contingent upon their presentation and we
associate this theory to our topic because there is bound to be a different result of each station in the
concealment of fire.

Statement of the Problem:

Fire and fire-related setbacks are somewhat unstudied in the Philippines yet are seen to be a nonstop
issue. This exploration project was led determined to decide whether there were any issue or issues to
be tended to by our fire personnel with respect to the strategy that they might take when reacting to a
specific crisis. In particular, it looked to address the accompanying inquiries:

1) What are the issues experienced by the Bureau of Fire Protection in Pagadian City in concealing a fire?

2)How does a specific climate influence the concealment of fire?

3) Is there a critical distinction between the presentation of each station when suppressing fire?

4) Is there a critical connection between concealment of fire and the health of the personnel
suppressing it?

Research Design

This study will use the descriptive type of research which endeavors to describe systematically
and objectively a situation, problem or phenomenon.

Short Rationale:

This study will be conducted to determine of what are the problems encountered by Bureau of Fire
Protection firefighters in the City of Pagadian during the Calendar Year 2020-2021. Furthermore, this
study also determines if the three major factors such as Human Resources, Financial Resources and
Material Resources has a significant relation in the problems encountered by the Bureau of Fire
Protection firefighters in Pagadian City.

Research Instrument:

The instrument used in gathering data will be survey and interview questionnaire.

Target Participants:

The respondent of this research are the firefighter personnel of Pagadian City Fire Station and some
residents in Pagadian City.

Research Environment:

Pagadian City Fire Station at Barangay Balangasan and etc.


Background of the Study:

The term community is a more than geographic boundaries. It is a group of people sharing something in
common. According to (Miller and Hess 1998), community is a shared sense of ownership and pride in a
given place or environment.

Police community relation on the other hand, is defined as attitudes and behaviors between the police
and the communities they serve. They can range from positive to negative. It is true that poor relation
between the community and the police can lead to resentment, cynicism and fear.

Community relations build trust and communication between officers and citizens. One of the ways that
police–community relations has been understood (and defined) is by seeing it as part of a support,
including public relation, community service and community participation. According to, (BARTLEY

Good Police Community Relations are imperative for developing trust between police and citizens. It is
one of the fundamental keys to a successful law enforcement. Communities rely on police departments
to "protect and serve" and the police, in turn, rely on community support and cooperation, and this
relationship should be harmonious because as stated above- it is a key to a successful law enforcement.

Theoretical Framework:

Police-Community relation helps prevent and lessen crime rates. It is really believed so because of the
results of so many researchers about police-community relations. That is why we really a need for us to
understood police-community relations towards citizen. Police-Community relation is the sum total of all
dealings of the police with the people it serves and whose goodwill and cooperation it craves for to
insure the greatest possible efficiency in public service.

This means that, Police-Community relations covers the entire field of public information design to
bridge any communication gap between the police and the public. It also intends to maintain harmony
and mutual support between the police and community development and insure and facilitate the
attainment of police objectives by conditioning both friendly and hostile public.

Since police-community relation helps bridge any communication gap between the police and the
community, the ultimate objective of the PCR is to influence the opinions, emotions, attitudes, and
behavior of the public so that they will behave in a manner beneficial to the police and to solicit public
support in order to make it easier for them to accomplish their task successfully.
As a result of a good police-community relation in the community, every one of us would realize that in
understanding the responsibilities of the police forces, knowing their function and understanding each
one of us would result to an effective and efficient service.

Research Instrument:

The instrument used in gathering data will be survey and interview questionnaire.

Target Participants:

Philippine National Police of Pagadian City Police Station and some residents of Pagadian City

Research Environment:

Pagadian City Police Station and etc.

Problems encountered by the Land Transportation Office in

Pagadian City regarding operation of colorum.

Background of the study:

Tricycles are the second most popular means of transportation here in the Philippines. Base on the
statistic from the year 2013, the number of registered Tricycle in the Philippines is 3.58 million. These
vehicles have been around for quite some time that banning them is really impossible Tricycle or
sometimes called as "trike" is three-wheeled public utility vehicles consisting of a motorcycle and an
attached passenger's side car. These trikes can be found everywhere in the country except on major or
main roads.

The Tricycle is a Philippine transportation vehicle that is so useful in many ways. It is adaptable, able to
change or be changed in order to fit or work better in some situation or for some purpose in rural and
urban places. Motorize tricycle transportation business can be a profitable business venture due to the
large number of people relying on this means of transportation. Base on the study of Huerta (2015)
normally, a tricycle can accommodate three to five passengers ang luggage can be placed on the roof.
Three people can fit inside the side car and usually one or two passengers can ride behind the driver, if
safety measure is considered. But often one will see this Philippine transportation vehicles carrying 10 to
20 passengers that is dangerous. But the drivers allowed it and do not take action. The reason why
tricycle is much better is because of the fear, it is easy on the pocket, if you have a car you will pay for
parking fee and fuel. Second, tricycle is everywhere no need to use any application to find where to ride.
Third easy to maintain ang operate, next, no special skills necessary to operate. Also, if you have a car
and still riding in a tricycle it can contribute to the prolonging life of your car.

The Tricycle driver carry their passenger to their desired destination for a small fee, but having that such
work is a risk to a driver's life because it can cause a lot of diseases cause by air pollution and other
factors that can affect the life of a driver. Every driver wants to sustain and provide the needs of their
families but they do not know what are the technique and solution they need to surpass all the
challenges in their everyday life. Some of the tricycle drivers chose this profession due of their poverty
and not able to finish their studies.


The purpose of this research is to present reader's better understanding about drivers. Also, this study
will give tricycle drivers a chance to express their feelings and insights. For example, from the
passenger’s perspective the tricycle is uncomfortable due to insufficient seating space. Most of the
passengers are annoyed with the noise and smoke of the tricycle. As a passenger, it is correct. But when
a tricycle driver is seen on the road, people always think that it is an easy job because they are just
traveling anywhere. The problems encountered by a driver is not that easy because instead of being
disrespectful to their passengers they have just their patience and they just let it go without any
hesitation. Also, due to expose to environment drivers can experience diseases ang pollution because of
spending time on the road. In the other hand, this study aims to know what are the effect of traffic to
the livelihood of tricycle drivers the ways and techniques of a tricycle drivers to surpass all challenges in
their life to discover new ideas and convinced people out there that every down, there are ups it
depends on how you will handle things proportionally.

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