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The "God-Empress Regalia" is a set of unique magical protective items created in the realms of the

"Below" (The 9 Hells and the Abyss) each in their own manner but all crafted for a single purpose, the
empowerment of a new God-Empress of the Material Plane. Each piece embodies a trait of the planes,
and each was crafted for one specific person, a woman of vile prophecy and progeny, Triss'vlyn

Each piece of the set is a magnificent item of shadow and flame, infused with the soul-stuff of infernal
and hellish creation. For every enchantment layed to rest in each piece of cloth a hundred souls were
said to be consumed to lay the foundation for it's spellweave. Credit is lent to this story as occassionally
a tiny wisp of a soul seems to escape the folds of the Regalia, only to be sucked violently back into it's
consuming embrace.

While 2 pieces of the set are worn, any creature that is reduced to -1 HP and below is subject to to the
Regalia's Soulreaving Aura. Stretching to a radius of 100ft from the wearer, any creature succumbing to
the aura is subjected to an empowered Death Knell like effect. For every round that passes in which an
effected creature remains within the radius of the Soulreaving Aura a creature at -1 HP and below takes
2 points of unmitigated damage as their very essence is bled away and joins with the Regalia. If a
creature should die while under the effect of the Soulreaving Aura (but not necessarily to the periodic
damage itself), then the wearer immediately heals an amount of HP equal to the HD of the slain
creature. In addition to this, the wearer may, at their whim, Dismiss or Call the entire Regalia as a free
action at anytime (as per the Dismissing and Calling enchantments).

While all 3 pieces of the Regalia are worn, in addition to it's 2 piece bonus, the Regalia enables it's
wearer to survive planar effects and statuses without effort. No matter the plane nor it's latent energies,
statuses or damage, the Regalia not only protects but nurtures the wearer and provides a means to awe
and subjugate those around the wearer. By default the wearer is immune to any status or effect
generated naturally by another plane's planar traits (Blinding by Positive Energy, Damage by Negative
Energy...etc) though at the wish of the wearer this protection can be suspended as a free action. While
the innate protection of the Regalia is a boon to the wearer, it is the afluent removal from the planar
fabric which assists in aweing and swaying others. While wearing the full Regalia the Charisma of it's
wearer is given an Enhancement bonus of +12 so long as the protections of the Regalia remain in effect,
the bonus temporarily being supressed while the planar protect is suspended.

"Robe of the Soulshrouded Empress"

A black gothic robe styled in an almost impossible layer of soul mirror-sheened slates of black shadowed
essence, this garment provides awe-inspiring protection against assault while providing a means to
punish and bring to heel enemies around the wearer. Hellfire and the essence of shadow seems to
radiate from every frayed corner of this robe as the wearer moves unhindered by the garment's
appearance, which may also be changed at the wearer's whim.

Effect: The robe functions as having the Great Reflection and Epic Resistance enchantments in addition
to a +10 Armor bonus to AC and Touch Attacks as plates of shadow and hellfire constantly lash out at
incoming attacks. The garment itself bears remarkable maluable properties, able to regenerate damage
it itself so long as a single scrap of the original cloth remains in addition to the Glamour enchant placed

Finally the most noteable ability of the robe is a life-sharing ability that manifests as a series of 4 spectral
soul chains that lash out and attempt to entangle a foes (as a Rope of Entanglement) each as a free
action. Each chain must be so commanded to attempt to entangle a target in a round but once
commanded it continues to entangle or attempt to entangle a target without further oversight. Lashing
out from the material of the robe, the spectral chains have a reach of 15 feet in any direction. The chains
may be cut and are no more resilient than a +1 Incorporeal length of chain, but 24 hours after being
destroyed (and freeing any creature entangled) the chain regenerates and is ready for use once more.

Any creature entangled by the spectral chains of the robe finds their hit points tied to the wearer's own.
Any damage received by the wearer of the robe is split equally amongst those entangled, unfortunately
for the victim the same is not true of damage applied to themselves. As a spectral object the chains do
not impeed the robe wearer and can pass through solid matter so long as the entangled victim remains
within 15 ft of the wearer. Moving beyond 15 feet while entangled disperses the chain and frees the
victim from the life-sharing effect, returning the chain to the robe regardless of whether the wearer or
the victim has moved beyond the effect. As a spectral object the entangled creature is not actually
hindered by the chain and suffers no ill-effects from the 'grapple' in which they are engaged and may act

Hood of the Shadowshrouded Empress

A black gothic-styled hood lined with hellish runes and a constant darkness-like effect that shrouds the
face of the wearer at all times, this hood melds seemlessly with the robe of the Regalia and provides
incredible protection against the wills and forces of others while allowing the wearer to bolster their own
will and force of personality. As is the same with the other pieces of the Regalia, the hood possesses an
innate Glamour enchantment which allows the wearer to change the hood's appearance at a whim.

Effect: The hood functions as an Epic Chausible of Fel Power, providing the wearer with a +4d6 bonus to
any Eldritch Blast invocation or spell with the Shadow, Darkness, Chaos or Evil descriptor. In addition any
attack roll by such a spell or spell like ability has it's critical range increased as if by a keen-effect,
doubling it's initial crit range. Protecting the mind and shielding the body are paramount, and as such
the hood provides a permanent Slippery Mind enchantment as well as functioning as a Vest of Epic
Resistance +10.

Shielded from the influence of others, the wearer of the robe is bolstered in their own methods of
enforcing their whims and wishes upon the world. The hood constantly radiates the effect of the
Unhallow spell which functions exactly like the spell, but may be temporarily suspended as a free action
or have it's embeded spell changed by simply casting another spell into the hood itself. In addition the
wearer's Charisma is increased by 12 as the hood cowers and amplifies the personality and will of the

Ring of the Fireshouded Empress

A beautiful if not strange ring baring a setted gem of flames that continue to dance about the ring as
magma seems to flow and drip from it's setting, this ring continues the appearance and manner of the
rest of the regalia and may, at the whom of it's wearer, change it's appearance to suit the whims of the
wearer's fancy.

Effect: The ring functions as a constant Freedom of Movement effect, as well as shielding the mind of the
wearer as a Ring of Mental Fortitude. Three times per day the wearer may enact an effect that mimics a
Scarab of Invulnerability, and so long as the wearer meets the requirements as stated in the item, the
ring provides the benefits of a Slippers of Battledancing.

"The End"
A weapon crafted for a single purpose, to dispose of whatever force, God or Mortal, that stands in the
way of it's wielder. Having no natural shape of it's own, "The End" has taken on countless shapes and
styles in the history of it's use. Most commonly seen as a Whip laced in deadly blade-shards, the wicked
impliment of death can strike at any foe and become nearly anything it's wielder desires, rending the
very soul.

Effect: This +10 Souldrinking Bladed Whip is enchanted with the Metalline, Morphing and Transmuting
effects, effectively ensuring that no matter what effects or enchants are required to bypass a creature's
damage reduction the weapon is capable of producing such a circumstance. The weapon is often
disguised as a longsword or a bastard sword but quickly seperates into a form resembling a whip with
chunks of a sword blade along it's length.

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