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Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. Project scope

3. Objective of the project

4. Software requirement specification (SRS)

5. Entity Relationship Diagram

6. Database Table overview

7. System Specification

8. Conclusion
1. Introduction:

• Work to the worker is a solution which enables workers from un-organized sector to find
work at a local site. It also enables general public to get their work done easily by
providing them workers.

• The project work for workers mainly focuses on workers of unorganized sector. It
contains all the information about the registered workers which eases the customer to
choose the category of worker according to his need.

• Thus, this project satisfies all the requirements of both customer and worker.

2. Project scope:

• The major goal of this application is to provide perennial work to workers from
unorganized sector like carpenters, masons, gardener among others.

• Work to the Worker is a web based solution through which workers register themselves
for a specific skill and can view detailed information of his work in particular location.
He can prepare his own work calendar.

• Public or people from organized sector can register via the web interface and submit
their requirement.

• At the time of worker selection the customer can view the availability skill, references
given by the workers who have taken their service in the past.

• After the completion of work, users can give feedback about the worker’s behavior, time
taken for completion, dedication among other factors.

• User can put their demands regarding particular skill location and project details.
• The secure registration and profile management facilities of workers and customers are
provided by administrator

3. Objective:

The main objective of the document is to illustrate the requirements of the project
work for workers. The document gives the detailed description of the both functional and
nonfunctional requirements proposed by the client.

4. Software Requirements Specification:

 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations

• HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language): It is used to create static web pages.

• JSP (Java Server Pages): It is used to create dynamic web content.

• J2EE (Java 2 Enterprise Edition): It is a programming platform, belonging to the Java

platform, which is used for developing and running distributed java applications.

. WASCE (Web Sphere Application Server Community Edition): It is an application

server that runs and supports the J2EE and the web service applications.

• WSAD (Web Sphere Studio Application Developer): It is a designer toolkit which is

designed to develop more complex projects by providing a complete dynamic web

• DB2 (IBM Database 2): It is a database management system that provides a flexible and
efficient database platform to raise a strong "on demand" business applications.

• HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol): It is a transaction oriented client/ server protocol
between a web browser and a web server.
• Ajax (Asynchronous Java Script and XML): It is a technique used in java script to create
dynamic web pages.

• Web 2.0: It is commonly associated with web applications which facilitate interactive
information sharing, interoperability, user-centered design and collaboration on the
World Wide Web.

• XML (Extensible Markup Language): It is a markup language that was designed to

transport and store data.

 Technologies to be used:

. J2EE: (Servlet, JSP, JAXP, Java Beans) Application arch it architecture.

• JAVA: Application architecture.

• WASCE: (Web Sphere Application Server Community Edition) Web Server

• DB2: IBM Database.

• Ajax: Asynchronous Java Script and XML.

• XML: Extension Markup Language.

• Web 2.0: RSS Feed 2.0.

• Localization: 3 Languages - Hindi, Telugu and English

 Overview: The SRS will include two sections, namely:

- Overall Description: This section will describe major Components of the system,
interconnections, and External interfaces.

- Specific Requirements: This section will describe the Functions of actors, their roles in
the system and the Constraints faced by the system.
 Overall Description:

• Product Perspective:

Work for workers being web based platform provides the overall information of the
work to the worker and provides communication between workers and customers. The worker
and customer can access the information from any part of the world. It consists of many
components such as web browser, different types of servers and manager. The user interfaces
with the browser to search for the worker of his required type. Servers stores all of web linked
data and status.
5. Entity Relationship Diagram:

The database tables which are used over here are in number which are

The Structure of the tables are shown as follows:

1. Customer:


7. System Specification:

 Software Interface:

• Interface for Users: Web Based

• User requirements: Web browser (preferably JavaScript enabled)

• Interface for associate: Application Based

• Interface for Administrator: Application Based

• Associate, Admin requirements: JRE 6.0 +

• Web Server: Web sphere Application Server

• Database Server: DB2 Express-C

• OS Environment: Linux

• Development Tools: WAS, Java, DB2, Eclipse IDE

• Frontend: IE/Mozilla/Firefox/Chrome

 Hardware Interface:

Client side :

• 256MB RAM

• Core 2 duo Intel processor

• 128GB hard disk

Server side:


• Core 2 duo processor

• 500GB hard disk

8. Conclusion:

Thus reaching conclusion to our project we observe that how the worker is going to
select his work among different types of works. Customer first registers in to the Www System
and login to the System. Customer views the Workers Information and allots the work to the
worker according to his qualifications. An Associate is going to verify the workers details and
authenticate it.

This type of Work for Workers System Websites are very useful for daily workers
like labours, carpenters gardeners etc. Work to the Worker is a web based solution through
which workers register themselves for a specific skill and can view detailed information of his
work in particular location. He can prepare his own work calendar.

The project work for workers mainly focuses on workers of unorganized sector. It
contains all the information about the registered workers which eases the customer to choose the
category of worker according to his need.

Work to the workers System is a solution which enables workers from un-organized
sector to find work at a local site. It also enables general public to get their work done easily by
providing them workers.
After the completion of work, users can give feedback about the worker’s behavior,
time taken for completion, dedication among other factors. By receiving feedback, this work for
workers system Know any defaults in this System. If any changes made to this system, it will
implement in favour of Worker.

Thus, this project satisfies all the requirements of both customer and worker.

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