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TM1 Firmware Command Set Customer

Serveron®TM1™Transformer Monitor
Document ID: 810-1910-00 Rev D

March 2016

Information in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is provided to purchasers of SERVEON®
products for use in the installation, operation and servicing of such products. No other use, nor any reproduction,
distribution or the making of any derivatives of this document is authorized, without the express prior written permission of
Serveron® Corporation.

SERVERON® endeavors to ensure the accuracy and quality of its published materials; however, no warranty, expressed
or implied, is provided. SERVERON® disclaims any responsibility or liability for any direct or indirect damages resulting
from the use of the information in this manual or products described in it. Mention of any product or brand does not
constitute an endorsement by SERVERON® of that product or brand.

This document was originally composed in English and was subsequently translated into other languages. The fidelity of
subsequent translations cannot be guaranteed. In case of conflict between the English version and another language
version, the English version takes precedence.

© 2016 Serveron® Corporation. All rights reserved. Information subject to change without notice.

QUALITROL is a registered trademark of Qualitrol Company LLC. SERVERON, LOADGUIDE, and TRUEGAS are registered trademarks and TM1, TM3 and TM8 are trademarks of
Serveron® Corporation.

All trademarks are properties of their respective companies, as noted herein. 810-1910-00 Rev D.
Table of Contents

1. About This Manual ............................................................................................................................... 2

1.1. Abbreviations and Acronyms ................................................................................................ 2
2. General Description ............................................................................................................................. 5
2.1. CLI Communication Access ................................................................................................... 5
2.2. Entering Command Lines ....................................................................................................... 6
2.3. CLI Sessions and User Accounts .......................................................................................... 6
2.4. Command Help ........................................................................................................................ 6
3. Commands ............................................................................................................................................ 8
3.1. CAL ........................................................................................................................................... 8
3.2. CONFIG ..................................................................................................................................... 9
3.3. DATE ......................................................................................................................................... 9
3.4. DNP ......................................................................................................................................... 10
3.5. EVENT ..................................................................................................................................... 10
3.6. EXIT ......................................................................................................................................... 12
3.7. HELP ....................................................................................................................................... 12
3.8. LED ......................................................................................................................................... 13
3.9. MOISTURE.............................................................................................................................. 13
3.10. REBOOT ................................................................................................................................. 14
3.11. REC ......................................................................................................................................... 14
3.12. RELAY .................................................................................................................................... 21
3.13. USER ....................................................................................................................................... 21
3.14. VERSION ................................................................................................................................ 21
4. Configuration Items ............................................................................................................................ 24
4.1. ALARM.CONFIRM.CONSEC ................................................................................................. 24
4.2. ALARM.CONFIRM.ENABLE .................................................................................................. 24
4.3. ALARM.H2_PPM .................................................................................................................... 24
4.4. ALARM.H2_ROC .................................................................................................................... 25
4.5. ALARM.MOISTURE_PPM ...................................................................................................... 25
4.6. ALARM.RESET_MODE .......................................................................................................... 25
AUX5.4MA_SCALE ............................................................................................................................. 26
AUX5.20MA_SCALE ........................................................................................................................... 26
4.10. AUX3.ERRVALUE, AUX4.ERRVALUE, AUX5.ERRVALUE ................................................. 27
4.11. AUX1.NAME, AUX2.NAME, AUX3.NAME, AUX4.NAME, AUX5.NAME .............................. 27
4.12. AUX1.UNITS, AUX2.UNITS, AUX3.UNITS, AUX4.UNITS, AUX5.UNITS ............................. 27
4.13. CLI_OVER_TMCOM1.ENABLE ............................................................................................. 28
4.14. DATADOWNLOAD.ENABLE ................................................................................................. 28
4.15. DATADOWNLOAD.DURATION ............................................................................................. 28
4.16. DNP.CONFIG .......................................................................................................................... 28
4.17. DNP.DEBUG ........................................................................................................................... 29
4.18. DNP.REQUIRE_FILE_AUTH .................................................................................................. 29
4.19. DNP.SRC_ADDR .................................................................................................................... 29
4.20. DNP.SELF_ADDR_ENABLE ................................................................................................. 29
4.21. MODBUS.ADDR ..................................................................................................................... 30
4.22. MODBUS.SCALE ................................................................................................................... 30
4.23. MODBUS.SERIAL_TYPE ....................................................................................................... 30
4.24. MOISTURE.ENABLE .............................................................................................................. 30
4.25. MOISTURE_PPM.A ................................................................................................................ 30
4.26. MOISTURE_PPM.B ................................................................................................................ 31
4.27. ROC.H2.ETA.PROPORTION ................................................................................................. 31
4.28. TMCOM1.BAUD_RATE .......................................................................................................... 31

Contents i
Table of Contents

4.29. TMCOM1.DATA_BITS ............................................................................................................ 31

4.30. TMCOM1.DUPLEX ................................................................................................................. 31
4.31. TMCOM1.FLOW_CONTROL ................................................................................................. 32
4.32. TMCOM1.MODE ..................................................................................................................... 32
4.33. TMCOM1.PARITY ................................................................................................................... 32
4.34. TMCOM1.PROTOCOL ........................................................................................................... 32
5. Modbus Support ................................................................................................................................. 34
6. DNP3 Support ..................................................................................................................................... 39
7. Addendum ........................................................................................................................................... 41
7.1. EXTERNAL_MODEM.ENABLE ............................................................................................. 41
7.2. EXTERNAL_MODEM.INITSTRING ........................................................................................ 41

Contents ii
TM1 Firmware Command Set Customer

Chapter 1
About this Manual

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TM1 Firmware Command Set Customer

1. About This Manual

This manual assumes that the user has minimum operational knowledge of this type of monitoring
equipment. This manual provides instructions to help the user to:

 Maintain and troubleshoot the device.

 Access advanced features for testing and installation verification.

 Configure the device.

 Operate the device.

This manual applies to TM1 firmware version 1.4.5590 or newer.

1.1. Abbreviations and Acronyms

The following table lists the various abbreviations and acronyms used in this manual.

ADC Analog-to-Digital Converter

CLI Command-Line Interface

DAC Digital-to-Analog Converter

DGA Dissolved Gas Analysis

I2C Inter-Integrated Circuit

LED Light Emitting Diode

PID Proportional-Integral-Derivative

ppm Parts per million

ppm/d Parts per million per day

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PWM Pulse-Width Modulation

ROC Rate Of Change

RS Relative Saturation

USB Universal Serial Bus

UTC Coordinated Universal Time

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Chapter 2
General Description

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2. General Description
The Command Line Interface (CLI) is used by the customer to configure installation-specific settings
and to perform maintenance activity.

The CLI is also used by manufacturer-authorized service personnel to setup, run and diagnose a TM1
monitor. More commands are available for use by service personnel than by the customer.

CLI use is session based. A user must first login with an account name and password to start the
session. After the login, CLI commands can be issued until the session is ended.

There are three account types with different privileges to use commands. The first
type is for manufacturer service personnel. The second type is for distributors’
service personnel. The third type is for the end customer.
Note: The TM1 monitor supports only one customer login account. The user name
and password are case sensitive. There is no default customer user name to
access the CLI. To login, type the user name you wish to use after the ‘username: ‘
prompt and then press Enter. When prompted for the password, type the default
password ‘Password’ (without the quotes.)

2.1. CLI Communication Access

The CLI can be accessed locally through the USB port or serial port TMCOM1.

To access the CLI through the USB port, use the following serial settings on the computer:

Baud rate: 115200

Data bits: 8
Parity: none
Stop bits: 1
Flow control: hardware (RTS/CTS)

The USB port is always available and uses fixed serial settings. The user may need to use this port to
reconfigure the monitor to enable access through other communication ports. After connecting the
USB cable, a device-specific driver may be needed for the computer to recognize the USB device.
The necessary driver can be downloaded from this web page: The
VCP driver specific to your computer’s operating system should be used.

To access the CLI through serial port TMCOM1, configure the serial port for RS-232 as opposed to
RS-485 using jumper J6 (see the inside of the TM1 external cover for a diagram for jumper J6), set
configuration item CLI_OVER_TMCOM1.ENABLE to “TRUE”, TMCOM1.* to the proper values, and
then reboot the monitor. See section 3 for more information about the configuration item

When first connecting over any serial port, the Enter key must be pressed 3 times before the login
prompt is shown

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2.2. Entering Command Lines

Command names are case insensitive. The names can be abbreviated as long as the abbreviation is
not ambiguous.

2.3. CLI Sessions and User Accounts

CLI use is session based. A user must first login with an account name and password to start the
session. After the login, CLI commands can be issued until the session is ended. The session is
ended with the EXIT command. Sessions that are idle for more than 30 minutes will automatically

There are three account types with different privileges to use commands and access configuration
items. The first type is for manufacturer service personnel. The second type is for distributor service
personnel. The third type is for the end-user customer.

Note: The TM1 monitor supports only one customer login account. The user name
and password are case sensitive. There is no default customer user name to
access the CLI. To enable a customer login, type the user name that the customer
wishes to use. When prompted for the password, type the default password

2.4. Command Help

Typing ‘?’ or HELP followed by pressing the Enter key will display a list of available commands. See
section 3.7 for more details about the help command.

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Chapter 3

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3. Commands
The commands VERSION, DATE, REBOOT, CONFIG, and EVENT are system administrative
commands. VERSION displays the instruments serial number and component versions. DATE is
used to display and configure the instrument’s date and time. REBOOT is used to restart the
instrument. CONFIG is used to view and modify the instrument’s configuration items. The EVENT
command is used to view the monitor’s event history.

The commands EXIT, USER, and REC are available to all users. EXIT is used to end a CLI session.
USER is used to administrate user accounts. REC is used to view run history and results.

The general syntax of a command line is a name followed by optional arguments. Space characters
separate the name and arguments.

In the syntax descriptions below, square brackets `[]’ indicate optional items. Angle brackets indicate
variables. For example, <command> is a variable representing a command name; its values can be
‘CONFIG’, ‘DATE’, ‘REBOOT’, etc. Items separated by vertical bars indicates a list of specific
choices; curly braces or square brackets may be used to group the choices. Ellipses ‘…’ indicate that
an item can be repeated.

3.1. CAL

Command syntax
CAL –G <h2gigppm>
CAL <h2oilppm> <sample_date> [<analysis_date>]

Command description
The CAL command sets or clears the Dissolved Gas Analysis (DGA) calibration offset value. This
command is used to apply an offset to the hydrogen ppm values reported by the monitor. This
mechanism can be used to adjust monitor measurements close to the results of manual DGA reports.

The ‘-Z’ option clears any previous offset created from a prior ‘CAL’ command and restores factory
default behavior of the ‘CAL’ command.

The ‘-G’ option can be used to specify a hydrogen gas-in-gas value directly. This is for advanced use

The normal use is to specify the hydrogen gas-in-oil value <h2oilppm> and a sample date. The
sample date is the time the manual sample was taken. A monitor average gas-in-oil value is
calculated from the monitor’s historical data on this date. The difference between the average gas-
in-oil value and <H2oilppm> value is saved as the offset which is applied to the sensor to correct
future readings. The format of the sample date and analysis date is “mm/dd/yyyy” where “mm” is the
one or two digit month, “dd” is the one or two digit day of the month, and “yyyy” is the 4 or 2 digit year.

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Command syntax
CONFIG [-S] SET <name> <value>
CONFIG [-C] [-A] LIST [ <name> ]
CONFIG [-S] RESET <name>

-S Do not ask for confirmation of reboot after changing an item

that requires a reboot. Do not reboot the system.
-C List only items that have been changed and thus
have non-default values.
-A Show additional attributes about items:
MO – Manufacturer Only access
MD – Manufacturer and Distributor access.
RR – Reboot required for changes to take effect.

Command description
The CONFIG command is used to query and modify the values of configuration items. Each
configuration item has a name, an associated data type and a value. The names of configuration
items are case insensitive.

Four different data types are supported for configuration items: boolean, integer, floating point, and
string. For the boolean type, the values are “true” or “false”. For the string type, white spaces may be
entered by enclosing the string in double quotes. The values of string items may be case sensitive or
insensitive depending upon the particular configuration item.

For the SET option, the value entered is checked for validity; invalid values are rejected.

The LIST option lists configuration items alphabetically when <name> is not given. When given,
<name> must match the configuration item name (wildcards in the name are not supported).

The RESET <name> option can be used to reset an individual configuration item to its default value.
The RESET FACTORY option will reset all items to their default values. The instrument is restarted
for the RESET FACTORY option.

Note: Even though the CONFIG command itself is accessible by all users, some
configuration items may not be visible to all users.

3.3. DATE

Command syntax
DATE -S <datetime>

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Command description
The DATE command is used to view and modify the instrument’s date and time which is stored in the
battery backed up real-time-clock (RTC).

The first command form displays the date and time using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).

The second command form is distinguished by the -S parameter. This form sets the system's date
and time. The Date-time is specified using a subset of the ISO-8601 standard as explained below.

Date-time is in the form: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ where ‘YYYY’ is the 4-digit year (1970 to 9999),
‘MM’ is the month (01 to 12), ‘DD’ is the day of the month (1 to 31), ‘HH’ is the hour (0 to 23), ‘MM’ is
the minute (00 to 59) and ‘SS’ is the second (00 to 59). Be sure to include a ‘T’ between the ‘DD’ and
the ‘HH’ and a ‘Z’ at the end. Only time in UTC is supported.

3.4. DNP

Command syntax
DNP [loop #] [delay #] [set binaryinput # N …]
DNP [loop #] [delay #] [set analoginput # N …]
DNP [loop #] [delay #] [set counter # N …]
DNP [testmode] [TRUE|FALSE]

Command description
The DNP command is used to manually manipulate the DNP3 register values for testing purposes.
Test mode is used to keep the registers from being set automatically by the main loop code and
interfering with testing. The loop followed by a count repeats the command that number of times. The
delay following by a number (in milliseconds) will delay between each loop iteration. The number in
the set command specifies the register to set and if more than one value is specified, it will be set into
the next higher register(s).

3.5. EVENT

Command syntax
EVENT [ANY | <event_type>] [<number_of_events>]

Command description
The EVENT command is used to query for system events. Issued without arguments, this command
displays event statistics. The command EVENT ANY displays events of any type. To display events of
a particular type, enter EVENT followed by a type number from the list below. To limit the number of
events to display, enter the maximum number of events to display as the last argument. Most recent
events are displayed first. To break out of this command while events are being listed, press Ctrl-C.

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As an example, to find out why the service LED is on, you can use the following command:

> EVENT 3 1

0000000198 2012-05-01 15:43:26 SERVICE REQUIRED: Voltage out of range

(details: 25.3 5.0)

Event Types
The <event type> option is a number referring to a class of events. The option provides a method to
filter the events that are displayed.

<event type> description

1 Reserved

2 System Restart

3 Service Required

4 Reserved

5 Alarm Status Change

6 Reserved

7 Reserved

8 Reserved

9 Reserved

10 Reserved

11 deprecated use

12 Reserved

13 Reserved

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14 Reserved

15 Reserved

16 Date-time Change

17 Clock Adjustment Change

18 Gases Limits Configuration

19 Auxiliary Sensors Limits Configuration

20 Logical Sensor Alarm Status Change

21 Resource Unavailable

22 System Activity

23 System Mode Change

24 I2C Bus Faults

3.6. EXIT

Command syntax

Command description
This command ends the current CLI session.

3.7. HELP

Command syntax
HELP [ <command> ]
? [ <command> ]

Command description

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The HELP command is used to obtain help on a particular command. Issued without arguments, it
displays a list of available commands. A ‘?’ can be used as an alias for HELP.

3.8. LED

Command syntax

Command description
The LED command displays the status of the LEDs and can switch them on or off. With no
arguments, the LED command will display the current status. If ALARM, POWER, or SERVICE is
specified, the status of that LED is displayed. If the ON or OFF command is also specified, the
corresponding LED will be switched on or off.


Command syntax

Command description
The MOISTURE command is used to verify and examine the operation of the optional moisture
sensor. The ‘COUNT’ option limits the output to that number of lines. The moisture sensors that are
known about are “Vaisala” and “EE364” which uses an AUX2.20MA_SCALE factor of 180.0 and
120.0 respectively. The AUX1 and AUX2 related columns display information about the 4 to 20 mA
inputs which are connected to a moisture probe. The last 3 columns refer to the VSI embedded
moisture sensor only. The VSI sensor is “auto-detected” and only the “MOISTURE.ENABLE” needs
to be set to TRUE.


> moisture 5
AUX2.20MA_SCALE configured for: Vaisala
Embedded Moisture Sensor detected: TRUE
10.29mA 788E 39.32% 8.65mA 6548 23.89°C 23.29 37.48% 23.50°C 21.83
10.29mA 7887 39.31% 8.65mA 6549 23.89°C 23.29 37.50% 23.50°C 21.84
10.29mA 7882 39.30% 8.65mA 6549 23.89°C 23.28 37.50% 23.50°C 21.84

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10.29mA 787C 39.29% 8.65mA 654C 23.91°C 23.29 37.50% 23.51°C 21.85
10.28mA 7876 39.27% 8.65mA 6549 23.89°C 23.27 37.50% 23.50°C 21.84

3.10. REBOOT

Command syntax

Command description
The REBOOT command is used to reboot the monitor. The ‘-P’ option provides a prompt before

3.11. REC

Command syntax
REC [<options>] [<number_of_recs>]
REC [<options>] <record_id> <number_of_recs>

-N dumps in forward order
-L dumps one line summary for each record
-CSV dumps comma separated values with a header
-D dumps extra data collected by the monitor

Command description
The REC command is used to dump analysis records. Record output can be stopped by pressing

With no –N option, <number_of_recs> records are shown in reverse chronological order starting with
the first record with an ID less than <record_id>. The default count <number_of_recs> is -1
representing ‘all’ and the default <record_id> is one greater than the ID of the newest record. So the
default is to show all records.

When the –N option is given then count <number_of_recs> records are shown in forward
chronological order starting with the first record with an ID greater than <record_id>. In this case the
default count <number_of_recs> is 1 and the default <record_id> is 0.

When the –L option is given, only the record number and timestamp is displayed. When the –D
option is given, extra data stored by the monitor is displayed. (NOTE: this option is only available to
Distributors and Factory logins).

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Field Name Explanation

An ever-increasing positive 32-bit integer that

run# uniquely identifies the order the record was

A timestamp in UTC representing the time that

the record was generated.

A non-negative integer value indicating the

H2_OIL.PPM measured hydrogen gas-in-oil concentration in
units of parts-per-million.

A floating-point value of the measured

H2_ROC hydrogen gas-in-oil concentration rate-of-
change in units of parts-per-million per day.

A floating-point number of the amount of water

Moisture in the oil as reported by the optional Vaisala
moisture probe in units of parts-per-million.

A floating-point number of the relative

saturation of water in the oil as reported by the
optional Vaisala moisture probe in units of %
AUX1¹ (subject to the configuration settings of

¹Systems that support the embedded moisture

sensor will display the value of “AUX1.NAME”.

A floating-point number of the oil temperature

as reported by the optional Vaisala moisture
probe in units of °C (subject to configuration
AUX2² settings AUX2.*).

²Systems that support the embedded moisture

sensor will display the value of “AUX2.NAME”.

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A bitmap of the TM1 conditions at the time the

RecordStatus record was created. The following table
explains the meaning of each of the bits.

A floating-point number of the relative

saturation of water in oil as reported by the
Internal Relative Saturation optional internal moisture sensor in units of %
(only displayed on units that support the
internal moisture sensor).

A floating point number of the oil temperature

as reported by the optional internal moisture
Internal OilTemp
sensor in units of °C (only displayed on units
that support the internal moisture sensor).

RecordStatus Bitmask (hex value) Explanation

0x0001 hydrogen level exceeds alarm setting

0x0002 hydrogen ROC exceeds alarm setting

0x0004 Moisture level exceeds alarm setting

0x0008 hydrogen level alarm blocked due to alarm

confirm feature

0x0010 hydrogen ROC alarm blocked due to alarm

confirm feature

0x0020 Moisture alarm blocked due to alarm confirm


0x0040 hydrogen alarm on due to alarm reset mode

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0x0080 hydrogen ROC alarm on due to alarm reset

mode feature

0x0100 Moisture alarm on due to alarm reset mode


0x0200 Temperature field is valid

0x0400 RS field is valid

0x0800 Moisture field is valid

0x1000 Vaisala moisture and temperature probe


0x2000 Service condition active

0x4000 Sensor stabilization period active. H2 level

and ROC alarms are suppressed during the
first 24 hours after power up to allow the
sensor to stabilize and produce accurate

0x8000 Internal moisture sensor is detected

The extra values presented with the –D flag are given in the following table.

Field Name Explanation

A non-negative integer value indicating the

measured hydrogen gas-in-oil concentration in
H2_DGA.PPM units of parts-per-million. This value differs
from H2_OIL.PPM by the fact this value is
calculated by the H2Scan Sensor where the

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H2_OIL.PPM value is calculated using a

Serveron partitioning formula.

A non-negative integer value indicating the

H2.PPM measured hydrogen gas-in-gas concentration
in units of parts per million.

A non-negative integer value indicating the

H2_PEAK_PPM maximum hydrogen gas-in-gas concentration
in units of parts per million.

The temperature measured at the H2Scan

sensor in units of °C. This is measured with
the sensor heater on and trying to maintain a
set temperature.

The temperature measured at the H2Scan

sensor board in units of °C.

The oil temperature measured at the H2Scan

sensor in units of °C. This is measured with
the sensor heater off and attempts to
determine the temperature of the oil.

A non-negative integer value indicating the

measured hydrogen gas-in-gas concentration
in units of parts per million (in this case, a copy
of H2.PPM).

The 24 hour average of H2.PPM as calculated

by the H2Scan sensor.

The daily rate of change in units of parts per

DailyROC million H2 per day as calculated by the
H2Scan Sensor.

WeeklyROC The weekly rate of change in units of parts per

million H2 per week as calculated by the

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H2Scan Sensor.

The monthly rate of change in units of parts

MonthlyROC per million H2 per month as calculated by the
H2Scan Sensor.

Unit Status as defined as:

 Bit 15 – Unit Ready

 Bit 14 – New Data Available, auto-clear
after register read
Status  Bit 12 – Unrecoverable Error
 Bits 2-0 – Sensor State (0-not ready, 1-
normal operation, 2-measuring oil
temperature, 3-reference cycle in
progress, 4-over temperature)
 All other bits are reserved

The operating mode (Lab or Field). The mask

0x0001 gives the current state. The mask
Mode 0x0100 gives the default state. A “1” bit in the
field indicates Lab mode, and a “0” indicates
Field mode.

A non-negative integer value indicating the

SnsrAdc H2Scan Sensor die temperature in units of
ADC count.

A non-negative integer value indicating the

PCBAdc H2Scan Sensor board ambient temperature in
units of ADC count.

A non-negative integer value indicating the

H2Scan Sensor heater current in units of mA.

A non-negative integer value indicating the

hydrogen resistor counts.

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A non-negative integer value indicating the

adjusted resistor counts.

A non-negative integer value indicating the

H2Res.PPM resistor hydrogen gas-in-gas concentration in
units of parts per million.

A non-negative integer value indicating the

H2Leg.PPM legacy hydrogen gas-in-gas concentration in
units of parts per million.

A non-negative integer value indicating the

RunSecHi H2Scan Sensor run time (upper half of 64-bit

A non-negative integer value indicating the

RunSecLo H2Scan Sensor run time (lower half of 64-bit

The temperature measured at the oil block

heater board in units of °C.

The temperature measured at the analog

heater board in units of °C.

The temperature measured at the TM1

Controller board in units of °C.

A non-negative integer value indicating the

Tach number of oil pump tachometer pulses seen
since the last reboot.

An adjustment factor applied the the

calculated H2_OIL.PPM.

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3.12. RELAY

Command syntax
RELAY [{1..4} {ON | OFF}]

Command description
The RELAY command displays the status of the relays and can turn a relay on or off. The relays are
numbered 1 through 4. Relay 1 is permanently assigned to the hydrogen level alarm. Relay 2 is
permanently assigned to the hydrogen rate-of-change alarm. Relay 3 is permanently assigned to the
moisture alarm. Relay 4 is the service relay. The RELAY command with no options displays the
current status of the relays. The ON or OFF option turns the specified relay on or off. Relay 5 is used
to indicate AC power and is not controllable from the command line interface.

3.13. USER

Command syntax

Command description
With no arguments, this command displays the name of the current user.

With the PASSWORD option, the user is prompted to change the user password.


Command syntax

Command description
The VERSION command displays firmware and hardware version information along with model and
serial number information.


serial number = TM1010112050001
firmware version = release 1.2.5541 (MQX 3.8.0)
BSP version = built on Jul 27 2015 at 11:57:54
application version = built on Jul 29 2015 at 11:27:18 (factory image)
hardware version = 0x1
assembly version = 0x0

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sensor firmware version = 3.955B

model ID = TM1
hour meter = 19960
embedded moisture = no

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Chapter 4
Configuration Items

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4. Configuration Items
This section describes configuration items that may be viewed or modified using the CONFIG
command by normal users. The names of configuration items are case insensitive.

The number of consecutive measurements needed to confirm gas alarm status. This configuration
item is only significant when the alarm confirmation feature is enabled. (See

Type: Integer
Default value: 2
Range: 1–4

Note: Reboot is required for changes to this parameter to take effect.

If true then hydrogen alarm status is only presented if multiple consecutive measurements confirm the
status. If false then gas alarm status is presented immediately at the completion of a measurement.

Type: Boolean
Default value: TRUE
Range: TRUE or FALSE

Note: Reboot is required for changes to this parameter to take effect.

Hydrogen gas-in-oil alarm level in parts-per-million (ppm).

Type: Integer
Default value: 0
Range: 0 – 10,000

A value of 0 disables the hydrogen alarm. A value greater than or equal to 1 enables the alarm. The
alarm is latched on when the hydrogen measurement exceeds the alarm level conditioned by the
alarm confirmation feature. (see ALARM.CONFIRM.CONSEC and ALARM.CONFIRM.ENABLE).
An alarm turns on the red LED and activates Relay 1. The alarm turns off when the hydrogen
measurement is equal or lower than the alarm level and meets the alarm confirmation feature (see

The alarm will not be presented in the first 24 hours after powering on the monitor to allow the
hydrogen measurements to stabilize. A reboot of the monitor does not reset the 24 hour window.
Any activity which resets the H2 Sensor (H2 Sensor Firmware Upgrade for example) will reset the 24
hour window.

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TM1 Firmware Command Set Customer

Note: Reboot is required for changes to this parameter to take effect.

Hydrogen gas-in-oil rate-of-change (ROC) alarm level in parts-per-million per day (ppm/d).

Type: Integer
Default value: 0
Range: 0 – 10,000

A value of 0 disables the hydrogen ROC alarm. A value greater than or equal to 1 enables the alarm.
The alarm is latched on when the hydrogen ROC measurement exceeds the alarm level conditioned
by the alarm confirmation feature. (see ALARM.CONFIRM.CONSEC and
ALARM.CONFIRM.ENABLE). An alarm flashes the red LED and activates Relay 2. The alarm turns
off when the hydrogen ROC measurement is equal or lower than the alarm level and meets the alarm
confirmation feature (see ALARM.RESET_MODE).

The alarm will not be presented in the first 24 hours after powering on the monitor to allow the
hydrogen measurements to stabilize. A reboot of the monitor does not reset the 24 hour window.
Any activity which resets the H2 Sensor (H2 Sensor Firmware Upgrade for example) will reset the 24
hour window.

Note: Reboot is required for changes to this parameter to take effect.

Moisture in oil alarm level in parts-per-million (ppm).

Type: Floating point

Default value: 0.0
Range: 0.0 – 200.0

A value of 0.0 disables the moisture alarm. A value greater than 0.0 enables the alarm. The alarm is
latched on when the moisture measurement exceeds the alarm level conditioned by the alarm
confirmation feature. (see ALARM.CONFIRM.CONSEC and ALARM.CONFIRM.ENABLE). An
alarm activates Relay 3. The alarm turns off when the moisture measurement is equal or lower than
the alarm level and meets the alarm confirmation feature (see ALARM.RESET_MODE). This setting
only applies when using the optional moisture probe.

Note: Be sure to enable moisture analysis when setting this item

(MOISTURE.ENABLE) and the auxiliary inputs (AUX1.ENABLE and
Reboot is required for changes to this parameter to take effect.


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TM1 Firmware Command Set Customer

Select the desired alarm reset mode.

Type: String
Default value: “2”
Range: “manual”, “1” – “4”

The value “manual” requires that the reset button on the TM1 be pressed to reset alarms (the reset
button is the white button next to the coin cell battery visible when the cover is removed). A short
press of less than 2 seconds will reset the alarms while a longer press (approximately 3 seconds) will
reset the monitor. The values between “1” and “4” are the number of consecutive measurements that
do not exceed the alarm level before automatically resetting the alarm. An alarm reset deactivates
the corresponding relay and if all alarms are off, the red LED will also be switched off.

Note: The reset button will reset hydrogen level, hydrogen ROC, and moisture
alarms regardless of alarm settings but the alarms may reoccur when the next
measurement is taken.
Reboot is required for changes to this parameter to take effect.


The value that corresponds to 4 mA at the auxiliary 4-20 mA channel.

Type: Floating point

Default value: 0.0 for AUX1
-40.0 for AUX2
0.0 for AUX3
-150.0 for AUX4
0.0 for AUX5
Range: -100000.0 to 100000.0 for AUX1
-100000.0 to 100000.0 for AUX2
0.0 to 10000.0 for AUX3
-10000.0 to 5.0 for AUX4
0.0 to 200.0 for AUX5

Note: Reboot is required for changes to these parameters to take effect.


The value that corresponds to 20 mA at the auxiliary 4-20 mA channel.

Type: Floating point

Default value: 100.0 for AUX1
180.0 for AUX2
10000.0 for AUX3
150.0 for AUX4
200.0 for AUX5

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TM1 Firmware Command Set Customer

Range: -100000.0 to 100000.0 for AUX1,

-100000.0 to 100000.0 for AUX2
100.0 to 10000.0 for AUX3
10.0 to 10000.0 for AUX4
5.0 to 200.0 for AUX5

Note: Reboot is required for changes to these parameters to take effect.


Enable inputs (AUX1 and AUX2) and outputs (AUX3, AUX4, and AUX5) on the respective AUXN 4-20
mA channel.

Type: Boolean
Default value: FALSE
Range: TRUE or FALSE

Note: Reboot is required for changes to these parameters to take effect.


The value output on an AUX channel to indicate an error condition. Units are specified in mA.

Type: Floating point

Default value: 2.0
Range: 0.0 to 24.0

Note: Reboot is required for changes to these parameters to take effect.


Name of auxiliary input/output.

Type: String
Default value: “Relative_Saturation” for AUX1
“OilTemp” for AUX2
“H2 Level” for AUX3
“H2 Rate of Change” for AUX4
“Moisture” for auxiliary sensor 5
Range: any string with no more than 31 characters

Note: Reboot is required for changes to these parameters to take effect.


Unit of measurement for auxiliary input/output.

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TM1 Firmware Command Set Customer

Type: String
Default value: “%” for AUX1
"°C" for AUX2
“ppm” for AUX3
“ppm/d” for AUX4
“ppm” for AUX5
Range: any string with no more than 31 characters

Note: Reboot is required for changes to these parameters to take effect.

Enable or disable the Command Line Interface over TMCOM1 serial port.

Type: Boolean
Default value: FALSE
Range: TRUE or FALSE

Note: When this parameter is set to TRUE, EXTERNAL_MODEM.ENABLE must

be set to FALSE.
Reboot is required for changes to this parameter to take effect.

Setting this value to true enables the downloading of data to a USB stick when inserted into the
standard USB A connector.

Type: Boolean
Default value: TRUE
Range: TRUE or FALSE

Note: Reboot is required for changes to this parameter to take effect.

This setting controls how much data is downloaded to the USB stick. A value of -1 downloads all the
data while a value of between 1 and 3653 downloads that number of days of data (starting at the
current date and looking backwards in time.)

Type: Integer
Default value: -1
Range: -1 or 1 – 3653

Note: Reboot is required for changes to this parameter to take effect.


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TM1 Firmware Command Set Customer

This setting configures DNP3. The 1st number sets the AppRetries value. The 2nd number sets the
AppTimeout value in seconds. The 3rd number sets the FileHandleTimeout value in seconds.

Type: String
Default value: “3,10,600”
Range: 0 – 100, 4 – 60, 1 – 3600

Note: Reboot is required for changes to this parameter to take effect.

This setting is used for debugging the DNP3 subsystem.

Type: Integer
Default value: 0
Range: 0 – 255

Setting this value to true forces DNP3 to require authentication before allowing file transfer

Type: Boolean
Default value: TRUE
Range: TRUE or FALSE

Note: Reboot is required for changes to this parameter to take effect.

DNP3 outstation address of monitor

Type: Integer
Default value: 4
Range: 0 – 65519

Note: Reboot is required for changes to this parameter to take effect.

Setting this value to true allows DNP3 to respond to the reserved address (0xFFFC).

Type: Boolean
Default value: FALSE
Range: TRUE or FALSE

Note: Reboot is required for changes to this parameter to take effect.

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TM1 Firmware Command Set Customer

Modbus slave address of monitor

Type: Integer

Default value: 1

Range: 1 – 247

Note: Reboot is required for changes to this parameter to take effect.

Modbus scale factor.

Type: Integer
Default value: 10
Range: 1 – 65535

Note: Reboot is required for changes to this parameter to take effect.

Framing method of Modbus when run over serial channels (RS-232 or RS-485)

Type: String
Default value: “RTU”
Range: “ASCII” or “RTU”

Note: Reboot is required for changes to this parameter to take effect.

Setting this value to true enables the calculation of the moisture dissolved in oil. A supported
moisture/temperature probe must be attached to the AUX1 and AUX2 inputs or an internal moisture
sensor installed.

Type: Boolean
Default value: FALSE
Range: TRUE or FALSE

Note: Reboot is required for changes to this parameter to take effect.


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TM1 Firmware Command Set Customer

A constant used to calculate the moisture content in oil when using a supported moisture/temperature

Type: Floating point

Default value: -1.66269994E+03
Range: any valid double precision floating point value

A constant used to calculate the moisture content in oil when using a supported moisture/temperature

Type: Floating point

Default value: 7.36999989E+00
Range: any valid double precision floating point value

Coefficient of the hydrogen gas-in-oil concentration defining a noise threshold. This noise threshold is
used when calculating the hydrogen rate-of-change. A higher value can help filter out normal day-to-
day fluctuations; however it may slow down the reaction to interesting changes.

Type: Floating point

Default value: 0.020
Range: 0.0 to 1.0

The baud rate for the serial interface.

Type: Integer
Default value: 115200
Range: 115200, 57600, 38400, 19200, 9600, 4800, 2400 and 1200

Note: Reboot is required for changes to this parameter to take effect.

Number of data bits for the serial interface.

Type: Integer
Default value: 8
Range: 7–8

Note: Reboot is required for changes to these parameters to take effect.


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TM1 Firmware Command Set Customer

The RS-485 duplex setting. This setting only has effect when TMCOM1.MODE is set to “RS485”.
This setting must agree with the jumper setting J6 for correct operation.

Type: String
Default value: “HALF”
Range: “HALF” or “FULL”

Note: Reboot is required for changes to these parameters to take effect.

Flow control setting for the serial interface. This setting only has effect when TMCOM1.MODE is set
to “RS232”.

Type: String
Default value: “HARDWARE”
Range: “HARDWARE” or “NONE”

Note: Reboot is required for changes to these parameters to take effect.

The TMCOM1 setting that switches between RS-232 and RS-485. This setting must agree with the
jumper setting J6 for correct operation.

Type: String
Default value: “RS485”
Range: “RS485” or “RS232”

Note: Reboot is required for changes to these parameters to take effect.

Parity bit setting of the serial interface.

Type: String
Default value: “NONE”
Range: “NONE”, “EVEN”, or “ODD”

Note: Reboot is required for changes to these parameters to take effect.

Choose between running a Command Line Interface, Modbus, or no protocol on TMCOM1.

Type: String
Default value: “NONE”

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TM1 Firmware Command Set Customer

Range: “NONE”, “CLI”, “MODBUS”, “DNP”

Note: Reboot is required for changes to these parameters to take effect.

Chapter 5
Modbus Support

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TM1 Firmware Command Set Customer

5. Modbus Support
Modbus support includes Modbus RTU and Modbus ASCII. Modbus is supported over TMCOM1 RS-
232 and RS-485 (full and half duplex). Modbus support is enabled by setting MODBUS.* and
TMCOM1.* configuration items. These can be set from the CLI or by using the TM1 Configuration
Utility. Data from the monitor is available in Modbus holding registers.

The input register map is below.

Modbus Input Register Description Format Properties

H2_OIL.PPM - non-negative
integer value of the hydrogen
gas-in-oil in units of parts-per-
40001 UINT16 Read
million. A value larger than
the legal range [65535] maps
to the largest value [65535].

H2_ROC - hydrogen gas-in-

oil concentration rate-of-
change in units of parts-per-
40002 million per day. A value Read
outside the legal range [-
3276.8, 3276.7] maps to the
min/max legal value.

MOISTURE - amount of
water in the oil as reported by SCALED
40003 Read
the optional moisture probe in UINT16
units of parts-per-million.

AUX1 – relative saturation of

water in the oil as reported by SCALED
40004 Read
the optional external moisture UINT16
probe in units of %.

AUX2 - oil temperature as SCALED

40005 reported by the optional INT16 Read
external moisture probe in

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TM1 Firmware Command Set Customer

units of °C.

bitmap of the status of the
40006 UINT16 Read
monitor. See section 2.9
(REC command) for details.

bitmap of the service
40007 conditions of the monitor. UINT16 Read
See the following table for a
list of service conditions.

SCALE – the scaling factor

applied to values before
40008 conversion from a floating UINT16 Read
point value to a 16-bit
Modbus register value.

RS – relative saturation of
water in oil as reported by the SCALED
40009 Read
optional internal moisture UINT16
probe in units of %.

OilTemp – oil temperature as

reported by the optional
internal moisture sensor in
units of °C.

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TM1 Firmware Command Set Customer

Service Description
Conditions Bitmap

0001 H2 SENSOR COMMUNICATIONS – unable to communicate

with the H2 Sensor.

0002 H2 SENSOR DATA TIMEOUT – unable to obtain an H2

reading for more than 6 hours.

0004 OIL PUMP SPEED – the oil pump speed is not in the proper

0008 VOLTAGES – the 24 volt or 5 volt supply are outside their



more of the three I2C temperature sensors has lost

0020 TEMPERATURE SENSOR INVALID – one or more of the

three I2C temperature sensors has returned an invalid

0040 TEMPERATURE HOT – the oil block or analog board is

reporting more than 85 °C.

0080 SD CARD – the Micro SD card was not found.

0100 H2 SENSOR ERROR – the H2 Sensor is reporting an

unrecoverable error.

0200 H2 SENSOR OVER TEMPERATURE – the H2 Sensor is

reporting an over temperature condition.

0400 RTC DATE TIME INVALID – the Real Time Clock reported the

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TM1 Firmware Command Set Customer

time as invalid. This can happen if coin cell battery has failed.


Here is an example of how the firmware applies the scale factor:

Value = 33.5
ModbusHoldingRegister = (UINT16) (Value * SCALE) or
ModbusHoldingRegister = ( INT16) (Value * SCALE)

The resulting Modbus register when read will be read as “335” (assuming “10” for the SCALE factor).

NOTE: Since the SCALE factor can be configured, it is best to read it from the
Modbus register rather than assuming the default of “10”.

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TM1 Firmware Command Set Customer

Chapter 6
DNP3 Support

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TM1 Firmware Command Set Customer

6. DNP3 Support
DNP3 support is enabled by setting the DNP.* and TMCOM1.* configuration items. These can be set
from the CLI or using the TM1 Configuration Utility. For a full description of DNP3 support refer to the
document 810-1950-00 TM1 DNP3 Device Profile.

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Chapter 7

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TM1 Firmware Command Set Customer

7. Addendum
NOTE: This section describes modem support that is available in early releases of
the product.

This section describes configuration items that may be viewed or modified using the CONFIG
command by normal users.

The names of configuration items are case insensitive. The CLI can be accessed remotely through a
modem connection on TMCOM1 when properly configured.

To configure support for an external modem, set configuration item EXTERNAL_MODEM.ENABLE to

TRUE and TMCOM1.* to values that match the modem, and then reboot the monitor.

Type: Boolean
Default value: FALSE
Range: TRUE or FALSE

Note: When this parameter is set to TRUE, CLI_OVER_TMCOM1.ENABLE must

be set to FALSE.
Reboot is required for changes to this parameter to take effect.

External modem initialization strings. Item names are: EXTERNAL_MODEM.INITSTRING0,
down into no more than 3 parts because some modems will not accept long initialization strings.

Type: String
Range: Non-empty strings must start with “AT” and cannot have more than 255 characters.

Note: Reboot is required for changes to this parameter to take effect.

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TM1 Firmware Command Set Customer

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