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Beni-Suief University Foundations Engineering

Faculty of Engineering 4th year civi

Civil Engineering Department Mid-Term Exam
Time Allowed: 1.5 hr

Attempt the following questions and any missing data can be assumed.
1. Make a complete design and draw neat sketches of a foundation supporting the two columns
shown in Figure (1). The foundation level is at 2.0 m below ground surface (G.S) where the
allowable gross bearing capacity of supporting soil is 1.0 kg/cm2. (23 degrees)

Figure (1)

2. For the shed shown in Figure (2). The allowable net bearing capacity of soil = 0.7 kg/cm2 at
foundation level (F.L. = 1.75 m). Calculate the following: (10 degrees)
a. The footing concrete dimensions if no tilt of the shed is allowed.
b. The maximum bending moment and shear force acting on the footing.

Figure (2)

3. For the combined footing shown in Figure (3), the allowable net bearing capacity of soil =
1.50 kg/cm2 at foundation level (F.L. = 1.75m). Draw the stress distribution underneath the
reinforced concrete footing. (5 degrees)
Beni-Suief University Foundations Engineering
Faculty of Engineering 4th year civi
Civil Engineering Department Mid-Term Exam
Time Allowed: 1.5 hr

Figure (3)
4. A footing has the concrete dimensions and the steel reinforcement shown in Figure (4).
Determine the maximum load “P” that can be carried by the footing. (5 degrees)

Figure (4)

Best Wishes
Dr. Wael Nashat
Beni-Suief University Foundations Engineering
Faculty of Engineering 4th year civi
Civil Engineering Department Mid-Term Exam
Time Allowed: 1.5 hr

Model Ansewr
Question (1)
Strap footing
P1 = 40 t, a = 0.4 m, b = 0.25 m, P2 = 80 t, a = 0.6 m, b = 0.25 m
S = 3.9 m, qallgross = 10 t/m2

Design of P.C. base

Design of external footing
Assume Ae = Be
AeBe = 1.15P1/qallgross = 1.15 x 40/10 = 4.6 m2  Ae = 2.20 m
e = (Ae – a1)/2 = (2.2 – 0.4)/2 = 0.9 m
R = P1 + P2 = 120 t
P1 x S = Re x (S – e)  40 x 3.9 = Re x (3.9 – 0.9)  Re = 52 t
Ri = R – Re = 68 t
AeBe = (Re+0.15P1)/qallgross = (52+0.15x40)/10 = 5.80 m
 Be = 2.65 m, Ae = 2.20 m, t = 0.3 m

Design of internal footing

AiBi = (Ri+0.15P2)/qallgross = (68+0.15x80)/10 = 8.0 m2
 Bi = 2.85 m, Ai = 2.85 m, t = 0.3 m

Design of strap beam

A1e = Ae – t = 2.20 – 0.3 = 1.90 m
B1e = Be – 2t = 2.65 – 2 x 0.3 = 2.05 m
A1i = Ai – 2t = 2.85 – 2 x 0.3 = 2.25 m
B1i = Bi – 2t = 2.85 – 2 x 0.3 = 2.25 m
bs = bmax + 10 = 25 + 10 = 35 cm
e1 = (A1e – a1)/2 = (1.9 – 0.4)/2 = 0.75 m
R = P1 + P2 = 120 t
P1 x S = R1e x (S – e1)  40 x 3.9 = R1e x (3.9 – 0.75)  R1e = 49.5 t
R1i = R – R1e = 70.5 t
w1e = R1e/A1e = 49.5/1.9 = 26.1 t/m’
w1i = R1i/A1i = 70.5/2.25 = 31.3 t/m’
Mi = w1i x [(A1i – a2)/2]2 = 31.3 x [(2.25 – 0.6)/2]2 x ½ = 10.65 mt
Beni-Suief University Foundations Engineering
Faculty of Engineering 4th year civi
Civil Engineering Department Mid-Term Exam
Time Allowed: 1.5 hr

- Point of zero shear at x = P1/w1e = 40/26.1 = 1.53 m

M-ve = P1[x – a1/2] – w1ex2/2 = 40 [1.53 – 0.4/2] – 26.1 x 1.532/2 = 22.7 mt
d = k1√Mmax/bs = 0.4√22.7 x 105/35 = 102 cm  take d = 1.05 m, t= 1.10 m

p1 = 40 t p2 = 80 t

R1e = 49.5 t R1i = 70.5 t

A1e s = 3.9 m


M –ve = 22.7 mt

Mi = 10.65 mt

Design of R.C. base in the transverse direction

we = R1e/B1e = 49.5/2.05 = 24.15 t/m’
Me’ = we x [(B1e–b1)/2]2 x ½ = 24.15 x [(2.05–0.25)/2]2x ½ = 9.8 mt
wi = R1i/B1i = 70.5/2.25 = 31.3 t/m’
Mi’ = wi x [(B1–b2)/2]2 x ½ = 31.3 x [(2.25–0.25)/2]2x ½ = 15.65 mt
de = k1√Me’/A1e = 0.4√9.8 x 105/190 = 28.7 cm  take de = 0.30 m, te = 0.35 m
di = k1√Mi’/A1i = 0.4√15.65 x 105/225 = 33.4 cm  take di = 0.35 m, ti = 0.40 m

Rft. details
Strap beam Rft.
Asi = Mi/k2d = 10.65 x 105/1250x 105 = 8.1 cm2/0.35m = 4 18
Beni-Suief University Foundations Engineering
Faculty of Engineering 4th year civi
Civil Engineering Department Mid-Term Exam
Time Allowed: 1.5 hr

As-ve = M-ve/k2d = 22.7 x 105/1250x 105 = 17.3 cm2/0.35m = 4  25

R.C. baseRft.
Ase’ = Me’/k2d = 9.8 x 105/1250x 30 = 26.1 cm2/1.9m = 13.7 cm2/m’ = 6  18 / m’
Asi’ = Mi’/k2d = 15.65 x 105/1250x 35= 35.8 cm2/2.25m = 15.9 cm2/m’ = 7  18 / m’
Beni-Suief University Foundations Engineering
Faculty of Engineering 4th year civi
Civil Engineering Department Mid-Term Exam
Time Allowed: 1.5 hr

Question (2)
Eccentrically Loaded Isolated Footing
qallnet = 7 t/m2
a = 0.5 m, b = 0.3 m, F.L. (h) = 1.75 m
P = 25 t
Design of P.C. base
e = 1.05 m
A/2 = a/2 + e = 0.5/2 + 1.05 = 1.3 m  A = 2.60 m
A x B = P/ qallnet = 25/7 = 3.57 m2
 A = 2.60 m, B = 1.40 m, t = 0.3 m
Take B = 2.00 m

Design of R.C. base

A1 = A = 2.60 m
B1 = B – 2t = 2.00 – 2 x 0.3 = 1.4 m
qnet = P/B1A1 = 25/(2.6 x 1.4) = 6.87 t/m2
MI = qnet x 1.0 x (A1 – a)2 x ½ = 6.87 x 1.0 x (2.6 – 0.5)2 x ½ = 15.15 mt/m’
MII = qnet x 1.0 x [(B1 – b)/2]2 x ½ = 6.87 x 1.0 x [(1.4 – 0.3)/2]2 x ½ = 1.035 mt/m’
Beni-Suief University Foundations Engineering
Faculty of Engineering 4th year civi
Civil Engineering Department Mid-Term Exam
Time Allowed: 1.5 hr

Question (3)

R = 120 +100 = 220 ton

Resultant Location
X = 120 * 4.00 /R
X = 120*4/220 = 2.180 m
E = 2.18 – (4/2) = 0.180 m

f1/2 = R/AB (1  6e/A) = 220/(5.8*2.80)*(1 6*0.18/5.80)

f1 = 16.00 t/m2
f1 = 13.02 t/m2
Beni-Suief University Foundations Engineering
Faculty of Engineering 4th year civi
Civil Engineering Department Mid-Term Exam
Time Allowed: 1.5 hr

Question (4)

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