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By Borommapak Larbnongsang

If you look around land that close to river or ocean, you will see many different reptiles.
Such as crocodile, snake, chameleon, and lizard. But reptiles that I like most is turtle. I will talk about
three types of turtles.

Land turtle

Land turtles are shell reptiles that live only on land. It will never go to river or ocean. The
size of land turtles is about 0.5 inch to 6.5 feet long. Land turtles can have habitat in different
climates. Such as forest, desert, or on the soil. But it will never live in the Antarctica. These types of
turtles also most popular turtles to be a pet because it easy to raise.

Aquatic turtles

Aquatic turtles are shelled reptiles that can live on land or in water. This type of turtles
will similar to amphibians because amphibians can live on land or water too. This type of turtles has
size about 5-11 inches. Their habitat can be on land or in water. But mostly they will live in the
water. aquatic turtles will smaller than marine turtles.

Marine turtles

Marine turtles are shelled reptiles that live in the ocean. If you see turtles that in river,
that is aquatic turtles. Actually, this type of turtles will only go to land when they will spawn. Their
size from 3-4 feet long. So, most their habitat is in the ocean. This type of turtles almost extinct, so
we should conserve marine turtle to not extinct.

As you can see, there are several types of turtles to classify. Land turtles, aquatic turtles,
and marine turtles are the main types of turtles. If you want to choose to be your pet, you can
choose any types of turtles. But highly recommended land turtle because it easy to take care.

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