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Odoo (Formerly OpenERP) Functional Binary Field | Cocept https://www.cocept.


Odoo (Formerly OpenERP)

Functional Binary Field
in Development

by Max Mumford (

  (�eld/)

In order to have more �exible �le serving functionality within

Odoo, you can swap out binary �elds for a functional �eld that
returns the contents of your �le. Below is a sample class that
loads a �le’s contents from a �le system path and serves it to

1 de 5 19-12-2016 03:10
Odoo (Formerly OpenERP) Functional Binary Field | Cocept

the user using a functional �eld. It was originally built for

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version 6.0 but should work on newer versions too:

1 import base64
2 from osv import osv, fields
4 class my_class(osv.osv_memory):
6 def get_file(self, cr, uid, ids, field_name=None, arg=None, context=None):
7 result = dict.fromkeys(ids)
8 for record_browse in self.browse(cr, uid, ids):
9 f = open(record_browse.file_path)
10 result[] = base64.encodestring(
11 f.close()
12 return result
14 _name = 'my.class'
16 _columns = {
17 'file_path': fields.char('File Location', size=128),
18 'file': fields.function(get_file, method=True, store=False, type='binary
19 }
21 my_class()

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/blog/development/odoo-binary-field/&title=Odoo (Formerly OpenERP) Functional Binary
Field&summary=In order to have more flexible file serving functionality within Odoo, you
can swap out binary fields for a functional field that returns the contents of your file. Below
is a sample class that loads a file’s contents from a file system path and serves it to the user
using a functional field. It was originally built for version 6.0 but should work on newer
versions too: )

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