Final Test - AW - Nurul Auliyaputri

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How can I contribute to the future development of communities in Indonesia?


Indonesia really needs the younger generation to be able to contribute to Indonesian society.
Historically, through movement, ideas, and organizing ideas, Indonesian youth have played an
important role in Indonesia's struggle for independence. If the Dream Fighters remembers the history
of Dutch colonialism in Indonesia, the birth of the Indonesian youth movement began with ethical
policies that made indigenous peoples more sensitive to nationalism. That moment became the
starting point for the spirit of youth unity in the struggle for Indonesian independence. We feel
independent and enter the era of globalization with the openness of information and easy access to
technology. This creates a high level of mobility and interaction without the limitations of distance,
time or land. Different challenges for Indonesia at different times. In the past, our heroes eradicated
the invaders and fought for independence. Today, the challenges for young people are diverse.
From the rapid flow of information to technological advances that can replace humans through
increasingly fierce labor competition.

These things can even be started from small things in our daily life. And if it can continue to be
implemented, maybe that small thing will have a big impact on the survival of the country in
Indonesia. because it cannot be denied that there are still many among us who are still not sensitive
to future life. young generation who doesn’t have a dream, either for themselves or for our country.
This is the burden on the minds of the younger generation. Not a few of them are not sensitive to the
future, and do not seem too concerned and sensitive in terms of contribution to the progress of the
country. We as the younger generation should be aware and look back when the Indonesian era
was still fighting for independence for the welfare of all of us. The role of young people became very
important at that time. The role of young people at that time became a big hope in fighting for
independence. Indonesia was able to get independence from one of them because of the role of
young people who have a clear dream, namely fighting for independence for the Indonesian nation.
In fact, many also argue that historically the history of Indonesia is the history of young people.
However, when compared with the reality and reality of young Indonesians today, it is of course very
contrary to history. Not a few young people who have simple hobbies, playing games and others
without knowing the time limit. We are young and strong enough to do what our parents couldn't do
anymore and make the most of it. As a young person, don't be swayed by the big waves of life.
There are young people in Indonesia as hope. Young people have Indonesia to keep fighting.
Students need to realize that they are called into the country today. Today's students need to
develop their dreams for the progress of this beloved country.


There are many contributions that we can make to the people of Indonesia, but here I am very
interested in being a volunteer and maintaining the diversity of customs and cultures. First, I will talk
about why I want to be a volunteer. The State of Indonesia is an archipelagic country which has a
land area in the form of island groups of 17,508 islands. As an archipelagic country, Indonesia
benefits from having three types of territory: land, sea and air. Such geographical conditions have
both potential and weaknesses. Its greatest potential is the resources in it, while its weakness is the
problem of inter-island transportation as well as security, sovereignty, and welfare issues.

I think that in the future the contribution I will make is to serve as a social volunteer on my island and
other neighboring islands. I really like things that relate to society, so I want to contribute to being a
volunteer in Indonesia so that the outer islands that are difficult to reach by the government will get
more attention. The existence of these outer islands is very important for Indonesia's maritime
boundaries because it can expand the exclusive economic zone of the Indonesian state, so as to
increase the country's natural resources [ CITATION Mar20 \l 1033 ]. Social volunteers are one of the
social support workers who play an important role in the implementation of social support. According
to the Minister of Social Affairs Regulation Number 16 of 2017 concerning National Employment
Standards for Social Welfare Organizers, social volunteers are individuals and/or people with social
work backgrounds or non-social group activities. However, with a social work background, he is
voluntarily involved in organizing activities in the field of social welfare, which are not part of the
institution [ CITATION Hab21 \l 1033 ].

Volunteering creates a way for people to come together and make a difference through real action
[ CITATION Cin21 \l 1033 ]. Volunteering actions taken together can help build trust among volunteers.
Working together also helps bridge differences towards trust and respect between individuals who
may not have met before. Naturally, collective volunteerism contributes to the social development of
the community which will in fact strengthen their volunteer activities. Please help society. At its most
basic value is that people help themselves because we are social creatures. The many ways one
can help others are countless. Gotong royong in volunteerism is a typical form of the primary social
safety net in poor communities. Togetherness is the positive impact of volunteering. A volunteer is
formed in order to help people who are experiencing difficulties, more precisely to accelerate the
process of reducing poverty in the community. It is the duty of a volunteer and to make changes in
the community.

Volunteering on an outer island has been a dream of mine for a long time, even more so on that
island there is a mangrove forest that must be protected. The community must have a commitment
not to damage it because it is a breeding ground for fish and protects coastal areas from sea waves
and abrasion. A quarter of mangrove ecosystems in Indonesia have the longest coastline, so the
potential of mangroves cannot be ignored because this is a protector for coastal communities. The
existence of mangrove forests has very good functions and advantages. Mangrove ecosystems that
grow along the coast and on riverbanks that are affected by tides are a combination of river and sea
water. Human intervention and human activities have a major impact on the development of
mangrove ecosystems. The more benefits and economic benefits are achieved, the greater the
burden of environmental damage. On the other hand, the lower the economy and profits, the less
damage to the environment. Rapid technological developments in the 21st century provide an easy
way to increase public awareness of the establishment of mangrove protection [ CITATION Wah21 \l
1033 ] . The lack of public awareness not to throw garbage on the coast is also very minimal, the sea
becomes dirty and polluted even though it should be taken care of properly.

In Indonesia, volunteers are highly respected by the community because volunteering is a very noble
job. Legal protection for volunteers, especially in Indonesia. Volunteers are highly appreciated for
providing selfless assistance. They do it sincerely and are always alert if something happens to the
community [ CITATION Put12 \l 1033 ]. Legal protection for volunteers, especially in Indonesia. This is
intended so that the volunteers get strict protection as stated in the preamble of the 1945
Constitution paragraph IV which reads "To protect the entire Indonesian nation and the entire
homeland of Indonesia and to promote public welfare, educate the nation's life and participate in
carrying out order. a world based on freedom." From this, the authors conclude that volunteers need
to be properly protected. In this case, we will work for the benefit of society based on the values
contained in Pancasila. There is a legal umbrella for volunteers to support their optimal work
performance and ensure they are not victimized in any way. Therefore, it is necessary to issue a
special government regulation from the central government regarding legal protection for Indonesian
volunteers [CITATION Ari18 \l 1033 ].
Serving on the island has always been my dream so that I can help school children and the
community on the island. Volunteer schools have advancement programs that promote business
and financial needs, such as trade and sales, to improve welfare and economic life and reduce the
impact of poverty. Grant programs help people in debt by providing support and funding to skilled
companies and encouraging them to become self-employed so they can do their own business
[ CITATION Mas21 \l 1033 ]. Catching up because there is still a lot that needs to be improved and
added makes the community a lot behind but with the presence of volunteers to help ease the
burden on the community.

The second contribution is to maintain the diversity of customs and cultures. Indonesia is an
archipelagic country with a pluralistic society where there are various ethnic groups, races, customs,
languages, classes, groups, religions, and social strata. This diversity is united with the motto
Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, which means different but still one. As the nation's successors, Indonesian
youth should learn a lot and realize the importance of education. Bhinneka Tunggal Ika is not just a
motto, but is also used as a way of life and a means to achieve the ideals of the Indonesian nation.
Guidelines for life means to be used as a guide to live harmoniously and comfortably [ CITATION
ALA21 \l 1033 ].Education is one of the keys to the magnitude of the country. With the provision of
education, we can potentially produce works, innovations, and fighting spirit for the sake of
advancing the nation and the country.

The second contribution I want to make is to maintain the plurality of customs and cultures. I am very
interested in Indonesian culture. What can I do for the future development of the Indonesian people?
Indonesia is a country rich in ethnicity, nation and culture. This heterogeneous culture gave birth to
different languages. For this reason, Indonesian was created as a unified language, but we are also
guided to preserve regional languages so that they do not become extinct even though foreign
languages are increasingly dominating the country. Uphold national unity. Youth has a challenge so
that no more divisions occur. Maintaining peace with mutual respect and upholding tolerance
between religious communities, between tribes and nations, as well as between cultures.

The life of a country is influenced by the culture of life. Communication interactions between the
community and the government, or vice versa, can affect the wheels of government. The impact of
these interactions can be seen through the actions of the population or the government. The
presence of digital technology makes it easier for users to interact today. In fact, the existence of this
technology is still with those who use it knowingly or unfairly. Therefore, it goes without saying that
noise is often generated during the interaction process, which greatly affects the stability of the state.
Therefore, prevention efforts are needed, including by increasing and increasing the ability to
properly identify good and bad behavior in interactions [ CITATION Sya21 \l 1033 ]. But unfortunately,
the rapid development of technology can cause identity to fade even though identity is something
that must be owned by youth. This era of globalization can make Indonesian identity disappear. For
this reason, Indonesian youth have a challenge so that the Indonesian nation does not lose its
identity. In this digital era, young people are expected to maintain their Indonesian identity in facing
global-level associations with PI by not living only following trends.

In maintaining the diversity of customs and cultures, it is important to always be accompanied by the
application of multicultural education in Indonesia in order to recognize the ethnic and cultural
diversity of the people of a nation [ CITATION Abd21 \l 1033 ]. Multicultural education is the process of
developing all human potentials that respect plurality and heterogeneity as a consequence of
cultural, ethnic, ethnic, and religious diversity. This education incorporates all existing values without
discrimination which aims to create a sense of togetherness and unity regardless of differences.
Multicultural education is an educational strategy that utilizes the diversity of cultural backgrounds of
students as one of the strengths for multicultural attitudes. This application is carried out so that we
know better how to respect each other in an archipelago country with various cultures in it.


As millennials who want to contribute to Indonesia, we must be sincere and diligent. I want to make
Indonesia equal to developed countries, so I want to change. To make a better contribution to
Indonesia, we all must participate in the development of the Indonesian nation. As millennials, we
desperately need our thoughts and help. We must be able to play an active role in the development
of our beloved country, Indonesia, so that we do not lag behind other developed countries,
Indonesia. self. Surely no one in Indonesia wants to contribute to this beloved land. Whoever we are,
we definitely want to make Indonesia better from time to time. Especially considering that 72 years
have passed since Indonesia's independence. Indeed, there is still much we can do to make a real
contribution to this beloved country and advance the spirit of Indonesian independence. It's time to
be more aware and think more clearly, because a generation like ours is needed to advance
Indonesia. Please share knowledge with others and contribute to the people of Indonesia so that our
country becomes a developed country and a quality country. The hope of the state should not be
disappointed. Because it is the youth's mind that can change the view of a nation, broad insight, and
based on the values and norms that apply in society. The future of Indonesian nationality is largely
determined by the educated and trained young generation. Moreover, they are the generation that
has gained a lot of theoretical and practical knowledge in universities on the themes of nation

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