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Name : Revaldi Rewah

NIM : 19210051

Basic Writing


1. Study the words in the list below. Then copy the paragraph. Write articles in the spaces
where they are needed.

Single count nouns Plural nouns Noncount nouns

A farmhouse trees land

A fireplace winters money

A job pieces oil

A log logs time

An oil heater summers wood

A saw work

A woodpile

Mr. Kramer isn’t rich, but he has many things. He has ____logs____ land,

trees __wood___farmhouse___ trees, ____oil heater____ farmhouse, __oil______ oil heater,


Oil, ____wood____ fireplace, and ____pieces____ wood. He likes _____log___ work and
He saves __time______ money. He has ___job_____ time to do ____work____ job well.

He spends ____money____ winters and _____money___ summers with his wife in

Vermont. They use ___trees_____ saw to cut ___wood_____ logs into _____fire place___

Pieces, and then they put them in _farmhouse_______ woodpile.


Each sentence below has a plural subject. Change the subject to the singular form. You will need an
article (a or an) before each singular noun, and you will need an s ending for the verb. Make all other
necessary changes.

1. Oil heaters burn oil.

2. Fireplaces burn wood.

3. Farmhouses usually have fireplaces.

4. City houses usually have oil heaters.

5. Farmers work outside, on the land.

6. City people work inside, in offices, stores, or restaurants.

7. Farmers take wood from their own trees.

8. Women work as hard as men on a farm.

9. Farmers heat their houses with wood.

10. City people heat their houses with oil.

3. Copy the letter below and complete the sentences so that they make sense.

Dear Sara,

October 30,1982

Thank you for the newspaper story about Alaska. It is very in teresting.

Now I know many new things about your state. Here is what I know:

Many people think that Alaska is always cold, but ....he’s very good..... The winters in Fairbanks
are ..luck.... , but ...rain......... Ocean winds bring ....water......, so .....fertile..... Farmers in Alaska
grow......all..... . The summer days are very long, so ..all......... The growing season is ......time..., so all

Most food comes from outside the state, and ......beverages...... Many people are moving . another
city........, so ...many of them.... They work hard, and ....effort.....

I am so happy that you are coming to Caracas in June. Please visit us. You can stay with my family.
My mother says that you are welcome.

4. are the answers to some questions. Write a good question before each answer.

A: Do you have a large family?

B: Yes, we have a very large family.

A: Do you have brother or sister?

B: Yes, I have three brothers and five sisters.

A: do you have dogs or cats?

B: Yes, we have three dogs and three cats.

A: You grandparents live here

B: Yes, all my grandparents live with the family.

A: Do you have a hobby?

B: Yes, everyone in the family has a hobby.

A: Do you have piano?

B: Yes, we have a piano in each room.

A: How many rooms here?

B: Yes, we have ten rooms in our house.

A: This house ia very large

B: Yes, our house is very large.

A: Do your neighbors often get angry?

B: Yes, our neighbors are often angry.

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