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APRIL, 2009











APRIL, 2009



This project work is dedicated to


For His steadfast love on me.




NORTH LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA) being a Masters Thesis was carried out by

OBIORA, CHINYERE HENRIETTA with Reg. No. PG/MPA/05/40148 of the

Department of Public Administration and Local Government and has been approved by:

_________________ __________________
Prof. R. C. Onah
Supervisor Date

_________________ __________________
Prof. R. C. Onah
HOD Date

_________________ __________________
External Examiner Date


My first and foremost gratitude goes to God, the “without which” the successful
story of this project completion would not have been told. To Him I ascribe all adoration
and majesty.
My sincere gratitude goes to my project supervisor, Prof. R. C. Onah, for the
attention she devoted to my research work without minding the stress and time factor
associated with it. I also say a big thank you for her good human relationship and guidance
throughout the period of my project writing. I also wish to thank other lecturers in the
Department of Public Administration and Local Government for the knowledge they
imparted to me.
My gratitude also goes to my husband, Mr. Sunday H. Nwobodo, who was there for
me to guide, advice, encourage and help me out where necessary. He really showed me
love in the practical way throughout the period of my project writing. I say a “BIG
THANK YOU”. To my little son, Sunny Jnr though you came and cause the little delay in
finishing the project early enough, I still appreciate you.
To my siblings I extend my appreciation, especially my twin brother Vincent, who
helped me to start off the race initially with his financial aid. To my elder brother Emeka, I
say you are wonderful, despite the distance you are from me, you still helped me out in
your ways, I really appreciate you. I also wish to say a big thanks to my parents.
My sincere and profound gratitude also goes to my friends, especially Vincent
Lafua, and some staff of Enugu North Local Government Area, who gave me attention
when I needed it and to members of Enugu State Library Board, I will not forget you
people. You are all “WONDERFUL”.
May God bless every other person who in one way or the other contributed to my
finally coming up with this write up.



Title Page i
Dedication ii
Certification iii
Acknowledgement iv
Table of Contents vi
List of Tables ix
List of Figures xi
Abstract xii
1.1 Background of the Study 1
1.2 Statement of the Study 6
1.3 Objectives of the Study 8
1.4 Significance of the Study 9
1.5 Scope and Limitations of the Study 9
2.1 Literature Review & Method of Study 11
2.1.1 What is Leadership 11
2.1.2 Styles of Leadership 12
2.1.3 Leadership Qualities 13
2.1.4 Leadership Qualities 15
2.1.5 Highlights on Local Government 15
2.1.6 Responsibilities /Functions of Local Government 17
2.1.7 Co-ordination between leadership and staff productivity
Improvement 20
2.1.8 Summary of Literature Review 22
2.2 Method of Study 22
2.2.1 Research Design 22
2.2.2 Sources of Data 22

2.2.3 Population of the Study 24
2.2.4 Sample and Sampling Technique 24
2.3 Hypothesis 25
2.4 Theoretical Framework 25
2.5 Classification of Key Concepts 26
3.1 Evolution and Administration of Local Government in Nigeria 28
3.1.1 Evolution of Local Government in Nigeria 34
3.1.2 Administration of Local Government in Nigeria 35
3.2 The Emergency and Administration of Enugu North Local
Government Area 38
3.2.1 The Emergency of Enugu North Local Government Area 39
3.2.2 The Administration of Enugu North Local Govt. Area 39
3.3 Structure and Leadership Style of Enugu North L.G.A 45
3.3.1 Structure of Enugu North Local Government 46
3.3.2 Leadership Style of Enugu North L.G.A 48
3.4 Finance and Personnel Management in Enugu North L.G.A 56
3.4.1 Financial Management for Productivity in Enugu North L.G.A 57
3.4.2 Financial Administrative Structure in Enugu North L.G.A 62
3.4.3 Personnel Management in Enugu North L.G.A 62
3.4.4 Functions of Personnel Management 62
3.5 Level of Productivity in Enugu North L.G.A 63
3.5.1 Duties of Enugu North L.G.A 63
3.5.2 Sources of Fund for Enugu North L.G.A 64
3.5.3 Duties and Source of Income for Departments in E.N.L.A 65
3.6 Impact of Leadership Style on Staff Productivity in E.N.L.G.A 72
4.1 Data Presentation 74
4.2 Findings 76
4.3 Implications of Findings (Administrative efficiency and 76

5.1 Summary 78
5.2 Conclusion 81
5.3 Recommendation 81
Bibliography 83
Appendix I 87
Appendix II 90


Table 3.1: Organizational Organogram of a Local Government 37

Table 3.2: Political and Administrative Structure of Enugu North

Local Government Area 45

Table 3.3: The number of years ENLG had been under each type
Of government 52

Table 3.4: The relationship between type of government,

Leadership structure and Leadership style 52

Table 3.5: The Leadership style operational in Enugu North

Local Government Area 54

Table 3.6: Staff relationship with the leadership style of Enugu

North Local Government Area 56

Table 3.7: The number of response from 20,000 adults:

10,000 males and 10,000 females resident in the
researched area on the quality and quantity of
services rendered by ENLG under the governments
being reviewed. 66

Table 3.8: The percentages of response from 20,000 adults;

10,000 males and 10,000 females in percentages to the
quality and quantity of services rendered by ENLG
under the regimes under review 67

Table 3.9: The response of adult residents of ENLG over the

Quality and quantity of service rendered by the local
Government under different types of government 68

Table 3.10: The Income of Departments in the year indicated

Against it in ENLG 69

Table 3.11: The Expenditure per departments in the year shown

against it in ENLG 69

Table 3.12: The Income of departments in ENLG in different

Regimes between 1976 – 2008 70

Table 3.13: The expenditure of departments in ENLGA in

different regimes between 1976 – 2008 70

Table 3.14: The income and expenditure of ENLG under
Democratic and Autocratic style of leadership
Between 1979 – 2008 71


Fig. 1: Graph representation using pie chart showing in

percentages the years ENLG spent under different
regimes 74


The main interest of this study is to analyze the fundamental issues and problems of

leadership and productivity improvement in Nigeria Public sector using Enugu North Local

Government as case study. Productivity improvement will not occur where the leadership

style is anti-productivity. To achieve the aim of this study we raise the following questions.

What is the leadership style operational in Enugu North Local Government Area? How

does the quality and quantity of services rendered by the leadership of Enugu North Local

Government help in the improvement of staff productivity? What is the productivity level

in Enugu North Local Government Area? What impediments does the staff encounter and

what are the possible suggestions to apply to improve on the staff productivity level in

Enugu North Local Government Area? To validate the hypothesis which was raised based

on the above questions, we anchored our analysis on the contingency theory and relied on

both primary and secondary sources of data. The study found out that there is urgent need

for improvement of staff productivity in Enugu North Local Government Area to avoid

systemic collapse.




If members of an organization are asked to choose their own leader, most

people may choose one and the same person. If you study the over chosen person closely,

you will most probably find that he is not merely popular in the superficial sense, he is a

protagonist of the needs and desire of a large number of the population. He often acts on

behalf of others with a sensitivity of response which does not exist in the average

individual. Such people are often individuals who see beyond the narrow circumference of

their own personal needs into the wider range of the needs of the fellow citizens.

However, events may occur which may alter the prestige of particular individuals. The

structure of the group may also change depending on the task which confronts it. This

suggests that leadership is dynamic and situational. Leadership in organizations ought,

therefore, to be democratized and decision making powers decentralized. A good leader is

one who is most fitted to take charge in any given situation. However, in organizations,

situations do not change so dramatically. The leader of a work team is the supervisor,

foreman or manager, chairman or president as the case may be. But he should under no

circumstance force himself on the group by virtue of his formal authority. This is the

legitimacy question. An individual status is based on the degree to which he contributes to

the achievement of the groups goals and objectives.

Administrative leadership exists in the context of an organization or public

sector. It involves formal authority. Here, leaders, usually have institutional position, the

status and authority of which become part of their roles. The mere recognition of legitimate

authority disposes men to obey. Every formal organization therefore is characterized by

hierarchy through which definition of roles, apportionment of responsibilities, gradation

and insititionalization of position, accountability and communication are ensured.

Intelligent direction on the part of the leader, coupled with devotion to work by the

subordinates, given an organization its desired success of improving on staff productivity.

Hence, administrative leadership in the public sector, like all forms of formal

leadership requires legitimacy, for any leadership that does not enjoy the confidence and

support of its followers is unlikely to succeed.

Leadership is seen from various concepts; as its study began around 1900 and focus

on traits that distinguish great leaders from the masses. Fielder asserted that apart from

traits and behaviour, the nature of followers, job characteristics can influence leadership. It

is agreed that leadership is a one-way or mutual process of influence that command


Muson (1921), defined leadership as “the ability to handle men so as to achieve the most

with the least function and the greatest co-operation. Bennise (1959), on the other hand,

saw leadership as the process by which an agent induces a subordinated to behave in a

desired manner.

Also, Wash (1929) suggested that “leadership implies influencing change in the

conduct of people. The new employees who are still lacking in sense of direction have a

remarkable change in behaviour within a couple of days by the influence of the leaders

(managers, chairmen, etc.)

Tead (1935) defined leadership as the “activity of influencing people to co-operate

toward goals which they came to find desirable” Massarik (1961) defined leadership as

“interpersonal influence, exercised in a situation and directed, through the communication

process toward the attainment of a specified goal or goals. In any given organization or

sector, their goals. In any given organization or sector, their goals must not be in conflict of

the individual employees goals and inspirations.

Some scholars see leadership as an act or behaviour. Such scholar like Fielder

(1967) sees leadership behaviour as the particular acts in which a leader engages in the

course of directing and co-ordinating the work of his group members. These acts include

structuring the work relations, praising or criticizing group members and showing

consideration for their welfare and feelings.

The local government system is as old as the society itself. It is observed that in

every community there has been tiers of duties delegated from a higher tier to a lower one.

With the emergence of the state system after the West Philia Treaty, societies become

more organized than ever and its functions more complex. States in order to function

properly began to delegate some of its functions to the lower tiers.

In Nigeria after the amalgamation of the Northern and Southern Protectorate

together with the colony of Lagos in 1914 the British Government maintained a form of

local administration called Indirect Rule. At every stage of the life of local government

system in Nigeria, its function has always been, to serve the interest of the forces that

created it. This function is measured by determining if the set goals were achieved or not.

The local government was seen as a productive “venture”, for it produces by achieving its

goals and functions. The local government through its staff attempts to fulfill the roles and

functions assigned to it. The productivity levels of these staff have differed from time to

time due to the leadership style adopted by the managers of the local government.

Public administration grows and develops with government and for this growth to

occur, there were reforms and studies on how to create enabling environment for

productivity to grow. According to Abah (1997:10), the establishment of public

administration was also improved by the rise of literacy level and availability of abundant

literature on administration and its functions; planning, organizing, staffing, directing,

coordinating, reporting, budgeting etc. The local government system was not immune from

public administration, the personnel department of the local government is assigned with

the duty of using the staff of the local government to achieve the functions and duties of

the local government. It is the ability of the personnel department to carry its functions

effectively and efficiently to increase the productivity level of a local government.

Aniemeka (1996:4) identified approaches to personnel management as mechanical, social

system, paternalistic, scientific management approach and human relation approach.

The contingency theorist according to Udenta (2006:106) admits that all the

approaches are good only if they will serve the purpose of increasing productivity need of

that time. This can only be achieved by adhering to the organizational structure, work

ethics and work designs or job designs of the local government.

Productivity according to Courbois and Temple (2006) refers to metric and

measures of output from productive processes, per unit of input. Pineda (1990) sees labour

productivity as typically measured as a ratio of output per labour hour. Gollop (1979) sees

productivity as a metric of the technical or engineering efficiency of production. As such,

quantitative metrics of input and sometimes output are emphasized. Productivity is distinct

from metric allocative efficiency, which take into account both the value of what is

produced and cost of input used and also distinct from metrics of profitability which

addresses the difference between the revenues obtained from output and the expenses

associated with consumption of inputs.

On Increase in productivity, Jorgenson (2007) asserts that the local government can

increase productivity in variety of ways. The most obvious involves automation and

computerization which minimizes the task that must be performed by staff. Recently, less

obvious techniques are being employed that involves ergonomic design and worker

comfort. A comfortable staff, the theory maintains can produce more than a counterpart

who struggle through the day.

Labour productivity according to Kurosawa (2006) is the average product of

labour, average output per worker or per worker-hour, an output which could be measured

in physical terms or in price terms. It is not the same with marginal product of labour. The

qualitative aspects of labour productivity such as creativity, innovation, improved quality

of work and the effect on other areas in a local government are more difficult to measure.

The formula for total productivity are:

Total productivity = Output quantity

Input quantity

Therefore, for productivity to have occurred there must be changes in relative price of

different input and output factors.

Enugu North Local Government Area having been created out of the existing old

Enugu Local Government Area far back as the year 1975, has gone through different styles

of leadership. Enugu North Local Government Secretariat is located along Old Park. It

houses six departments comprising of Personnel, Finance, Education, Agriculture,

Works/Housing and Health. Each of these departments has their own staff strength that

help in the running of the local government. In all, there are about 2000 staff in Enugu

North Local Government Area. It has had a long stretch of different types and styles of

leadership. Owing to this inconsistency in the leadership of Enugu North Local

Government, the productivity level of the staff has been greatly affected. This is usually

found in all the local government areas of the country where staff productivity is usually

very low owing to the type of attention given to the staff and sometimes the decaying

attitude of some staff. Enugu North Local Government Area is not an exception in staff

low productivity.

In view of the foregoing, the researcher got motivated to investigated on how the

style of leadership adopted can improve the productivity level of the staff in Enugu North

Local Government Area.


Leadership and staff productivity in Nigeria Public sector had engaged the attention

of many. They are of the view that productivity improvement in the public sector is

dependent upon the leadership and leadership style. Leadership style in any organization

affects negatively or positively the productivity of staff.

Abah (1997) asserts that staff condition of service like salaries, tenure of office,

medicare, leaves, retirement, pension benefits, recognition, sense of inclusiveness and

partial involvement in decision making if taken cognizance of by leadership, improves on


Likert (1967), noted that leadership is a relative process in that for any leader to be

successful (and likewise for any sector to produce effectively), he must recognize certain

issues like expectations, values and interpersonal skills of those with whom he is

interacting. The leader must exhibit behaviours and organizational processes that when

perceived by followers, they will see them as supportive of their efforts and of their sense

of personal worth. Leadership in this sense, must be exercised in such a way as to further

the task performance and personal welfare of followers. Leadership here, must be for

group cohesiveness and motivation for productivity improvement by providing freedom

for responsible decision making and exercise of initiative.

Okeke (2002) postulates that the local government is sub-servient to the creating

instrument. The creating instrument determines its roles and functions and the productivity

level. For productivity to occur, Kurosawa (2006) asserts that there must be changes in

relative price of different input and output factors. Therefore productivity is:

The total productivity = output quantity

Input quantity

Therefore, if there is no different in output and input factors there is no productivity

and productivity can be positive (+) or negative (-).

Obasi (1992) assert that the interaction of politics in a healthy manner would

improve the quality of policy making, policy implementation, administration and increase

in productivity. Adebayo (1981) states that … impractical policies and … dissatisfaction

among staff dampens their productivity flares. Molokwu(1993) assert that it is the

responsibility of leadership to develop good human relation in order to improve on

productivity of staff. After all the achievement of the goal set by this constitution fall on

the staff of local government.

Despite the enormous powers given to the local government and the corresponding

provision for attaining it, the deplorable condition of the people in the rural and urban

centers where the local government held sway show no sign of actualizing the goal set.

Hence in order to fill the above gap and problems, we pose the following questions.

(1) What is the leadership style operational in Enugu North Local Government


(2) What is the level of the quality and quantity of services rendered by the

leadership of Enugu North Local Government Area?

(3) Is there need to adopt other motivating measures to improve on staff

productivity level in Enugu North Local Government Area?

(4) What are the impediments to staff productivity improvement in Enugu

North Local Government Area?

(5) What are the suggestions to be proferred in staff productivity improvement

in Enugu North Local Government Area?


By mere looking at the metamorphosis of Nigerian local government

administration one may be tempted to arrive at the conclusion that there is high level of

productivity by the staff of councils. There have been series of reforms to reposition the

productivity of staff of councils, but the issue is that the role and functions or demand of

society on council is increasingly becoming more complex.

Therefore it is the objective of this work to:

(1) examine the leadership style prevalent in Enugu North Local Government


(2) identify the level of quality and quantity of services rendered by the leadership

of Enugu North Local Government Area.

(3) find out the level of staff productivity in Enugu North Local Government Area.

(4) determine impediments to staff productivity in Enugu North Local Government


(5) proffer suggestions towards improved productivity.


This academic work will help in the identification of those factors which constitute

logs in the wheel and frustrate the raison d’etre in the staff productivity in Nigeria which

necessitates the need to increase productivity level of staff in Nigerian public sector. More

importantly, the fundamental basis of this study is channeled into two dimensions namely,

theoretical and practical. Theoretically therefore, the study will add and contribute to the

existing literature on leadership and its impact on staff productivity in Nigerian Local

Government Area, especially with regard to the need and expediency for increase

productivity in keeping with the latest and current trends of grass root development.

Besides, it will be of particular importance to authorities, administrators, lecturers,

leaders and staff in the private and public sectors, captain of industries, researchers and

students of public administration. On the practical aspect, the study will assist in drawing

the attention of governments to the need of increase in productivity of staff in public

sector. Finally, it will be a veritable source of reference for policy formulators within and

outside the local government area.


The scope of this study was on leadership and staff productivity improvement in

the Nigerian Public Sector, which was limited to Enugu North Local Government Area.

Some staff members in Enugu North Local Government were used for study to understand

how the leadership style in practice affects their productivity and work improvement.

Likewise, certain limitations were experienced in the course of writing this project,

which caused it to take a longer time than expected. Limitations like home problem,

finance, personal office work conflicting with the writing of the project which gave rise to

lack of time. The researcher was short of time to co-ordinate home, office and project




2.1.1 What is Leadership?

Leadership has always been the bane of development in Nigeria, therefore the

underdevelopment of Nigeria have always been attributed to bad leadership, with its

antecedent auxiliary; corruption. Though in some quarters, it is believed that followership

has a problem of its own. Okeke (2002:297) assert that it is the leadership behaviour that

determines the behaviour of the group that is being led.

Muson (2001) sees leadership as the ability to handle men so as to achieve the most

with the least function and the greatest cooperation. Bennise (1959) on the other hand saw

leadership as the process by which an agent induces a subordinate to behave in a desired

manner. Wash (2007) suggested that leadership implies influencing change in the conduct

of people. The new staffs who are still lacking in sense of direction have a remarkable

change in behaviour under the influence of a leader.

Tead (1985) sees leadership as the activity of influencing people to cooperate

toward goals which they came to find desirable. Massarik (2001) sees leadership as

interpersonal influence exercised in a situation and directed through the communication

process towards the attainment of a specific goal or goals.

Hemphill (2007) is of the opinion that there is no absolute leader since successful

leadership must always take into account the specific requirements of the nature of the

group. Ohikhena and Anam (2004) assert that, in a situational approach it is assumed that

the situations are unique and consequently each leader has to be studied in relation to his


2.1.2 Styles of Leadership

Lewin (2008) in writing on leadership style identified and classified leaders into

democratic, autocratic and laissez faire types. It is also concerned with the degree at which

any type effect decision making.

Abah (1997:97) identified four basic styles of leadership which he called

management styles. He describe them as, Exploitative/Authoritarian. Here, the leader or

manager is highly autocratic, has little trust in subordinates, motivates people through fear

and punishment with occasional rewards, engages only in a downward communication and

limits decision making to the top. The participative leader decentralizes managerial

authority. His decisions are not unilateral as with the autocrat, but they arise from

consultation with subordinates and participation by them. He brings the staff into his

problems, by informing them about factors which affect their group job, thereby

encouraging the staff with their suggestions and contribution of ideas. The free-rein

(laizzes-faire) leader depends upon the group to establish its own goals and wok out its

own problems. Staff members train themselves and provide their own motivation. The

leader exists primarily as a contact man with outside persons to bring to his staff the

information and resources it needs to accomplish its task.

Okeke (2002:300) conceptualizes that leadership style is situational, that it is the

situation at hand that determined the leadership style to be adopted. Jenkin (2001) writing

on the situational theory, asserts that leadership is a specific to the particular situation

under investigation. Fielder (2007) in his contingency model asserts that leadership

effectiveness depends on the appropriate matching up of the individual leadership style and

the influence, which the group situation provide. Campbell (1957) opined that the situation

seem to establish some boundaries at least of temporary nature within which a leader must


2.1.3 Leadership Functions

On function of leadership in relationship to group performance or staff

productivity, Okeke (2002:306) states that a leader cannot be studied outside his group

because leadership is a relational attribute which emphasizes the behaviour of the person

leading in terms of the behaviour of the person led. Haplin (1956) sees leadership as the

behaviour of a leader functioning vis-à-vis members of a group in an endeavour to

facilitate the solution to group problem or organizational goal – productivity. Brown

(1997) and Newell (2008) view leadership as a transaction, which is determined by both

the leader and the led. Therefore, there is a strong relationship between leadership and staff

productivity. For optimum productivity to occur leadership must create an enabling

environment for followership to perform and produce.

Mere occupancy of a position is no guarantee that its incumbent is an effective

leader in the sense that he does things, initiates new programmes and actually leads his

followers of staff. Leadership can only be understood in terms of what the leader does, not

who the leader is or what kind of person he is. However, there are certain functions that

seem to be commonly performed by leaders of various organizations or groups. Such

functions include making of policies, execution of policies and performance of dual

responsibility to the general public and to the internal operation of his organization.

Another function, is that for a leader to improve on staff productivity should adopt

measures like shares relationship in the sector he is occupying. In adopting this measure,

he is expected to provide proper guidance, motivation and help to his staff while on the

other hand, he expects good quality work from his staff.

Gross and Herriott (1965) in their studies on Executive Professional Leadership

(EPL) Principles found out that leadership behaviour affect negatively or positively on

organizational characteristics. Mitchel (1972) writing on a study to determine whether the

complexity of persons in leadership positions influenced their groups performance on

variety of tasks, and whether leaders with different levels of complexity utilized

systematically different behaviours to obtain their respective performance level. Finding

showed that staff productivity level is influenced by leadership style. Macgregor (1966)

believe that leadership style was a determinant of staff behaviour. Schriesheim and

Murphy (2008) writing on leadership style and productivity, found that when leaders

perform optimally and relates well with staff, that staff productivity increases but when

reverse is the case, the productivity of staff decreases. Katz and Khan (1978) corroborated

the assertion by arguing that the function of staff if well articulated will increase


For Okeke (2002:308) leadership in governmental administration is two-pronged. It

is a combination of political and administrative leadership efforts. A dynamic and

purposeful political leadership could enhance the performance of administrative leaders.

This contention corroborates earlier citations that leadership is interactional, a relational

attribute and a cause-effect phenomenon. There is no doubt that the leadership style or

behaviour of political executives certainly influences the performance of staff and


2.1.4 Leadership Qualities

In studying a leader, there are desirable qualifications for he to be termed effective.

This image is characterized by certain important leadership qualities.

(a) Intelligence: This implies natural intelligence, mature and sound judgement

to foresee and examine problems and be able to provide appropriate

solutions to them.

(b) Initiative: This is the ability to do things correctly without being told or with

minimum supervision.

(c) Sociability: For a leader to be effective and function well in all the specified

duties and responsibilities placed upon him, he must be well grounded in

interacting with many staff and groups of people. He must have a well

developed human relation skill.

(d) Moral Integrity: A leader must always uphold high ethical and moral

standards. He has to be courageous enough to stick to the truth and uphold it

at all times.

(e) A leader should at all times accept constructive criticisms gracefully and

takes full responsibility for the organizational or group goals.

2.1.5 Highlights on Local Government

Local Government in one form or the other has existed in many communities of the

world throughout ages. In Nigeria today the local government is seen as the third tier of

government alongside the federal and state government.

Udenta (2007:44) writing on the character of local government states that, from

history, areas that are once recognized as local government areas, once upon a time lost the

status. For examples, many of the native authority areas and 1950s and 60s multi tier

arrangements in Nigeria lost local government status sequel to 1976 unification, and areas

that were not local government in the past after some time past becomes local

governments, and the beats goes on. Therefore the basic nature and character of local

government includes:

(a) subordination to central, regional or state government

(b) recognition of higher levels of government/conventions

(c) corporate or legal personality

(d) cultural homogeneity

(e) area

(f) instrument

(g) population

(h) a government /administration

(i) miscellaneous

Okeke (2002) postulated that the local government as a product of its creator is

subservient to such higher authority. The creating instrument determines the role and

function of the local government. It is the influence of the creating instrument that

determines the productive level of the local government.

2.1.6 Responsibilities /Functions of Local Government

The law of Enugu State that makes provision for the establishment, structure,

composition, finance, and functions of local government council (2000, No. 1, Part IX,

Section 50-54, PP A27-30) states inter-alia:

The main function of a local government shall be as follows:

(a) the consideration and making recommendation to the state economic planning
committee or any similar body on:
(i) the economic development of the state, particularly in so far as the areas
of authority of the council and of the state are affected, and
(ii) Proposal made by the said commission or body
(b) Collection of rates and issuance of radio and television licenses;
(c) Establishment and maintenance of cemeteries, burial grounds, and homes for
destitute or infirm;
(d) Licensing of bicycles, trucks (other than mechanically propelled trucks,),
canoes, wheel barrows and carts;
(e) Construction, maintenance and regulation of slaughter houses, slaughter slabs,
markets, motor parks, and public conveniences;
(f) Establishment, maintenance of roads, streets, street lightings, drains, parks,
gardens, open spaces, or such public facilities as may be prescribed from time
to time by law.
(g) Naming of roads and streets and numbering of houses;
(h) Provision and maintenance of public conveniences, sewages and refuse
(i) Registration of all births, deaths and marriages;
(j) Assessment of privately owned houses or tenements for the purpose of levying
such rates under this law or as may be prescribed by the House of Assembly of
the state;
(k) Control and regulation of:
(i) out-door advertising and hoarding,

(ii) movement and keeping of pets of all descriptions,
(iii) shops and kiosk,
(iv) restaurants, bakeries and other places for sales of food to the public
(v) laundries, and
(l) Licensing, regulation and control of the sales of liquor
. The functions of local government shall include participation of such government
in the government of the state as respects the following matters, namely;
a) the provision and maintenance of primary, adult and vocational education.
b) the development of agriculture and natural resources, other than
exploitation of minerals;
c) the provision and maintenance of health services;
d) the maintenance of order and good government within the areas of its
authority; and
e) such other functions as may be conferred upon a local government by the
house of Assembly of the state.
(1) In the exercise of the functions conferred under this law, a local government
may either by its own employee, or by duly appointed agents or otherwise,
do all such things as are necessary or desirable for the discharge of all such
(2) Any function conferred upon a local government by or under this law shall
be exercisable in respect of all persons within the area of authority save as
is otherwise expressly provided in this law or any other enactment.
Subject to the provision of this or any other law or enactment, every local
government shall have power to engage in any form of trade, commerce or
Subject to this law or any other enactment, every local government shall be
responsible for and have power to make by-laws for all or any of the following
matters, that is –
(a) health centers, maternity centers, dispensaries and health clinics, ambulance
services, leprosy clinics and preventive health services;
(b) meat inspection and abattoirs;

(c) nursery, primary and adult education;
(d) information and public enlightenment;
(e) provision of scholarships and bursaries;
(f) provision of public libraries and reading rooms;
(g) agriculture and animal health extension services and veterinary clinics;
(h) rural and semi urban water supplies;
(i) fire services;
(j) provision of roads (other than trunk roads) their lightening and drainage;
(k) support for arts and culture;
(l) control of pollutions;
(m) control of beggars, or prostitution and repatriation of destitute;
(n) provision of home for destitute, the infirm and orphans;
(o) provision of public utilities including roads and water transport;
(p) public housing programmes;
(q) regulation and control of buildings;
(r) town and country planning;
(s) operation of commercial undertakings;
(t) control of traffic and parking;
(u) pipe sewage system;
(v) rural electrification.

From the above we can see the enormous powers and responsibilities of local


The productive capacity of any nation can be determine by the quantity and quality

of her work force. And enduring development is always a home-made development though

it may be imported but it must be modified to suit the local demand. The local government

serves as the actual centre of development because when the people are developed, the

nation is developed. There have been many literature on leadership and staff productivity,

we are going to be concerned with those that relate; Leadership, Leadership Style, its

function and Staff productivity.

2.1.7 Co-ordination between Leadership and Staff Productivity Improvement

Writing further on the impact of politics on the productivity of staff of local

government, Obasi (2002) postulated on the need to resolve the dichotomy between

political officials and staff in the public service. He argued that their roles and functions

should be separated despite the fact that they are so inter-twined. Proponent of the

separation of roles and function or non-interference includes Woodrow Wilson, John

Pfiffner, Frank Goodnow, and E.E. Willoughby. Pfiffner (2007). They asserts that

administration lies outside the proper sphere of politics and as such administrative

questions are not political questions. He based his logic on the evil influence of partisan

politics. Obasi (2002) stated further that it will give administrators and staff the liberty to

bring their professional judgement and technical competence into the implementation

processes of already formulated policies. Further more political office holder who

constitutionally are higher than career office holder will bring in partisan political

judgement which may work against the overall interest of the goals and aspiration of the

local government and staff. This if allowed would reduce productivity of staff.

The opponents of separation according to Obasi (1992) includes Adebayo,

Friedrich, Dimock, etc. Adebayo (1981) postulates that political office holders do not make

policies alone, but allows tangible input from administration; therefore administrator

cannot avoid policy-making responsibility. Obasi (2002) stated that the interaction of

politics and administration in a healthy manner would improve the quality of

policymaking, policy implementation, administration and increase productivity. Adebayo

(1981) asserts that political office holders who are not well informed in certain matters of

importance in administration and personnel management are the ones who make policies

that have to be implemented by the public sector staff, this often lead to policies that will

be impractical to implement. This also causes dissatisfaction among the staff, damping

their productivity flares.

Moluokwu (1993) writing on human relation and productivity asserts that people

perform better when they are treated better and recognized but revolts when neglected by

the leadership or management of their firm or organization. According to him, one of the

proponent of human relation includes Elton Mayo, Dickson, Zybotha etc. From their

popular Hawthornes Experiment at the Western Electric Company in Chicago, USA, Mayo

and others were able to prove that productivity will increase when leadership not only

gives staff money, but also give them a sense of belonging. From this experiment, it was

concluded that human element had a greater impact in productivity increase or decrease.

It is the responsibility of leadership to develop a good human relation. In Nigeria,

leadership is lacking in the personal need of staff, they feel that their relationship with staff

ends only on work which the staff must accomplish. Writing on leaders developing cordial

relationship with staff, Abah (1997:238) asserts that staff condition of service like salaries,

tenure of office medicare, leaves, retirement and pension benefits etc are to be taken

cognizance of, if management does not consider these, productivity might be low.

2.18 Summary of Literature Review

From scholars view, the general view is that there is a strong relationship between

leadership and staff productivity. It is also agreed that leadership style to a large extent

affects staff productivity negatively or positively. Leadership determines the function and

roles of staff. The local government or any other subservient agents or tiers of government

is subject to the actions and reactions of its creating instrument. Therefore productivity is

determined by the actions of the creating instruments of the organization a staff worked



To achieve the objective of this study, the researcher employed the following


2.2.1 Research Design

The researcher will employ observation and “historical, descriptive” approach.

Nwobodo (2008:36) asserts that historical approach deals with the determination,

evaluation and explanation of past events essentially for the purpose of gaining a better and

clearer understanding of present and making a more reliable prediction of future.

Descriptive approach is that which specifies the nature of a given phenomena (Osuala,


2.2.2 Sources of Data

Data were collected using both primary and secondary sources. In the application

of the primary source, the researcher made use of questionnaires, which were distributed to

randomly selected staff from six departments of Enugu North Local Government Area.

Interview method was also adopted as also one of the primary sources of data. Secondary

sources used include textbooks, journals, newspapers, articles, newspapers, government

documents and information from internet.

Owing to the fact that the research topic is both practical and theoretical in outlook,

the need for both sources could not be overemphasized.

Reasons for adopting both sources

Secondary Sources

(1) It provides with already existing data which in many occasions pass through

peer reviews and subsequently can be best on the issues of reliability and


(2) Because of the nature of the study especially the fact that it deals with a large

scope of empirical content it is difficult to scale the study to such a method as

survey searcher only.

(3) There seem to be a high degree of reliability of data published about the issues

that is being researched upon here. Even when doubts about empirical content

arise there are numerous sources offered by content analysis and analysis of

existing data.

(4) Even when content analysis and analysis of existing data are used the researcher

often tries to employ data that are generated from other methods as a form of


(5) Cost of Research. The method employed appears to be the cheapest and most

easily available data collection technique because the research is not being

funded by any organization. It has to be necessary to depend on a method which

also is equally reliable.

Primary Sources

(a) The use of primary sources in data collection aids in getting a clearer view of the

mind of study group.

(b) Though, it is expensive to adopt, but it aids faster in gathering of information/data


(c) The research topic appears practical, therefore the use of primary sources is very


2.2.3 Population of the Study

The population of this study was made up of some staff in Enugu North Local

Government Area from the six (6) departments of the Local Government. The staff

strength of Enugu North Local Government Area stood as at 2008 at five thousand (5,000).

The staff strength of each department stood at:

Personnel Department – 2,000; Finance Department – 400; Education Department – 1,300;

Agriculture Department – 900; and Health Department – 400.

2.2.4 Sample and Sampling Techniques

From the total number of departments, which are six, staff were selected at random

from each of the department. Thus, the total sample for the study was one thousand (1,000)



The study is design to test the following hypothesis

1. The leadership style in Enugu North Local Government determines the

improvement of the staff productivity.

2. Improvement of staff productivity depends to a large extent on the level of

quality and quantity of services rendered by the leadership of Enugu North

Local Government.

3. The productivity level of staff of Enugu North Local Government needs to be


4. Impediments arise which hinder the productivity level of staff in Enugu North

Local Government Area.

5. Suggestions are proffered towards improving staff productivity in Enugu North

Local Government Area.


We shall adopt contingency theory as our theoretical framework for the study.

Udenta (2007:106) sees contingency theory as the ultimate management theory. It

involves using the idea that makes things happen. Abah (1997:66-67) asserts that there

cannot be a management theory that will suit every area, circumstances and situations,

therefore, administration behaviour is contingent upon the environmental variables. It is

pragmatic, utilizing what is available to actualize what is desirable.

Aniemeka (1999:161) perceived it as a situational approach to management. It is

situation that determines the actions and reaction of leaders and staff respectively. Person

(1928) opined that it is situation that plays a large part in determining leadership qualities

of a leader at a particular point in time. He further asserts that the qualities of an individual,

which a particular situation may determine as leadership qualities, are themselves a

product of a succession of prior leadership situations which have developed and moulded


Okeke (2002:209) stated that different situations require different leadership

behaviour, therefore the contingency theory try to describe the circumstances in which the

various leadership styles are effective. The contingency theory includes Reddin’s 3-D

Grid, Fielder’s Leadership Contingency Model and House;s Path Goal Model Approach.

Fielder (2007) asserts that leadership does not reside in a person but is a function of

occasion. He maintained that the effectiveness of any type of behaviour exhibited by the

leader is contingent upon the demand imposed by the situation.

As such contingency theory like rational comprehensive approach is the most

handy and analytical instrument in this study.


1. Leader: someone who acts as a guide; a directing head or chief e.g. of a

political party, moving troops, animals etc; someone or something that holds first


2. Leadership: the position of a leader; the quality displayed by a leader; the act of

leading or an instance of this.

3. Productivity: ability to produce; productive yield.

4. Improvement: an improving or being improved; an instance of this, which

increases its economic value.

5. Public Sector: this is division of parastal or organization owned and managed by

the government for the interest of the public or citizenry.

6. Government: a group of people who come together to administer and manage the

affairs of the state, in practice of a particular system of government, under the

support of citizens in a legitimate way and being sovereign.




3.1.1 Evolution Of Local Government In Nigeria

World over and since antiquity, there existed one form or another of local

administration. Government at the grass root remains the heritage of principalities,

empires, states and governments. In pre-colonial Africa, the Igbos in Eastern Nigeria

through the council of elders appoint group of elders to administer local matters as pertain

to their clan. Despite the fact that there is no centralized system of leadership in Igbo Land,

there existed the town structure where you have villages, sub villages, clan, brethren, down

to the families. The villages take care of local matters at the dictates of the town which

controls it. Ifeka (1971)

The Oyo Empire constitutes the forest states of the present Western Nigeria, it

came into prominence in the 15th Century. There were provinces and chiefdom which serve

as local government, Ownubiko (1966). The Oba through the Alafin rule the local units,

and the Alafin install his viceroy or Ilari who ascertain that the provincial authority and

obligation of Alafin is being recognized and adhere to especially taxes, Udenta (2007).

The Hausa Fulani Dynasty in Northern Nigeria is being controlled by the Sarki.

The states of the Hausa Kingdom was divided into villages and district for purpose of local

administration. The administration of local district is left to the district head who is

appointed by the Sarki, Onwubiko (1966). Besides the Igbo, Oyo and Hausa-Fulani

kingdoms, there are Benin, Dahomey, Akan, etc states and kingdoms of Africa, Udenta


The British administration created the geographical entity called Nigeria through

the amalgamation of the protectorate of Southern and Northern Nigeria together with the

colony of Lagos in 1914. The colonial government found an already existing mode of local

administration that suited their desire in the North especially those areas under the Sokoto

Caliphate, Obi (2001). They adopted this set up which is the forerunner of the indirect rule

system of local administration. The British extended their influence to Borno with the

support of Shehu of Borno whose influence extended to Northern Cameroon, Chad, Niger,

Sudan and Central African Republic.

In the Western Nigeria the British met a veritable empire of the Yoruba Kingdom,

whom they also ruled through the indirect rule system.

According to Obi (2001) in the Eastern part of Nigeria the British met few

paramount rulers or chiefs whose influence does not exceed their communities or towns.

They met a well-established gerontocratic administration. Confronted with this Staccato

System, the British resort to the enlistment of men of aplomb and respectability in their

alien perception of the people.

The British established the native authorities through whom they were able to lord

it over the entire country with connivance of the Emir, Chief and the Obas. The excesses of

the colonialist made some Nigerians to have contempt of their character. Despite this they

were unable to usurp them. Rather they directed their unobtrusive venom to the local

leadership. In response to the people recalcitrant, gibe and malevolence, the Emirs, Chiefs

and Obas became ruthless.

It will be argued that under this harsh condition that productivity will be extant but

yet the staff of the local authority was able to produce. Their energies was channeled

toward the products that their creating instrument demanded. For instance, the P.W.D

(Public Work Department) was able to construct roads that were properly cambered,

macadamized with adequate drainage system. Secondly they were able to build railways,

postal services, telegraph and telephone, etc.

With the above you will agree that colonial administration through the staff of local

administration had a form of productivity.

The period between Nigerian Independence in 1960 to 1975, there was no

remarkable improvement in leadership and productivity in Nigeria local government. It

was a period when local administrators just like their states and federal counterparts are

learning to stand on their feet. The period witnessed tremendous challenges for local

government administration. Just as the nation itself, each region attempts to solve their

local government problem considering its peculiarity. On the emergency of the state

system, when Nigeria moved from four regions to 12 states in 1976 during the General

Murtala Mohammed, the fortune of local government never changed for better.

According to Obi (2001) in the former Western Region, the local government

revenue fall drastically as a result of withdrawal of the financial autonomy given to local

government; Non-implementation of the replacement of lost revenue due to 1957 Tax Law

by the Federal Government. This therefore effects the management of local government at

that time. The West in 1970 experimented on the American type of city management.

In Lagos productivity with regard to revenue did not fair well despite the

appointment of local government inspectors. The inspector’s presence was expected to

provide the deference to defalcating local council worker but it could not increase


In the Eastern Region the story was same the government rely on government fixed

grant and community tax. It was because of un-productivity of local government that led

Ukpabia Ajie Asika government to jettison the old form of local government

administration and embraces divisional administration system in 1970, after the civil war,

which was later, changed to community council.

In Northern Nigeria the story was the same only there was a process of

democratization of the system. Some native authority ordinances were promulgated in the

region leading to district and town councils with councilors.

This was the scenario in the local government, that led to the 1976 reforms.

The 1976 reform came and revolutionalises the structure of local government but

its nature, character and function were retained. It was distinct for the following reason:

Population: A population size was defined for a local government. It is between 300,000

to 800,000. In some special cases it can be less.

Identity: The reform gives the local government a new identity in the sense that it is no

longer an appendage of the state.

Democratic: It stipulates that councilor and representative of the people should be elected

and from the people and by the people of the areas.

Finance: A finance and general purpose committee was created. The local government

also acquired some financial autonomy.

Legislative Capacity: The council can make byelaws and make modifications to

customary laws

Autonomy: The local government formally becomes the third tier of government. It can

now make its own standing rules. It can employ staff exclusively for local

government services.

Accountability: The retention of local government service commission or the service

board help for accountability and probity.

Defined Boundary: There was clear-cut boundary between one local government and


Joint Board: The local government was empowered to have a joint board involving two or

more local governments to undertake a business venture or projects beneficial to


Functions: There were well-defined functions of local government, either exclusive or

concurrent functions.

The 1976 local government reform was watershed in the evolution of local

government administration in Nigeria. It gave the local government so much power and

responsibilities. This also indicates more complex demand from its creating instrument. It

also indicates greater efficiency and increase productivity.

Change is the only thing that is constant, the local government will continue to be

reformed to suit the realities of every epoch. There have been numerous committees and

innovations in the local government administration especially with regard to the

constitutionality or legality of local government. Due to the gain of 1976 reform, the

Federal government through the legislative assembly deems it fit to legitimize the local

government. This was done, by incorporating it in the 1979 constitution of Federal

Republic of Nigeria.

The constitution of Federal Republic of Nigeria 1979 Section 7(1) states inter alia:

there shall be a system of local government by democratically elected local government


Section 7 subsection 6(a) states that

(a) the National Assembly shall make provision for statutory allocation of public

revenue to all government council in the federation and,

(b) the House of Assembly, of a states shall make provision for statutory allocation

of public revenue to local government councils within the state.

Despite the gain of 1976 reform and the provision of the 1979 constitution, its

applicability proved that it has inherent flaw in itself. Some of the flaws include:

(a) The 1976 edit which empowered the military governor to cause an inquiry in

any local government at any time and place as he pleases.

(b) The military governor is also empowered to appoint anybody to do the inquiry.

(c) Where council was unable to hold the required number of meeting or the

governor deems it that they are not performing, the governor has the power to:

i. suspend the council

ii. appoint a management committee for the council

iii. declare the seat of chairman and council members vacant

iv. allow management committee to serve as long as necessary

v. dissolve the council

vi. instruct inspectors to inspect account of council

2. The 10% from federation account most often never get the local government but

got stuck at the state treasury.

3. The 1979 constitution empowered the state to create more local government. This

was politically abused, only states and areas where the ruling party controlled

benefited. This brings the number of local government in Nigeria from 301 – 401.

4. Between 1979 – 1983 state governor was empowered to appoint councilors and


With this cumbersome situation the aim and goal of the 1976 reform and 1979

Constitution was defeated, precipitating to a search for a better and more productive local

government system.

The 1987 Ibrahim Dasuki Local Government Reform had this as some of its seven

term of reference:

1. To examine the existing structures, functions and financial resources available to

local government for performance of those functions.

2. To look into the account and management (staff) problems of local governments

including the standardization of the various departments of the council.

3. To work out human resource development scheme for all cadres of local

government staff. These three directly relates to staff productivity. Bearing this in

mind, the federal government accepted this recommendation of the committee out

of the four recommendations.

i. State should stop encroaching on the function of local government

ii. The approval of scheme of service for all staff of council in accordance

with Ezekiel Oyeyibo Committee recommendation of 1988.

iii. Issuance of Implementation Guideline of Civil Service Reform in the

Local Government.

This received constitutional backing as it was enshrined in the un-operated 1989

Constitution, the Fourth Schedule, (Part 1) and Decree No. 10 of April 1989, No. 23 of 30

June 1991 and No. 15 of 17 May 1991 (The Local Government Basic Constitutional and

Transition Provisions).

3.1.2 Administration Of Local Government In Nigeria

According to Udenta (2007), the 1976 Local Government Reforms was sequel to

the single tier multipurpose platform. This has been sustained ever with same

administrative structure despite the national constant political instability. In 1988, Decree

No. 43 on Civil Service Reforms was a reaction to the moribund and comatose

performance of the civil service and the quest for improved productivity. The

implementation guideline on the application of civil service reforms in the Local

Government Services was brought about in the set up of local government administration.

The guide line in Section II subsection 1 – 14 provided:

(a) One department of personnel

(b) One department of finance, supplies, planning, research, and statistics

(c) Not more than four operation departments of

i. Education

ii. Medical and Health

iii. Agric and Natural Resources

iv. Works, Housing, Land and Survey

Section II (2) provides that: No local government is allowed to have more than six

departments in all. Therefore any expansion in the local government shall be

accommodated through the sub divisions below the level of departments provided that, in

each case of span of control does not exceed six.

Section II (6) provides that: Administration officers currently in general

administration shall now specialize in one area of management, which will enhance their

deployability into any of the two common management departments of the local


Section II (8) provides that: Every local government employee who satisfies the

laid down criteria for advancement can rise to the top most post in the local government

service. Mobility within the unified local government service shall be subject only to

requisite qualification, training, experience, good report and vacancy. A lot have changed,

from 1988 to 2009; there was a five-department policy,

1. Personnel Management (Administration)

2. Health

3. Finance

4. Agriculture /Natural Resources

5. Work and Housing

There is also the merger in 1988 and later separation in 1999 of the office of the

Secretary to the Local Government and the Head of the Personnel Management.

According to Okoli (2000), with effect from 12th April 1999, the office of the

secretary to the local government area and head of personnel management were separated.

The function of the offices were clearly spelt out by the Presidency in its letter No.

MS/MSLG/LG/136/T/7 of 12th April 1999, which in addition, outlined the criteria for

appointment of secretary to the local government as follows:

The appointment of the secretary to the Local Government should be made by the

Local Government Service Commission from the most suitable senior career officers in the

local government service in accordance with Section 15 of the operational guideline for

local government council and should be strictly based on merit, seniority, competence and


Table 3.1: Organizational Structure of a Local Government

Chairman Legislature

Vice Chairman Supervisors Secretary Clerk of Council


H P M/ Treasurer

HOD Finance & HOD Education HOD Agric HOD Works/ HOD Health
Staff Staff staff Housing Staff Staff

Internal Legal Information HOD

Audit Unit Unit Research &



3.2.1 The Emergency Of Enugu North Local Government Area

Enugu North Local Government Area was created out of the existing old Enugu

Local Government Area of Enugu State in 1976 under the presidency of the then military

head of state General Olusegun Obasanjo with its headquarters at Enugu. Enugu North

Local Government Area is one of the 17 Local Government Areas of Enugu State. It has a

chairman as the man in charge of the local government. It was established to bring

government and the programs of the state and the federal closer to the people of the rural

and urban areas.

Enugu State of Nigeria Law 2000, No. 1, First Schedule, Section 3 states that

Enugu North is comprises of :

Enugu Urban – Asata, Ogui, Ogbete, GRA, Ogui New Layout, New Haven,

Indepedence Layout, Udi Siding, Iva Valley and and China Town; Ogui Nike.

Under the administration of Dr. Chimaroke O. Nnamani, Governor Enugu State

between 1999 – 2007, Development Areas were created and Enugu North was sub divided

into two Developmental Areas.

1. Enugu North Development Area, headquarter Enugu Urban Council. Its

comprise of Umunevo Ogui Nike, Onu asata, Ogui New Layout, Ogbete 1 & 2,

Iva Valley, Udi Siding and;

2. Enugu Central Development Area Headquarter Agu Owo. It is comprised of

Independence Layout, Ogui Nike, China Town, Asata Ward, GRA 1 & 2, New

Haven, Right of Presidential Road up to junction of O’Connor Street/Ogui

Road taking left turn passing subway/Station roads cutting across Okpara

Avenue to the junction with Colliery Avenue through Old House of Assembly

to Old Onitsha Road to the foot of Miliken Hill.

3.2.2 Administration Of Enugu North Local Government Area

The administration of Enugu North Local Government like any other local

government in Nigeria is the same in structure. Sequel to 1976 Local Government

reforms the single tier multi-purpose platform or regime was introduced. It has been

maintained with same organizational /political and administrative structure not

withstanding the government in power, be it military, democratic or transitional.

The 1988 Decree No. 43 on Civil Service Reforms was simply a reaction of

government towards the unproductive status of local government. The decree attempt

to chart a new course by professionalizing the administration of local government. It

attempts to give a definite role or separation of power between the political and

administrative personnel of the local government. In Enugu North Local Government

Area, the following is its administrative structure. We shall start with the political



1. The Chairman is the Chief Executive, accounting and security officer. His role as

accounting officer excludes signing of payment vouchers and cheques.

2. He observes and comply fully with checks and balances in the existing guidelines

and financial regulation governing receipts and disbursement of public fund and

other assets entrusted to his care and is viable to any breach thereof.

3. His accountability does not cease after leaving office

4. He shall face periodic check in adherence to finance control and management act

1958 and all its amendments. To this ends,

(a) All instructions relating to expenditure of funds shall be in writing.

(b) He shall account to the public account committee or any other bodies

created for such purpose for all monies voted for each departments

(c) He shall render annual report of the council to ensure accountability and

enforce performance ethics.

(d) He is bound by any rules, regulations, guidelines, edicts, laws,

governing the rules and functions of the office of the chairman.

(e) All references to the secretary as Accounting Officer in the financial

regulations and the financial regulations, guidelines, edit or law shall be

constructed as reference to the chairman.

(f) All correspondence flowing to or from the local government shall be in

the name of the chairman provided that the chairman shall delegate the

processing of such correspondence to the secretary. No correspondence

shall be left unprocessed merely on the account of the absence of the

chairman whose attention must be drawn to any correspondence

received in his absence as soon as he returns to office.

5. He appoints the supervisors, some members of committees, secretary to the local

government and personal assistance.

6. The chairman together with supervisors and secretary to the Local Government

constitute the executive arm of the local government. They formulate and execute


7. It is incumbent upon the chairman to monthly render account of the activities of the

local government to the legislatures.

8. The chairman shall while leaving office write a comprehensive hand over for his



The Chairman delegates substantial parts of his administrative and financial

functions and authority to the deputy chairman, supervisor and the secretary to the local

government who were all fully involved in the key decision making processes.

Deputy Chairman

The deputy chairman acts for the chairman in his absence. He is also a councilor

with the capacity to carry out his duties and functions.


The supervisors are closely and intimately involved in the management of their

respective departments, by performing the functions assigned to them as stated in 1976

Guideline paragraph 30 for local government reform, namely:

i. Political Head of State of their respective departments and he attends local

government meetings when invited to explain to council the conduct of his

affairs to which he has responsibility, when those affairs are discussed.

ii. Giving directives to the executive head of the local government departments on

the general policy issues only, but not in the internal management of the


iii. Assisting the chairman on the supervision of local government projects

executed within their respective departments.

iv. Chairman of relevant committees in their departments like (education, works,

health, etc)

v. Carry out such other functions as the chairman or the council may assign to

them from time to time.

Secretary To Local Government

1. He is the secretary to the executive arm of the local government.

2. He interacts with the councilors through correspondence.

3. He liaises with the secretary to the state government

4. He is a signatory to the cheques and payment vouchers

5. He ensures that all instructions to the expenditure of public fund by the chairman

are in writing and that the chairman is made to understand that he is ultimately

responsible for accounting to the public accounts committees for all monies voted

for the local government.

6. He ensures that the collectors of revenues shall account for them and render returns

to him in accordance with local government financial memoranda.

7. He performs the duties as secretary and chief administrative advisor to the local

government and to the finance and general purpose committee.

8. He performs such other duties as may be assign to him by the chairman or council.


Local Government Treasurer

The Approved Scheme of Civil Service for local government employee and other

functions page 299 assigned the following functions to the office of the treasurer to the

local government.

i. The treasurer shall perform the duties of financial adviser to the local


ii. He has the responsibility for the administrative control of the finance

department of the local government.

iii. He performs the duties as Chief Account Officer of the receipt and payments of

local government.

iv. He ensures that ht accounting system as had in the finance memoranda is

complied with by all departments of the local government.

v. He is responsible for budgetary control and supervising the accounts of all

departments of the local government.

vi. He prepares and publishes the monthly and annual financial statements of the

local government.

vii. Performs such related duties and functions as laid down in the financial


viii. He is a signatory to the local government payment vouchers and cheques.

ix. He performs such other functions that may be assigned to him by the chairman

or the council.

Head Personnel Management (HPM)

The head personnel department was until recently the secretary to the

legislature and the local government. He heads the junior staff management

committees. Together with the treasurer he signed all cheques, contracts,

agreements and local purchase orders, subject to the prior approval of the

approving authority. He performs such other duties as may be assigned to him by

the chairman or the council.

Head of Departments

The Head of Departments (H.O.Ds) are concerned with the internal management of

their different department in line with the lay down procedures, guidelines and or

constitutional provisions under the guidance of the supervisor assigned to the department.

They can also carry out any other duty assigned to them by the chairman, council or


A Model of Enugu North Local Government Organogram

Table 3.2: The Political and Administrative Structure of Enugu North Local
Government Area.

Chairman Councillors

Supervisors V. Chairman Secretary

H.P.M Treasurer

(H. O. Ds)

Political =
Non Political =___________



In the local government system, there exist two structures, the political and the

administrative structure. We should bear in mind that the local government is subservient

to its creating instrument. Therefore, we are here concerned with the political structure. It

is the political structure that determines the leadership style, its nature, functions and


According to Udenta (1999:5-9), the political system is that set of interactions

having to do with the Estonian Authoritative allocation of values. Fredrick (1978) assets

that public policies are the output of political system therefore the political structure is

concerned with policies and decision making.

Policies are broad and dynamic guidelines which directs leadership and define the

access in which their decisions and actions can be taken. It is purposefully goal oriented

action by government official or leadership which is authoritative, legal and binding with

coercive qualities.

3.3.1 Structure of ENLGA

Enugu North Local Government Area in the evolution of its existence has had the

course to enjoy the following political structures:

1. Presidential Structure

The presidential structure of local government administration existed in Enugu

North Local Government Area. This involves the application of democratic principles

using presidentialism as a yard stick. In this structure, the chairman /person or Mayor as he

or she may be called, takes the praise or responsibility of the success or failure of the

administration. The structure provide a framework for support and stability through the

administrative maestros of the executive chairman.

The chairman is elected for a specified tenure. The election of the chief executive

enables him to enjoy the mandate of the people, their power, authority and legality to serve

them unmolested. The existence of a legislature and judiciary and separation of power

helps stabilizes the structure. This also tend to reinforce the legitimacy of the

administration thereby creating an enabling environment for increase in productivity

through check and balances, accountability, probity and transparency.

2. The Transitional/Transitory/Interim Structures.

Under this structure we have the sole administrator model, the Management

committee model and the Caretaker Committee Model.

a. The Sole Administrator Model

The sole administrator model involves a corruption of the French Prefectorial Local

Government Structural System. This lacks the democratic base. Ocheoha (1991) opined

that with the inception of the military regime in Nigeria after the demise of the second

republic, sole administrators were appointed to manage the affairs of local governments,

solely, with no elected councilors or appointed councilors to advice or assist them. They

were mostly senior and experienced civil servants on or above salary grade 12 and were

drawn mainly from the administrative cadre of the State Civil Service. In the case of Enugu

North Local Government, the sole administrator model were in practice.

b. The Management Committee Model

This is a corrupt version of the American Commission Structure. But in case of

Nigeria, with large population, expanse of land and without the democratic base, it is more

of expediency that the chairmen are chosen. Ocheoha (1991) stated that in such innovative

experiment occurred under the military administration. The management committee is

made up of four (4) appointed councilors from the local government. It is of note that

during the appointment that the state governor or military governor as the case may be

must take cognizance of the geopolitical, socio-cultural and the constituent of the people

and see that they are represented.

This type of arrangement existed in Enugu North Local Government Area.

c. The Caretaker Committee Model

The caretaker model is a temporal structure without much commitment. In this

model, four or more councilors were appointed in the local government as member of the

committee to run the affair of the local government under the chairmanship of a public

officer of the status of former sole administrator whose designation changed to chairman of

local government Caretaker Committee. Membership of the committee were full time, the

chairman were directed to assign offices and portfolios to the four members as if they were

supervisory councilors and to remunerate them as such. This model was practiced in

Enugu North Local Government Area.

3.3.2 Leadership Style

It is argued that the bane of Nigerian underdevelopment is bad leadership. Because

of the aforementioned argument, we intend to find out the extent of its validity. From the

literature review, most writers are of the opinion that leadership have a lot of influence

over fellowership. It is also believed that productivity is dependent upon the type or style

of leadership. That is to say that in some style of leadership productivity may be high, low,

constant or unstable. Aniemeka (1999:161) identified six styles of leadership which she

listed as follows:

1. Authoritative style or the Dominator

2. Persuasive style or Crowd Arouser

3. Democratic Style or Group Developer

4. Intellectual style or the Eminent man

5. Effective style or Administrator

6. Representative style or Spokesman

She went further to state that only two styles of leadership were predominant today

and they are :

1. The Authoritative style or task oriented or structured and

2. The Democratic style or person oriented or considerate

Okeke (2002:302) writing on leadership style identified the following as leadership


Democratic Style:

In democratic style, decision making resides with the group. Subordinates

participate in decision that affects them but are not allowed to behave as they like. It is

claimed that in democratic style, there is more effectiveness in getting high performance

because it achieves personal commitment to decisions made collectively and encourages

individual creativity.

Autocratic Style:

In autocratic style of leadership, decision making resides with the leader and is

based on the goals he intends to achieve.

Laissezfaire Style

The laissez-faire or abdicractic style of leadership is concerned with a situation

where decision is concerned with a situation where decision making does not lie on the

leader nor followers but anybody is free to do what he likes so far as it is geared toward the

attainment of organizational goal. The problem of this type of leadership is that it can only

exist in an advanced communistic organization and society where production, distribution

and exchange has reached its apex so that there is no need for further production.

O’shaughnessy (1976) contends that the two styles mentioned looks different but

that the core values in leadership amongst them are the same. He averred that democratic

and autocratic styles of leadership are related since the leader in both styles does not

encourage participation and even applies pressure in order to increase productivity.


This leads to the search for a leadership style that will balance the equation between

autocratic and democratic styles of leadership. O’ shaughnessy observes that there exist an

admixture of the democratic and autocratic style which he called transactional leadership

style. Aniemeka (1999:162) in an attempt to conceptualize transactional leadership style

refers to it as independent leadership style. Newell (1978) define transactional leadership

as a process through which the task and human dimensions of an organization are

reconciled and integrated.

Katz and Kahn (1978) observed that the broad sharing of leadership functions

contribute to organizational efficiency. Ehikametalor (1982) asserts that leaders who are

seen to be high initiators are likely to make professional decisions that will be acceptable

to subordinates therefore transactional style of leadership if well applied will enhance task

performance and increase productivity of staff.

From the foregoings we observed that there is a strong relationship between the

political structure and styles of leadership especially their nature, function and output. We

have identified 2 types of political structures that existed in our case study area and the

type of government when they existed to include:

1. Presidential Structure - Democratic dispensation

2. Transitional Structure with its models

a. Sole Administrator – Military government or transitional and democratic


b. Caretaker Committee – Psdue Democratic period/military government

c. The management Committee – Psdue democratic /transitional /military


Therefore we can say that the presidential structure existed purely under democratic

government while the transitional structure is an aberration to democracy.

On the leadership style we observed that there is the tendency that the most

prominent style that have occurred in our research area includes and occurred as follows

with regards to the type of government in power.

1. Democratic Style: Democratic Government

2. Autocratic/Authoritative style – Military/Transitional/Psdue Democratic

regimes or Non- Democratic.

3. Transactional Style : This can operate in any form of government but the

system have not allowed it to function in the researched area. This is due to the

fact that the local government are subservient to its creating agency and it must

remain so to be able to function in the context of state or country. Though there

are few occasion due to contingencies where the leadership of the local

government find sets incumbent upon its self to be transactional to avoid non

creditability, illegitimacy, illegality and eventually consummation of its self due

to zero productivity.

Table 3.3 The number of years ENLG had been under each type of
Type of government operational in ENLG
Year No of Years Democratic Military Transitional
1976 - 1979 3 √
1979 – 1983 4 √
1983 – 1999 16 √
1999 – 2008 8 √
1999 – 2003 .5 √
2003 – 2008 .5 √
Total 32 12 19 1
Source: Field Study

Table 3.4 The relationship between type of government, leadership structure and
leadership style.
Type of government operational in ENLG

Leadership Structure/Style Democratic Military Transitional

Presidential Structure √ - -

Transitional Structure √ √ √

Autocratic Style - √ -

Democratic Style √ - -

Transactional Style √ √ √
Source: Field Study

From the foregoing, Enugu North Local Government have been a beneficiary of

presidential and transitional structures of leadership. She has had her own share of

Autocratic and Democratic styles of leadership. This was experienced under the

democratic, psdue democratic and military government which have governed her.

Therefore the leadership style operational in Enugu North Local Government is contingent

upon the type of political structure and government at that particular point in time.

The leadership style in Enugu North Local Government Area to a large extent

affected the relationship of staff and leadership especially with regards to productivity. The

nature and character of different leadership style and structure has been brought upon the

staff of the local government. Therefore the relationship of staff to leadership is also

contingent upon the type of leadership structure and style dictated by the type of

government at that particular point in time. The staff have not had it best because the local

government have been submerged under the pressure of military and transitional

administrations for over 60 percent of its existence. This was achieved by different

contraptions of undemocratic regime under democratic administration like the transitional

contraptions in the name of “models”.

Table 3.5 The leadership style operational in Enugu North Local Government

Type of government operational in ENLG

Leadership Structure/Style/ Highest Higher High No

Type of government

Presidential Structure - √ - -

Transitional Structure √ √ - -

Autocratic Style √ - - -

Democratic Style - √ - -

Transactional Style - - - √

Military government √

Democratic government - √ - -

Transitional government - - √ -

Source: Field Study

Table 3.6 Staff relation with the leadership style of Enugu North Local

Staff Relation

Leadership Structure/Style/ Very High Low Very Low

Type of government High
Presidential Structure - √ - -

Transitional Structure - - - √

Autocratic Style - √ - -

Democratic Style - - √ -

Transitional Style 0 0 0 0

Military government - √ - -

Democratic government - - √ -

Transitional government - - - √

Note: O = non availability of data



To determine level of productivity in any organization we have to take into

cognizance that productivity does not occur in a vaccum. Productivity according to

Courbois and Temple (2006) refers to metric and measure of output from production

process, per unit of imput. Labour productivity according to Kurosawa (2006) is the

average product of labour, average output per worker or perworker-hour, an output which

could be measured in physical terms or in price term. We should also bear in mind the

difficulty, in the measurement of the qualitative aspect of labour productivity such as

creativity, innovation, improved quality of work and their effects on other areas in a local


Productivity involves the management of personnel and finance resources of the

local government to achieve the functions, duties and challenges of a local government.

This can be measured by assessing different administration, performance of annual budgets

or by assessing different regimes to determine its productivity using the available human

and material resources against the actual output within the period, administration or

government being investigated. In doing this we should remember that productivity is

Total productivity = output quantity

Input quantity

then for productivity to said to have occurred either negatively or positively, there must be

change in relative price, of different input and output factors.

3.4.1 Financial Management For Productivity

Onewa (1991) asserts that financial management involves the use of the various

instruments of administration to achieve the optimum utilization of the limited resources of

the organization towards the attainment of its goals and objectives. In local government,

the instrument for achieving efficient financial management includes the annual and

supplementary budgets, budgetary control, internal audit, management audit and medium

term development and implementation strategies.

Nwabuzor (1991) opined that there is only two ways of which the performance of

local government or its productivity can be measured. The first is by the quality of services

they provide to the public. The second is their ability to raise sufficient revenue to pay their

staff and provide the services expected of them.

However if it is approached from the service oriented perspective or the ability to

meet financial obligation it would be all about fund without which there will be no services

nor quality. Miewald (1978) concur that if politics is the struggle for scarce resources, I

maintain there is hardly anything more scarce than public funds. Bureaucrats would tend to

agree that money is the lifeblood of government. Finance is the key and local government

is no exception.

3.4.2 Financial Administrative Structure

In relation to financial administration in local government, the following

functionaries play the following role, Nwankwo (2002).

The Chairman

The chairman is the chief executive and accounting officer of the local government. He

does not sign cheques as reflected in the financial memoranda. His major financial duties


1. Presiding over the meetings of the Financial And General Purpose Committee


2. Submit the proceedings of FGPC to the Council

3. Ensure strict compliance with the financial memoranda (FM)

4. Subject to periodic checks to ensure full adherence to financial management

procedures in the areas of accounting to the Public Account Committee,

rendering of Annual Report of the Local Government and any other provisions

of any other rules and regulations.

5. Ensure that audit queries addresses to him are answered with the time limit

specified in the FM.

6. Establish and maintain Internal Audit Unit. Ensure that recommendations of

Internal Audit Unit are promptly considered and appropriate action taken.

7. Any direction given by the Council and the state of Financial Management or

any decision of the Auditor-General are promptly and properly implemented.

The Head of Personnel Management (HPM)

Head of Service – HOS

The Head of Service to the local government is the Chief Administrative Adviser to

the FGPC. He co-ordinates all the activities of the local government keeps proper records.

Specifically, his duties and responsibilities are as follows:

1. Ensure that police decisions taken by the FGPC and any other sub committee of

the local government are done with the knowledge of the financial


2. Should feed the FGPC with the necessary reports, information, returns and data

to enable the body discharge its functions sufficiently.

3. When necessary he could draw the attention of the chairman to issue of:

- waste and extravagance in the local government

- promoting cost consciousness and proper value for money.

- Amendment of or initiation of revenue bye-laws.

4. Perform any other duties assigned by the Chairman or FGPC.

Head of Department (HODs)

1. Ensure satisfactory overall control of the finance of their departments include

strict compliance to the FM.

2. Keep all accounting book, records, vouchers, cash and stone records making

them available for inspection by approved person.

3. Monthly reconciliation of departmental account with the treasury.

4. Queries to be dealt with promptly

5. Make available departmental financial information to approved person.

6. Recommending all commitments and liabilities sooner than they occurred.

Revenue Officers

1. They are accountable to the treasurer

2. They ensure the collection of revenue, accounting for this and render returns to

the treasurer.

Revenue Collectors

1. Keep and maintain such books of account and other records prescribed by the

FM and the treasurer which would facilitate their job of revenue collection.

2. Prompt collection of revenue and report of any default of payment from any

revenue source.

3. Issue receipt and record details of such receipt in the revenue collectors cash


4. Keep revenue collected and revenue earning books in local government save.

5. Pay all revenue to the treasurer or bank as prescribed by the local government.

6. Subject his book for inspection by authorized person

7. Return unused material to source (Adejo and Ohiani 1998)

The Treasurer

As the Chief Accountant Officer, Head of Finance Department and Chief Financial

Advicer to the Local Government, the treasurer with the greatest number of responsibilities

in the day to day operation of the F.M in local government. As the Chief Financial Advicer

he also sit in the FGPC to provide advice concerning the financial implications of proposed


Specifically his other duties includes:

1. Facilitate the work of the Audit Alarm Committee

2. Budgetary control and supervision of departmental accounts.

3. Prepare and publishes monthly and annual financial statements

4. Signatory to cheques and vouchers

5. Make all officers understand that they are liable to all their financial


6. Ensure that all transactions are in writing.

7. Keep all account and financial records

8. Ensure prompt collection of revenue, accurate record keeping of received and

disbursed fund and recovery of all advances.

9. Ensure proper authorization before payment check treasury cash books monthly

and prepare reconciliatory accounts

10. Check treasury cash books monthly and prepare reconciliatory accounts.

11. Ensure the save keeping all cash books and properties of the council that relate

to his office.

12. Check all necessary accounts monthly

13. Make all his documents available for inspection by the authorized persons.

14. Carry out any other duties assigned to him in the FM, the chairman, council or

other rules and regulation.

The following are source of revenue to local governments, that is, available to the


1. Internally generated revenue – This includes revenue from collection of rates, radio

and television licensing, cemeteries and burial ground, bicycle, truck, canoes,

wheel barrow and cards. It also includes slaughter houses, motor parks, public

conveniences, gardens, street naming, refuse disposal, registration of birth, health

and marriages.

Local government gets revenue internally from privately owned houses, tenement

rates, advertising, shops and kiosk, pet licencing, restaurant, bakeries, laundries,

liquor etc. FGN 1999 Constitution Section 7 (6a – b).

2. Externally Generated Revenue: This includes

1. Grants-In-Aids - a. Statutory Grants

b. Percentage Grants

c. Non Statutory Grants

d. Subsidies

2. Loan and Donor Fund

3.4.4 Personnel Management

Personnel management can be seen as that part of management function that deals

with the orderly way of hiring, placing and fitting people into organizational structure.

Flippo(1960) see personnel management as the planning, organizing, compensating,

integrating, maintaining and separation of human resources to the end that individual,

organization and societal objectives are accomplished.

3.4.5 Functions Of Personnel Management

The functions of personnel management includes

A. 1. Planning

2. Organizing

3 Directing

4. Controlling

These are secondary functions of personnel management

B. 1. Procurement

2. Training development

3. Compensation

4. Industrial Relation and Joint Consultation

5. Employee Welfare Integration

6. Maintenance

7. Separation

From the foregoing, we will now be able to measure the productivity level in

Enugu North Local Government based on:

1. The finance accruable to the local government

2. The quality and quantity of service rendered

We will be able to achieve these by taking cognizance of the role of staff and

leadership in the process of production. For without staff there will be nobody to generate

or manage the resources of the local government.


To measure staff productivity in Enugu North LGA, we have to determine sources

of the local government revenue and its statutory responsibilities. Secondly we have to

determine the income of each department of the local government and its ability to render.

Their statutory services under the two identified leadership styles. We have to use simple

percentages to determine the level of productivity in each style.

Table 3.3 shall guide us, in identifying the types of government operational in each

leadership style. From table 3:3 we observe that where we have democratic style of

leadership we will have democratic government and presidential structure of leadership.

While when we have autocratic style of leadership we will have military/non military

government and transitional structure of leadership. Therefore we have left with two types

of leadership style with its attendant types of government. That is democratic style for

Democratic government and Autocratic Style with military government /non military

government or various undemocratic transitional government in democratic dispensations.

3.5.1 Duties Of Enugu Local Government Area

1. Licencing of:

Bicycles, cart, liquor sales, radio,

Pets, television, trucks, canoes, communication installations, wheel barrow

2. Establishment, Construction, Control and Maintenance of;

building/housing planning; slaughter houses; motor park; health extension;

out door advertising; public housing; commercial undertakings; rural

electrification; market; public convenience; rural roads; street lighting;

drainage; garden; open spaces; sewage /refuse disposal. Also includes are,

health centers, maternity; dispensaries; ambulance services; information

enlightenment services; nursery, primary, adult education; libraries /reading

rooms; scholarship/bursaries; rural water supply; beggars, prostitutes

control/repatriation system.

3. Naming, numbering and registration of:

streets, houses;




3.5.2 Sources Of Fund ENLG

1. Internal Sources. This includes:

Collection of rates, levies, fine and fees for radio; tv; communication installations;

cemeteries & burial ground; bicycles, canoes, trucks, carts, wheel barrows, motor park,

public conveniences, slaughter houses; parks, garden; refuse disposal; registration of birth,

death, marriages; houses; shops; kiosk, act door advertising; pets; eating houses;

production sites; laundries; liquid licencing; waste and health services, business ventures.

2. External Source: This includes:

Statutory Allocations, loan, gift etc.

3.5.3 Duties And Sources Of Income For Departments In ENLG

1. Personnel Department

It is the duty of the personnel department to harness the activities of all staff in the

department and other departments to achieve stipulated goals.

2. Finance Department

It is the duty of the department to use its staff to keep records of all monies,

properties that come into the cofer of the local government and the financial disbursements

of the local government. They are the custodian of the local government finance.

3. Education:

They are concerned with all the educational responsibilities of the local government

like primary, adult and nursery education in the council. They have to remit every income

from the department to the finance department.

4. Agricultural Department

They are concerned with the execution of all agricultural related responsibilities

and the remission of any income thereof to the finance department.

5. Health Department

The department is responsible for all health related engagements of the local

government and the remittance of any revenue thereof to the finance department.

The following tables will show us the income accruable to the local government

area over the years and the expenditure incurred. Other tables will show the level of

satisfaction derivable from the quantity and quality of services rendered by the local

government to its inhabitants under different types of government administration.


TABLE 3.7 The number of responses from 1,000 staff; 500 males and 500 females
working in the various departments on the quality and quantity of
services rendered by the leadership of Enugu North Local Government
Area under the governments being reviewed.

Type of Total No for Quality Total Total No for Quality Total

Government High Low V/Low High Low V/Low


DEMOCRACY 350 340 100 110 50 50 1000 350 340 100 110 50 50 1000

MILITARY 30 20 370 380 100 100 1000 30 20 370 380 100 100 1000

TRANSITIONAL 50 50 100 110 350 340 1000 50 50 100 110 350 340 1000

Source: Field Study


Table 3.8: The responses from 1,000 staff; 500 males and 500 females working in
the various departments in percentages on the quality and quantity of
services rendered by the leadership of Enugu North Local Government
Area under the regimes under review




DEMOCRACY 70 68 20 22 10 10 70 68 20 22 10 10

TOTAL IN % 69 21 10 69 21 10

MILITARY 6 4 74 76 20 20 6 4 74 76 20 20

TOTAL IN % 5 75 20 5 75 20

TRANSITIONAL 10 10 20 22 70 68 10 10 20 22 70 68

TOTAL IN % 10 21 69 10 21 69

Source: Field Study

TABLE 3.9 The responses of selected staff of ENLG over the quality and quantity
of service rendered by the leadership of Enugu North Local
Government under different types of government.


High Low V/Low High Low V/Low
Democratic √ √

Military √ √

Transitional √ √

Source: Field Study

TABLE 3.10 The income of departments in the year indicated against it in ENLG.


Personnel Finance Education Agric. Works/ Health TOTAL


1976-1979 Military 189M 63M 126M 189M 368M 315M 1.260B

1979-1983 Democratic 287M 95M 192M 287M 576M 479M 1.920B

1983-1999 Military 1.08B 360M 720M 1.08B 2.16B 1.80B 7.2B

1999-2008 Democratic 905M 335M 670M 905M 2.345B 1.675B 6.7B

1999-2003 Transitional 255M 85M 170M 255M 595M 425M 1.7B

2003-2008 Transitional 255M 85M 170M 255M 595M 425M 1.7B

Source: Finance Department, Enugu North Local Government Area

TABLE 3.11 The expenditure per department in the year shown against it in ENLG.


Personnel Finance Education Agric. Works/ Health TOTAL


1976-1979 Military 81M 54M 27M 54M 270M 54M 540M

1979-1983 Democratic 210M 140M 70M 140M 700M 40M 1.4B

1983-1999 Military 720M 480M 240M 480M 2.4B 480M 4.8B

1999-2008 Democratic 240M 160M 80M 160M 800M 160M 1.6B

1999-2003 Transitional 270,000 180,000 90,000 180,000 900,000 180,000 1.8M

2003-2008 Transitional 270,000 180,000 90,000 180,000 900,000 180,000 1.8M

Source: Finance Department, Enugu North Local Government Area

TABLE 3.12 The income of departments in ENLG in different regimes between
1976 - 2008


Personnel Finance Education Agric. Works/ Health TOTAL


Military 1.269b 423m 846m 1.269b 2.528b 2.115b 8.450b

Democratic 1.192b 430m 862m 1.192b 2.921b 2.154b 8.751b

Transition 1.020b 340m 680m 1.020b 2.380b 1.700b 7.140b

Total 24.341B

Source: Finance Department, Enugu North Local Government Area

TABLE 3.13 The expenditure of departments in ENLGA in different regimes

between 1976 – 2008


Personnel Finance Education Agric. Works/ Health TOTAL


Military 810M 531M 267M 534M 2.67B 5.34M 5.394B

Democratic 450M 300M 150M 300M 1.5B 300M 3B

Transition 1.09M 720,000 360,000 720,000 3.6M 720,000 7.2M

Total 15.594B

Source: Finance Department, Enugu North Local Government Area

TABLE 3.14 The income and expenditure of ENLG under democratic and
autocratic style of leadership between 1979 – 2008

STYLE OF Type of Government

Income Expenditure Income Expenditure

Military 8.751B 3B

Democratic 15.590B 5.4B

Source: Finance Department, Enugu North Local Government Area


To determine the impact of leadership on the productivity of staff of Enugu North

Local Government, we have to look at the leadership style, structure, type of government

and number of years the local government have spent under each type of government.

The income and expenditures of the local government will also give us an insight

on how much the local government earned and how much they expended. This will give an

insight over how much they were able to generate and how much services they were able

to render.

Since most staff may not agree on interview, we carried out a questionnaire of

about 20,000 adults in the local government to determine the level of satisfaction they

drive from the service delivery of the council under different types of government. This

also gives us an overview of the productivity level of the staff under different

governmental activities. After all it is the people that is the final arbiter of whether there is

increase or decrease in productivity of staff. Therefore a good relationship between the

leadership and staff will cause an increase in productivity and the opposite will render a

negative report.

Table 3.3, showed us that the local government spends a better part of her life

under military regime/transitional regimes. Figure 3.2, 3.4 and 3.5 corroborated the data in

table 3.3, therefore since military/transitional government produces autocratic leadership

style and transitional leadership structure and the local government spends more time

under military /transitional government we will say that the relationship between the staff

and leadership in the local government will not be amiable for productivity.

Table 3.10 and 3.12 show that income to the local government during the

military/transitional regime is more than the expense incurred then, that shows that there is

lapses in accountability for the balance showing a bad example to the staff. This will cause

the staff to be alienated from the leader whose ill-gotten wealth will make him to live a

flamboyant life style that will further alienate the staff.

Table 3.7, 3.8, and 3.9 clearly showed that the people are not satisfied with the

quality and quantity of service rendered during the period of military, transitional




For the actual understanding of whether we have been able to answer some of the
questions raised and still be able to make a positive contribution, we have to use the data
generated in the course of this work.
Table 3.3 showed the number of years the local government spent under different
type of government. From the table we observed that the local government have spent over
half of its life under military regime as can be seen below

Fig.1: Graph presentation (using pie chart) showing in percentages the years
ENLG spent under different regimes


37.5% Govt
59.3% Military Govt.


Table 3:4 showed the relationship between types of government, leadership structure and

leadership style, while table 3:5 showed that there is a type of leadership style that have not

been experimented in the local government. From both table we can see that autocratic

government occurred together with military government and transitional structure of


Table 3.5 showed that transactional style of administration have not been practiced

in the local government and table 3:4 show that the style can survive in any form or type of

government and administrative structure.

It could be deduced that because of many year of military and transitional

government and the absence of transactional style of leadership that the relationship of the

staff and leadership of the council will depict all the attributes of autocratic leadership and

undemocratic governance.

Table 3:7 show the level of staff satisfaction on the quality and quantity of services

rendered by the leadership of the local government as a measure of the relationship

between leadership style and staff productivity. Table 3:8 showed table 3:7 in percentages.

While table 3:9 was a summation of table 3:7 and 3:8 in relation to staff satisfaction of

services delivery. From the table 3.9 we can see that staff rated democracy high and the

rest low and very low. This indicates that the relationship between the staff and leadership

in Enugu North Local Government is low because they have had more period of military

/transitional government.

Table 3:10 and 3:11 showed the income and expenditure of the local government

while table 3:12 and 3:13 showed the income and expenditure by department under

different types of government.

Finally table 3:14 showed the income and expenditure of the government under

different style of administration. It could be observed that under autocratic regime despite

the income, the administration spent less than 30% of the income and could not account for

the remaining.


The findings in this work showed that Enugu North Local Government spent half

of her life under autocratic style of leadership due to so many years of military and

transitional governments.

Secondly the leadership style in Enugu North Local Government just like any other

autocratic, military and transitional setting was very uncooperative with the staff. It is

business as usual. There is no accountability, probity, rule of law, the welfare of staff is not

there, and there is high level of corruption. In such situation the staff must be alienated

because they are not involved in the scheme of things.

Finally, the productivity level of staff of Enugu North Local Government was at its

lowest ebb. From the level of dissatisfaction of the people toward the quality and quantity

of service rendered by the leadership show that the level of productivity is low. Though in

recent time we have had democratic government which lead to an increase in satisfaction

but the 69 percent is not enough. What happen to the other 31 percent who are not satisfied

by the quality and quantity of services rendered by the leadership of Enugu North Local

Government. Due to this there is need for a better style that will care for the 31% that are



The implication of finding is that any form of autocracy in administration will

weaken productivity, there is need for leadership of Enugu North Local Government to

maintain profitability should bear in mind that the staff used in the attainment of goal will

equally be well maintained.

Secondly leadership of Enugu North Local Government should bear in mind that

when staff are alienated due to the economic divide and flamboyancy of the leader, that the

staff productivity flare will be dampened.

Thirdly, leadership of Enugu North Local Government should bear in mind that if

there is persistent unaccountability there is the tendency that the staff will be corrupt

themselves thereby diminishing the output level needed by the local government.

Fourthly, attempts should be made to encourage transactional style of leadership by

educating leader on its applicability through talks, symposium, seminar etc.




Leadership is seen from various concepts; as its study began around 1900 and focus

on traits that distinguish great leaders from the masses. Such people are often individuals

who see beyond the narrow circumference of their own personnel needs into the wider

range of the needs of the fellow citizens. The leader of a work team is the supervisor,

foreman or manager, chairman or president as the case may be. An individual status is

based on the degree to which he contributes to the achievement of the groups goals and

objectives. In relation to the above assertion on leadership, the leadership in all

ramification needs to be adaptive and flexible because each situation is unique.

Leadership is a relative process in that for any leader to be successful (and likewise

for any section to produce effectively), he must recognize certain issues like expectations,

values and interpersonal skills of those with whom he is interacting. The leader must try as

much to deliver effectively, his services appreciatively in qualitative and quantitative

measure, so as to make the staff see him as being supportive of their efforts and of their

sense of personal worth.

Leadership should also be for group cohensiveness and motivation for staff

productivity improvement by providing freedom for responsible decision making and

exercise of initiative.

The evolution of the local government system in Nigeria have been tortuous. From

pre colonial history there exist some form of delegation of power from the upper strata of

society to the lower strata. Virtually all the three major tribes; Hausa, Igbo and Yoruba and

over 250 other tribes had their own share of a local administrative structure in the

semblance of modern local government system. Even at this crude state, the nature,

character and function of local government being a form of governance for the local people

at the bottom part of society remain the same.

On the eve of colonialism after the race to Nikki or the partition of Africa, the

British government which had the present geopolitical location called Nigeria as one of

their own share of Africa met an existing local administrative structure. These structures,

principalities, empires or powers includes the Oyo empire, Hausa-Fulani Dynasty, the Igbo

Principalities, Benin states and kingdoms etc.

The British government in order to avoid direct conflagration between them and the

local principalities and people in the process of their exploitation of the human and natural

resources of the people devices a system. This system of indirect rule device by the

colonialist was aimed at using the existing structure of administration to manage or

administer the areas under their influence. At the local government level they created the

Native Authority System through which they were able to administer the local people by

the use of the local people under the prevalence local administrative system with major or

minor modification as the case may be.

On 1st October 1960 when Nigeria gained their political independence, she

inherited the West Minister System of local government administration in a three Regional

Government in a federal state. The regional governments were running local governments

in their regions independent of each other. This brought about different types of local

government administration being experiment in those region at that time. During the 12

state structure, the dissolution of the regional system, the feature of local government

remain the same.

It was in 1976 that the then Federal Military Government of Nigeria finds it

incumbent upon itself to restructure the local government system and rightfully accord it

its third tier status in the Federal Republic of Nigeria three-tier structure. 1976 reform gave

birth to the Unification of the Local Government Structure and Administration. By this all

the local government in Nigeria now have the same status, political and administrative

structure, powers, responsibilities and all these was done with constitutional backings.

There have been so many other reforms, research, promulgation, decrees, statutory

pronouncement and declaration on local government since 1976 till date. All these was

brought about by the observance of non performance or low productivity by the local

government. Ever since 1976 federal, state, local government its self and stake holders in

local government have been on the search for a way to improve productivity in the local


Enugu North Local Government is no exception she have been a beneficiary of

virtually all the reforms and innovations. The leadership of the local government have been

doing its best since inception to improve their lot in area of staff productivity. As the case

may be, the burden of local government administration, her responsibilities and the peoples

expectation is becoming more complex than ever. In this regard the search for the best

approach to staff productivity must continue. Though we know that the task ahead is

becoming more difficult due to the recent global economic meltdown since we cannot talk

of productivity without finance and personnel we are not going to rest our oar till “Victoria



Nigeria is a great country, with the abundant availability of human and natural

resource, she stands the chance of making a grand stride in the comity of nations. It is true

that leadership has been the bane of development in Nigeria, but with the crop of leaders

we have today under the able control of the president, there is every hope that the

productive status of every facet of Nigeria life will improve. Unlike in the past, today we

have agencies like EFCC, ICPC, with visionary leader who is ready to show corrupt leader

the door.

At the local government level, the present government in Enugu state has made it

clear that it is no longer business as usual. Any chairman/person who is not ready to

produce with active participation of his staff and the good people of the local government

will not enjoy the protection of the state government.

We should also bear in mind that some of these may not work automatically due to

the institutional, infrastructural and psychological decay caused by years of misrule,

mismanagement and mal-administration. We believe that if the council leadership, private

and public leaderships will adhere and consider the recommendations that will be made,

the council and the whole nation, private and public will change for good.


Though the search on the best way to improve the productivity capacities of Enugu

North Local Government Area continues, the researcher recommends two approaches.

One involves the increase in internal revenue generation and the second one

includes the enhancement of the conditions of services of staff on whom the responsibility

of internal revenue generation and quality services rested.

Some other recommendations include:

a. Need for automation and computerization of works being done by the

staff which reduces works to be done.

b. Application of transactional style of leadership because of the quality

and quantity of benefit accruable from it despite its challenges.

c. Increase in condition of service like remuneration, involvement in

decision making, conducive working environment and sense of

belonging or accommodation.

d. Accountability and transparency by leadership

e. Need to evolve egonometric designs and work comforts for staff.

f. The leadership trying to live up to its responsibility by maintaining

transparency in collection of revenue and disbursement of fund.

g. Increase in internal revenue generation because of the uncertainty over

the statutory allocations.


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Department of Public Admin & Local Government

Faculty of Social Sciences,
University of Nigeria Nsukka

10th February 2009.

Dear Respondent,

I am a Post-Graduate student undergoing my MPA Programme in the above department,

currently conducting a research on the topic “LEADERSHIP AND STAFF

Please kindly answer the questions to the best of your knowledge and all responses given
remain confidential.

Thanks for your anticipated co-operation.

Yours faithfully,




Name :__________________________________________________

Age: ___________________________________________________

Sex: Male[ ] Female [ ]



Please read the following questions.

Tick ( √ ) in the column that best answer the question.


What is the level of satisfaction you derive from the quantity of services rendered by

Enugu North Local Government Area under these regimes.

A. Democratic Regime

i. High [ ] ii. Low [ ] iii. Very Low [ ]

B. Military Regime

i. High [ ] ii. Low [ ] iii. Very Low [ ]

C. Transitional Governments

i. High [ ] ii. Low [ ] iii. Very Low [ ]


What is the level of satisfaction you derive from the quality of services rendered by Enugu

North Local Government Area under these regimes.

A. Democratic Regime

i. High [ ] ii. Low [ ] iii. Very Low [ ]

B. Military Regime

i. High [ ] ii. Low [ ] iii. Very Low [ ]

C. Transitional Governments

i. High [ ] ii. Low [ ] iii. Very Low [ ]




Year Type of Name of Leader Leadership Model

1976 - 1979 Military Nwobodo, J.N.I. Chairman
1980 - 1983 Presidential Agbo, J Chairman
1983 Presidential Sam Oji Chairman
1984 Military A. V. O. Obidike Sole Administrator
1984 Military Chief I. E. Ejikeme Sole Administrator
1984-1986 Military Chief N. Okonkwo Nkala Sole Administrator
1986-1987 Military Mazi E. C. Nwankwo Sole Administrator
1988 Military Dr. Sam Oji Sole Administrator
1988 – 1989 Military Agbo Anike Ag. Chairman
1989 – 1990 Military I. E. Itumah Sole Administrator
1991 Military Mr. M. C. Ukwuma Sole Administrator
1991 – 93 Military Mr. G. B. Onoh Executive Chairman
1994 Military Prince Julius Nnaji Chairman
1996 Military Mr. Emma Onoh Executive Chairman
1996 Military Mr. Robert Nnamani Ag. Chairman
1997 Military Hon. Charles Ayalogu Ag. Chairman
1999 Presidential Hon. Ben Onyia Executive Chairman
1999 Presidential Hon. Eneh Eric Obi Ag. Chairman
1999 Presidential Barr. Emeka Nnamani Transition Committee Chairman
1999 - 2001 Presidential Hon. Ben Onyia Executive Chairman
2002 Presidential Hon. Friday Ugwu Transition Committee Chairman
2002 – 2003 Presidential Chief Dr. John Ukwuani Transition Committee Chairman
2004 Presidential Barr. Walter E. Asogwa Ag. Chairman
2004 Presidential Hon. Chief Emma Ngwu Transition Committee Chairman
2004 2005 Presidential Hon. Chief Emma Ngwu Executive Chairman
2006 Presidential Okey Ani (JP) HPM/Ag. Chairman
2007 Presidential Rev. Hon. Ejike Ugwu Transition Committee Chairman
2007 Presidential Hon. Barr. Philip Agu Transition Committee Chairman
2007 – Date Presidential Dr. Herbert Oji Executive Chairman


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