Exchange Surfaces Summary Sheet

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Biology Summary Sheet:

Exchange Surfaces
Every organism needs to exchange things with its environment.
-Cells need oxygen for aerobic respiration and nutrients.
-Need to excrete waste products like CO2 and Urea.

-Ease of exchange of substances depends upon the surface ares to volume ratio. When
-Smaller animals have a higher surface area to volume ratio. considering heat
-This is because they have a bigger surface relative to its volume. conservation it
-For example a shape made of cubes that is 2x4x4 has 32cm3 volume and 62cm2 surface area is better to be a
-Its surface area to volume ratio is 64:32 = 2:1 large animal
-A smaller structure of only one cube ( 1x1x1 ) has 1cm3 volume and 6cm2 surface area. with a smaller
-Its surface are to volume ratio is 6:1 surface area to
-To calculate surface area: volume ratio you divide the surface area by the volume. volume ratio.

In single celled organisms glucose and oxygen can In multicellular organisms diffusion across the outer
diffuse directly in or out of the cell. membrane is slow.
The diffusion rate will be quick due to small diffusion -Some cells are deep in body = large distance
distance. -Larger animals = low SA:V ratio - difficult to exchange
Cells are small and therefore have a large SA:V ratio so enough substances to supply a large volume through a
there is proportionally more surface area for exchange. relatively small outer surface.

Multi cellular organisms need specialised exchange organs, for example the lungs

Lungs Gas exchange happens in the alveoli.

1. Inhale = air enters trachea 1.They are arranged in bunches at the end of bronchioles
2. Trachea splits into two bronchi 2.Surrounded by network of capillaries giving each its own
3. Each bronchus splits into smaller bronchioles blood supply.
4. Bronchioles end in alveoli (small air sacs) 3.O2 diffuses out of alveoli across the alveolar epithelium and
5. Expiration moves air back out. the capillary epithelium and into the haemoglobin.
4.CO2 diffuses into the alveoli from the blood across the
previously mentioned epith/endothelium and breathed out.

Good gas exchange surfaces need: large surface area (sometimes achieved by folding), good blood
supply, steep concentration gradient, thin diffusion distance.

Lungs are adapted for efficient gaseous exchange.

1.Millions of alveoli = Large surface area which increases rate of diffusion.
2.Alveolar epithelium and capillary endothelium are one cell thick = Very short diffusion pathway (increases rate)
3.Alveoli have a good blood supply from capillaries which constantly take away O2 and bring CO2 = maintains a
steep concentration gradient of gases across the exchange surface (again increases rate of diffusion)
[Breathing in and out refreshes the air in the alveoli and helps keep concentration gradients high]

The gaseous exchange system has different parts with different functions.
1.Goblet Cells - secrete mucus which traps microorganisms and dust - stops them reaching alveoli
2.Cilia - Beat the mucus. wafting it upward and away from the alveoli towards the throat. Prevents lung infection.
3.Elastic fibres - In the wall of trachea, bronchi, bronchioles and alveoli help the process of breathing out.
On breathing in the elastic fibres are stretched and then they recoil to push the air out.
4.Smooth muscle - In the wall of trachea, bronchi, bronchioles allows their diameter to be controlled.
During exercise the smooth muscle relaxs, making the tubes wider thus less resistance.
5.Rings of cartilage - in the walls of trachea and bronchi provide support. Strong but flexible and stops collapse
when you breathe in the pressure drops.

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